
Submissions from 2015


Clinical indicators for the initiation of endotracheal suction in children: An integrative review, K Davies, Leanne Monterosso, Max Bulsara, and Anne S. Ramelet


Stoma for two days — what staff can learn, Leigh Davies, Kate Brereton, Alexis Cranfield, and Leanne Monterosso


Why older nurses leave the workforce and the implications of them staying, C. Duffield, E. Graham, J. Donoghue, R. Griffiths, J. Bichel-Findlay, and S. Dimitrelis


Instability in patient and nurse characteristics, unit complexity and patient and system outcomes, Christine M. Duffield, Michael Roche, Sofia Dimitrelis, Caroline Homer, and James Buchan


The use, prevalence and potential benefits of a diary as a therapeutic intervention/tool to aid recovery following critical illness in intensive care: a literature review, Beverley A. Ewens, Joyce M. Hendricks, and Deborah Sundin


Living after confronting death; story telling during the recovery trajectory of intensive care unit survivors: An interpretive biographical approach, Beverley Anne Ewens


Reaching out: caring for women prisoners in Western Australia, Sara Geraghty


Acute hospital-based services used by adults during the last year of life in New South Wales, Australia: a population-based retrospective cohort study, David E. Goldsbury, Dianne L. O’Connell, Afaf Girgis, Anne Wilkinson, Jane L. Phillips, Patricia M. Davidson, and Jane M. Ingham


Intimate partner violence and pregnancy: How midwives can listen to silenced women, Gemma Grier and Sadie Geraghty


Research capacity building in midwifery: Case study of an Australian Graduate Midwifery Research Intern Programme, Yvonne L. Hauck, Lucy Lewis, and Sara J. Bayes


Influence of communal and private folklore on bringing meaning to the experience of persistent pain, J. M. Hendricks


Antenatal clinic: Using ethnographic methods to listen to the voices of pregnant adolescents, Deborah Ireson


Senior nurse role expectations of graduate registered and enrolled nurses in Australia: Content analysis of open-ended survey questions, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore


Evidence-Based Self-care Guidelines for People Receiving Chemotherapy, Lucy Lewis, Anne Williams, Mariyam Athifa, Deborah Brown, Charley Budgeon, and Alexandra Bremner


Burns education for non-burn specialist clinicians in Western Australia, Tania McWilliams, Joyce Hendricks, Di Twigg, and Fiona Wood


Trust and decision-making: How nurses in Australian general practice negotiate role limitations, Eamon Thomas Merrick, Margaret Fry, Christine Duffield, and Helen Stasa


Saying ‘No’: A biographical analysis of the experiences of women with a genetic predisposition to developing breast/ovarian cancer who reject risk reducing surgery, Doreen Molloy


Developing a research agenda for nursing and midwifery: A modified Delphi study, Leanne Monterosso, Gail Ross-Adjie, and Sinead Keeney


Do Patients Treated for Colorectal Cancer Benefit from General Practitioner Support? A Video Vignette Study, Irene Ngune, Moyez Jiwa, Alexandra McManus, Richard Parsons, Georgina Pagey, and Rupert Hodder


Social networking sites (SNS); exploring their uses and associated value for adolescent mothers in Western Australia in terms of social support provision and building social capital, Samantha Nolan, J. M. Hendricks, and A. J. Towell


The health and health behaviours of Australian metropolitan nurses: An exploratory study, L. Perry, R. Gallagher, and Christine Duffield


The mental health of nurses in acute teaching hospital settings: A cross-sectional survey, Lin Perry, Scott Lamont, Scott Brunero, Roybyn Gallagher, and Christine Duffield


Patients' satisfaction with fast-track surgery in gynaecological oncology, S. Philp, J. Carter, S. Pather, C. Barnett, N. D'Abrew, and K. White


Patients' perspectives of fast-track surgery and the role of the fast-track clinical nurse consultant in gynecological oncology, Shannon Philp, J. Carter, C. Barnett, N. D’Abrew, S. Pather, and K. White


Validity and reliability of an online extended version of the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ-E2) to measure nurses' fitness, Judith D. Pugh, Lucy Gelder, Anne M. Williams, Diane E. Twigg, Anne Wilkinson, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Impact and costs of home-based trial of void compared with the day care setting, Judith D. Pugh, Diane E. Twigg, Margaret J. Giles, Helen Myers, Lucy C. Gelder, Susanne M. Davis, and Mary King


