Submissions from 2001
Core curriculum in security science, Clifton Smith and L Hess
An intelligent imaging approach to the identification of forensic ballistics specimens, Clifton L. Smith
Encouraging students to interact with angular quantities, Geoffrey Swan
Knowledge-based genetic algorithm for layer assignment, Maolin Tang, Kamran Eshraghian, and Daryoush Habibi
Conditional simulation of two-dimensional random fields using daubechies wavelets, Tuyet Tran, Ute Mueller, and Lynette Bloom
Theses from 2000
Development of self-adaptive back propagation and derivative free training algorithms in artificial neural networks, Shamsuddin Ahmed
Analogue-to-digital conversion and image enhancement using neuron-mos technology, Joseph W. Austin-Crowe
Intelligent approaches to VLSI routing, Maolin Tang
Theses from 1998
A comparison of advanced time series models for environmental dependent stock recruitment of the western rock lobster, Saarah A. Farag
Automatic Car Registration Plate Recognition Using the Hough Transform, Shokri Gendy
Designing a higher layer protocol for small distributed microcontroller systems using the control area network protocol, Long G. Nguyen
Digital Receivers, George Rofa
Networking 8-bit embedded controllers, using the controller area network method, Brett Wilkinson
Data logging multiple aviation sensors using a Motorala [sic] HC11 microcontroller, Andrew James Wooding
Theses from 1997
Randomised shuffle and applied misinformation: An enhanced model for contact-based smart-card serial data transfer, Michael Collins
Theses from 1996
An adaptive fuzzy logic controller for intelligent networking and control, Irshad Nainar
Theses from 1995
Robust decentralised variable structure control for rigid robotic manipulators, Thasapalan Kuhan
A proposal for a development platform for microcontroller-based devices, Michael L. Wetton