Submissions from 2019
Australian prison vocational education and training and returns to custody among male and female ex-prisoners: A cross-jurisdictional study, Jesse Cale, Andrew Day, Sharon Casey, David Bright, Jo Wodak, Margaret Giles, and Eileen Baldry
Comparative physiology investigations support a role for histidine-containing dipeptides in intracellular acid-base regulation of skeletal muscle, Eimear Dolan, Bryan Saunders, Roger Charles Harris, Jose Eduardo Pereira Wilken Bicudo, David John Bishop, Craig Sale, and Bruno Gualano
Interfacial-engineered cobalt@carbon hybrids for synergistically boosted evolution of sulfate radicals toward green oxidation, Xiaoguang Duan, Jian Kang, Wenjie Tian, Huayang Zhang, Shih-Hsin Ho, Yi-An Zhu, Zhimin Ao, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang
Origins of boron catalysis in peroxymonosulfate activation and advanced oxidation, Xiaoguang Duan, Wenlang Li, Zhimin Ao, Jian Kang, Wenjie Tian, Huayang Zhang, Shih-Hsin Ho, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang
sp2/sp3 framework from diamond nanocrystals: A key bridge of carbonaceous structure to carbocatalysis, Xiaoguang Duan, Wenjie Tian, Huayang Zhang, Hongqi Sun, Zhimin Ao, Zongping Shao, and Shaobin Wang
Uncovering the disconnect between nursing workforce policy intentions, implementation, and outcomes: Lessons learned from the addition of a nursing assistant role, Christine Duffield, Di Twigg, Michael Roche, Anne Williams, and Sarah Wise
Models of risky choice: A state-trace and signed difference analysis, John C. Dunn and Li-Lin Rao
MAC protocol for indoor optical wireless networks, Sampath Edirisinghe, Christina Lim, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Elaine Wong, Chathurika Ranaweera, Ke Wang, and Kamal Alameh
Nano-magnetite decorated carbon fibre for enhanced interfacial shear strength, Seyed Mousa Fakhrhoseini, Quanxiang Li, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, and Minoo Naebe
End-user experiences with two incident and injury reporting systems designed for led outdoor activities - challenges for implementation of future data systems, Caroline F. Finch, Natassia Goode, Louise Shaw, and Paul M. Salmon
A physiological drop in pH decreases mitochondrial respiration, and HDAC and Akt signaling, in L6 myocytes, Amanda J. Genders, Sheree D. Martin, Sean L. McGee, and David J. Bishop
Fingerprinting blue carbon: Rationale and tools to determine the source of organic carbon in marine depositional environments, Nathan R. Geraldi, Alejandra Ortega, Oscar Serrano, Peter I. Macreadie, Catherine E. Lovelock, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Hilary Kennedy, Paul S. Lavery, Michael L. Pace, Joeri Kaal, and Carlos M. Duarte
Translating systems thinking into practice: A guide to developing incident reporting systems, Natassia Goode, Paul M. Salmon, Michael G. Lenné, and Caroline F. Finch
Parents' failure to plan for their children's digital futures, Lelia Green, Leslie Haddon, Sonia Livingstone, Donell J. Holloway, Kelly Jaunzems, Kylie J. Stevenson, and Brian O'Neill
Introduction: Problematising the treatment of children’s data, Lelia Green and Donell Holloway
Digitising early childhood, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, and Kelly Jaunzems
Abnormal corrosion behavior of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg alloy induced by heat treatment at 300 °C, Xinhui Gu, Junxi Zhang, Xiaolei Fan, Nianwei Dai, Yi Xiao, and Laichang Zhang
