Theses from 2006
Thai popular music: The representation of national identities and ideologies within a culture in transition, Lamnao Eamsa-Ard
The effect of legal judgements on responsibility taking behaviour : an exploratory study, Lilian S. Edmands
Effects of hypoxia on exercise induced muscle damage, Trevor M. Farr
Methods for the estimation of missing values in time series, David S. Fung
Resistance exercise in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer, Daniel A. Galvao
Assessing the success and evaluating the benefits of government-sponsored regional internet-trading platforms for small and medium enterprises: A Western Australian perspective, Denise E. Gengatharen
Infusion of information systems in the stockbroking sector, Hosein Gharavi
Policing performance management systems: Identifying key design elements within a `new' public management context, John Gillespie
Laser beam induced current studies of Hg1-xCdxTe photodiodes, Edward A. Gluszak
Curriculum change and the importance of teachers' beliefs and professional development : a case study of the higher colleges of technology in the United Arab Emirates, Stewart M. Godwin
Dead Man: And an accompanying exegesis: `Labyrinthine modes in Dead Man and The Castle by Franz Kafka.', Anna Green
A Study of the Impact of the Affect Heuristic on the Risk Perception of Security Experts, Zack A. Gurdon
Silhouettes of Alice, Helen Hagemann
Reintroduction ecology of mala (Lagorchestes hirsutus) and merrnine (Lagostrophus fasciatus) at Shark Bay, Western Australia, Blair Hardman
The influence of seabird-derived nutrients on island ecosystems in the oligotrophic marine waters of south-western Australia, Sofie A. Harrison
Other people's country: A memoir; and, Developing a trustworthy narrator: An essay, Maureen Helen
Discrepancies in intimate violence reporting for men and women's violence: A meta-analysis, James L. Herbert
Organisational barriers and their relationship to the effective use of information system audit trails, Michael Hicks
Movement patterns and habitat usage of Shark Bay dugongs, David K. Holley
An investigation of physics instructors' beliefs and students' beliefs, goals and motivation for studying physics in Thai Rajabhat universities, Anusak Hongsa-ngiam
Madam Pele: Novel and essay, Jud L. House
Philosophical justification and the legal accommodation of Indigenous ritual objects; an Australian study, Andrew G. Hunter
Networks and narratives: An exploration of their relationship and potential for understanding the actual experiences of women with HIV/AIDS, Purity N. Irungu
The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language and Processability Theory: A Longitudinal Study of a Naturalistic Child Learner, Junko Iwasaki
Process evaluation of a school- and home-based sun safety education intervention, Robyn S. Johnston
Design of survivable WDM network based on pre-configured protection cycle, Byungkyu Kang
The role of luteinising hormone (LH)/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in regulating the production of beta amyloid (Aβ), a protein central to Alzheimer's disease (AD), Limbikani J. Kanyenda
Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in stormwater drainage from established residential areas and options for improved management, Surasithe Khwanboonbumpen
The sustainment of early childhood teachers in the classroom, Pamela A. Kilgallon
A learning community approach to schooling: Two Australian case studies, Anne Klaassen
Personal accounts of the experiences of managing obsessive-compulsive disorder, Jovanka Kosa-Dana
Developing practice or management struggle? Barriers to effective youth work practice with young women living with violence [thesis], Judith Kulisa
Controlling involvement to promote confidence in palliative care decisions - a grounded theory from the patient's perspective, Susan F. Lee
An expressive-psychoanalytic approach to the reconstruction of personal experience : an opportunity for middle year males, Gabrielle Lowndes
An investigation into the spectral music idiom and its association with visual imagery, particularly that of film and video, Brett Mabury
Confined space fatalities, Ciaran MacCarron
Exploring the use of a genre-based approach to teach scientific report writing to Thai EFL undergraduates, Karmolnad Malakul
The ecology and behaviour of Varanus mertensi (Reptilia: Varanidae), Phillip J. Mayes
Understanding sustainable tourism development from a complex systems perspective: A case study of the Swan River, Western Australia, Janine R. McDonald
Species richness, density and cover of sponge assemblages on temperate reefs off Perth, Western Australia, Lea McQuillan
Abrogated identity : Muslim representation in Hindi popular cinema 1947-2000, Noorel-nissa S. Mecklai
PAX3 and cutaneous malignant melanoma, Sandra Medic
A formative study to develop and test a health promotion strategy for adolescents who experience grief, Miriam J. Melis
The `Good Oil': The role olive oil plays in the lives of Western Australian consumers, Trudie Michels
An investigation of the mechanism of PAX7 mediated oncogenesis via in silico and in vitro biology, Maika G. Mitchell
A novel, The nature of ice and exegesis, Writing with light : truth and meaning in visual representations of Antarctica, Robyn C. Mundy
