
Submissions from 2021


Improved wear and corrosion resistance of microarc oxidation coatings on Ti–6Al–4V alloy with ultrasonic assistance for potential biomedical applications, Cheng Xu, Liang-Yu Chen, Chuan-Bo Zheng, Hong-Yue Zhang, Cui-Hua Zhao, Ze-Xin Wang, Sheng Lu, Jin-Wei Zhang, and Lai-Chang Zhang


Manganese-based micro/nanomotors: Synthesis, motion, and applications, Yangyang Yang, Kunsheng Hu, Panpan Zhang, Peng Zhou, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Sustainable redox processes induced by peroxymonosulfate and metal doping on amorphous manganese dioxide for nonradical degradation of water contaminants, Yangyang Yang, Panpan Zhang, Kunsheng Hu, Xiaoguang Duan, Yongxiang Ren, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Understanding roles in collaborative information behaviour: A case of Chinese group travelling, Edwin Mouda Ye, Jia Tina Du, Preben Hansen, Helen Ashman, Marianna Sigala, and Songshan (Sam) Huang


Magnetically steerable iron oxides-manganese dioxide core–shell micromotors for organic and microplastic removals, Heng Ye, Yong Wang, Xiaojia Liu, Dandan Xu, Hao Yuan, Hongqi Sun, Shaobin Wang, and Xing Ma


National scale predictions of contemporary and future blue carbon storage, Mary A. Young, Oscar Serrano, Peter I. Macreadie, Catherine E. Lovelock, Paul Carnell, and Daniel Ierodiaconou


Aligning potential differences within carbon nitride based photocatalysis for efficient solar energy harvesting, Jinqiang Zhang, Yunguo Li, Xiaoli Zhao, Liang Wang, Haijun Chen, Shuaijun Wang, Xinyuan Xu, Lei Shi, Laichang Zhang, Yuezhao Zhu, Huayang Zhang, Yazi Liu, Gareth Nealon, Shu Zhang, Mingbo Wu, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Efficient nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts by electrochemical etching of partially crystallized Fe-based metallic glass ribbons, Qiaoyue Zhang, Shun-Xing Liang, Zhe Jia, Wenchang Zhang, Weimin Wang, and Lai-Chang Zhang


Three-dimensional placement and transmit power design for UAV covert communications, Xiaobo Zhou, Shihao Yan, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, and Robert Schober


A meta-analysis on the role of children in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in household transmission clusters, Yanshan Zhu, Conor J. Bloxham, Katina D. Hulme, Jane E. Sinclair, Zhen W. M. Tong, Lauren E. Steele, Ellesandra C. Noye, Jiahai Lu, Yao Xia, Keng Yih Chew, Janessa Pickering, Charles Gilks, Asha C. Bowen, and Kirsty R. Short

Submissions from 2020


Material residence time in marine canopies under wave-driven flows, Maryam Abdolahpour, Marco Ghisalberti, Kathryn McMahon, and Paul Lavery


Carbon and nitrogen sequestration of melaleuca floodplain wetlands in tropical Australia, M. F. Adame, R. Reef, V. N. L. Wong, S. R. Balcombe, M. P. Turschwell, E. Kavehei, D. C. Rodríguez, J. J. Kelleway, Pere Masque, and M. Ronan


Exercise twice-a-day potentiates markers of mitochondrial biogenesis in men, Victor Amorim Andrade-Souza, Thaysa Ghiarone, Andre Sansonio, Kleiton Augusto Santos Silva, Fabiano Tomazini, Lucyana Arcoverde, Jackson Fyfe, Enrico Perri, Nicholas Saner, Jujiao Kuang, Romulo Bertuzzi, Carol Gois Leandro, David John Bishop, and Adriano Eduardo Lima‐Silva


