
Submissions from 2019


A web-based recovery program (icutogether) for intensive care survivors: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Beverley Ewens, Helen Myers, Lisa Whitehead, Karla Seaman, Deborah Sundin, and Joyce Hendricks


Impact of the National Emergency Access Target policy on emergency departments' performance: A time-trend analysis for New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Queensland, Roberto Forero


Impact of the four-hour National Emergency Access Target on 30 day mortality, access block and chronic emergency department overcrowding in Australian emergency departments, Roberto Forero, Nicola Man, Hanh Ngo, David Mountain, Mohammed Mohsin, Daniel Fatovitch, Ghasem (Sam) Toloo, Antonio Celenza, Gerry Fitzgerald, Sally McCarthy, Drew Richardson, Fenglian Xu, Nick Gibson, Shizar Nahidi, and Ken Hillman


Perceptions and experiences of emergency department staff during the implementation of the four-hour rule/national emergency access target policy in Australia: A qualitative social dynamic perspective, Roberto Forero, Shizar Nahidi, Josephine de Costa, Daniel Fatovich, Gerry FitzGerald, Sam Toloo, Sally McCarthy, David Mountain, Nick Gibson, Mohammed Mohsin, and Wing Nicola Man


Using drawings to understand the child’s experience of child-centred care on admission to a paediatric high dependency unit, Mandie Foster and Lisa Whitehead


Development and validation of the needs of children questionnaire, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Diana Arabiat


Development and validation of the needs of children questionnaire: An instrument to measure children's self-reported needs in hospital, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Diana Arabiat

Whose death is it anyway? Withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment: An exploration of the experiences of intensive care nurses and doctors, Fiona Dorothy Foxall


A nurse-driven method for developing artificial intelligence in "smart" homes for aging-in-place, Roschelle L. Fritz and Gordana Dermody


Millennial midwifery: Online connectivity in midwifery education, Sadie Geraghty, Angela Bromley, Angela Bull, Mpho Dube, and Cindy Turner


Do midwifery international clinical placements influence students' practice and employment decisions?, Sadie Geraghty, Carol Davidson, Annemarie DeLeo, and Dianne Bloxsome


The validity and utility of violence risk assessment tools to predict patient violence in acute care settings: An integrative literature review, Manonita Ghosh, Di Twigg, Yvonne Kutzer, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Gideon De Jong, and Mary Dodds


Are there any benefits using the Valsalva manoeuvre during the second stage of labour?, Sinead Gilsenan and Sadie Geraghty


Relationships between the results of anorectal investigations and symptom severity in patients with faecal incontinence, P. T. Heitmann, P. Rabbitt, A. Schloithe, Vicki Patton, P. P. Skuza, D. A. Wattchow, and P. G. Dinning


Population data centre profile - The Western Australian data linkage branch, Steve Hodges, Tom Eitelhuber, Alexandra Merchant, and Janine Alan


“Doing magic with very little”: Barriers to Ghanaian midwives' ability to provide quality maternal and neonatal care, Yakubu Ismaila, Sara Bayes, and Sadie Geraghty


Validation of data using RASCH analysis in a tool measuring changes in critical thinking in nursing students, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Christine Duffield, and Alycia M. Jacob


The feasibility of the draw-and-write technique in exploring the resilience of children orphaned by AIDS, Nyika Machenjedze, Macalane J. Malindi, and Fungai Mbengo


Being a safe and ethical practitioner, Gina Mata, Joyce Hendricks, and Elisabeth Jacob


The ward-based Nurse Clinical Educator: Impact on student learning outcomes and student and preceptor experiences, Karen Ann McCarthy


The delivery of Primary Health Care in remote communities: A Grounded Theory study of the perspective of nurses, Kylie McCullough, Lisa Whitehead, Sara Bayes, Anne Williams, and Vicki Cope


Systematic review and meta-analysis of patient reported outcomes for nurse-led models of survivorship care for adult cancer patients, Leanne Monterosso, Violet Platt, Max Bulsara, and Melissa Berg


Staff and client perspectives of the Open Borders programme for people with borderline personality disorder, Sheila Mortimer-Jones, Paul Morrison, Ahmed Munib, Francesco Paolucci, Sonia Neale, Amanda Hellewell, Jumiati Sinwan, and Catherine Hungerford