Non-ionic copolymer microgels as high-performance draw materials for forward osmosis desalination, Yusak Hartanto, Masoumeh Zargar, Xiaolin Cui, Bo Jin, and Sheng Dai
Safety aspects of riding with children: Descriptive analysis of adult riders’ self-report, J. Hatfield, R. G. Poulos, S. M. Murphy, L. K. Flack, C. Rissel, R. Grzebieta, and Andrew S. McIntosh
Historical records of mercury deposition in dated sediment cores reveal the impacts of the legacy and present-day human activities in Todos os Santos Bay, Northeast Brazil, V. Hatje, R. L. B. Andrade, R. M. Jesus, Pere Masque´, A. C. R. Albergaria-Barbosa, J. B. de Andrade, and A. C. S. S. Santos
Male semelparity and multiple paternity confirmed in an arid‐zone dasyurid, G. L. T. Hayes, L. W. Simmons, R. J. Dugand, Harriet R. Mills, J. D. Roberts, J. L. Tomkins, and D. O. Fisher
Surveillance capitalism and children’s data: The Internet of toys and things for children, Donell Holloway
Dysfunctional devices in the classroom meet the habitus of the new, Nicola F. Johnson
Millennial-scale changes in the molecular composition of Posidonia australis seagrass deposits: Implications for Blue Carbon sequestration, Joeri Kaal, Oscar Serrano, Antonio Martínez Cortizas, Jeffrey A. Baldock, and Paul S. Lavery
Magnetic Ni-Co alloy encapsulated N-doped carbon nanotubes for catalytic membrane degradation of emerging contaminants, Jian Kang, Huayang Zhang, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Xiaoyao Tan, Shaomin Liu, and Shaobin Wang
Nickel in hierarchically structured nitrogen-doped graphene for robust and promoted degradation of antibiotics, Jian Kang, Huayang Zhang, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Xiaoyao Tan, and Shaobin Wang
Degradation of cosmetic microplastics via functionalized carbon nanosprings, Jian Kang, Li Zhou, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Zhimin Ao, and Shaobin Wang
A systematic review of how multiple stressors from an extreme event drove ecosystem-wide loss of resilience in an iconic seagrass community, Gary A. Kendrick, Robert J. Nowicki, Ylva S. Olsen, Simone Strydom, Matthew W. Fraser, Elizabeth A. Sinclair, John Statton, Renae K. Hovey, Jordan A. Thomson, Derek A. Burkholder, Kathryn M. McMahon, Kieryn Kilminster, Yasha Hetzel, James W. Fourqurean, Michael R. Heithaus, and Robert J. Orth
Seagrass sedimentary deposits as security vaults and time capsules of the human past, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Oscar Serrano, Eugenia T. Apostolaki, David J. Gregory, and Carlos M. Duarte
Seagrass soil archives reveal centennial-scale metal smelter contamination while acting as natural filters, Anna Lafratta, O Serrano, Pere Masque, Miguel Mateo, Milena Fernandes, Sam Gaylard, and Paul Lavery
How calorie-rich food could help marine calcifiers in a CO2-rich future, Jonathan Y. S. Leung, Zoë A. Doubleday, Ivan Nagelkerken, Yujie Chen, Zonghan Xie, and Sean D. Connell
Remediation of industrial contaminated water with arsenic and nitrate by mass-produced Fe-based metallic glass: Toward potential industrial applications, Shun-Xing Liang, Wenchang Zhang, Lina Zhang, Weimin Wang, and Lai-Chang Zhang
Hypergraph optimization for multi-structural geometric model fitting, Shuyuan Lin, Guobao Xiao, Yan Yan, David Suter, and Hanzi Wang
Cobalt@nitrogen-doped bamboo-structured carbon nanotube to boost photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on carbon nitride, Qiuxia Liu, Chunmei Zeng, Zhihui Xie, Lunhong Ai, Yaoyao Liu, Qin Zhou, Jing Jiang, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang
Graphitic carbon nitride decorated with CoP nanocrystals for enhanced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical H2 evolution, Yazi Liu, Jinqiang Zhang, Xiaojie Li, Zhengxin Yao, Li Zhou, and Hongqi Sun
The future of blue carbon science, Peter Macreadie, Andrea Anton, John A. Raven, Nicola Beaumont, Rod M. Connolly, Daniel A. Friess, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Hilary Kennedy, Tomohiro Kuwae, Paul Lavery, Catherine E. Lovelock, Dan A. Smale, Eugenia T. Apostolaki, Trishia B. Atwood, Jeff Baldock, Thomas S. Bianchi, Gail L. Chmura, Bradley D. Eyre, James W. Fourqurean, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Mark Huxham, Iris E. Hendriks, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Dan Laffoley, Tiziana Luisetti, Nuria Marba, Pere Masque´, Karen J. McGlathery, J. Patrick Megonigal, Daniel Murdiyaso, Bayden D. Russell, Rui Santos, Oscar Serrano, Brian R. Silliman, Kenta Watanabe, and Carlos M. Duarte
Toward collaborative open data science in metabolomics using Jupyter Notebooks and cloud computing, Kevin M. Mendez, Leighton Pritchard, Stacey N. Reinke, and David I. Broadhurst
A comparative evaluation of the generalised predictive ability of eight machine learning algorithms across ten clinical metabolomics data sets for binary classification, Kevin M. Mendez, Stacey N. Reinke, and David I. Broadhurst
Sea ice meltwater and circumpolar deep water drive contrasting productivity in three Antarctic polynyas, S. Moreau, D. Lannuzel, J. Janssens, M. C. Arroyo, M. Corkill, E. Cougnon, C. Genovese, B. Legresy, A. Lenton, Viena Puigcorbe, L. Ratnarajah, S. Rintoul, M. Roca‐Martí, M. Rosenberg, E. H. Shadwick, A. Silvano, P. G. Strutton, and B. Tilbrook
Formation of skin-core in carbon fibre processing: A defect or an effect?, S. Nunna, M. Setty, and M. Naebe
Organic matter contents and degradation in a highly trawled area during fresh particle inputs (Gulf of Castellammare, southwestern Mediterranean), Sarah Paradis, Antonio Pusceddu, Pere Masqué, Pere Puig, Davide Moccia, Tommaso Russo, and Claudio Lo Iacono
Sandwich-structured, damage-resistant TiN/graded TiSiN/TiSiN film, Shuang Peng, Jiang Xu, Paul Munroe, and Zonghan Xie
Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of perpetration in a community sample of Australian residents, Anastasia Powell, Nicola Henry, Asher Flynn, and Adrian J. Scott
Exploring factors associated with physical activity in older adults: An ecological approach, Rajni Rai, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew
Role of carbonate burial in blue carbon budgets, V. Saderne, N.R. Geraldi, P.I. Macreadie, D.T. Maher, J.J. Middelburg, O. Serrano, H. Almahasheer, A. Arias-Ortiz, M. Cusack, B.D. Eyre, J.W. Fourqurean, H. Kennedy, D. Krause-Jensen, T. Kuwae, P.S. Lavery, C.E. Lovelock, N. Marba, P. Masqué, M.A. Mateo, I. Mazarrasa, K.J. McGlathery, M.P.J. Oreska, C.J. Sanders, and I.R. Santos
Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigation [dataset], Oscar Serrano, Catherine E. Lovelock, Trisha B. Atwood, Peter I. Macreadie, Robert Canto, Stuart Phinn, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Le Bai, Jeff Baldock, Camila Bedulli, Paul Carnell, Rod Connolly, Paul Donaldson, Alba Esteban, Carolyn J. Ewers Lewis, Brad Eyre, Matthew A. Hayes, Pierre Horwitz, Lindsay B. Hutley, Christopher R.J Kavazos, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Gary A. Kendrick, Kieryn Kilminster, Anna Lafratta, Shing Yip Lee, Paul Lavery, Damien T. Maher, Núria Marbà, Pere Masque´, Miguel A. Mateo, Richard Mount, Peter Ralph, Chris Roelfsema, Mohammad Rozaimi, Radiyah Ruhon, Cristian Salinas, Jimena Samper-Vilarreal, Jonathan Sanderman, Christian Sanders, Isaac Santos, Chris Sharples, Andy Steven, Toni Cannard, Stacey Trevanthan-Tackett, and Carlos M. Duarte
Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigation, Oscar Serrano, Catherine E. Lovelock, Trisha B. Atwood, Peter I. Macreadie, Robert Canto, Stuart Phinn, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Le Bai, Jeff Baldock, Camila Bedulli, Paul Carnell, Rod M. Connolly, Paul Donaldson, Alba Esteban, Carolyn J. Ewers Lewis, Bradley D. Eyre, Matthew A. Hayes, Pierre Horwitz, Lindsay B. Hutley, Christopher R. J. Kavazos, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Gary A. Kendrick, Kieryn Kilminster, Anna Lafratta, Shing Lee, Paul S. Lavery, Damien T. Maher, Núria Marbà, Pere Masque, Miguel A. Mateo, Richard Mount, Peter J. Ralph, Chris Roelfsema, Mohammad Rozaimi, Radhiyah Ruhon, Cristian Salinas, Jimena Samper-Villarreal, Jonathan Sanderman, Christian J. Sanders, Isaac Santos, Chris Sharples, Andrew D. L. Steven, Toni Cannard, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, and Carlos M. Duarte
Effect of Ni content on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of CrAlNiN coatings deposited by closed field unbalanced magnetron sputtering, Chuhan Sha, Paul Munroe, Zhifeng Zhou, and Zonghan Xie
FeMnNiCoCr-based high entropy alloy coatings: Effect of nitrogen additions on microstructural development, mechanical properties and tribological performance, Chuhan Sha, Zhifeng Zhou, Zonghan Xie, and Paul Munroe
Scratch response and tribological behaviour of CrAlNiN coatings deposited by closed field unbalanced magnetron sputtering system, Chuhan Sha, Zhifeng Zhou, Zonghan Xie, and Paul Munroe
Sustainable carbon microtube derived from cotton waste for environmental applications, Kamyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Bożena Czech, Agnieszka Wiącek, Wiesława Ćwikła-Bundyra, and Minoo Naebe
The light enhanced removal of Bisphenol A from wastewater using cotton waste derived carbon microtubes, Kamyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Bożena Czech, Grzegorz Wójcik, and Minoo Naebe
Performance analysis of repetition-coding and space-time-block-coding as transmitter diversity schemes for indoor optical wireless communications, Tingting Song, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, Ka-Lun Lee, Yang Hong, Kamal Alameh, and Ke Wang
Delay-tolerant repetition-coding for optical wireless communications, Tingting Song, Ke Wang, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, and Kamal Alameh
Like Mother? Like Daughter? Unboxing an Etsy Childhood: At home with digital media, Kylie Stevenson, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, and Kelly Jaunzems
Accounting for siblings in family-based research, Kylie Stevenson, Kelly Jaunzems, Lelia Green, and Donell Holloway
Resistance, extinction, and everything in between – The diverse responses of seaweeds to marine heatwaves, Sandra C. Straub, Thomas Wernberg, Mads S. Thomsen, Pippa J. Moore, Michael T. Burrows, Ben P. Harvey, and Dan A. Smale
A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome research, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Craig D. H. Sherman, Megan J. Huggett, Alexandra H. Campbell, Bonnie Laverock, Valentina Hurtado-McCormick, Justin R. Seymour, Alana Firl, Lauren F. Messer, Tracey D. Ainsworth, Karita L. Negandhi, Daniele Daffonchio, Suhelen Egan, Aschwin H. Engelen, Marco Fusi, Torsten Thomas, Laura Vann, Alejandra Hernandez-Agreda, Han Ming Gan, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli, Peter D. Steinberg, Leo Hardtke, and Peter I. Macreadie
