Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research Scholarly Works | Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research | Edith Cowan University


Submissions from 2024


SCS 6th annual meeting—EEVFA—11th international congress of biochemistry and physiology of exercise, Athens, Greece, 2023, Pedro E. Alcaraz, Elena Marín-Cascales, Anthony J. Blazevich, Tomás T. Freitas, Olyvia Donti, Konstantinos Spyrou, and Gregory C. Bogdanis


Graph network and symmetry analysis after combined XR and tDCS in stroke rehabilitation, Bruna M. Carlos, Lucas T. Menezes, Beatriz Rosa, Bruna F. Furumoto, Saulo S. Feitosa, Corina A. Fernandes, Silvia E. Ferreira-Melo, Júlia D. Pereira, Sara Almeida, Alexandre F. Brandão, Cassio V. Ruas, and Gabriela Castellano


Performance determinants and evidence-based practice in track cycling: A survey of coaches, practitioners, and athletes, Antony M.J. Stadnyk, Franco M. Impellizzeri, Jamie Stanley, Paolo Menaspà, and Katie M. Slattery

Submissions from 2023


Differing hypertrophy patterns from open and closed kinetic chain training affect quadriceps femoris center of mass and moment of inertia, Jacob E. Earp, Domenic Angelino, Disa L. Hatfield, Vincent Colantuono, Euan R. Jackson, Kristin D. Morgan, Alessandra Adami, Kathleen J. Melanson, and Anthony J. Blazevich


The effect of a heavy resisted sled-pull mesocycle on sprint performance in junior Australian football players, Toby Edwards, Benjamin Piggott, Harry G. Banyard, G. Gregory Haff, and Christopher Joyce


The predictive validity of individualised load–velocity relationships for predicting 1RM: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis, Leon Greig, Rodrigo R. Aspe, Andy Hall, Paul Comfort, Kay Cooper, and Paul A. Swinton


Breathing a low-density gas reduces respiratory muscle force development and marginally improves exercise performance in master athletes, Toni Haddad, Valentin Mons, Olivier Meste, Jerome A. Dempsey, Chris R. Abbiss, Jeanick Brisswalter, and Gregory M. Blain


Effects of submaximal and supramaximal accentuated eccentric loading on mass and function, Sergio Maroto-Izquierdo, Fernando Martín-Rivera, Kazunori Nosaka, Marco Beato, Javier González-Gallego, and José A. de Paz


The kneeling isometric plantar flexor test: Preliminary reliability and feasibility in professional youth football, John J. McMahon, Nicholas J. Ripley, Paul Comfort, Francisco J. Robles-Palazón, Jack T. Fahey, Andrew J. Badby, and Christopher Bramah


Comparison of the potentiating effect of variable load jump squats on acute drop jump performance in rugby sevens athletes, Nick Poulos, G. Gregory Haff, Maria Nibali, Phillip Graham-Smith, and Robert U. Newton


Force plate methodologies applied to injury profiling and rehabilitation in sport: A scoping review protocol, Francisco J. Robles-Palazón, Paul Comfort, Nicholas J. Ripley, Lee Herrington, Christopher Bramah, and John J. McMahon


A review of striking force in full-contact combat sport athletes: Effects of different types of strength and conditioning training and practical recommendations, Aaron Uthoff, Seth Lenetsky, Reid Reale, Felix Falkenberg, Gavin Pratt, Dean Amasinger, Frank Bourgeois, Micheál Cahill, Duncan French, and John Cronin


The effect of fatigue on climbing fluidity and hand movements, Andrew Walsh, L. Seifert, C. Button, S. Vial, and J. Croft


The effect of expertise upon perceived reach-and grasp-ability in rock climbers, Andrew S. Walsh, L. Seifert, C. Button, and James Lister Croft


Replicating maximum periods of play in Australian football matches through position-specific drills, Christopher Wing, Nicolas H. Hart, Fadi Ma'ayah, and Kazunori Nosaka

Submissions from 2022


Repeated simulated match-induced changes in finger flexor force and blood acid-base balance in world-class female judokas, Joffrey Bardin, Pierre Bourdier, Bastien Bontemps, Allison Diry, Anthony Birat, Anthony J. Blazevich, Frédéric Roualen, Christine Hanon, Claire Thomas, and Sébastien Ratel