Association between temporomandibular symptoms, anxiety and quality of life among nursing students, Sheila Mortimer-Jones, Norman Stomski, Vicki Cope, Laura Maurice, and Jean Théroux


Linking patient safety to clinical practice: The insight of new graduate registered nurses, Melanie Murray


Benner's model and Duchscher's theory: Providing the framework for understanding new graduate nurses' transition to practice, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope


New graduate nurses' clinical safety knowledge by the numbers, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope


New graduate nurses' understanding and attitudes about patient safety upon transition to practice, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope


Impact of the Four-Hour Rule/National Emergency Access Target policy implementation on emergency department staff: A qualitative perspective of emergency department management changes, Shizar Nahidi, Roberto Forero, Nicola Man, Mohammed Mohsin, Gerard Fitzgerald, Ghasem Sam Toloo, Sally McCarthy, Nick Gibson, Daniel Fatovich, and David Mountain


Qualitative analysis of perceptions and experiences of emergency department staff in relation to implementation and outcomes of the Four-Hour Rule/National Emergency Access Target in Australia, Shizar Nahidi, Roberto Forero, Sally McCarthy, Nicola Man, Nick Gibson, Mohammed Mohsin, David Mountain, Daniel Fatovich, Gerard Fitzgerald, and Ghasem (Sam) Toloo


Benefit–cost analysis of an interprofessional education program within a residential aged care facility in Western Australia, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Karla Seaman, Rosemary Saunders, Elly Williams, Jane Harrup-Gregory, and Tracy Comans


A comparison of nurses' work satisfaction between single-room and multioccupancy adult intensive care units: A mixed-methods integrative review, Kim Oliver and Vivien Kemp


Things to consider when educating a patient with a new caecostomy for antegrade colonic enema via a Chait Cecostomy Catheter, Vicki Patton


Exercise, fitness and musculoskeletal health of undergraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study, Judith D. Pugh, Kylie Cormack, Lucy Gelder, Anne M. Williams, Diane E. Twigg, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Neurological patients’ and caregivers’ post-discharge challenges explored in a World Café, Judith Dianne Pugh, Anne M. Williams, Brenda Bentley, Catherine A. Pienaar, Kathleen McCoy, and Leanne Monterosso


Exploring experiences of older Australians transitioning to a residential aged care facility in Western Australia, Amineh Rashidi, Abhishek Bambah, Maybelle Burke, and Daphine Moseti


An inductive qualitative approach to explore Nurse Practitioners views on leadership and research: An international perspective, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


A survey of leadership and research activities of nurse practitioners, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


Exploring how nurse practitioners implement leadership and research, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


Leadership and research activities of nurse practitioners: Ireland and Australia, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


Nurse practitioner leadership and research activity [slides], Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


Nurse practitioners perceptions on leadership and research [slides], Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


Nurse practitioners views on leadership and research, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks


The type and amount of paid work while studying influence academic performance of first year nursing students: An inception cohort study, Yenna Salamonson, David Roach, Ruth Crawford, Belinda McGrath, Angela Christiansen, Peter Wall, Mandy Kelly, and Lucie M. Ramjan


Interprofessional learning in ambulatory care, Rosemary Saunders, Helen Dugmore, Karla Seaman, Rachel Singer, and Fiona Lake


The effect of volunteers’ care and support on the health outcomes of older adults in acute care: A systematic scoping review, Rosemary Saunders, Karla Seaman, Renée Graham, and Angela Christiansen


Does the intravascular volume status in haemodialysis patients measured by inferior vena cava ultrasound correlate with bioimpedance spectroscopy?, Ulrich Steinwandel, Nicholas Gibson, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Richard Parsons, James Rippey, and Johan Rosman


Benchmarking nurse outcomes in Australian Magnet® hospitals: Cross-sectional survey, L. Stone, M. Arneil, Linda Coventry, V. Casey, S. Moss, A. Cavadino, B. Laing, and A. L. McCarthy


Care After Lymphoma (CALy) trial: A phase II pilot pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a nurse-led model of survivorship care, Karen Taylor, Paola Chivers, Caroline Bulsara, David Joske, Max Bulsara, and Leanne Monterosso


Laryngomalacia: More than just noisy breathing: A qualitative case study, Dianne Tomlinson


Weight bias and stigma...... How do we really feel about the obese patient?, Amanda Towell-Barnard