Development of heavyweight self-compacting concrete and ambient-cured heavyweight geopolymer concrete using magnetite aggregates, Afsaneh Valizadeh, Farhad Aslani, Zohaib Asif, and Matt Roso
Altering brain dynamics with transcranial random noise stimulation, Onno van der Groen, Jason B. Mattingley, and Nicole Wenderoth
Initial field testing results from building-integrated solar energy harvesting windows installation in Perth, Australia, Mikhail Vasiliev, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Kamal Alameh
Recent developments in solar energy-harvesting technologies for building integration and distributed energy generation, Mikhail Vasiliev, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Kamal Alameh
Nanostructured molybdenum nitride-based coatings: Effect of nitrogen concentration on microstructure and mechanical properties, Jian Wang, Paul Munroe, Zhifeng Zhou, and Zonghan Xie
High-speed reconfigurable free-space optical interconnects with carrierless-amplitude-phase modulation and space-time-block code, Ke Wang, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, Kamal Alameh, Sithamparanathan Kandeepan, and Efstratios Skafidas
Experimental demonstration of indoor infrared optical wireless communications with a silicon photonic integrated circuit, Ke Wang, Zeshi Yuan, Elaine Wong, Kamal Alameh, Hongtao Li, Kandeepan Sithamparanathan, and Efstratios Skafidas
Phosphorous doped carbon nitride nanobelts for photodegradation of emerging contaminants and hydrogen evolution, Shuaijun Wang, Fengting He, Xiaoli Zhao, Jinqiang Zhang, Zhimin Ao, Hong Wu, Yu Yin, Lei Shi, Xinyuan Xu, Chaocheng Zhao, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun
Ultrathin nickel-cobalt inorganic-organic hydroxide hybrid nanobelts as highly efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction, Ying Wang, Lan Huang, Lunhong Ai, Mei Wang, Zehui Fan, Jing Jiang, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang
A multi-center comparison of VO2 peak trainability between interval training and moderate intensity continuous training, Camilla J. Williams, Brendon J. Gurd, Jacob T. Bonafiglia, Sarah Voisin, Zhixiu Li, Nicholas Harvey, Ilaria Croci, Jenna L. Taylor, Trishan Gajanand, Joyce S. Ramos, Robert G. Fassett, Jonathan P. Little, Monique E. Francois, Christopher M. Hearon, Satyam Sarma, Sylvan L. J. E. Janssen, Emeline M. Van Craenenbroeck, Paul Beckers, Véronique A. Cornelissen, Nele Pattyn, Erin J. Howden, Shelley E. Keating, Anja Bye, Dorthe Stensvold, Ulrik Wisloff, Ioannis Papadimitriou, Xu Yan, David J. Bishop, Nir Eynon, and Jeff S. Coombes
Effect of Si and C additions on the reaction mechanism and mechanical properties of FeCrNiCu high entropy alloy, Hao Wu, Sirui Huang, Huan Qiu, Heguo Zhu, and Zonghan Xie
Erosion–corrosion resistance of a β-Ta2O5 nanocrystalline coating in two-phase fluid impingement environments, Jiang Xu, Shuang Peng, Shuyun Jiang, Paul Munroe, and Zong-Han Xie
Photocatalytic reforming of biomass for hydrogen production over ZnS nanoparticles modified carbon nitride nanosheets, Xinyuan Xu, Jinqiang Zhang, Shuaijun Wang, Zhengxin Yao, Hong Wu, Lei Shi, Yu Yin, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun
New insight to the role of edges and heteroatoms in nanocarbons for oxygen reduction reaction, Qi Yang, Zhichang Xiao, Debin Kong, Taolin Zhang, Xiaoguang Duan, Shanke Zhou, Yue Niu, Yudi Shen, Hongqi Sun, Wang Shaobin, and Zhi Linjie