Supervised pelvic floor muscle exercise is more effective than unsupervised pelvic floor muscle exercise at improving urinary incontinence in prostate cancer patients following radical prostatectomy – A systematic review and meta-analysis, Freerk T. Baumann, Nadine Reimer, Theresa Gockeln, Alexandra Reike, Michael Hallek, Christian Ricci, Eva M. Zopf, Daniela Schmid, Dennis Taaffe, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvao, and Michael Leitzmann


The influence of calculation method and relative strength on the load-velocity relationship in bench press exercise, Iker J. Bautista, Fernando Martín-Rivera, Isidoro Martínez, Gregory G. Haff, and Sergio Maroto-Izquierdo


Sleep health of Australian community tennis players during the COVID-19 lockdown, Philipp Beranek, Travis Cruickshank, Olivier Girard, Kazunori Nosaka, Danielle Bartlett, and Mitchell Turner


Changes in pulmonary function after long-duration adventure racing in adolescent athletes, Anthony Birat, Yoann Garnier, Alexandre Dodu, Claire Grossoeuvre, Anne Charlotte Dupont, Patrick Mucci, Anthony Blazevich, Mélanie Rance, Claire Morel, Stéphane Nottin, and Sebastien Ratel


Reliability and comparison of sonographic methods for in vivo measurement of human biceps femoris long-head architecture, Clarissa M. Brusco, Ronei S. Pinto, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Exercise recommendations for people with bone metastases: Expert consensus for healthcare providers and clinical exercise professionals, Kristin L. Campbell, Prue Cormie, Sarah Weller, Shabbir M. H. Alibhai, Kate A. Bolam, Anna Campbell, Andrea L. Cheville, Mary-Ann Dalzell, Nicolas H. Hart, Celestia S. Higano, Kirstin Lane, Sami Mansfield, Margaret L. McNeely, Robert U. Newton, Morten Quist, Jennifer Rauw, Friederike Rosenberger, Daniel Santa Mina, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Kerri M. Winters-Stone, Joachim Wiskemann, and Jennifer Goulart


Appropriateness of indirect markers of muscle damage following lower limbs eccentric-biased exercises: A systematic review with meta-analysis, Emeric Chalchat, Anne Fleur Gaston, Keyne Charlot, Luis Peñailillo, Omar Valdés, Pierre Emmanuel Tardo-Dino, Kazunori Nosaka, Vincent Martin, Sebastian Garcia-Vicencio, and Julien Siracusa


Changes in early and maximal isometric force production in response to moderate-and high-load strength and power training, Paul Comfort, Paul A. Jones, Christopher Thomas, Thomas DosʼSantos, John J. McMahon, and Timothy J. Suchomel


Ankle proprioception in male and female surfers and the implications of motor experience and lower-body strength, Rebecca A. Dowse, Josh L. Secomb, Michaela Bruton, Joanna Parsonage, Brendon Ferrier, Gordon Waddington, and Sophia Nimphius


Athlete experiences of communication strategies in applied sports nutrition and future considerations for mobile app supportive solutions, David Mark Dunne, Carmen Lefevre-Lewis, Brian Cunniffe, Samuel George Impey, David Tod, Graeme Leonard Close, James P. Morton, and Rebecca Murphy


The effect of fatiguing lower-body exercise on punch forces in highly-trained boxers, Emily C. Dunn, Clare E. Humberstone, Emerson Franchini, Fiona K. Iredale, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Relationships between punch impact force and upper- and lower-body muscular strength and power in highly trained amateur boxers, Emily C. Dunn, Clare E. Humberstone, Emerson Franchini, K. Fiona Iredale, and Anthony Blazevich


Exercise in preventing falls for men with prostate cancer: A modelled cost-utility analysis, Kim Edmunds, Paul Scuffham, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, and Haitham Tuffaha


Identifying key elements to assess patient’s acceptability of neurorehabilitation in stroke survivors–a Delphi method, Manonita Ghosh, Kaoru Nosaka, Lisa Whitehead, and Kazunori Nosaka


Global positioning system activity profile in male para footballers with cerebral palsy: Does training meet the match-play intensity in a three-day national tournament?, Alvin M. Goh, Fadi Ma'Ayah, Craig A. Harms, Robert U. Newton, and Eric J. Drinkwater