The integrated sound, space and movement environment : The uses of analogue and digital technologies to correlate topographical and gestural movement with sound, Jonathan A. Mustard
Neck loading in high performance combat pilots during aerial combat manoeuvres and specific neck strengthening exercises, Kevin J. Netto
A brief screening instrument for use by lawyers to assess the capacity of older clients with memory deficits, Himka Osmancevic
Applying the Technology Integration Micro Model (TIMM) in higher education learning and teaching practice, Chrysostomos Palaskas
Behind blue eyes: A memoir of childhood who am I?: A collection of essays, Glyn Parry
Land whisperings and a poetics of newplace and birthplace, Glenly R. Phillips
Where are the active citizens of tomorrow? We need them now..., Margaret E. Piasecka
The Obstacles in Women's Pathway to Principalship, Mahshid Pirouznia
The import of the sensation of the abyss, David J. Prescott-Steed
An analysis of the relationship between social capital and subjective well-being in four regions of Spain in the mid-1990s, Maria Puerta Francos
Critical literacy in a global context: Reading Harry Potter, Jill Reading
The effect of classical music on painting quality, attitude and behaviour for students with severe intellectual disabilities, Jane V. Riddoch
Performance management : a connected professional learning model, Irma Roberts
Steel Riders : a novel for young adult readers and, An hermeneutical examination of Steel Riders, Pixi Robertson
Social work, independent realities & the circle of moral considerability: Respect for humans, animals & the natural world, Thomas D. Ryan
Dynamics of corporate profitability: A study of the UK market (1981-2000), Heazry M. Salim
Developing the nurse professional and nurse education for the 21st century, Alison Smedley
Drying and re-wetting of organic wetland sediments: Biogeochemistry and implications for wetland management, Beate Sommer
Maps, metaphor and memory : a personal investigation through image manipulation and textile embellishment, Gail Spanier
Whose story is it anyway?: An explanation of how `academic literacy' was constructed in a university transition course for Indigenous Australians during a period of organisational change, Gregory J. Stratton
Soil community structure and litter decomposition under irrigated Eucalyptus Globulus in South Western Australia, Derek J. Swarts
Professional perceptions of domestic violence: The relationship between causal explanations and views on prevention and intervention, Rachel A. Taylor
Learning styles: A case study from the United Arab Emirates, Thomas L. Thurogood
An investigation into the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by senior educators in Thailand, Nattavee Utakrit
Effectiveness of the life skills program for HIV/AIDS prevention in Northern Thai housewives, Chittaya Waitayakul
The healing space : intersubjectivity, gender & bibliotherapy in Winnie-the-Pooh, The house at Pooh Corner, The wind in the willows and Peter Pan, Anna-Claire Walsh
A comparison of logging and fire disturbance on biophysical attributes of the Northern jarrah forest, Alexander W. Watson
The beach house : a novel and, Exorcising Sarah's ghosts : (re)creating the self : an accompanying essay, Karen L. Williams
Strategies for designing and implementing knowledge management systems: An interpretive case study of two Western Australian house-building firms, Geoffrey David Wilson
An investigation into a community information database system in the northeast of Thailand: Community empowerment through community learning centres, Chumnong Wongchachom
Theses from 2005
The more we sell the happier we are: Comparison of responsible alcohol service in trained and untrained establishments in Perth, Nevil Alexander
A salt on the land: The osmolyte production and physiological responses of selected Myrtaceae species exposed to salt and water stress, Janelle Atkinson
The perceived influence of some trainee characteristics and conditions for transfer on training outcomes, Jude E. Balm
A comparable cross-system bank productivity measure: Empirical evidence from the Malaysian dual banking system, Valli B. Batchelor
Alcohol and drug related offences: Determining predictive factors for reducing re-offending, Rachel Bennett
Development of a new measure of environmental congruence to complement a revised Prison Preference Inventory, Malinder K. Bhullar
The genetic heritage of China: A genomic study of PR China based on nine representative ethnic populations, Michael Black
Pax3 expression in cutaneous malignant melanoma, Judith A. Blake
The impact of events in the immediate aftermath of suicide on family members' bereavement experiences, Kelly J. Botha
Fibromyalgia and bladder irritability, Carolyn K. Brand
The education and training of accounting technicians in the Sultanate of Oman : The accounting diploma program at Sultan Qaboos University, Anthony R. Bright
The quest for a formula : parliamentary remuneration in Western Australia, Michael J. Britton
An exploration of student performance, utilization, and attitude to the use of a controlled content sequencing web based learning environment, Justin A. Brown
A comparative analysis of locally owned banks in the United Arab Emirates, Catherine Budd
Towards the light : A fictionalized (auto) biography, John Cailes