Losses of soil organic carbon with deforestation in mangroves of Madagascar, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masque, Leah Glass, Lisa Benson, Hilary Kennedy, Carlos M. Duarte, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson, Marc S. Humphries, Ismael Ratefinjanahary, Jaona Ravelonjatovo, and Catherine E. Lovelock


Contribution of seagrass blue carbon toward carbon neutral policies in a touristic and environmentally-friendly island, Camila Bedulli, Paul S. Lavery, Matt Harvey, Carlos M. Duarte, and Oscar Serrano


Perceptual oscillations in gender classification of faces, contingent on stimulus history, Jason Bell, David C. Burr, Kate Crookes, and Maria Concetta Morrone


Assessment of post-wildfire erosion risk and effects on water quality in south-western Australia, David Blake, Petter Nyman, Helen Nice, Frances M.L. D'Souza, Christopher R.J. Kavazos, and Pierre Horwitz


Rebuilding as Research: Noongar song, language and ways of knowing, Clint Bracknell


The Emotional Business of Noongar Song, Clint Bracknell


Mayakeniny: Restoring on-Country performance: Noongar performance and language resources, Clint Bracknell, Pierre Horwitz, Daniel McAullay, Linda Barwick, Aaron Allen, Bobbi Henry, Kyle Morrison, Trevor Ryan, and Amy Budrikis


Recent development in beta titanium alloys for biomedical applications, Liang Yu Chen, Yu Wei Cui, and Lai-Chang Zhang


Synergy of carbocatalytic and heat activation of persulfate for evolution of reactive radicals toward metal-free oxidation, Xiaoguang Duan, Stacey Indrawirawan, Jian Kang, Wenjie Tian, Huayang Zhang, Xuezhi Duan, Xinggui Zhou, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Confident, capable and world changing: Teenagers and digital citizenship, Lelia Green


Digital citizenship in domestic contexts, Lelia Green


Estimating the potential blue carbon gains from tidal marsh rehabilitation: A case study from south eastern Australia, Anne Gulliver, Paul E. Carnell, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Micheli Duarte de Paula Costa, Pere Masqué, and Peter I. Macreadie


Why is logic so likeable? A single-process account of argument evaluation with logic and liking judgment, Brett K. A. Hayes, Peggy Wei, John C. Dunn, and Rachel G. Stephens


Refugees’ dreams of the past, projected into the future, Carmen Jacques, Kelly Jaunzems, Layla Al-Hameed, and Lelia Green


Synergistic function of iron and cobalt in metallic glasses for highly improving persulfate activation in water treatment, J. L. Jiang, Z. Jia, Q. He, Q. Wang, F. Lyu, L. C. Zhang, S. X. Liang, J. J. Kruzic, and J. Lu


Role of boron in enhancing electron delocalization to improve catalytic activity of Fe-based metallic glasses for persulfate-based advanced oxidation, Zhe Jia, Jia-Li Jiang, Ligang Sun, Lai-Chang Zhang, Qing Wang, Shun-Xing Liang, Peng Qin, Dong-Feng Li, Jian Lu, and Jamie J. Kruzic


Factors associated with formal volunteering among retirees, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Liyuwork Mitiku Dana, Jeni Warburton, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, Zenobia Talati, and Simone Pettigrew


Improving attitudes to volunteering among older adults: A randomized trial approach, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Jeni Warburton, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


Reconstruction of 7500 years of coastal environmental change impacting seagrass ecosystem dynamics in Oyster Harbour (SW Australia), Joeri Kaal, Paul Lavery, Antonio Martinez Cortizas, Olalla Lopez-Costas, Teresa Buchaca, Cristian Salinas, and Oscar Serrano


Deciphering organic matter sources and ecological shifts in blue carbon ecosystems based on molecular fingerprinting, Joeri Kaal, Antonio Martínez Cortizas, Miguel-Ángel Mateo, and Oscar Serrano


Scratch and wear resistance of hydrophobic CeO2-x coatings synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering, Mohammad Sharear Kabir, Zhifeng Zhou, Zonghan Xie, and Paul Munroe