A new portable device to reliably measure maximal strength and rate of force development of hip adduction and abduction, Basílio A. M. Gonçalves, Ricardo N. O. Mesquita, Francisco Tavares, João Brito, Paulo Correia, Paulo Santos, and Pedro Mil-Homens


Changes in blood bone markers after the first and second bouts of whole-body eccentric exercises, Tsang Hai Huang, Kazunori Nosaka, and Trevor C. Chen


Countermovement jump and squat jump force-time curve analysis in control and fatigue conditions, Steven Hughes, John Warmenhoven, G. Gregory Haff, Dale W. Chapman, and Sophia Nimphius


Editorial: The use of post-exercise cooling as a recovery strategy: Unraveling the controversies, Mohammed Ihsan, Chris R. Abbiss, and Robert Allan


Effects of eccentric vs concentric cycling training on patients with moderate COPD, Mauricio Inostroza, Omar Valdés, German Tapia, Oscar Núñez, Maria Jose Kompen, Kazunori Nosaka, and Luis Peñailillo


ACTN3 (R577X) genotype is associated with Australian football league players, Ysabel Jacob, Nicolas H. Hart, Jodie L. Cochrane Wilkie, Tania Spiteri, Simon M. Laws, Anthony Jones, Brent Rogalski, Jade Kenna, and Ryan S. Anderton


Changes in body composition in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma and the relationship with activity levels and dietary intake, Emily Jeffery, Y. C. Gary Lee, Robert U. Newton, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Joanne McVeigh, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Leon Straker, and Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre


Correction to: Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: An ecological scoping review, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel A. Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, and Daniel A. Galvão


Implementation barriers to integrating exercise as medicine in oncology: An ecological scoping review, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel Spry, Dennis Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, and Daniel A. Galvao


Exercise in advanced prostate cancer elevates myokine levels and suppresses in-vitro cell growth, Jin Soo Kim, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Nicolas H. Hart, Elin Gray, Charles J. Ryan, Stacey A. Kenfield, Fred Saad, and Robert U. Newton


Myokine expression and tumor-suppressive effect of serum following 12 weeks of exercise in prostate cancer patients on ADT, Jin-Soo Kim, Rebekah Louise Wilson, Dennis Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvao, Elin S. Gray, and Robert Newton


A Review of striking force in full-contact combat sport athletes: Methods of assessment, Seth Lenetsky, Aaron Uthoff, Joseph Coyne, and John Cronin


Interventions for improving body composition in men with prostate Cancer: A systematic review and network meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez Da Cruz, Robert U. Newton, Dennis R. Taaffe, Favil Singh, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Laurien M. Buffart, Colin Tang, Dickon Hayne, and Daniel A. Galvao


Associations of fat and muscle mass with overall survival in men with prostate cancer: A systematic review with meta-analysis, Pedro Lopez, Robert U. Newton, Dennis R. Taaffe, Favil Singh, Laurien M. Buffart, Nigel Spry, Colin Tang, Fred Saad, and Daniel A. Galvao


Change of direction performance in elite players from different team sports, Irineu Loturco, Lucas A. Pereira, Valter P. Reis, César C. C. Abad, Tomás T. Freitas, Paulo H. S. M. Azevedo, and Sophia Nimphius


Comparing the effects of plyometric and isometric strength training on dynamic and isometric force-time characteristics, Danny Lum, Paul Comfort, Tiago M. Barbosa, and Govindasamy Balasekaran


Cross-education effects of unilateral accentuated eccentric isoinertial resistance training on lean mass and function, Sergio Maroto-Izquierdo, Kazunori Nosaka, Anthony J. Blazevich, Javier González-Gallego, and José A. de Paz


Identifying and reporting position-specific countermovement jump outcome and phase characteristics within rugby league, John J. McMahon, Jason P. Lake, and Paul Comfort


Comparison of weightlifting, traditional resistance training and plyometrics on strength, power and speed: A systematic review with meta-analysis, Stephanie J. Morris, Jon L. Oliver, Jason S. Pedley, G. Gregory Haff, and Rhodri S. Lloyd


Relationship between nordic hamstring strength and maximal voluntary eccentric, concentric and isometric knee flexion torque, Satoru Nishida, Masatoshi Nakamura, Ryosuke Kiyono, Shigeru Sato, Koki Yasaka, Riku Yoshida, and Kazunori Nosaka


