
Submissions from 2017


Impact of family-friendly prison policies on health, justice and child protection outcomes for incarcerated mothers and their dependent children: A cohort study protocol, Helen Myers, Leonie Segal, Derek Lopez, Ian W. Li, and David B. Preen


The economic challenge for health care services, Helen Myers and Diane E. Twigg


The use of spirituality and religiosity in coping with colorectal cancer, Nazi Nejat, Lisa Whitehead, and Marie Crowe


Amphetamine use in pregnancy: Perinatal approaches to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes, Steffne Nel and Sadie Geraghty


Domperidone as a galactagogue: A case for approval?, Steffne Nel and Sadie Geraghty


The personal cancer screening behaviours of nurses and midwives, Rachel Nicholls, Lin Perry, Robyn Gallagher, Christine M. Duffield, David Sibbritt, and Xiaoyue Xu


Barriers and facilitators to healthy eating for nurses in the workplace: an integrative review, Rachel Nicolls, Lyn Perry, Christine M. Duffield, Robyn Gallagher, and Heather Pierce


Social networking site (SNS) use by adolescent mothers: Can social support and social capital be enhanced by online social networks? – A structured review of the literature, Samantha Nolan, Joyce Hendricks, Sally Ferguson, and Amanda Towell


Where has the compassion gone from the residential aged care environment?, Kim Oliver


Genital herpes: Silent but not ignored, Stephanie Oliver and S Geraghty


Building expert agreement on the importance and feasibility of workplace health promotion interventions for nurses and midwives: a modified Delphi consultation, Lin Perry, Rachel Nicholls, Christine M. Duffield, and Robyn Gallagher


Health, workforce characteristics, quality of life and intention to leave: The 'Fit for the Future' survey of Australian nurses and midwives, Lin Perry, Xiaoyue Xu, Christine M. Duffield, Robyn Gallagher, Rachel Nicholls, and David Sibbritt


Nurse confidence in gynaecological oncology practice and the evaluation of a professional development module, Shannon Philip, Catherine Barnett, Natalie D'Abrew, and Kate White


The road less travelled: Australian women's experiences with vulval cancer, S. Philip, A. Mellon, C. Barnett, N. D'Abrew, and K. White


Influence of perceptions and stereotypes of the nursing role on career choice in secondary students: A regional perspective, Anita Raymond, Ainsley James, Elisabeth Jacob, and Judith Lyons


A comparison of nursing tasks undertaken by regulated nurses and nursing support workers: A work sampling study, Michael A. Roche, Sarah Friedman, Christine M. Duffield, Diane E. Twigg, and Rebecca Cook


Collecting feedback as a tool to reduce care paralysis: something for family group conferencing coordinators?, Gert Schout and Gideon de Jong


Family group conferencing—Its added value in mental health care, Gert Schout, Ellen Meijer, and Gideon de Jong


The use of family group conferences in mental health: Barriers for implementation, Gert Schout, Margjolein van Dijk, Ellen Meijer, Elleke Landeweer, and Gideon de Jong


Feasibility of using payroll data to estimate hospital nurse staffing, Louise Louise Schreuders, Elizabeth Geelhoed, Alexandra Bremner, Judith Finn, and Diane E. Twigg


An examination of students’ perceptions of their interprofessional placements in residential aged care, Karla L. Seaman, Rosemary Saunders, Elly Williams, Jane Harrup-Gregory, Helen Loffler, and Fiona Lake


Advance care planning uptake among patients with severe lung disease: A randomised patient preference trial of a nurse-led, facilitated advance care planning intervention, Craig Sinclair, Kirsten Anne Auret, Sharon Frances Evans, Fiona Williamson, Siobhan Dormer, Anne Wilkinson, Kim Greeve, Audrey Koay, Dot Price, and Fraser Brims


Psychoeducation for siblings of people with severe mental illness, Jacqueline Sin, Cheryl Jordan, Elizabeth Barley, Claire Henderson, Ian Norman, and Lisa Whitehead


Intradialytic hypotension – A daily challenge for each one of us – Could ultrasound of the inferior vena cava provide us with a better understanding of the intravascular volume status, Ulrich Steinwandel