Do sequential lineups impair underlying discriminability?, Matthew Kaesler, John C. Dunn, Keith Ransom, and Carolyn Semmler


Catalytic degradation of antibiotics by metal-free catalysis over nitrogen-doped graphene, Jian Kang, Li Zhou, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Insights into the antimicrobial mechanism of Ag and I incorporated ZnO nanoparticle derivatives under visible light, Afshin Karami, Zonghan Xie, Jiabin Zhang, Mohammad Sharear Kabir, Paul Munroe, Stephen Kidd, and Hu Zhang


A national approach to greenhouse gas abatement through blue carbon management, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Oscar Serrano, Jeffrey A. Baldock, Rachel Burgess, Toni Cannard, Paul S. Lavery, Catherine E. Lovelock, Peter I. Macreadie, Pere Masqué, Mark Newnham, Neil Saintilan, and Andrew D. L. Steven


Role of serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a potential biomarker of response to immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in advanced melanoma: results of a pilot study, Muhammad A. Khattak, Afaf Abed, Anna L. Reid, Ashleigh C. McEvoy, Michael Millward, Melanie Ziman, and Elin S. Gray


Challenges to select suitable habitats and demonstrate ‘additionality’ in Blue Carbon projects: A seagrass case study, Anna Lafratta, Oscar Serrano, Pere Masqué, Miguel A. Mateo, Milena Fernandes, Sam Gaylard, and Paul S. Lavery


Leaf manganese concentrations as a tool to assess belowground plant functioning in phosphorus-impoverished environments, Hans Lambers, Ian J. Wright, Caio Guilherme Pereira, Peter J. Bellingham, Lisa Patrick Bentley, Alex Boonman, Lucas A. Cernusak, William Foulds, Sean M. Gleason, Emma F. Gray, Patrick E. Hayes, Robert M. Kooyman, Yadvinder Malhi, Sarah J. Richardson, Michael W. Shane, Christiana Staudinger, William D. Stock, Nigel D. Swarts, Benjamin L. Turner, John Turner, Erik J. Veneklaas, Jun Wasaki, Mark Westoby, and Yanggui Xu


Factors regulating primary producers' assemblages in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile ecosystems over the past 1800 years, Carmen Leiva-Dueñas, Peter R. Leavitt, Teresa Buchaca, Antonio Martínez Cortizas, Lourdes López-Merino, Oscar Serrano, Paul S. Lavery, Stefan Schouten, and Miguel A. Mateo


Selective laser melting manufactured porous Fe-based metallic glass matrix composite with remarkable catalytic activity and reusability, Shun-Xing Liang, Xueqing Wang, Wenchang Zhang, Yu-Jing Liu, Weimin Wang, and Lai-Chang Zhang


Understanding of the oxidation behavior of benzyl alcohol by peroxymonosulfate via carbon nanotubes activation, Jiaquan Li, Mengting Li, Hongqi Sun, Zhimin Ao, Shaobin Wang, and Shaomin Liu


Nitrogen-doped carbon nanospheres-modified graphitic carbon nitride with outstanding photocatalytic activity, Qiaoran Liu, Hao Tian, Zhenghua Dai, Hongqi Sun, Jian Liu, Zhimin Ao, Shaobin Wang, Chen Han, and Shaomin Liu


Enhanced fatigue characteristics of a topology-optimized porous titanium structure produced by selective laser melting, Y. J. Liu, D. C. Ren, S. J. Li, H. Wang, L. C. Zhang, and T. B. Sercombe


Synergy of NiO quantum dots and temperature on enhanced photocatalytic and thermophoto hydrogen evolution, Xiaojie Li, Huayang Zhang, Yazi Liu, Xiaoguang Duan, Xinyuan Xu, Shaomin Liu, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Review on electromagnetic wave absorbing capacity improvement of cementitious material, Guowei Ma, Junbo Sun, Farhad Aslani, Yimiao Huang, and Fengyu Jiao


