Submissions from 2018
Parents' and staff perceptions of parental needs during a child's hospital admission: An Australian study, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, Diana Arabiat, and Linda Frost
Closing the gap: A whole of school approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusivity in higher education, Amanda C. Fowler, Beverley Ewens, Leitha Delves, Colleen Hayward, Noel Nannup, and Gwen Baum
The health of working nurses: Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control by medication, Robyn Gallagher, Lin Perry, Christine Duffield, David Sibbritt, and Chih (Maggie) Ying Ko
Midwives’ attitudes towards pregnant women using substances: Informing a care pathway, Sadie Geraghty, Gemma Doleman, and Annemarie De Leo
In the shadow of the ivory tower: Experiences of midwives and nurses undertaking PhDs, Sadie Geraghty and Kim Oliver
Fighting a losing battle: Midwives experiences of workplace stress, Sadie Geraghty, Craig P. Speelman, and Sara J. Bayes
Gaps in the ice: Methamphetamine in Australia; its history, treatment and ramifications for users and their families, Douglas Greg Gordon and Gideon de Jong
Education on invasive mechanical ventilation involving intensive care nurses: a systematic review, Michelle C. Guilhermino, Kerry J. Inder, and Deborah Sundin
Prevalence and correlates of substance use among psychiatric inpatients, Ayman M. Hamdan-Mansour, Ahmad Y. Al-Sagarat, Faris Al-Sarayreh, Hani Nawafleh, and Diana H. Arabiat
Impulsivity and sensation-seeking personality traits as predictors of substance use among university students in Jordan, Ayman M. Hamdan-Mansour, Khadejah F. Mahmoud, Ahmad N. Al Shibi, and Diana Arabiat
Development of an Australian nursing critical thinking tool using a Delphi process, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Christine M. Duffield, and Darren Jacob
General practice palliative care: Patient and carer expectations, advance care plans and place of death - a systematic review, Claire E. Johnson, Peta McVey, Joel Jin-On Rhee, Hugh Senior, Leanne Monterosso, Briony Williams, Julia Fallon-Ferguson, Matthew Grant, Harriet Nwachukwu, Michèle Aubin, Patsy Yates, and Geoffrey Mitchell
Breast surgery for metastatic breast cancer, Deborah Kirk Walker and Lisa Whitehead
The 1 repetition maximum mechanics of a high-handle hexagonal bar deadlift compared with a conventional deadlift as measured by a linear position transducer, Robert Lockie, Matthew Moreno, Adrina Lazar, Fabrice G. Risso, Tricia M. Liu, Alyssa A. Stage, Samantha A. Birmingham-Babauta, Ibett A. Torne, John J. Stokes, Dominic V. Giuliano, DeShaun L. Davis, Ashley J. Orjalo, and Samuel J. Callaghan
The delivery of Primary Health Care in remote Australian communities: A Grounded Theory study of the perspective of nurses, Kylie McCullough
Living with multiple myeloma: A focus group study of unmet needs and preferences for survivorship care, Leanne Monterosso, Karen Taylor, Violet Platt, Elizabeth Lobb, Toni Musiello, Caroline Bulsara, Kendall Stratton, David Joske, and Meinir Krishnasamy
Reversing the spiral of fear, Sara Morris
Specialty Breech Clinic: The development and implementation of a dedicated breech service in Western Australia, Sara Morris
Moxibustion: An alternative option for breech presentation, Sara Morris, Sadie Geraghty, and Deborah Sundin
The nexus of nursing leadership and a culture of safer patient care, Melanie Murray, Deborah R. Sundin, and Vicki C. Cope
Are midwifery students adequately prepared for vaginal breech birth in clinical practice?, Steffne Nel and Sadie Geraghty
Efficacy of oral glucose tolerance testing of pregnant women post bariatric surgery, Lisa Newlan and Sadie Geraghty
Health-services utilisation amongst older persons during the last year of life: a population-based study, Danielle Ní Chróinín, David E. Goldsbury, Alexander Beveridge, Patricia M. Davidson, Afaf Girgis, Nicholas Ingham, Jane L. Phillips, Anne M. Wilkinson, Jane M. Ingham, and Dianne L. O'Connell
Suicidal ideation in the perinatal period: A systematic review, Avril O'Connor, Sadie Geraghty, Gemma Doleman, and Annemarie De Leo
