Theses from 2005
The use of principles and techniques derived from meditation for the design and creation of co-participatory musical systems, Hannah E. Clemen
Searching for the semantic boundaries of the Japanese colour term 'ao', Francis Conlan
The search for an effective international regime for the long-term safety and security of high level radioactive waste: Pangea and beyond, Vincent Cusack
Issues of English language proficiency for international students, Patricia Dooey
The changing face of rural general practice: an ethnographic study of general practitioners and their spouses, Angela Durey
Creating a creative university, Robert Ely
The relevance of information systems (IS) research publications to IS practitioners' key concerns, J. S. Fall
Boys and writing: Attentiveness levels and the impact of single gender classes and teaching methods, Janet Fellowes
Drama and technology: Teacher attitudes and perceptions, Kim Flintoff
Exploring a technology-facilitated part-complete solution method for learning computer programming, Stuart K. Garner
Understanding palliative care: An ethnographic study of three Australian palliative care services, Judith M. Greaves
Human levitation, Simon B. Harvey-Wilson
Image quality assessment using artificial neural networks, Alexander Havstad
Accountability and efficiency and the decision of whether to appoint the incumbent audit firm to provide non-audit services, Colleen Hayes
An investigation of the factors that influence the career aspirations of Year 12 science students, Christina R. Holly
Developing a flexible and expressive realtime polyphonic wave terrain synthesis instrument based on a visual and multidimensional methodology, Stuart G. James
The use of digitised video of experienced teachers at work in preservice teacher education, Jenny Jay
Developing learners and learning in teacher education in the Seychelles: A critical investigation, Odile Jean-Louis
3D-SoftChip: A novel 3D vertically integrated adaptive computing system [thesis], Chul Kim
Spatial relations of landscape: A poetics. Part 1, John Kinsella
An investigation into the use of B-Nodes and state models for computer network technology and education, Gurpreet Kohli
Aspects of current English language teaching practices with a special focus on task, Valerie Kollmann
An examination of the mentoring process: A study of the interaction between mentor and mentee in the context of an adolescent mentor program, Christopher K. Konrad
An exploratory cross-cultural investigation of the organisational strategies employed to prevent and ameliorate workplace bullying in university settings, Dragana Krestelica
The relationship between corporate social performance and financial asset characteristics, Ingebjørg Kristoffersen
Developing the English oral competency of tourism industry students by means of a genre-based ESP approach, Taweesak Kunyot
Communicating effectively across the cultural barrier : a cross-cultural study of the Sydney and Atlanta hotel industries, Danielle Lacey
The alleged persecution of the Roman Christians by the emperor Domitian, Ken Laffer
An improved model of structural changes resulting from use of e-commerce, Nick Lethbridge
Children and healthy eating: A global, policy and school curriculum perspective, Erica Logan
A study of feelings of alienation among relief teachers servicing Western Australian government metropolitan primary schools, Ralph G. Lunay
Language learning strategies of Botswana students : An exploratory study, Joel M. Magogwe
The role of communicative creativity in starting regional trade relationships with China: An action research practitioner case study, David W. Maguire
Seven decades of sports writing at the West Australian (1901-1971), David R. Marsh
Promoting metacognitive regulation through an on-line environment, Mark McMahon
The effectiveness of back belts as a control measure for occupational low back pain in a retail hardware chain, Nick Merdith
An exploratory case study using an expert learning process designed to promote number sense in a year 6 classroom, Paula Mildenhall
Towards a pro-active model of professional development for tertiary level teachers in the United Arab Emirates, Lynn J. Nicks-McCaleb
Three plays : The other woman, Banana split, Awa' the crow road ; and an essay, Writing the end, Heather Nimmo
The educational beliefs of a group of university teachers and their students: Identification, exploration and comparison, Maria T. Northcote
The semiotics of visible face make-up: The masks women wear, Madeleine Ogilvie
The status and quality of secondary science teaching and learning in Lagos State, Nigeria, Taiwo O. Ogunmade
In search of possibilities : Informal responding to domestic violence, Marilyn Palmer
Aquabatics as New Works of Live Art, Sarah Jane Pell