Exponential increase of plastic burial in mangrove sediments as a major plastic sink, C. Martin, F. Baalkhuyur, L. Valluzzi, V. Saderne, M. Cusack, H. Almahasheer, P. K. Krishnakumar, L. Rabaoui, M. A. Qurban, A. Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masqué, and C. M. Duarte


Migrating from partial least squares discriminant analysis to artificial neural networks: A comparison of functionally equivalent visualisation and feature contribution tools using Jupyter Notebooks, Kevin M. Mendez, David I. Broadhurst, and Stacey N. Reinke


Motion segmentation of RGB-D sequences: Combining semantic and motion information using statistical inference, Sundaram Muthu, Ruwan Tennakoon, Tharindu Rathnayake, Reza Hoseinnezhad, David Suter, and Alireza Bab-Hadiashar


Gigabit/s optical wireless access and indoor networks, Thas Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Tingting Song, Sampath Edirisinghe, Liang Tian, Christina Lim, Elaine Wong, Ke Wang, Chathurika Ranaweera, and Kamal Alameh


Factors influencing carbon stocks and accumulation rates in eelgrass meadows across New England, USA, A. B. Novak, M. C. Pelletier, P. Colarusso, J. Simpson, M. N. Gutierrez, A. Arias-Ortiz, M. Charpentier, Pere Masque, and P. Vella


A reactive-sputter-deposited TiSiN nanocomposite coating for the protection of metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Shuang Peng, Jiang Xu, Zhengyang Li, Shuyun Jiang, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, and Hong Lu


A randomized controlled trial and pragmatic analysis of the effects of volunteering on the health and well-being of older people, Simone Pettigrew, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Jeni Warburton, and Robert U. Newton


Pedogenic Processes in a Posidonia oceanica Mat, Nerea Pineiro-Juncal, Carmen Leiva-Duenas, Oscar Serrano, Miguel Angel Mateo, and Antonio Martinez-Cortizas


Digital harassment and abuse: Experiences of sexuality and gender minority adults, Anastasia Powell, Adrian J. Scott, and Nicola Henry


Anthropogenic-induced acceleration of elemental burial rates in blue carbon repositories of the Arabian Gulf, Lotfi Rabaoui, Michael Cusack, Vincent Saderne, Periyadan K. Krishnakumar, Yu-Jia Lin, Ahsan M. Shemsi, Radhouan El Zrelli, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masqué, Carlos M. Duarte, and Mohammad A. Qurban


Factors influencing physical activity participation among older people with low activity levels, Rajni Rai, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


Retirement and physical activity: The opportunity of a lifetime or the beginning of the end?, Rajni Rai, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


Assessing the efficacy of TNF-alpha inhibitors in preventing emergency and emergent colectomies, Ruben Rajan, Matthew W. Trinder, Johnny Lo, and Mary Theophilus


Combining whole-school and targeted programs for the reduction of bullying victimization: A randomized, effectiveness trial, Ronald M. Rapee, Therese Shaw, Caroline Hunt, Kay Bussey, Jennifer L. Hudson, Catherine Mihalopoulos, Clare Roberts, Sally Fitzpatrick, Naomi Radom, Tommy Cordin, Melanie Epstein, and Donna Cross


Deciphering the unique structure and acylation pattern of Posidonia oceanica lignin, Jorge Rencoret, Gisela Marques, Oscar Serrano, Joeri Kaal, Angel T. Martínez, José C. del Río, and Ana Gutiérrez


Role of vegetated coastal ecosystems as nitrogen and phosphorous filters and sinks in the coasts of Saudi Arabia, V. Saderne, M. Cusack, Oscar Serrano, H. Almahasheer, P. K. Krishnakumar, L. Rabaoui, M. A. Qurban, and C. M. Duarte