Low-cost carbon fibre derived from sustainable coal tar pitch and polyacrylonitrile: Fabrication and characterisation, Omid Zabihi, Sajjad Shafei, Seyed Mousa Fakhrhoseini, Mojtaba Ahmadi, Hossein Ajdari Nazarloo, Rohan Stanger, Quang Anh Tran, John Lucas, Terry Wall, and Minoo Naebe
Oil-based binding resins: Peculiar water-in-oil emulsion breakers, Masoumeh Zargar, Einar O. Fridjonsson, Brendan F. Graham, Eric F. May, and Michael L. Johns
Facile synthesis of Co-N-rGO composites as an excellent electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, Lin-Feng Zhai, Shi-Yu Kong, Huayang Zhang, Wenjie Tian, Min Sun, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang
A review on biomedical titanium alloys: Recent progress and prospect, Lai-Chang Zhang and Liang‐Yu Chen
A review of catalytic performance of metallic glasses in wastewater treatment: Recent progress and prospects, Laichang Zhang, Zhe Jia, Fucong Lyu, Shunxing Liang, and Jian Lu
Zn phthalocyanine/carbon nitride heterojunction for visible light photoelectrocatalytic conversion of CO 2 to methanol, Jingui Zheng, Xiaojie Li, Yuhu Qin, Shuqin Zhang, Mingsheng Sun, Xiaoguang Duan, and Hongqi Sun
Submissions from 2018
Remobilization of heavy metals by mangrove leaves, Hanan Almahasheer, Oscar Serrano, Carlos M. Duarte, and Xabier Irigoien
Reviews and syntheses: 210Pb-derived sediment and carbon accumulation rates in vegetated coastal ecosystems – setting the record straight, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masque´, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Oscar Serrano, Ines Mazarrasa, Nuria Marba, Catherine E. Lovelock, Paul S. Lavery, and Carlos M. Duarte
A marine heatwave drives massive losses from the world’s largest seagrass carbon stocks, A. Arias-Ortiz, Oscar Serrano, Pere Masque´, Paul S. Lavery, Ute Mueller, G. A. Kendrick, Mohammad Rozaimi, Alba Esteban, J. W. Fourqurean, N. Marba, Miguel-Angel Mateo, K. Murray, M. J. Rule, and C. M. Duarte
Carbon stocks, sequestration, and emissions of wetlands in south eastern Australia, Paul Carnell, Saras Windecker, Madeline Brenker, Jeff Baldock, Pere Masque´, Kate Brunt, and Peter Macreadie
Organic carbon sequestration and storage in vegetated coastal habitats along the western coast of the Arabian Gulf, M Cusack, V Saderne, A Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masque, P K. Krishnakumar, L Rabaoui, M A. Qusem, P Prihartato, R A. Loughland, A A. Elyas, and C M. Duarte
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene, Maria Dornelas, Laura H. Antão, Faye Moyes, Amanda E. Bates, Anne E. Magurran, Dušan Adam, Asem A. Akhmetzhanova, Ward Appeltans, José Manuel Arcos, Haley Arnold, Narayanan Ayyappan, Gal Badihi, Andrew H. Baird, Miguel Barbosa, Tiago Egydio Barreto, Claus Bässler, Alecia Bellgrove, Jonathan Belmaker, Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi, Brian J. Bett, Anne D. Bjorkman, Magdalena Błażewicz, Shane A. Blowes, Christopher P. Bloch, Timothy C. Bonebrake, Susan Boyd, Matt Bradford, Andrew J. Brooks, James H. Brown, Helge Bruelheide, Phaedra Budy, Fernando Carvalho, Edward Castañeda-Moya, Chaolun Allen Chen, John F. Chamblee, Tory J. Chase, Laura Siegwart Collier, Sharon K. Collinge, Richard Condit, Elisabeth J. Cooper, J Hans C. Cornelissen, Unai Cotano, Shannan Kyle Crow, Gabriella Damasceno, Claire H. Davies, Robert A. Davis, Frank P. Day, Steven Degraer, Tim S. Doherty, Timothy E. Dunn, Giselda Durigan, J. Emmett Duffy, Dor Edelist, Graham J. Edgar, Robin