Nursing practice environment: A strategy for mental health nurse retention?, R. Redknap, D. Twigg, D. Rock, and A. Towell


Identifying psychosocial risk among mothers in an Australian private maternity setting: A pilot study, Nicole Reilly, Carolyn Yin, Leanne Monterosso, Sue Bradshaw, Kizzi Neale, Beate Harrison, and Marie‐Paule Austin


Testing the nursing worklife model in Canada and Australia: A multi-group comparison study, Michael A. Roche, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, and Christine Duffield


Leadership skills for nursing unit managers to decrease intention to leave, Michael R. Roche, Christine M. Duffield, Sofia Dimitrelis, and Belinda Frew


A qualitative study exploring counselling for release of information to participants of a donor-assisted conception programme, I.S. Rodino, Helen Chester, M. Harris, and S. Maslin-Prothero


Bowel management post major joint arthroplasty: Results from a randomised controlled trial, Gail M. Ross-Adjie, Leanne Monterosso, and Max Bulsara


Staff perceptions of palliative care in a public Australian, metropolitan emergency department, A. Russ, D. Mountain, I.R. Rogers, F. Shearer, L. Monterosso, G. Ross-Adjie, and J.R. Rogers


Why do patients choose to attend a private emergency department?, F.M. Shearer, P.M. Bailey, B.L. Hicks, B.V. Harvey, L. Monterosso, G. Ross-Adjie, and I.R. Rogers


From placement to employment: Career preferences of Jordanian nursing students, N. Shoqirat and Ma'en Zaid Abu-Qamar


Seeking empowerment to comfort patients in severe pain: A grounded theory study of the nurse's perspective, Susan Slatyer, Anne M. Williams, and Rene Michael


Finding privacy from a public death: A qualitative exploration of how a dedicated space for end-of-life care in an acute hospital impacts on dying patients and their families, S. Slayter, C. Pienaar, A.M. Williams, K. Proctor, and L. Hewitt


Would you recommend nursing as a career to men?, David Stanley, Tania Beament, Darren Falconer, Margaret Haigh, Rosemary Saunders, Karen Stanley, and Peter Wall


Models of survivorship care provision in adult patients with haematological cancer: an integrative literature review, K. Taylor, R.J. Chan, and L. Monterosso


The role of key workers in supporting people with intellectual disability in the self-management of their diabetes: a qualitative New Zealand study, Henrietta Trip, Jenny Conder, Leigh Hale, and Lisa Whitehead


The impact of understaffed shifts on nurse-sensitive outcomes, D.E. Twigg, L. Gelder, and H. Myers


Is there an economic case for investing in nursing care – what does the literature tell us?, Diane E. Twigg, Helen Myers, Christine Duffield, Margaret Giles, and Gemma Evans


The power of story: Narrative inquiry as a methodology in nursing research, Carol C. Wang and Sara K. Geale


Chinese students studying at Australian universities with specific reference to nursing students: A narrative literature review, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Kate Andre, and Kenneth Mark Greenwood


Palliative care in mass casualty events with scarce resources, Anne Wilkinson and Marianne Matzo


Evaluating the Liverpool Care Pathway for care of the terminally ill in rural Australia, Anne M. Wilkinson, Claire E. Johnson, Helen Walker, Valarie Colgan, Hayley Arnet, and Tapan Rai


Nursing education for disaster preparedness and response, Anne M. Wilkinson and Marianne Matzo


Just a “Click” away from evidence-based online breast cancer information, advice and support provided by a specialist nurse: An ethnonetnographic study, Cynthia Ann Witney


Sustainability and action research in universities: Towards knowledge for organisational transformation, Sandra Wooltorton, Anne Wilkinson, Pierre Horwitz, Sue Bahn, Janice Redmond, and Julian Dooley

Submissions from 2014


Selection Of An Instrument To Evaluate The Organizational Environment Of Nurses Working In Intensive Care: An Integrative Review, Brett Abbenbroek, Christine M. Duffield, and Doug Elliot

Bolus enteral feeding for neonates - plunge or gravity: Defining the best method, S. Bayes, C. Pinch, and S. Geraghty