The gateway science: A review of astronomy in the OECD school curricula, including China and South Africa, Saeed Salimpour, Sophie Bartlett, Michael T. Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, K. Ross Cutts, C. Renee James, Scott Miller, Lena Danaia, Robert P. Hollow, Sergio Cabezon, Michel Faye, Akihiko Tomita, Charles Max, Michael de Korte, Cyrille Baudouin, Daina Birkenbauma, Maria Kallery, Sara Anjos, Qixuan Wu, Hye-eun Chu, Eileen Slater, and Amelia Ortiz-Gil


Seagrass losses since mid‐20th century fuelled CO2 emissions from soil carbon stocks, Cristian Salinas, Carlos M. Duarte, Paul Lavery, Pere Masque´, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Javier X. Leon, David Callaghan, Gary A. Kendrick, and Oscar Serrano


Habitat fragmentation in a Mediterranean-type forest alters resident and propagule mycorrhizal fungal communities, Sarah J. Sapsford, Trudy Paap, Anna J. M. Hopkins, Giles E. St. J. Hardy, and Treena I. Burgess


The ‘obvious’ stuff: Exploring the mundane realities of students’ digital technology use in school, Neil Selwyn, Selena Nemorin, Scott Bulfin, and Nicola F. Johnson


Impact of seagrass establishment, industrialization and coastal infrastructure on seagrass biogeochemical sinks, Oscar Serrano, Paul Lavery, James Bongiovanni, and Carlos M. Duarte


Organic chemistry insights for the exceptional soil carbon storage of the seagrass Posidonia australis, Oscar Serrano, Mohammad Rozaimi, Paul Lavery, and Ronald J. Smernik


Extremely hard, α-Mn type high entropy alloy coatings, Chuhan Sha, Zhifeng Zhou, Zonghan Xie, and Paul Munroe


Rigorous and reliable operations for electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction, Lei Shi, Yu Yin, Shuaijun Wang, Xinyuan Xu, Hong Wu, Jinqiang Zhang, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Novel spatial modulation channel index detection in optical wireless communications with signal space diversity, Tingting Song, Elaine Wong, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Kamal Alameh, Christina Lim, and Ke Wang


The promises and perils of developing a national sex offender recidivism database in Australia, Caroline Spiranovic, Anna Ferrante, Marie-Jeanne Buscot, Catherine Griffiths, Alfred Allan, Stephen Wong, Hilde Tubex, and Frank Morgan


Properties of a double-layer EMW-absorbing structure containing a graded nano-sized absorbent combing extruded and sprayed 3D printing, Junbo Sun, Yimiao Huang, Farhad Aslani, and Guowei Ma


Angels in disguise: Sympatric hybridization in the marine angelfishes is widespread and occurs between deeply divergent lineages [dataset], Yi-Kai Tea, Jean-Paul Hobbs, Federico Vitelli, Joseph DiBattista, Simon Ho, and Nathan Lo


Biomass-derived functional porous carbons for adsorption and catalytic degradation of binary micropollutants in water, Wenjie Tian, Hongqi Sun, Xiaoguang Duan, Huayang Zhang, Yingxiang Ren, and Shaobin Wang


Porous carbons: Structure-oriented design and versatile applications, Wenjie Tian, Huayang Zhang, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Guosheng Shao, and Shaobin Wang


Deciphering deformation mechanisms of hierarchical dual-phase CrCoNi coatings, S. J. Tsianikas, Y. Chen, and Zonghan Xie


Transparent heat regulation materials and coatings: present status, challenges, and opportunity, Mikhail Vasiliev, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Kamal Alameh


Electromagnetic shielding properties of carbon fibre reinforced cementitious composites, Dimuthu Wanasinghe, Farhad Aslani, and Guowei Ma


Advancements in electromagnetic interference shielding cementitious composites, Dimuthu Wanasinghe, Farhad Aslani, Guowei Ma, and Daryoush Habibi


