
Submissions from 2025


Hospital volunteer programs for older people: A systematic scoping review, Rosemary Saunders, Francine Antoinette Ocampo, Renée Graham, Angela Christiansen, Michelle Gay, and Karla Seaman

Hospital volunteer programs for older people: A systematic scoping review, Rosemary Saunders, Francine Antoinette Ocampo, Renée Graham, Angela Christiansen, Michelle Gay, and Karla Seaman

Submissions from 2024


Pain is underestimated in older adults with risk of falls, Mustafa Atee


The palliative care service enhancement program: Specialised palliative care services for people with behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia in Australia, Mustafa Atee, Thomas Morris, Daniel Whiting, and Marie Alford


Insights from a national database for programs supporting neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in Australia, Mustafa Atee, Thomas Morris, Daniel Whiting, Stephen Macfarlane, and Marie Alford


Behaviours and psychological symptoms of childhood dementia: Two cases of psychosocial interventions, Mustafa Atee, Ineka Whiteman, Rebecca Lloyd, and Thomas Morris


Knowledge, attitude, and practice of care providers toward non-pharmacological intervention for managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in Australian aged care residents with dementia: A cross-sectional survey, Hunduma Dinsa Ayeno, Mustafa Atee, Gizat M. Kassie, and Tuan Anh Nguyen


PROTOCOL: Factors influencing the implementation of non-pharmacological interventions for behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential aged care homes: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis, Hunduma D. Ayeno, Gizat M. M. Kassie, Mustafa Atee, and Tuan Nguyen


Neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in those with and without a recorded history of psychological trauma: A comparative study from an Australian dementia support service, Monica Cations, Mustafa Atee, Thomas Morris, and Daniel Whiting


Perceptions of community care among nursing students: A cross-sectional study with implications to nursing workforce, Jee M. P. Chee, Khairul D. B. Rusli, Zheng Y. A. Tan, Apphia J. Q. Tan, Seng G. M. Ang, Siew T. Lau, Betsy Seah, and Sok Y. Liaw


Pain prevalence, intensity, and association with neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in immigrant and non-immigrant aged care residents in Australia, Pelden Chejor, Mustafa Atee, Patricia Cain, Daniel Whiting, Thomas Morris, and Davina Porock


Good manufacturing practice in low- and middle-income countries: Challenges and solutions for compliance, Pelden Chejor, Thinley Dorji, Ngawang Dema, and Andrew Stafford


Nurse knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to pressure injuries: A cross-sectional study in an Australian metropolitan teaching hospital, Linda Coventry, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Joelle Winderbaum, Nicole Walsh, Mark Jenkins, and Dimitri Beeckman


Factors impacting nursing assistants to accept a delegation in the acute care settings: A mixed method study, Carol Crevacore, Linda Coventry, Christine Duffield, and Elisabeth Jacob


Drawing blood from a peripheral intravenous cannula and its effect on cannula dwell time, phlebitis, and bloodstream infection: A randomised controlled study, Hugh Davies, Alycia Jacob, Lea Aboo, Linda Coventry, and Elisabeth Jacob


A systematic review of dementia research priorities, Manonita Ghosh, Pelden Chejor, Melanie Baker, and Davina Porock


Comments on Pu et al. (2024) ‘Associations between facial expressions and observational pain in residents with dementia and chronic pain’, Jeffery Hughes, Mustafa Atee, Paola Chivers, and Kreshnik Hoti


Prevalence of frailty and pain in hospitalised cancer patients: Implications for older adult care, Heather Lane, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Seng G. M. Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Max K. Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Olivia Gallagher, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Jeff Hughes, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Karla Seaman, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Treatment modalities for insomnia in adults aged 55 and older: A systematic review of literature from 2018 to 2023, Miranda V. McPhillips, Darina V. Petrovsky, Rebecca Lorenz, Jiwon Lee, Tessy George, Aisling Smyth, Omonigho Michael Bubu, and Glenna S. Brewster