University Student Support Systems, Help-Seeking Behaviour And The Management Of Student Psychological Distress, Richard Bostwick


Eight things I love about U (University) - Resilience portraits of nurse academics and academic development through resilience education, Vicki Cope, Bronwyn Jones, and Joyce Hendricks


The practice environment: Nursing at SCGH (2014), Linda L. Coventry, Michelle Sin, Susan Slatyer, Chrianna Bharat, Di Twigg, Sue Davis, and Tony Dolan

Birthing choices, Clare Davison


A comparative review of nurse turnover rates and costs across countries, Christine M. Duffield, Michael A. Roche, Caroline Homer, James Buchan, and Sofia Dimitrelis


The Use of unregulated staff: Time for regulation?, Christine M. Duffield, Di E. Twigg, Judith D. Pugh, Gemma Evans, S Dimitrelis, and Michael A. Roche


Clinical user experiences of observation and response charts: Focus group findings of using a new format chart incorporating a track and trigger system, Doug Elliot, Emily Allen, Lin Perry, Margaret Fry, Christine M. Duffield, Robyn Gallagher, Rick Iedema, Sharon McKinley, and Michael Roche


ICU survivors' utilisation of diaries post discharge: A qualitative descriptive study, Bev Ewens, Rose Chapman, Alan Tulloch, and Joyce M. Hendricks

Providing midwifery care for substance-using pregnant inmates in Western Australia, S. Geraghty, R. McLaurin, and A. O'Connor


Midwifery students' experiences: Real time, real benefit, real deal, Helen Godwin and Jacqui Patten

A West Australian birthing experience in the Philippines, H. Godwin, S. Geraghty, and C. Pinch


Bite marks on skin and clay: A comparative analysis, R K. Gorea, O. P. Jasuja, Abdulwahab Ali Abuderman, and Abhinav Gorea


Why do older RNs keep working?, Elizabeth Graham, Judith Donoghue, Christine Duffield, Rhonda Griffiths, Jen Bichel-Findlay, and Sofia Dimitrelis


Nurses' perceptions of education on invasive mechanical ventilation, Michelle C. Guilhermino, Kerry Jill Inder, Deborah Sundin, and Leila Kuzmiuk


Education of ICU nurses regarding invasive mechanical ventilation: Findings from a cross-sectional survey, Michelle Copede Guilhermino, Kerry J. Inder, Deborah Sundin, and Leila Kuzmiuk


The impact of implementing a sudden infant death syndrome education package in Jordan, Shereen Hamadneh


Choosing and remaining in mental health nursing: Perceptions of Western Australian nurses, Carole A. Harrison, Yvonne Hauck, and Rosemary Hoffman


Senior nurse role expectations of graduate registered and enrolled nurses on commencement to practice, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore


Similarities and differences in educational preparation of registered and enrolled nurses in Australia: An examination of curricula content, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore


Comparisons of the educational preparation of registered and enrolled nurses in Australia: The educators' perspectives, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore


Factors That Influence the Decision-Making of an Integrated Rehabilitation Team When Choosing a Post-Hospital Discharge Destination For Survivors of Stroke, Jessie M. Johnson


Inpatient peer support for adult burn survivors - A valuable resource: A phenomenological analysis of the Australian experience, R Kornhaber, A Wilson, Maen Abu-Qamar, L McLean, and J Vandervord


Adult burn survivors' personal experiences of rehabilitation: An integrative review, R Kornhaber, A Wilson, Maen Z. Abu-Qamar, and L McLean


Coming to terms with it all: Adult burn survivors' 'lived experience' of acknowledgement and acceptance during rehabilitation, R Kornhaber, A Wilson, Maen Z. Abu-Qamar, and L McLean


Evaluating the effects of aluminum-containing and non-aluminum containing deodorants on axillary skin toxicity during radiation therapy for breast cancer: A 3-armed randomized controlled trial, Lucy Lewis, Sharron Carson, Sean Bydder, Mariyam Athifa, Anne M. Williams, and Alexandra Bremner


Australian practice nursing: collaboration in context, Eamon Merrick, Margaret Fry, and Christine M. Duffield


Development Of A Patient-administered Self-assessment Tool (SATp) For Follow-up Of Colorectal Cancer Patients In General Practice, Irene M. Ngune, Moyez Jiwa, Alexandra McManus, Jeff Hughes, Richard Parsons, Rupert Hodder, and Fiona Entriken