Elahi, Sarah C. Elmendorf, Anders Enemar, S. K. Morgan Ernest, Rubén Escribano, Marc Estiarte, Brian S. Evans, Tung-Yung Fan, Fabiano Turini Farah, Luiz Loureiro Fernandes, Fábio Z. Farneda, Alessandra Fidelis, Robert Fitt, Anna Maria Fosaa, Geraldo Antonio Daher Correa Franco, Grace E. Frank, William R. Fraser, Hernando García, Roberto Cazzolla Gatti, Or Givan, Elizabeth Gorgone-Barbosa, William A. Gould, Corinna Gries, Gary D. Grossman, Julio R. Gutierréz, Stephen Hale, Mark E. Harmon, John Harte, Gary Haskins, Donald L. Henshaw, Luise Hermanutz, Pamela Hidalgo, Pedro Higuchi, Andrew Hoey, Gert Van Hoey, Annika Hofgaard, Kristen Holeck, Robert D. Hollister, Richard Holmes, Mia Hoogenboom, Chih-Hao Hsieh, Stephen P. Hubbell, Falk Huettmann, Christine L. Huffard, Allen H. Hurlbert, Natália Macedo Ivanauskas, David Janík, Ute Jandt, Anna Jażdżewska, Tore Johannessen, Jill Johnstone, Julia Jones, Faith A. M. Jones, Jungwon Kang, Tasrif Kartawijaya, Erin C. Keeley, Douglas A. Kelt, Rebecca Kinnear, Kari Klanderud, Halvor Knutsen, Christopher C. Koenig, Alessandra R. Kortz, Kamil Král, Linda A. Kuhnz, Chao-Yang Kuo, David J. Kushner, Claire Laguionie-Marchais, Lesley T. Lancaster, Cheol Min Lee, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Esther Lévesque, David Lightfoot, Francisco Lloret, John D. Lloyd, Adrià López-Baucells, Maite Louzao, Joshua S. Madin, Borgþór Magnússon, Shahar Malamud, Iain Matthews, Kent P. McFarland, Brian McGill, Diane McKnight, William O. McLarney, Jason Meador, Peter L. Meserve, Daniel J. Metcalfe, Christoph F. J. Meyer, Anders Michelsen, Nataliya Milchakova, Tom Moens, Even Moland, Jon Moore, Carolina Mathias Moreira, Jörg Müller, Grace Murphy, Isla H. Myers-Smith, Randall W. Myster, Andrew Naumov, Francis Neat, James A. Nelson, Michael Paul Nelson, Stephen F. Newton, Natalia Norden, Jeffrey C. Oliver, Esben M. Olsen, Vladimir G. Onipchenko, Krzysztof Pabis, Robert J. Pabst, Alain Paquette, Sinta Pardede, David M. Paterson, Raphaël Pélissier, Josep Peñuelas, Alejandro Pérez-Matus, Oscar Pizarro, Francesco Pomati, Eric Post, Herbert H. T. Prins, John C. Priscu, Pieter Provoost, Kathleen L. Prudic, Erkki Pulliainen, B. R. Ramesh, Olivia Mendivil Ramos, Andrew Rassweiler, Jose Eduardo Rebelo, Daniel C. Reed, Peter B. Reich, Suzanne M. Remillard, Anthony J. Richardson, J. Paul Richardson, Itai van Rijn, Ricardo Rocha, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy, Christian Rixen, Kevin P. Robinson, Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Denise de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres, Lars Rudstam, Henry Ruhl, Catalina S. Ruz, Erica M. Sampaio, Nancy Rybicki, Andrew Rypel, Sofia Sal, Beatriz Salgado, Flavio A. M. Santos, Ana Paula Savassi-Coutinho, Sara Scanga, Jochen Schmidt, Robert Schooley, Fakhrizal Setiawan, Kwang-Tsao Shao, Gaius R. Shaver, Sally Sherman, Thomas W. Sherry, Jacek Siciński, Caya Sievers, Ana Carolina da Silva, Fernando Rodrigues da Silva, Fabio L. Silveira, Jasper Slingsby, Tracey Smart, Sara J. Snell, Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia, Gabriel B. G. Souza, Flaviana Maluf Souza, Vinícius Castro Souza, Christopher D. Stallings, Rowan Stanforth, Emily H. Stanley, José Mauro Sterza, Maarten Stevens, Rick Stuart-Smith, Yzel Rondon Suarez, Sarah Supp, Jorge Yoshio Tamashiro, Sukmaraharja Tarigan, Gary P. Thiede, Simon Thorn, Anne Tolvanen, Maria Teresa Zugliani Toniato, Ørjan Totland, Robert R. Twilley, Gediminas Vaitkus, Nelson Valdivia, Martha Isabel Vallejo, Thomas J. Valone, Carl Van Colen, Jan Vanaverbeke, Fabio Venturoli, Hans M. Verheye, Marcelo Vianna, Rui P. Vieira, Tomáš Vrška, Con Quang Vu, Lien Van Vu, Robert B. Waide, Conor Waldock, Dave Watts, Sara Webb, Tomasz Wesołowski, Ethan P. White, Claire E. Widdicombe, Dustin Wilgers, Richard Williams, Stefan B. Williams, Mark Williamson, Michael R. Willig, Trevor J. Willis, Sonja Wipf, Kerry D. Woods, Eric J. Woehler, Kyle Zawada, and Michael L. Zettler