Consumer experience and outcomes of insertion, removal, and management practices of short and midline peripheral intravenous catheters in acute health care: a mixed methods systematic review protocol, Michelle Nelson, Linda Coventry, and Melanie Baker


In response to "Consumer experience and outcomes related to short and midline peripheral intravenous catheters in acute health care", Michelle Nelson, Linda Coventry, and Melanie Baker


The Careful Project: Evaluating the acceptability of local virtual reality experiences as a leisure activity for residents in aged care, Davina Porock, Patricia Cain, Christopher Young, Julieanne Hilbers, Maria Bomm, Manonita Ghosh, and Mandy Stanley


Cross-sectional survey of staff and family perspectives on the use of CCTV in Australian residential aged care, Davina Porock, Caroline Vafeas, Mandy Towell-Barnard, Laura Emery, Gemma Doleman, and Janine Alan


The Australian Frailty Network: Development of a consumer-focussed national response to frailty, Natasha Reid, Adrienne Young, Loretta Baldassar, Anja Christoffersen, Tracy Comans, Simon Conroy, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Jason Ferris, Maria Fiatarone Singh, Sarah Fox, Emily H. Gordon, Manonita Ghosh, Chandana Guha, Sarah Hilmer, Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Benignus Logan, Kristiana Ludlow, Michelle Miller, Mark Morgan, Alison Mudge, John Muscedere, Donna Reidlinger, Kenneth Rockwood, Rosemary Saunders, David Ward, and Paul Yates


Vulnerable, recalcitrant and resilient: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of risk and older people within the context of COVID-19 news media, Marjorie Skoss, Rachel Batten, Patricia Cain, and Mandy Stanley

Submissions from 2023


Relationship between residential aged care facility characteristics and breaches of the Australian aged care regulatory standards: Non-compliance notices and sanctions, Janine Alan, Sean Randall, Anna Ferrante, and Davina Porock


Factors associated with family carers’ fall concern: Prospective study protocol, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Rosemary Saunders, Chiew Jiat Rosalind Siah, Charlotte Foskett, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Karen Gullick, Melissa Dunham, Nicolette Sagaram, Rhea Rodriguez Tecson, Sue Haydon, and Amanda Wilson


Physical restraint in older people: A statement from the early career network of the international psychogeriatric association, Mustafa Atee, Claire V. Burley, Victor A. Ojo, Agboola J. Adigun, Hayoung Lee, Daniel J. Hoyle, Olufisayo Elugbadebo, and Tomas Leon


Decent gig work in Sub Sahara Africa?, Desmond Tutu Ayentimi, Hossein Ali Abadi, and John Burgess


Chemical restraint as behavioural euthanasia: Case studies from the royal commission into aged care quality and safety, Patricia Cain, Pelden Chejor, and Davina Porock


Comparing clinico-demographics and neuropsychiatric symptoms for immigrant and non-immigrant aged care residents living with dementia: A retrospective cross-sectional study from an Australian dementia-specific support service, Pelden Chejor, Mustafa Atee, Patricia Cain, Daniel Whiting, Thomas Morris, and Davina Porock


Dementia care for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: Qualitative secondary analysis of the aged care Australian royal commission data, Pelden Chejor, Patricia Cain, Bridget Laging, and Davina Porock


Integrative review: Factors impacting effective delegation practices by registered nurses to assistants in nursing, Carol Crevacore, Elisabeth R. Jacob, Linda L. Coventry, and Christine Duffield


Nurses’ perceptions of using volunteer support in health care settings: A systematic scoping review, Kate Crookes, Rosemary Saunders, Vivien Kemp, Olivia Gallagher, Manonita Ghosh, Caroline Bulsara, Karen Gullick, and Bev O'Connell