Review of polymer composites with diverse nanofillers for electromagnetic interference shielding, Dimuthu Wanasinghe, Farhad Aslani, Guowei Ma, and Daryoush Habibi


Surface engineering of hollow carbon nitride microspheres for efficient photoredox catalysis, Shuaijun Wang, Hongfei Zhao, Xiaoli Zhao, Jinqiang Zhang, Zhimin Ao, Pei Dong, Fengting He, Hong Wu, Xinyuan Xu, Lei Shi, Chaocheng Zhao, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Fe-based metallic glasses and dyes in fenton-like processes: Understanding their intrinsic correlation, Xueqing Wang, Qiaoyue Zhang, Shun-Xing Liang, Zhe Jia, Wenchang Zhang, Weimin Wang, and Lai-Chang Zhang


An exploratory study of the relative effects of various protective factors on depressive symptoms among older people, Caitlin Worrall, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Peter M. McEvoy, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


Phytoplankton responses to climate-induced warming and interdecadal oscillation in North-Western Australia, Zineng Yuan, Dongyan Liu, Pere Masqué, Meixun Zhao, Xiuxian Song, and John K. Keesing


Opposing narratives about children’s digital media use: a critical discourse analysis of online public advice given to parents in Australia and Belgium, Bieke Zaman, Donell Holloway, Lelia Green, Kelly Jaunzems, and Hadewijch Vanwynsberghe


Catalysis of a single transition metal site for water oxidation: From mononuclear molecules to single atoms, Huayang Zhang, Wenjie Tian, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Shaomin Liu, and Shaobin Wang


Functional carbon nitride materials for water oxidation: From heteroatom doping to interface engineering, Huayang Zhang, Wenjie Tian, Xiaoguang Duan, Hongqi Sun, Yonglong Shen, Guosheng Shao, and Shaobin Wang


A hydrogen-initiated chemical epitaxial growth strategy for in-plane heterostructured photocatalyst, Jinqiang Zhang, Yunguo Li, Xiaoli Zhao, Huayang Zhang, Liang Wang, Haijun Chen, Shuaijun Wang, Xinyuan Xu, Lei Shi, Lai-Chang Zhang, Jean-Pierre Veder, Shiyong Zhao, Gareth Nealon, Mingbo Wu, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun

Submissions from 2019


Video description: A survey of methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics, Nayyer Aafaq, Ajmal Mian, Wei Liu, Syed Zulqarnain Gilani, and Mubarak Shah


A major root architecture QTL responding to water limitation in durum wheat, Samir Alahmad, Khaoula El Hassouni, Filippo M. Bassi, Eric Dinglasan, Chvan Youssef, Georgia Quarry, Alpaslan Aksoy, Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Angéla Juhász, Jason A. Able, Jack Christopher, Kai P. Voss-Fels, and Lee T. Hickey


Evaluating chemical-scale-inhibitor performance in external magnetic fields using a dynamic scale loop, Ammar Al Helal, Adam Soames, Stefan Iglauer, Rolf Gubner, and Ahmed Barifcani


Fake news and propaganda: Trump’s democratic America and Hitler’s national socialist (Nazi) Germany, David E. Allen and Michael McAleer


Properties of ambient-cured normal and heavyweight geopolymer concrete exposed to high temperatures, Farhad Aslani and Zohaib Asif


Fire performance of heavyweight self-compacting concrete and heavyweight high strength concrete, Farhad Aslani, Fatemeh Hamidi, and Qilong Ma


The effect of carbon nanofibers on fresh and mechanical properties of lightweight engineered cementitious composite using hollow glass microspheres, Farhad Aslani, Lining Wang, and Meizhiwen Zheng


Modeling organic carbon accumulation rates and residence times in coastal vegetated ecosystems, E. Fay Belshe, Jose Sanjuan, Carmen Leiva-Dueñas, Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal, Oscar Serrano, Paul Lavery, and Miguel Angel Mateo


Identity, language and collaboration in Indigenous music, Clint Bracknell