
Submissions from 2014


Publishing an archive: A meta-narrative of (be)longing, Lelia Green, Tos Mahoney, Catherine Hope, and Lisa MacKinney


Bastard immigrants: Asylum seekers who arrive by boat and the illegitimate fear of the other, Lelia R. Green and Anne Aly

Australian maternal exposure to toxic substances (AMETS) dataset, Andrea Hinwood


Digital Play: The Challenge of Researching Young Children’s Internet Use, Donell Holloway


Politics of fire in northern savanna lands: Communication, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia R. Green, and David Holloway

Authentic digital representation of creative works in education: addressing the challenges of digitisation and assessment: Final Report, Paul Newhouse, Jeremy Pagram, Lisa Paris, Mark Hackling, Pina Tarricone, Martin Cooper, and Alistair Campbell


Transit officer training recommendations to improve safety in a high stress environment, Christine Teague, Robyn Quin, Lelia Green, and Susanne Bahn


A vulnerable community of heart patients re/constructs media stories about cardiovascular disease, Lynsey K. Uridge, Lelia R. Green, Debbie Rodan, and Trevor A. Cullen

Submissions from 2013


Sustaining online communities in the charitable health sector: how to keep a good thing going, Leesa N. Costello, Julie S. Dare, and Lelia R. Green


Do Australian children trust their parents more than peers when seeking support for online activities?, Lelia R. Green and Danielle J. Brady


Young people online, Lelia R. Green and Danielle J. Brady


"It makes them streetwise": What parents and children tell themselves and each other about young people's activities online, Lelia R. Green, Donell J. Holloway, and Leslie Haddon


Biological metaphor of 'natural history' for Internet use: The child-adult social maturation journey, Lelia R. Green, Donell J. Holloway, and David Holloway


FireWatch: Creative responses to bushfire catastrophes, Donell J. Holloway, Lelia Green, and Danielle Brady


FireWatch: Community engagement and the communication of bushfire information, Donell J. Holloway and Lelia R. Green


Using ethnography to understand everyday media practices in Australian family life, Donell J. Holloway and Lelia R. Green


Developing a user friendly FireWatch site: debunking sociotechnological assumptions about Internet users in remote communities, Donell J. Holloway, Paul W. Haimes, and Lelia R. Green

Harnessing the Arc Hive, Catherine A. Hope, Lelia R. Green, Lisa MacKinney, and Tos Mahoney


The Western Australian New Music Archive: finding, accessing, remembering and performing a community of practice, Catherine A. Hope, Lelia R. Green, and Tos Mahoney


Wikis as knowledge management systems: Issues and challenges, Sarah Kiniti and Craig Standing


The role of the Lifeworld Concept in Wiki adoption and use, Craig Standing, Susan Standing, and Chun K. Law


Symbolic interactionism in safety communication in the workplace, Christine C. Teague, David R. Leith, and Lelia R. Green


Creativity in an online community as a response to the chaos of a breast cancer diagnosis, Cynthia Witney, Lelia Green, Leesa Costello, and Vanessa Bradshaw

Submissions from 2012


Embodying knowledge of breast cancer in a disembodied community?, Vanessa Bradshaw, Cynthia Witney, Lelia Green, and Leesa Costello

Firewatch: Use Of Satellite Imagery By Remote Communities In Northern Australia For Fire Risk Communications, Danielle Brady, Donell j. Holloway, and Lelia Green


Reflecting Upon The Challenges Of Building Online Community, Or: "A Techie's Guide To The Help Dummies Need', Leesa Costello and Lelia Green


Self-revelation in an online health community: Exploring issues around co-presence for vulnerable members, Leesa Costello, Cynthia Witney, Lelia Green, and Vanessa Bradshaw

Censoring, Censuring Or Empowering? Young People And Digital Agency, Lelia Green


Children's and young people's interests as recognised in the Convergence Review, 2012, Lelia Green


Children's interests in the National Classification Scheme Review, Lelia Green


Australian migrant children: ICT use and the construction of future lives, Lelia Green and Nahid Kabir

Negotiating a new identity online and off-line: The HeartNET experience, Debbie Rodan, Lynsey Uridge, and Lelia Green