The effect of cancer stage and treatment modality on quality of life in oropharyngeal cancer, Justine Oates, Sarah Davies, Jessica K. Roydhouse, Judith Fethney, and Kate White


Acute hospital-based services utilisation during the last year of life in New South Wales, Australia: Methods for a population-based study, Dianne L. O'Connell, David E. Goldsbury, Patricia Davidson, Afaf Girgis, Jane L. Phillips, Michael Piza, Anne Wilkinson, and Jane M. Ingham


'Making a difference' a clinical pathway for hip fractures and the advance practice role in managing patients with minimal trauma hip fractures, Sharon M. Pickles, Linda L. Coventry, Denise A. Glennon, and Di E. Twigg

Do international clinical placements really develop "cultural competence" in midwifery students?, C. Pinch, E. Mendoza, and H. Godwin


Feldenkrais method empowers adults with chronic back pain, Judith Dianne Pugh and Anne M. Williams


The rate and cost of nurse turnover in Australia, Michael A. Roche, Christine M. Duffield, Caroline Homer, James Buchan, and Sofia Dimitrelis


Implementation of sustainable evidence-based practice for the assessment and management of pain in residential aged care facilities, Steven Savvas, Christine Toye, Elizabeth Beattie, and Stephen J. Gibson


Understanding emergency department staff needs and perceptions in the provision of palliative care, Freya M. Shearer, Ian R. Rogers, Leanne Monterosso, Gail Ross-Adjie, and Jeremy R. Rogers


Profile and perceptions of men in nursing in Western Australia: Research report 2014, David Stanley, Tania Beament, Darren Falconer, Margaret Haigh, Rebecca Newton, Rosemary Saunders, Karen Stanley, and Peter Wall


Dementia Knowledge Assessment Tool Version Two: Development of a tool to inform preparation for care planning and delivery in families and care staff, C Toye, Leanne Lester, A Popescu, F McInerney, S Andrews, and A L. Robinson


Patient safety: Committing to learn and acting to improve, Di Twigg and Moira Attree


Nurse retention: A review of strategies to create and enhance positive practice environments in clinical settings, Di Twigg and Kylie McCullough


Family-Centered Care For Hospitalized Children Aged 0-12 Years: A Systematic Review Of Qualitative Studies, Robin Watts, Huaqiong Zhou, Linda Shields, Marjory Taylor, Ailsa Munns, and Irene M. Ngune

Exploring the Quality of Life at the End of Life (QUAL-E) Instrument with Australian Palliative Care Hospital Patients: Hurdles and directions, Anne Wilkinson, Susan Slatyer, Kylie McCullough, and Anne Williams


De concentv amisso qvaerendo: An investigation into the relative benefits of three different types of ambient music on the observed agitated behaviour and quality of life of dementia sufferers in residential aged care facilities, Peter Wilkinson


An oasis in the hospital: The perceived benefits of a cancer support center in a hospital setting offering complementary therapies, Anne M. Williams, Caroline E. Bulsara, D J. Joske, Anna S. Petterson, Anna K. Nowak, and Kellie S. Bennett


Gaining Control: A New Perspective on the Parenting of Children with AD/HD, Nigel J. Williams, Maria Harries, and Anne M. Williams


Ratios and nurse staffing: The vexed case of emergency departments, Sarah Wise, Margaret Fry, Christine M. Duffield, Michael Roche, and John Buchanan

Submissions from 2013


Work integrated learning: A whole of curriculum approach, Catharine Andre, Beverley A. Ewens, and Fiona Foxall


Effectiveness of a mindfulness-based childbirth education pilot study on maternal self-efficacy and fear of childbirth , Jean Byrne, Yvonne Hauck, Colleen Fisher, Sara J. Bayes, and Rob Schutze


Myocardial Infarction: Sex differences in symptoms reported to emergency dispatch, Linda L. Coventry, Alexandra Bremmer, Ian Jacobs, and Judith Finn


The information needs of patients with head and neck cancer and their caregivers: A short report of instrument development and testing, Luci Dall'Armi, Grahame K. Simpson, Dion Forstner, Teresa Simpson, Jessica K. Roydhouse, and Kathryn J. White