Use of ultrasound by registered nurses—a systematic literature review, Ulrich Steinwandel, Nicholas Gibson, James Charles Rippey, Amanda Towell, and Johan Rosman


Systematic review of the impact and treatment of malnutrition in patients with chronic vascular wounds, Lucy Stopher and Shirley Jansen


The liminal self in people with multiple sclerosis: An interpretative phenomenological exploration of being diagnosed, Karen Strickland, Allison Worth, and Catriona Kennedy


Alcohol consumption patterns of older adults: A study in a regional town in Western Australia, Caroline Vafeas, Renee Graham, Gideon de Jong, Irene Ngune, and Saskia Maes


Applying heuristic inquiry to nurse migration from the UK to Australia, Caroline Vafeas and Joyce M. Hendricks

Prescription for Life! Supporting those living with younger onset dementia, Caroline Vafeas, Elisabeth R. Jacob, and Sarah White


Can China lure its foreign-trained-nurses home or will Australia win the nursing talent war?, Carol Wang


Conversation with presence: A narrative inquiry into the learning experience of Chinese students studying nursing at Australian universities, Carol C. Wang


The real ‘cost’ of study in Australia and the ramifications for China, Australia, and the Chinese nursing students: What do these three players want? A narrative review, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Lisa Whitehead, and Sara J. Bayes


Chinese nursing students at Australian universities: A narrative inquiry into their motivation, learning experience, and future career planning, Carol Chungfeng Wang


Casual for a cause: Exploring the employment status of nursing in Australia and China, Carol Wang and Sadie Geraghty


Global mobility in nursing: Why Chinese students leave to study nursing in Australia, Carol Wang, Lisa Whitehead, and Sara Bayes


"They are friendly but they don't want to be friends with you": A narrative inquiry into Chinese nursing students' learning experiences in Australia, Carol Wang, Lisa Whitehead, and Sara J. Bayes


First-episode genital herpes: Interventions for men and women, Lisa Whitehead


Managing chemotherapy-induced anemia with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents plus iron, Lisa Whitehead


Self-management of Type 2 diabetes and severe mental illness, Lisa Whitehead


The family experience of fatigue in heart failure, Lisa Whitehead


Vitamin D for the management of asthma: A Cochrane review summary, Lisa Whitehead


Singing as an adjunct therapy for children and adults with cystic fibrosis, Lisa Whitehead, Diana Arabiat, and Mandie Foster


A nurse-led interdisciplinary approach to promote self-management of type 2 diabetes: a process evaluation of post-intervention experiences, Lisa Whitehead, Marie T. Crowe, Janet D. Carter, Virginia R. Maskill, Dave Carlyle, and Carol Bugge


A nurse-led education and cognitive behaviour therapy-based intervention among adults with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial, Lisa Whitehead, Marie T. Crowe, Janet D. Carter, Virginia R. Maskill, David Carlyle, Carol Bugge, and Chris M.A Frampton


The role of the family in supporting the self-management of chronic conditions: A qualitative systematic review, Lisa Whitehead, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Amanda Towell, Maen Z. Abu-Qamar, and Amanda Cole-Heath


Are male partners of pregnant women treated negatively in maternity care?, Christian Wright and Sadie Geraghty

Barriers to implementing diagnostic domestic violence screening, Christian Wright and Sadie Geraghty


Gastroschisis: A review of practice, Christian Wright and Sadie Geraghty


Uterotonics for post-partum haemorrhage, Christian Wright and Sadie Geraghty


An evaluation of national health service England's care maker programme: A mixed-methods analysis, Kate Zubairu, Angela Christiansen, Andrew Kirkcaldy, Jennifer A. Kirton, Carol A. Kelly, Paul Simpson, Andrea Gillespie, and Jeremy M. Brown

Submissions from 2016


Socio-demographic correlates of parents' participation in care of a hospitalized child: A perspective from a developing country, Raghd Abdelkader, Diana H. Arabiat, Sandra L. Holmes, and Ayman Hamdan-Mansour


Parents' perceived satisfaction of care, communication and environment of the pediatric intensive care units at a tertiary children's hospital, Maram Abu Qamer, Diana Arabiat, and Sandra Holmes


Exploring the sociocultural aspect of narrative inquiry: A dynamic nursing research methodology, Esther A. Adama