The relationship between residual sphincter damage after primary repair, faecal incontinence, and anal sphincter function in primiparous women with an obstetric anal sphincter injury, Vicki Patton, Swetha Kumar, Katrina Parkin, Emmanuel Karantanis, and Phil Dinning
Lifestyle health behaviors of nurses and midwives: The ‘fit for the future’ study, Lin Perry, Xiaoyue Xu, Robyn Callagher, Rachel Nicholls, David Sibbritt, and Christine Duffield
Nutrition and the community-dwelling older person: A pilot study in general practice, Donna Preston, Thi Nguyen, Renuka Visvanathan, and Anne Wilson
Adaptation and pretesting of the College Persistence Questionnaire V3 (Short Form) for measuring intention to persist among Aboriginal Diploma of Nursing students, Judith Dianne Pugh, Jennifer H. Cramer, Susan Slatyer, Diane E. Twigg, and Melanie Robinson
Rapid evidence assessment of approaches to community neurological nursing care for people with neurological conditions post-discharge from acute care hospital, Judith Dianne Pugh, Kathleen McCoy, Anne M. Williams, Brenda Bentley, and Leanne Monterosso
Nurse-led primary health care for homeless men: a multimethods descriptive study, Michael A. Roche, Christine M. Duffield, Judith Smith, Dana A. Kelly, Robyn Cook, Jen M. Bichel-Findlay, Carla Saunders, and David J. Carter
Graduate registered nurses’ reflections on implementing safety and quality improvement projects, Rosemary Saunders, Emma Arnold, Karla Seaman, Anne Green, and Karen Gullick
An eHealth Program for patients undergoing a total hip arthroplasty: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Rosemary Saunders, Karla Seaman, Catherine Ashford, Trudy Sullivan, Judith McDowall, Lisa Whitehead, Bev Ewens, Kathryn Pedler, and Karen Gullick
Nursing and the emergence of egoless care: A discussion on social engineering in mental health, Gert Schout and Gideon de Jong
The weakening of kin ties: Exploring the need for life-world led interventions, Gert Schout and Gideon de Jong
Reducing the confusion and clicks and its impact on learning, Rebecca Scriven and Carol Crevacore
Shifts in nursing and medical students’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about interprofessional work: An interprofessional placement in ambulatory care, Karla Seaman, Rosemary Saunders, Helen Dugmore, Claire Tobin, Rachel Singer, and Fiona Lake
International commentary on Phiri et al. ‘Registered nurses’ experiences pertaining to family involvement in the care of hospitalised children at a tertiary government hospital in Malawi’, Linda Shields, Diana Arabiat, Ellen Ben-Sefer, Bernie Carter, Imelda Coyne, Mandie Foster, Fatch Kalembo, and Maggie Zgambo
Ultrasound measurements on the inferior vena cava by renal nursing staff for assessment and management of intravascular volume status in haemodialysis patients, Ulrich Steinwandel
Can a renal nurse assess fluid status using ultrasound on the inferior vena cava? A cross-sectional interrater study: Ultrasound on the inferior vena cava, Ulrich Steinwandel, Nicholas Gibson, Amanda Towell, and James Rippey
Educating renal nurses - inferior vena caval ultrasound for intravascular volume assessment, Ulrich Steinwandel, Nicholas Gibson, Mandy Towell-Barnard, James Rippey, and Johan Rosman
Measuring the prevalence of intradialytic hypotension in a satellite dialysis clinic: Are we too complacent?, Ulrich Steinwandel, Nick Gibson, Mandy Towell-Barnard, Richard Parsons, James J. R. Rippey, and Johan Rosman
Pre-eclampsia: Praxis and application, Taela Stokes and Sadie Geraghty
Test-retest reliability of the short-form survivor unmet needs survey, Karen Taylor, Max Bulsara, and Leanne Monterosso
Qualitative results from a phase II pilot randomised controlled trial of a lymphoma nurse-led model of survivorship care, Karen Taylor, Leanne Monterosso, and Caroline E. Bulsara
A heuristic study of UK nurse’s migration to WA: Living the dream down under, Caroline Vafeas and Joyce Hendricks
Effectiveness of acupuncture as an add-on treatment for women with postnatal depression: a systematic review, Carol Wang and Sara Bayes
Effectiveness of acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for women with postnatal depression: a systematic review protocol, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Ruifang Zhu, Li Ge, Catalin Tufanaru, Sara Bayes, and Gideon De Jong