Exploring the physical and physiological characteristics relevant to mixed martial arts, Matthew Plush, Stuart N. Guppy, Kazunori Nosaka, and Oliver Barley


Neuromuscular responses to isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions of the knee extensors at the same torque-time integral, Nicolas Royer, Kazunori Nosaka, Valentin Doguet, and Marc Jubeau


Early detection of prolonged decreases in maximal voluntary contraction force after eccentric exercise of the knee extensors, Cassio V. Ruas, Christoper Latella, Janet L. Taylor, G. Gregory Haff, and Kazunori Nosaka


Nationwide industry-led community exercise program for men with locally advanced, relapsed, or metastatic prostate cancer on androgen-deprivation therapy, Oliver Schumacher, Daniel A. Galvao, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, Dickon Hayne, Colin Tang, Raphael Chee, and Robert U. Newton


In reply to Carpenter et al., Oliver Schumacher, Hao Luo, Dennis R. Taaffe, Daniel A. Galvão, Colin Tang, Raphael Chee, Nigel Spry, and Robert U. Newton


Preoperative aerobic exercise therapy prior to abdominal surgery: What is the evidence? what dose?, Amanda T. Y. Siu, Favil Singh, Hilmy Ismail, and Robert U. Newton


A comparison of three load-velocity based methods to estimate maximum overhead press performance in weightlifters, Marcos A. Soriano, Ester Jiménez-Ormeño, G. Gregory Haff, Paul Comfort, Verónica Giráldez-Costas, Carlos Ruiz-Moreno, and Amador García-Ramos


Muscle architectural and force-velocity curve adaptations following 10 weeks of training with weightlifting catching and pulling derivatives, Timothy J. Suchomel, Shana M. McKeever, Justin D. Nolen, and Paul Comfort


Reap success from persistence, Cuihong Tian, Jingyi Yan, Xuerui Tan, and Wei Wang


Physical and technical demands of Australian football: an analysis of maximum ball in play periods, Christopher Wing, Nicolas H. Hart, Fadi Ma’ayah, and Kazunori Nosaka


A pilot sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) protocol for developing an adaptive coaching intervention around a mobile application for athletes to improve carbohydrate periodization behavior, Xiaoxi Yan, David M. Dunne, Samuel G. Impey, Brian Cunniffe, Carmen E. Lefevre, Rodrigo Mazorra, James P. Morton, David Tod, Graeme L. Close, Rebecca Murphy, and Bibhas Chakraborty

Submissions from 2021


Mechanisms underlying performance impairments following prolonged static stretching without a comprehensive warm-up, David G. Behm, Anthony D. Kay, Gabriel S. Trajano, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Neuromuscular fatigue after long-duration adventure racing in adolescent athletes, Anthony Birat, Yoann M. Garnier, Pierre Bourdier, Alexis Dupuy, Alexandre Dodu, Claire Grossoeuvre, Anne-Charlotte Dupont, Anthony J. Blazevich, Mélanie Rance, Claire Morel, Stéphane Nottin, and Sébastien Ratel


Countermovement jump and drop jump performances are related to grand jete´ leap performance in dancers with different skill levels, Penelope Blanco Ochoa, Sophia Nimphius, Laurent B. Seitz, Tania Spiteri, and G. Gregory Haff


Enhancing adaptions to neuromuscular electrical stimulation training interventions, Anthony J. Blazevich, David F. Collins, Guillaume Y. Millet, Marco A. Vaz, and Nicola A. Maffiuletti


The effect of specific locomotor experiences on infants’ avoidance behaviour on real and water cliffs, Carolina Burnay, Rita Cordovil, Chris Button, James L. Croft, Matthew Schofield, Joana Pereira, and David I. Anderson


Not as simple as it seems: Front foot contact kinetics, muscle function and ball release speed in cricket pace bowlers, Samuel J. Callaghan, Andrew D. Govus, Robert G. Lockie, Kane J. Middleton, and Sophia Nimphius

Submissions from 2024


The effects of strength training upon front foot contact ground reaction forces and ball release speed among high-level cricket pace bowlers, Samuel J. Callaghan, Robert G. Lockie, Jamie Tallent, Robert F. Chipchase, Warren A. Andrews, and Sophia Nimphius