Survivability through pre-configured protection in optical mesh networks, Quoc V. Phung
Opto-VLSI processing for reconfigurable optical devices, Chung-Kiak Poh
"My dearest Mum": a biographical journey based on my mother's letters from Australia to England 1968-1985, Helen Ritter
A journey in (re)claiming teaching : A critical ethnography of Cape Neal High School, Janean Robinson
Living beyond the unanticipated sudden death of a partner : A phenomenological study, Martin L. Rodger
An investigation of the impact of visual culture on visual arts practice and visual arts education, Robyn Roper
Processual media theory, organised networks and the politics of information societies, Ned Rossiter
Character cars : How computer technology enhances learning in terms of arts ideas and arts skills and proceses in a year 7 male visual arts education program, Gemma E. Scarparolo
Control issues and effects on the stock exchange of Thailand, Amporn Soongswang
Meaning and emotion in Squaresoft's Final Fantasy X: Re-theorising realism and identification in video games, Glen R. Spoors
English reading comprehension of Thai undergraduates : L1/L2 usage, texts, strategies and problems, Rapeeporn Sroinam
The pulse of change : E-education and other reforming influences on vocational education and training, Robin Stark
Parents and childhood immunizations : a study of health beliefs and perceptions among Hong Kong Chinese parents, Marie Tarrant
A comparative investigation of longevity and morbidity in Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, Allyson K. Thomson
Responding to localised prostate cancer : Lifeworld reconstruction during the first post-diagnostic year, David P. Wall
Implementing best practice protocols for occupational hygiene monitoring, Hayden Wing
Theses from 2004
Opto-VLSI based WDM multifunction device, Selam T. Ahderom
Occupational awareness of Singapore primary school children, Joy S. Ang
A generalised feedforward neural network architecture and its applications to classification and regression, Ganesh Arulampalam
Preventing depressive symptomatology in children aged eight to eleven years : Application of the positive thinking program, Parma Barbaro
Electroconvulsive therapy : An assessment of experience, knowledge, and attitudes of clinical psychologists in Western Australia, Dawn A. Barrett
The role of farm dams as refugia for aquatic invertebrates in a salinised landscape, south Western Australia, Jean-Michel Benier
Nigerian science teachers' beliefs about effective science teaching, their pedagogical content knowledge, and how these influence science teaching, Morris A. Benjamin
Exploring community development in online settings, Christopher Brook
Openness in the face of systemic constraints on science, public participation, and the Western Australian Regional Forest Agreement, Martin Brueckner
Investigation of the replacement of Margaret River hairy marron Cherax tenuimanus (Smith) by smooth marron C. cainii Austin, John J. Bunn
Early education : experiences and perceptions of minority group parents and young children, Judith Candy
Outcomes of a participatory approach to interpretive planning in the Shark Bay World Heritage area, Western Australia, Kelly J. Chapman
Perceptions of wine quality, Stephen J. Charters
The effect of technology-based lessons on primary school students working in mixed and single-gender groupings, Brian Clarence
In the space behind his eyes : Donald R. Stuart : a biography, Sally Clarke
Experiences of Anglo-Burmese migrants in Perth, Western Australia : a substantive theory of marginalisation, adaptation and community, Simon D. Colquhoun
Quality management in Australian higher education : A critical review, Trudi Cooper
Student beliefs about learning in religion and science in Catholic schools, Philip F. Cox
Voyage to Terra Australis, Laurel F. Davis
Square pegs, Tracey L. Defty
An investigation of the equity premium using habit utility and equity returns: Australian evidence, Lurion De Mello
Environmental correlates and associations of tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) decline, Todd A. Edwards
History of costume : the consumption, governance, potency and patronage of attire in colonial Western Australia, Damayanthie Eluwawalage
Target selection for antisense oligonucleotide induced exon skipping in the dystrophin gene, Stephen J. Errington
Implementation of arithmetic primitives using truly deep submicron technology (TDST), Sholeh Eshraghian
An exploratory examination of the relationship between substance use and suicidal ideation, David Felton
Understanding and Developing Transformational Community in Order to Prevent Alienation : a Longitudinal Study of Students Involved in a School Restructure, Stephen J. Fyson