Parents' experiences of caring for preterm infants after discharge from neonatal intensive care unit: A meta-synthesis of the literature, Esther A. Adama, Sara J. Bayes, and Deborah Sundin


How patients experience pastoral care in a tertiary health care setting, Jenni Ashton, Deidre Madden, and Leanne Monterosso


Readiness for practice change: Evaluation of a tool for the Australian midwifery context, Sara J. Bayes, Jennifer Fenwick, and David Jennings


Depth of field: Using photographs and narratives to explore and reflect on ageing, Gabrielle Brand, Karen Miller, Steve Wise, Rosemary Saunders, Helen Dugmore, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Models for community based day care for older people: A narrative review, Caroline Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Rosemary Saunders


An evaluation of the open and honest care programme in acute NHS trusts in Northern England, Angela Christiansen, Tracey Barnes, Toni Bewley, Axel Kaehne, Dave Lynes, and Andrew J. Kirkcaldy


Residential aged care nurses: Portraits of resilience, Vicki C. Cope, Bronwyn Jones, and Joyce M. Hendricks


The hidden benefits of writing retreats: Academic development and social interaction for nurses, Vicki C. Cope, D Sundin, Aisling Smyth, Carol Wang, Gwendolyn Baum, Bev Ewens, and Fiona Foxall


Resilience as resistance to the new managerialism: Portraits that reframe nursing through quotes from the field, Vicki Cope, Bronwyn Jones, and Joyce Hendricks


Why nurses chose to remain in the workforce: Portraits of resilience, Vicki Cope, Bronwyn Jones, and Joyce Hendricks


The effect of an enrolled nursing registration pathway program on undergraduate nursing students' confidence level: A pre- and post-test study, Carol Crevacore, Diana Jonas-Dwyer, and Pam Nicol


Exercise self-efficacy scale: Validation of the Arabic version among Jordanians with chronic diseases, Muhammad W. Darawad, Ayman M. Hamdan-Mansour, Amani A. Khalil, Diana Arabiat, Osama A. Samarkandi, and Mahmoud Alhussami


Establishing routines to cope with the loneliness associated with widowhood: A narrative analysis, N Davies, Marie Crowe, and Lisa Whitehead


The erosion of nursing in Dutch mental health care: A critique on the proliferation of psychologists, Gideon de Jong and Gert Schout


Thalassemia in pregnancy: Contemporary care for a timeless disease, Annemarie DeLeo and Sadie Geraghty


Epilepsy in pregnancy: Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, Lisa Doyle, Sadie Geraghty, and Margaret Folan


A protocol to assess the impact of adding nursing support workers to ward staffing, Christine M. Duffield, Michael Roche, Diane E. Twigg, Anne Williams, and Sean Clarke


Humanising the curriculum: The role of a virtual world, Beverley Ewans, Sara Geale, Caroline Vafeas, Fiona Foxall, Barbara Loessl, Aisling Smyth, and Christopher McCafferty


The parents’, hospitalized child’s, and health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of family-centered care within a pediatric critical care setting: A synthesis of quantitative research, Mandie J. Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Patricia Maybee


A randomised controlled trial comparing the effects of a 12-week supervised exercise versus usual care on outcomes in haematological cancer patients, Bonnie J. Furzer, Timothy R. Ackland, Karen E. Wallman, Anna S. Petterson, Sandy M. Gordon, Kemi E. Wright, and David J.L Joske


Identifying advanced practice: A national survey of a nursing workforce, Glenn Gardner, Christine Duffield, Anna Doubrovsky, and Margaret Adams


Evaluating postragduate midwifery students' experiences of a model of blended learning, Sadie Geraghty and Helen Godwin


Reconstructing compassion: Should it be taught as part of the curriculum?, Sadie Geraghty, Melanie Lauva, and Kim Oliver


Opioid dependency in pregnancy, Claire Gibson and Sadie Geraghty


Sudden infant death syndrome in the Middle East: An exploration of the literature on rates, risk factors, high risk groups and intervention programs, Shereen M. Hamadneh, Noha M. Al-Shdayfat, Omar M. AL Omari, Jehan M. Hamadneh, Mohammad Bashtawi, Ahed J. Alkhatib, Basil H. Amarneh, and Anne M. Wilkinson