Aversive reaction between disulfiram and betel quid among inpatients with alcohol use disorder in Bhutan: A preliminary study, Ugyen Dem, Zimba Letho, Chencho Dorji, Damber K. Nirola, Sonam Choki, Tashi Dorji, and Pelden Chejor


Staff perceptions of the effectiveness of managerial communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study, Gemma Doleman, Linda Coventry, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Manonita Ghosh, Lucy Gent, Rosemary Saunders, and Beverly O'Connell


Technology-guided assessment of vocalisations and their diagnostic value as pain indicators for people living with dementia, Kreshnik Hoti, Mustafa Atee, Paola Chivers, Ipsit Vahia, and Jeffrey Hughes


Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review, Kylie Mccullough, Melanie Baker, Dianne Bloxsome, Carol Crevacore, Hugh Davies, Gemma Doleman, Michelle Gray, Nilufeur Mckay, Peter Palamara, Gina Richards, Rosemary Saunders, Amanda Towell-Barnard, and Linda L. Coventry


A hybrid systematic narrative review of instruments measuring home-based care nurses' competency, Khairul D. B. Rusli, Wei L. Chua, Wei H. D. Ang, Seng G. M. Ang, Ying Lau, and Sok Y. Liaw


Frailty and pain in an acute private hospital: An observational point prevalence study, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karla Seaman, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Max K. Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Olivia Gallagher, Renée Graham, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Jeff Hughes, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Bev O’Connell, Debra Scaini, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Pilot feasibility and acceptability study evaluating use of group CBT-I in improving sleep and fatigue in older adults, Aisling Smyth, Shehnas Alam, and Sabine Pangerl


Evaluation of a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) workshop for peripheral intravenous cannulation, Ulrich Steinwandel, Linda L. Coventry, and Homa Kheirkhah


DriveSafe DriveAware: A systematic review, Erin Vito, Anna Barkla, and Linda Coventry

Submissions from 2022


The reported external traumas among people with diabetes-related foot ulcers and their outcomes: A systematic review of case reports, Ma'en Zaid Abu-Qamar, Vivien Kemp, and Lisa Whitehead


Aged care staff perceptions of an online training program for responsive behaviours of residents with dementia, Hend Almutairi, Andrew Stafford, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Leon Flicker, and Rosemary Saunders


Start healthy and stay healthy: A workplace health promotion intervention for new graduate nurses: A mixed-methods study, Elizabeth Brogan, Chris Rossiter, Judith Fethney, Christine Duffield, and Elizabeth Denney-Wilson


Emergency department transfers from residential aged care: What can we learn from secondary qualitative analysis of Australian Royal Commission data?, Patricia Cain, Janine Alan, and Davina Porock


Experiences of older immigrants living with dementia and their carers: A systematic review and meta-synthesis, Pelden Chejor, Bridget Laging, Lisa Whitehead, and Davina Porock


Role of hospital drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic in National Referral Hospital, Bhutan, Pelden Chejor and Zimba Letho


The development of the Western Australian Haemodialysis Vascular Access Complexity Instrument, Linda L. Coventry, Jon Hosking, Evelyn Coral, Mark Jenkins, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, Doris Chan, Wai Lim, Diane E. Twigg, and Claire M. Rickard


Perspectives on wider integration of the health-assistive smart home, Gordana Dermody, Jenna Mikus, Davina Porock, Dov Sugarman, Naeem K. Janjua, Christopher How, and Roschelle Fritz


A retrospective cohort study of factors associated with severity of falls in hospital patients, Manonita Ghosh, Beverly O’Connell, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Sue Kitchen, and Linda Coventry


Systematic review of perception of barriers and facilitators to chronic disease self-management among older adults: Implications for evidence-based practice, Thi Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Lisa Whitehead, Rosemary Saunders, and Gordana Dermody


Today’s aged care falls well short of how we’d like to be treated – but there is another way, Davina Porock, Jennifer Grieve, and Peldon Chejor