Dynamic tuning of contention window for optical wireless networks, Sampath Edirisinghe, Christina Lim, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Elaine Wong, Ke Wang, and Kamal Alameh
Radically different lignin composition in Posidonia species may link to differences in organic carbon sequestration capacity, Joeri Kaal, Oscar Serrano, José C.del Río, and Jorge Rencoret
Sequestration of macroalgal carbon: the elephant in the blue carbon room, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Paul Lavery, Oscar Serrano, Nu´ria Marba, Pere Masque´, and Carlos M. Duarte
Non-smooth M-estimator for maximum consensus estimation, Huu Le, Anders Eriksson, Michael Milford, Thanh-Toan Do, Tat-Jun Chin, and David Suter
Millennial-scale trends and controls in Posidonia oceanica (L. Delile) ecosystem productivity, Carman Leiva-Dueñas, Lourdes López-Merino, Oscar Serrano, Antonio Martínez Cortizas, and Miguel-Angel Mateo
Behaviour and design of spiral-welded stainless steel tubes subjected to axial compression, Dongxu Li, Brian Uy, Farhad Aslani, and Chao Hou
Comment on 'Geoengineering with seagrasses: Is credit due where credit is given?', Peter I. Macreadie, Carolyn J. Ewers-Lewis, Ashley A. Whitt, Quinn Ollivier, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Paul Carnell, and Oscar Serrano
Habitat characteristics provide insights of carbon storage in seagrass meadows, Inés Mazarrasa, Jimena Samper-Villarreal, Oscar Serrano, Paul S. Lavery, Catherine E. Lovelock, Núrià N. Marbà, Carlos M. Duarte, and Jorge A. Cortés
High-speed optical wireless communications for local area networks, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Tian Liang, Sampath Edirisinghe, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, Ke Wang, and Kamal Alameh
Accumulation of carbonates contributes to coastal vegetated ecosystems keeping pace with sea level rise in an arid region (Arabian Peninsula), Vincent Saderne, Michael Cusack, Hanan Almahasheer, Oscar Serrano, Pere Masque´, Ariane Arias‐Ortiz, Periyadan Kadinjappalli Krishnakumar, Lotfi Rabaoui, Mohammad Ali Qurban, and Carlos Manuel Duarte
Carbon stocks and accumulation rates in Red Sea seagrass meadows, Oscar Serrano, Hanan Almahasheer, Carlos M Duarte, and Xabier Irigoien
The ethical use of crowdsourcing, Susan Standing and Craig Standing
Spectrally-selective energy-harvesting solar windows for public infrastructure applications, Mikhail Vasiliev, Kamal Alameh, and Mohammad Alam
Semi-transparent energy-harvesting solar concentrator windows employing infrared transmission-enhanced glass and large-area microstructured diffractive elements, Mikhail Vasiliev, Kamal Alameh, Mohsin Badshah, Seok-Min Kim, and Mohammad Alam
Moment-rotation relationship of hollow-section beam-to-column steel joints with extended end-plates, Jia Wang, Haiming Zhu, Brian Uy, Vipulkumar Patel, Farhad Aslani, and Dongxu Li
80 Gb/s free-space reconfigurable optical interconnects with carrierless-amplitude-phase modulation and space-time block code, Ke Wang, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, Kamal Alameh, Hongtao Li, and Efstratios Skafidas