Mindfulness based childbirth education: Incorporating adult and experiential learning with mindfulness based stress reduction in childbirth education, Yvonne Hauck, Colleen Fisher, Jean Byrne, and Sara J. Bayes


Incidence, risk factors and the healthcare cost of falls postdischarge after elective total hip and total knee replacement surgery: Protocol for a prospective observational cohort study, Anne-Marie Hill, Gail Ross-Adjie, Steven M. McPhail, Leanne Monterosso, Max Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Sarah-Jayne Powell, and Gerard Hardisty


Cultural desire need not improve with cultural knowledge: A cross-sectional study of student nurses, Anton Neville Isaacs, Anita Raymond, Elisabeth Jacob, Janet Jones, Matthew McGrail, and Marlne Drysdale


Exploration of nursing degree students' content expectations of a dedicated Indigenous health unit, Elisabeth Jacob, Anita Raymond, Janet Jones, Alycia Jacob, Marlene Drysdale, and Anton Neville Issacs


Educators' expectations of roles, employability and career pathways of registered and enrolled nurses in Australia, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore


Self-efficacy in managing chronic respiratory disease: Parents' experiences, Virginia Jones, Lisa Whitehead, and Marie Therese Crowe


'Yummy Mummies': Exploring sexuality in the antenatal and postnatal period, HaKyung Maria Kim and Sadie Geraghty


Oral glucose efficacy on neonate's pain responses at the NICU: A quasi experimental trial of two clinical procedures, Eman Matar, Diana Arabiat, and Mandie Foster


Telehealth for paediatric burn patients in rural areas: a retrospective audit of activity and cost savings, Tania McWilliams, Joyce M. Hendricks, Diane E. Twigg, Fiona Wood, and Margaret Giles


The interpretive approach as a means of understanding the misunderstood, Doreen Molloy, Joyce Hendricks, and Anne Williams

Defining concerns, unmet needs and support preferences for haematology cancer survivors: An exploratory study to inform intervention development, Leanne Monterosso, Karen Taylor, Violet Platt, Mei Krishnasamy, Kate White, Liz Lobb, Patsy Yates, Claire Johnson, Toni Musiello, Caroline Bulsara, Kendall Stratton, Kerin Young, Tony Adiscott, and David Joske


The emotional intelligence of registered nurses commencing critical care nursing, Yvette Nagel, Amanda Towell, Elzabe Nel, and Fiona Foxall


Nurse-led hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance clinic provides an effective method of monitoring patients with cirrhosis, Saroj Nazareth, Nadine Leembruggen, Rhoda Tuma, Sook-Ling Chen, Samarth Rao, Nick Kontorinis, and Wendy Cheng


A trial of a self-assessment tool of problems following treatment of colorectal cancer: A prospective study in Australia primary care, Irene M. Ngune, Moyez Jiwa, Alexandra McManus, Richard Parsons, and Rupert J. Hodder


Exploring midwives’ perception of confidence around facilitating water birth in Western Australia: A qualitative descriptive study, Sarah Nicolls, Yvonne Hauck, Sara Bayes, and Janice Butt


Adolescent mothers' use of social networking sites creating positive mental health outcomes, Samantha Nolan, Joyce M. Hendricks, and Amanda Towell


The efficacy of a group cognitive behavioral therapy for war-affected young migrants living in Australia: A cluster randomized controlled trial, Chew S. Ooi, Rosanna M. Rooney, Clare Roberts, Robert T. Kane, Bernadette Wright, and Nikos Chatzisarantis


A respectful approach to dietary research involving children: The importance of communication, acknowledgment and participation, Therese O'Sullivan, Kate Evelegh, Diana Arabiat, and Kate Russell


Does nurses’ health affect their intention to remain in their current position?, Lin Perry, Robyn Gallagher, Christine M. Duffield, David Sibbritt, Jen Bichel-Findlay, and Rachel Nicholls


Learning preferences of Enrolled Nursing students: Educational preparation and training for workplace readiness, Kalpana Raghunathan, Sonia Allen, and Elisabeth R. Jacob


Peer learning a pedagogical approach to enhance online learning: A qualitative exploration, Anita Raymond, Elizabeth Jacob, Darren Jacob, and Judith Lyons