Nurses leading volunteer support for older adults in hospital: A discussion paper, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karen Gullick, Olivia Gallagher, Karla Seaman, Debra Scaini, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Jeff Hughes, Beverly O'Connell, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Effectiveness of nurse-led volunteer support and technology-driven pain assessment in improving the outcomes of hospitalised older adults: Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karla Seaman, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Max K. Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Olivia Gallagher, Renee M. Graham, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Jeff Hughes, Mustafa Atee, Kim Huong Nguyen, Bev O'Connell, Debra Scaini, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


My hip journey: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences of an eHealth program for patient preparation and recovery from hip replacement surgery, Rosemary Saunders, Karla Seaman, Laura Emery, Debra Crompton, Chantelle Lynch, Dorji Penjor, and Sonali Sagar


Regulatory flexibilities and access to COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic in Bhutan, Dawa Tshering and Pelden Chejor


Light acupuncture and five-element music therapy for nurses' mental health and well-being during and post-COVID-19: protocol for a randomised cross-over feasibility study, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Johnny Lo, Rosemary Saunders, Esther Adama, Caroline Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Angela Wei Hong Yang


Medication use to manage comorbidities in people with dementia: A systematic review, Kate Wang, Janine Alan, Amy Page, Mia Percival, and Christopher Etherton-Beer

Submissions from 2021


A delirium prevalence audit and a pre and post evaluation of an interprofessional education intervention to increase staff knowledge about delirium in older adults, Bev Ewens, Karla Seaman, Lisa Whitehead, Mandy Towell-Barnard, and Michelle Young


Revealing meaning from story: The application of narrative inquiry to explore the factors that influence decision making in relation to the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in the intensive care unit, Fiona Foxall; Deborah Sundin; Amanda Towell-Barnard PhD, MNursing; Beverly Ewens; Vivien Kemp; and Davina Porock


Perceptions of knowledge, attitude and skills about non‐suicidal self‐injury: A survey of emergency and mental health nurses, Irene Ngune, Penelope Hasking, Shirley McGough, Dianne Wynaden, Carrie Janerka, and Clare Rees


Occupational and Leisure-Time Physical Activity Have Different Relationships With Health: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Working Nurses, Helen M. Parker, Robyn Gallagher, Christine Duffield, Ding Ding, David Sibbritt, and Lin Perry


We all hope for a ‘good death’. But many aged-care residents are denied proper end-of-life care, Davina Porock


Prevalence of frailty and pain in hospitalised adult patients in an acute hospital: A protocol for a point prevalence observational study, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Mustafa Atee, Caroline Bulsara, Max K. Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Beverley Ewens, Olivia Gallagher, Renee M. Graham, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Kim-Huong Nguyen, Bev O'Connell, Karla Seaman, and Jeff Hughes


Improving the safety and quality of end-of-life in an Australian private hospital setting: An audit of documented end-of-life care, Rosemary Saunders, Karla Seaman, Courtney Glass, Karen Gullick, Julie Andrew, and Ashwini Davray


Study protocol for a prospective process evaluation of a culturally secure rehabilitation programme for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: the Healing Right Way project, Rachel Skoss, Jane White, Mandy J. Stanley, Melanie Robinson, Sandra Thompson, Elizabeth Armstrong, and Judith M. Katzenellenbogen


Anticholinergics and clinical outcomes amongst people with pre-existing dementia: A systematic review, Kate Wang, Janine Alan, Amy T. Page, Evelyn Dimopoulos, and Christopher Etherton-Beer

Submissions from 2020


Biopsychosocial risk factors and knowledge of cervical cancer among young women: A case study from Kenya to inform HPV prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa, Irene Ngune, Fatch Kalembo, Barbara Loessl, and Lucy W. Kivuti-Bitok

Submissions from 2019


Population data centre profile - The Western Australian data linkage branch, Steve Hodges, Tom Eitelhuber, Alexandra Merchant, and Janine Alan