Using CCTV footage as a communication training and safety resource, Carole Teague and Lelia Green


A Moderator's Dilemma: Munchausen Syndrome By Internet, Lynsey Uridge, Debbie Rodan, and Lelia Green

Building An Online Community In The Context Of An Existing Social Network Site, Cynthia Witney, Lelia Green, Leesa N. Costello, and Vanessa Bradshaw

Submissions from 2011


How Australian Muslims Construct Western Fear of the Muslim Other, Lelia Green and Anne Ally


Australian children’s experiences of parents’ online mediation, Lelia Green, John Hartley, Catharine Lumby, and Danielle Brady

Submissions from 2010


Fear, anxiety and the state of terror, Anne Aly and Lelia Green

Internet savvy? Children and online risk, Lelia Green


The internet: An introduction to new media, Lelia Green


Obama's Election Campaign And The Integrated Use Of Social Media, Tammy McQueen and Lelia Green


Using nicknames, pseudonyms and avatars on HeartNET: A snapshot of an online health support community, Debbie Rodan, Lynsey Kay Uridge, and Lelia Green


An ambience of power? Challenges inherent in the role of the public transport transit officer, Christine Teague, Lelia Green, and David Leith


Watching me, watching you: The use of CCTV to support safer work places for public transport transit officers, Christine Teague, Lelia Green, and David Leith

Submissions from 2009


Fractures Between an Online and Offline Community (and the Ethical Responses), Lelia Rosalind Green and Leesa Narelle Costello


BitTorrents and 'Family Guy': Teenage Peer Group Interactions Around a Peer-to-Peer Internet Download Community, Matthew Knight and Lelia Rosalind Green

Enhancing Wellness: HeartNET an Online Interactive Community Supporting People with Cardiovascular Disease, Lynsey Kay Uridge, Lelia Rosalind Green, and Debbie Rodan

Submissions from 2008


Less than equal: Secularism, religious pluralism and privilege, Anne Aly and Lelia Rosalind Green


Moderate Islam': Defining the good citizen, Anne Aly and Lelia Rosalind Green


"We are next!": Listening to Jewish voices in a multicultural country, Lelia Rosalind Green, Gerry Bloustien, and Mark Balnaves


What the British papers said on the first anniversary of the London bombing, Lelia Rosalind Green and Nahid Afrose Kabir


What the British papers said on the second anniversary of the London bombings, Nahid Afrose Kabir and Lelia Rosalind Green

HeartNET: Moving towards a transformative space?, Lynsey Uridge, Debbie Rodan, and Lelia Rosalind Green

Submissions from 2007


Finding a New Kind of Knowledge on the HeartNET Website, Leesa N. Bonniface and Lelia Rosalind Green


Online Community -- The Near Death Experience - Masks and Miscommunication, Leesa N. Bonniface and Lelia Rosalind Green


Adapting to a new identity: Reconstructing the self as a heart patient, Lelia Green, Leesa Boniface, and Tami McMahon

Submissions from 2006


Communication on a health-related website offering therapeutic support: Phase 1 of the HeartNET website, Leesa N. Bonniface, Lelia Rosalind Green, and Maurice G. Swanson


Play up! Play up! And play the game!, Lelia Rosalind Green and Ben Guinery

Submissions from 2005


Affect and an Effective Online Therapeutic Community, Leesa N. Bonniface, Lelia Rosalind Green, and Maurice G. Swanson

Submissions from 2004


Harry Potter and the fan fiction phenomenon, Lelia Green and Carmen Guinery


@ Home: Australian Family Life and the Internet, Lelia Rosalind Green, Donell Joy Holloway, and Robyn Quin


What porn? Children and the family internet, Donna Holloway, Lelia Green, and Robyn Quin


Capturing research participants online: Bouncing off the net, Jack Seddon, Donell Holloway, Lelia Green, and Michelle Elliot

Submissions from 2003

Home is Where You Hang Your @: Australian Women on the Net, Donell Joy Holloway and Lelia Rosalind Green


The Sesame Street Effect: Work, Study, Play and the Family Internet, Donell Joy Holloway and Lelia Rosalind Green

Submissions from 2002

What do Family Members Think They are Doing When They're Using the Internet@home, Donell Holloway and Lelia Rosalind Green