Aging with intellectual disabilities in families: Navigating ever-changing seas—a theoretical model, Henrietta Trip, Lisa Whitehead, Marie Crowe, Brigit Mirfin-Veitch, and Chris Daffue


A quantitative systematic review of the association between nurse skill mix and nursing-sensitive patient outcomes in the acute care setting, Diane E. Twigg, Yvonne Kutzer, Elisabeth Jacob, and Karla Seaman


Safety and side effects of acupuncture therapy in Australia: A systematic review, Carol Chunfeng Wang


Nurses and holistic modalities: the history of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Ruifang Zhu, and Jing-Yu Tan


Acupuncture, its place in nursing: Safety and side effects of acupuncture therapy in Australia, Carol Wang, Jing-Yu Tan, and Anne Williams


Interventions to increase attendance for diabetic retinopathy screening: A cochrane review summary, Lisa Whitehead


The relationship between specialty nurse certification and patient, nurse and organizational outcomes: A systematic review, Lisa Whitehead, Manonita Ghosh, Deborah Kirk Walker, Dianne Bloxsome, Caroline Vafeas, and Anne Wilkinson


Home‐based multidimensional survivorship programmes for breast cancer survivors, Lisa Whitehead and Deborah Kirk Walker


Communication skills training for health care professionals who work with cancer patients, Lisa Whitehead and Deborah Kirk Walker


A national survey of Australian nurses who work with people with intellectual and developmental disability, Nathan J. Wilson, Peter Lewis, Lisa Whitehead, Virginia Howie, James Collison, Sarah Feighan, Michele Wiese, Kate O'Reilly, and Hayden Jaques


Has the search for better leadership come at the expense of management?, Sarah Wise and Christine Duffield


Prelicensure nursing students' perspectives on video-assisted debriefing following high fidelity simulation: A qualitative study, H. Zhang, S. H. L. Goh, X. V. Wu, Wei Wang, and Evalotte Mörelius


Robot-assisted therapy for balance function rehabilitation after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Qing-Xiang Zheng, Li Ge, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Qi-Shou Ma, Yan-Tan Liao, Ping-Ping Huang, Guan-Dong Wang, Qiu-Lin Xie, and Mikael Rask

Submissions from 2018


Making dietary changes following a diagnosis of prediabetes: A qualitative exploration of barriers and facilitators, S. Abel, L. C. Whitehead, and K. J. Coppell


Parents’ experiences of caring for preterm infants after discharge with grandmothers as their main support, Esther A. Adama, Sara Bayes, and Deborah Sundin


Ghanaian parents’ experiences of caring for their preterm infants after discharge from the neonatal unit - a narrative inquiry study, Esther Abena Adama


A systematic review of the experiences of vulnerable people participating in research on sensitive topics, Susan Alexander, Rona Pillay, and Bronwyn Smith


Revisiting the pain resource nurse role in sustaining evidence-based practice changes for pain assessment and management, Emily Allen, Anne M. Williams, David Jennings, Norman J. Stomski, Roger Goucke, Christine M. Toye, Susan Slatyer, Trish Clarke, and Kylie M. McCullough


Toward developing consensus on family-centred care: An international descriptive study and discussion, Mohammad A. Al-Motlaq, Bernie Carter, Sarah Neill, Inger Kristensson Hallstrom, Mandie Foster, Imelda Coyne, Diana Arabiat, Philip Darbyshire, Veronica D. Feeg, and Linda Shields


Effect of skin-to-skin contact on parents' sleep quality, mood, parent-infant interaction and cortisol concentrations in neonatal care units: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial, Charlotte Angelhoff, Ylva Thernström Blomqvist, Charlotte Sahlén Helmer, Emma Olsson, Shefaly Shorey, Anneli Frostell, and Evalotte Mörelius


The impact of a mother's emotional strains and disclosure of cancer on her child's defensiveness and adjustment to cancer, Diana H. Arabiat, Doreen Collyer, Ayman Hamdan-Mansour, Amani Khalil, and Mohammad Darawad


Social and health determinants of adolescent's wellbeing in Jordan: Implications for policy and practice, Diana Arabiat, Abeer Shaheen, Ommaya Nassar, Mohammad Saleh, and Ayman Mansour


Parents’ experiences of Family Centred Care practices, Diana Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, Mandie Foster, Linda Shields, and Linda Harris


The 12-year prevalence and trends of childhood disabilities in Australia: Findings from the Survey of Disability, Aging and Carers, Diana Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, and Mohammad AL Jabery