Acupuncture, its place in holistic care: Granting access to this critical and timely exposition on the art of this modality, Carol Wang and Ruifang Zhu
Dietary advice for people with schizophrenia, Lisa Whitehead
Rehabilitation following carpal tunnel release: A Cochrane review summary, Lisa Whitehead
Self-management programs for quality of life in people with stroke, Lisa Whitehead
The effects of different types of dietary advice for women with gestational diabetes mellitus on pregnancy outcomes, Lisa Whitehead
Leading future innovations in nursing education, Nancy P. Wingo and Deborah Kirk Walker
Submissions from 2017
Nurses’ views on ‘effective nurse leader’ characteristics in Iraq, Shaymaa Abed and S. O'Neill
A qualitative content analysis of self-treated diabetic foot problems in Jordan, Maen Z. Abu-Qamar
Correlates of treatment satisfaction and well-being among patients with type II diabetes, B. Abu Sheikh, D. H. Arabiat, S. L. Holmes, Y. Khader, D. Hiyasat, D. Collyer, and S. Abu-Shiekh
Ghanaian fathers' experiences of caring for preterm infants; a journey of exclusion, Esther A. Adama, Deborah Sundin, and Sara J. Bayes
Registered nurses’ experiences of caring for pregnant and postpartum women in general hospital settings: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative data, Sara Bayes and Beverley Ewans
Intrahospital transfers and the impact on nursing workload, Nicole Blay, Michael A Roche, Christine M. Duffield, and Robyn Gallagher
Intrahospital transfers and adverse patient outcomes: An analysis of administrative health data, Nicole Blay, Michael Roche, Christine M. Duffield, and Xiaoyue Xu
The effectiveness of a primary care nursing-led dietary intervention for prediabetes: a mixed methods pilot study, Kirsten Coppell, Sally Abel, Trish Freer, Andrew Grey, Kiri Sharp, Joanna Norton, Terrie Spedding, Lillian Ward, and Lisa Whitehead
Impact of the orthopaedic nurse practitioner role on acute hospital length of stay and cost-savings for patients with hip fracture: A retrospective cohort study, Linda L. Coventry, Sharon Pickles, Michelle Sin, Amanda Towell, Margaret Giles, Kevin Murray, and Diane E. Twigg
Myocardial infarction, patient decision delay and help-seeking behaviour: A thematic analysis, Linda L. Coventry, Johanna W. van Schalkwyk, Peter L. Thompson, Scott A. Hawkins, and Desley G. Hegney
Living with sub-optimal glycaemic control: The experiences of type 2 diabetes diagnosis and education, Marie Crowe, Lisa Whitehead, Carol Bugge, Dave Carlyle, Janet Carter, and Virginia Maskill
Qualitative meta-synthesis: The experience of chronic pain across conditions, Marie Crowe, Lisa Whitehead, Philippa Seaton, Jennifer Jordan, Catherine Mccall, Virginia Maskill, and Henrietta Trip
Psychosocial correlates of diabetes self-management practices, Muhammad W. Darawad, Sawsan Hammad, Sultan Mosleh, Osama A. Samarkandi, Ayman Hamdan-Mansour, Amani A. Khalil, and Diana Arabiat
Content validity testing of the ESAT©: A decision aid tool for performing endotracheal suction in children, K. Davies, M. Bulsara, A. S. Ramelet, and L. Monterosso
Feminism and midwifery; should midwives be feminists?, Clare Davison
Reasons to temper enthusiasm about open access nursing journals, Gideon de Jong
Understanding the process of family group conferencing in public mental health care: A multiple case study, Gideon de Jong, Gert Schout, and Tineke Abma
iMidwife: Midwifery students use of smartphone technology as a medicated educational tool in clinical environments, Annemarie DeLeo and Sadie Geraghty
Water as non-pharmacological pain management in labour, Ann-Marie De Leo and Sadie Geraghty
The impact of communication satisfaction on paediatric nurses’ job satisfaction and intention to stay, Gemma Doleman
Bugs, babies and birthing: Midwifery management of sepsis, Lisa Doyle and Sadie Geraghty
Nurse-performed endoscopy: Implications for the nursing profession in Australia, Christine M. Duffield, Susan Chapman, Samantha Rowbotham, and Nicole Blay