Submissions from 2021


Feasibility, tolerance and effects of adding impact loading exercise to pulmonary rehabilitation in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial, Erin Cecins, Kylie Hill, Dennis R. Taaffe, David Manners, Anne-Marie Hill, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, and Vinicius Cavalheri


An adaptive model of achilles tendon mechanical properties during adolescence: Effect of sex, G. Chalatzoglidis, Anthony J. Blazevich, and F. Arabatzi


Weightlifting: An applied method of technical analysis, Shyam Chavda, Mark Hill, Stuart Martin, Anna Swisher, G. Gregory Haff, and Anthony N. Turner


Changes in plasma C1q, apelin and adropin concentrations in older adults after descending and ascending stair walking intervention, Trevor C. Chen, Tsang-Hai Huang, Wei-Chin Tseng, Kuo-Wei Tseng, Chung-Chan Hsieh, Mei-Yen Chen, Tai-Ying Chou, Yuh-Chuan Huang, Hsin-Lian Chen, and Kazunori Nosaka


Striking muscle adaptations induced by volume-dependent repeated bouts of low-intensity eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors, Trevor C. Chen, Wei-Chin Tseng, Hsin-Lian Chen, Kuo-Wei Tseng, Tai-Ying Chou, Yuh-Chuan Huang, and Kazunori Nosaka


Muscle damage and performance after single and multiple simulated matches in university elite female soccer players, Tai-Ying Chou, Kazunori Nosaka, and Trevor C. Chen


Faster intrinsic rate of torque development in elbow flexors than knee extensors: Effect of muscle architecture?, Victor R. A. Cossich, Conrado T. Laett, Ubiratã F. Gavilão, Anthony J. Blazevich, and Carlos G. de Oliveira


Associations of physical activity and exercise with health-related outcomes in patients with melanoma during and after treatment: A systematic review, Brendan J. Crosby, Pedro Lopez, Daniel A. Galvao, Robert U. Newton, Dennis Taaffe, Tarek M. Meniawy, Lydia Warburton, Muhammad A. Khattak, Elin S. Gray, and Favil Singh


A wind-tunnel case study: Increasing road cycling velocity by adopting an aerodynamically improved sprint position, Timothy Crouch, Paolo Menaspà, Nathan Barry, Nicholas Brown, Mark C. Thompson, and David Burton


Electromyographical differences between the hyperextension and reverse-hyperextension, Matthew Cuthbert, Nicholas J. Ripley, Timothy J. Suchomel, Robert Alejo, John J. McMahon, and Paul Comfort


Development of a scale assessing retired older adults’ attitudes to volunteering, Liyuwork Mitiku Dana, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Ben Jackson, Robert U. Newton, and Simone Pettigrew


Predicting loading intensity measuring velocity in barbell hip thrust exercise, Moisés de Hoyo, Francisco J. Núñez, Borja Sañudo, Oliver Gonzalo-Skok, Alejandro Muñoz-López, Sergio Romero-Boza, Carlos Otera-Esquina, Hugo Sánchez, and Sophia Nimphius


Modulation of torque evoked by wide-pulse, high-frequency neuromuscular electrical stimulation and the potential implications for rehabilitation and training, Chris Donnelly, Jonathan Stegmüller, Anthony J. Blazevich, Fabienne Crettaz von Roten, Bengt Kayser, Daria Neyroud, and Nicolas Place


Post-exercise heart rate recovery and parasympathetic reactivation are comparable between prepubertal boys and well-trained adult male endurance athletes, Alexis Dupuy, Anthony Birat, Olivier Maurelli, Yoann M. Garnier, Anthony J. Blazevich, Mélanie Rance, and Sébastien Ratel


Demonstrating the value of early economic evaluation alongside clinical trials: Exercise medicine for men with metastatic prostate cancer, Kim Edmunds, Paul Scuffham, Penny Reeves, Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Robert U. Newton, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Haitham Tuffaha


Sprint acceleration force-velocity-power characteristics in drafted vs non-drafted junior Australian football players: Preliminary results, Toby Edwards, Benjamin Piggott, Harry G. Banyard, G. Gregory Haff, and Christopher Joyce