Weaving midwifery student's reflections, Jodie Atkinson, Sadie Geraghty, and Sara Bayes


Skills for midwifery practice Australian & New Zealand edition, Sara Bayes and Sally-Ann deVitry Smith


Cardiotocography vs. intermittent auscultation in assessing fetal well-being, Sara Bayes and Lisa Whitehead


A collaborative approach to the implementation of a structured clinical handover tool (iSoBAR), within a hospital setting in metropolitan Western Australian: A mixed methods study, Tania Beament, Bev Ewens, Sarah Wilcox, and Gill Ried


Awareness, acceptability and access to screening mammography for remote Aboriginal women, Lyn Byers, Katie Michell, and Kylie McCullough


Intentional rounding in acute adult healthcare settings: A systematic mixed‐method review, Angela Christiansen, Linda Coventry, Renée Graham, Elisabeth Jacob, Di Twigg, and Lisa Whitehead


Is it time to consider a four year Nursing Bachelor Degree in Australia? A discussion paper, Angela Christiansen, Elisabeth R. Jacob, and Diane E. Twigg


The effect of media campaigns, patient characteristics, and presenting symptoms on prehospital delay in myocardial infarction patients: A prospective cohort study, Linda L. Coventry, Alexandra P. Bremner, Johanna W. van Schalkwyk, Desley G. Hegney, and Peter L. Thompson


Issues impacting on enrolled nurse education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: a discussion, Jennifer H. Cramer, Judith D. Pugh, Susan Slatyer, Diane E. Twigg, and Melanie Robinson


Reliability and criterion-related validity testing (construct) of the Endotracheal Suction Assessment Tool (ESAT©), Kylie Davies, Max K. Bulsara, Anne-Sylvie Ramelet, and Leanne Monterosso


The F word: Midwifery students' understanding of feminism, Clare Davison, Sadie Geraghty, and Kirsten Dobbs


Midwifery students' understanding of knowledge of normal birth before 'delivery' of curriculum, Clare Davison, Sadie Geraghty, and Sara Morris


Activity-based funding in mental health: A disastrous path, Gideon de Jong


Family Group Conferencing as a catalyst for recovery and ownership in mental health, Gideon de Jong, Ellen Meijer, and Gert Schout


Involving undergraduate nursing students in participatory health research: Implications from the Netherlands, Gideon de Jong, Ellen Meijer, Gert Schout, and Tineke Abma


Evaluating family group conferencing: Towards a meaningful research methodology, Gideon de Jong and Gert Schout


Barriers to promoting mobility in hospitalized older adults, Gordana Dermody and Christine R. Kovach


A protocol to measure the impact of intentional changes to nurse staffing and skill‐mix in medical and surgical wards, Jonathan Drennan, Christine Duffield, Anne Philomena Scott, Jane Ball, Noeleen M. Brady, Aileen Murphy, Darren Dahly, Eileen Savage, Paul Corcoran, Josephine Hegarty, and Peter Griffiths


Adding unregulated nursing support workers to ward staffing: Exploration of a natural experiment, Christine M. Duffield, Michael A. Roche, Diane E. Twigg, Anne M. Williams, Samantha Rowbotham, and Sean P. Clarke


Surviving ICU: Stories of recovery, Beverley Ewans, Joyce M. Hendricks, and Deborah Sundin


Fathers in neonatal units: Improving infant health by supporting the baby-father bond and mother-father coparenting, Duncan Fisher, Minesh Khashu, Esther A. Adama, Nancy Feeley, Craig F. Garfield, Jillian Ireland, Flora Koliouli, Birgitta Lindberg, Betty Norgaard, Livio Provenzi, Frances Thomson-Salo, and Edwin van Teijlingen


Application of four-dimension criteria to assess rigour of qualitative research in emergency medicine, Roberto Forero, Shizar Nahidi, Josephine De Costa, Mohammad Mohsin, Gerry Fitzgerald, NicK Gibson, Sally McCarthy, and Patrick Aboagye-Sarfo


Developing an international child and family research network, Mandie Foster, Linda Shields, Joanna Smith, and Sarah J. Neill


Letter to editor, Mandie Foster, Joanna Smith, and Sarah Neill


Development and validation of the needs of children's questionnaire to measure children's needs in hospital, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Diana Arabiat