Never ending stories: Visual diarizing to recreate autobiographical memory of intensive care unit survivors, Beverley A. Ewens, Joyce M. Hendricks, and Deb Sundin
Implications for research and practice of the biographic approach for storytelling, Beverley Ewens, Joyce Hendricks, and Deb Sundin
Family centred care in the paediatric high dependency unit: Parents' and staff's perceptions, Mandie Foster and Lisa Whitehead
Parent and staff perceptions of parental needs during a child's hospital admission to a paediatric high-dependency unit: A New Zealand study, Mandie Foster and Lisa Whitehead
Staff, parent and children’s experiences of a paediatric critical care stay: Development of the paediatric critical care conceptual model, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Linda Shields
Is faculty practice valuable? The experience of Western Australian nursing and midwifery academics undertaking faculty clinical practice - A discussion paper, Amanda C. Fowler, Melanie Baker, and Sadie Geraghty
An integrative review of rural and remote nursing graduate programmes and experiences of nursing graduates, Amanda C. Fowler, Diane E. Twigg, Elisabeth R. Jacob, and Barbara Nattabi
The structure of nursing: A national examination of titles and practice profiles, Glenn Gardner, Christine M. Duffield, A. Doubrovsky, U. T. Bui, and A. Adam
Providing sun safety advice: The midwife's role, Sadie Geraghty and Clare Davidson
Midwifery students’ understanding of normal birth, the role of the midwife, and breastfeeding, Sadie Geraghty, Clare Davison, and Carol Pinch
‘Fighting a losing battle’: A Glaserian Grounded Theory of midwives’ workplace stress, Sadie Margaret Geraghty
Hearing voices: Comparing two methods for analysis of focus group data, Melanie D. Greenwood, Tina S. Greenwood, Hugh T. Davies, and Fenella J. Gill
Displaced Syrian children's reported physical and mental wellbeing, Ayman Hamdn-Mansour, Nadin Abdel Razeq, Bayan AbdelHaq, Diana Arabiat, and Amani Khalil
A protocol for the development of a critical thinking assessment tool for nurses using a Delphi technique, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Christine M. Duffield, and Darren Jacob
Role expectations of different levels of nurse on graduation: A mixed methods approach, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Lisa McKenna, and Angelo D'Amore
Confronting reality: A case study of a group of student nurses undertaking a management of aggression training (MOAT) program, Diana Jonas-Dwyer, Olivia Gallagher, Rosemary Saunders, Helen Dugmore, Caroline Bulsara, and Helene Metcalfe
Characteristics and correlates of coping with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review, Maryam K. Kar; Lisa Whitehead; and Catherine M,. Smith
Midwifery students and routine discussion of birth experience in the early postnatal period in hospital, Femke Knol and S Geraghty
“Mental health day” sickness absence amongst nurses and midwives: Workplace, workforce, psychosocial and health characteristics, Scott Lamont, Scott Brunero, Lin Perry, Christine M. Duffield, David Sibbritt, Robyn Gallagher, and Rachel Nicolls
Regaining ownership and restoring belongingness: Impact of family group conferences in coercive psychiatry, Ellen Meijer, Gert Schout, Gideon de Jong, and Tineke Abma
A qualitative study of the post-treatment experiences and support needs of survivors of lymphoma, Leanne Monterosso, Karen Taylor, Violet Platt, Elizabeth Lobb, Menir Krishnasamy, Toni Musiello, Caroline Bulsara, Kendall Stratton, and David Joske
Nurse staffing, patient falls and medication errors in Western Australian hospitals: Is there a relationship?, Ahmad Mousa
New graduate registered nurses’ knowledge of patient safety and practice: A literature review, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope
Reducing barriers to consulting a General Practitioner in patients at increased risk of lung cancer: A qualitative evaluation of the CHEST Australia intervention, Sonya Murray, Yvonne Kutzer, Emily Habgood, Peter Murchie, Fiona Walter, Danielle Mazza, Shaouli Shahid, and Jon D. Emery
Identifying nurse-sensitive indicators for stand-alone high acuity areas: a systematic review, Helen Myers, Judith Dianne Pugh, and Diane E. Twigg