Muscle length influence on rectus femoris damage and protective effect in knee extensor eccentric exercise, Ryoichi Ema, Kazunori Nosaka, Ryosuke Kawashima, Akihiro Kanda, Koya Ikeda, and Ryota Akagi


Usability, acceptability, and safety analysis of a computer-tailored web-based exercise intervention (exerciseguide) for individuals with metastatic prostate cancer: Multi-methods laboratory-based study, Holly E. L. Evans, Cynthia C. Forbes, Daniel A. Galvão, Corneel Vandelanotte, Robert U. Newton, Gary Wittert, Suzanne Chambers, Andrew D. Vincent, Ganessan Kichenadasse, Danielle Girard, Nicholas Brook, and Camille E. Short


Acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a web-and telephone-based personalised exercise intervention for individuals with metastatic prostate cancer: The exerciseguide pilot randomised controlled trial, Holly E. L. Evans, Daniel A. Galvão, Cynthia C. Forbes, Danielle Girard, Corneel Vandelanotte, Robert U. Newton, Andrew D. Vincent, Gary Wittert, Ganessan Kichenadasse, Suzanne Chambers, Nicholas Brook, and Camille E. Short


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters present greatest rapid and maximal strength imbalances at extreme elbow angles, Bruno Follmer, Cassio Victora Ruas, Rodolfo Andre Dellagrana, Luis Antonio P. De Lima, Ronei Silveira Pinto, and Fernando Diefenthaeler

Submissions from 2024


A comparison of manual and automatic force-onset identification methodologies and their effect on force-time characteristics in the isometric midthigh pull, Stuart N. Guppy, Claire J. Brady, Yosuke Kotani, Shannon Connolly, Paul Comfort, Jason P. Lake, and G. Gregory Haff

Submissions from 2021


The essentials of periodisation, G. Gregory Haff


Patients and carers' perspectives of participating in a pilot tailored exercise program during chemoradiotherapy for high grade glioma: A qualitative study, Georgia K. B. Halkett, Prue Cormie, Shirley McGough, Eva M. Zopf, Daniel A. Galvão, Robert U. Newton, and Anna K. Nowak


High-speed stretch-shortening cycle exercises as a strategy to provide eccentric overload during resistance training, Jose Luis Hernández-Davó, Rafael Sabido, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Effect of preconditioning exercise on biceps brachii myotendinous junction displacement during elbow flexor eccentric exercise, Chih-Chiao Ho, Kazunori Nosaka, Kou-Wei Tseng, Wei-Chin Tseng, Wing-Yin Lau, Gregory C. Bogdanis, and Trevor C. Chen


Impaired recovery is associated with increased injury and illness: A retrospective study of 536 female netball athletes, Barry G. Horgan, Michael K. Drew, Shona L. Halson, Laura E. Piromalli, Eric J. Drinkwater, Dale W. Chapman, and G. Gregory Haff


Prevalence and patterns of multimorbidity in Australian baby boomers: The Busselton healthy ageing study, Michael L. Hunter, Matthew W. Knuiman, Bill A. W. Musk, Jennie Hui, Kevin Murray, John P. Beilby, David R. Hillman, Joseph Hung, Robert U. Newton, Romola S. Bucks, Leon Straker, John P. Walsh, Kun Zhu, David G. Bruce, Robert H. Eikelboom, Timothy M. E. Davis, David A. Mackey, and Alan L. James


Does muscle–tendon unit structure predispose to hamstring strain injury during running? A critical review, Shaun Huygaerts, Francesc Cos, Daniel D. Cohen, Julio Calleja-González, Ricard Pruna, Pedro E. Alcaraz, and Anthony J. Blazevich


Inter-individual variability in the load-velocity relationship is detected by multilevel mixed regression models, Eliseo Iglesias-Soler, Xian Mayo, Jéssica Rial-Vázquez, and Guy G. Haff


Adaptations to post-exercise cold water immersion: Friend, foe, or futile?, Mohammed Ihsan, Chris R. Abbiss, and Robert Allan


Association of genetic variances in ADRB1 and PPARGC1a with two-kilometre running time-trial performance in Australian football league players: A preliminary study, Ysabel Jacob, Ryan S. Anderton, Jodie L. Cochrane Wilkie, Brent Rogalski, Simon M. Laws, Anthony Jones, Tania Spiteri, and Nicolas H. Hart