Submissions from 2001
Strategic management of knowledge for designers: Meta-theoretical hieracrchy as a foundation for knowledge management tools, Terence Love
Constituent market orientation and virtual organisations, Terence Love and Brynjulf Tellefsen
The holistic interpretive package: A qualitative measure of customer satisfaction in dive tourism, Martin Maccarthy, Paul (Allan) Williams, and Martin O'Neill
Desktop warfare in the data gridlocked information age, David Maguire
Making cents of on-line publishing, David Maguire
Porter and profit: On-line newspapers prove the point, David Maguire
Virtual Newspaper non-cents: Flaws in the e-model, David Maguire
Community gateways: on the road to a sustainable model, Ian Martinus
Inhibitors to the SME participation in information technology to grow, Ian Martinus
Small business in the new battlefield: Government attempts at providing a secure environment, Ian Martinus
Virtual goverment and the power of an invisible hand, Ian Martinus
Identity, not motivation: The key to effective employee-organsiation relations, Richard Mckenna
Must managers leave ethics at home? Economics and moral anomie in business organisations, Richard Mckenna and Eva Tshauridu
Rural women in leadership, Fiona Mckenzie
Women in small business in rural, regional and remote Australia: Cultural and policy oversights, Fiona Mckenzie
The effect and implications for a stochastic pattern of lotto game play, Dick Mizerski and Katherine Mizerski
Souvenirs on the internet - would you purchase?, Katherine Mizerski, C Arthur, and Richard Mizerski
An exploratory study into customer orientation and product attributes in the racing industry, Katherine Mizerski, Rohan Miller, and Richard Mizerski
Are electronic gaming machines the crack cocaine of gambling?, Katherine Mizerski, Richard Mizerski, and B Jolley
A comparison of factors that affect auditors', directors' and creditors' perceptions of audit quality, Gary Monroe and M Chang
The impact of occupational stress on job-related attitudes and the performance of public accountants, Gary Monroe, Vincent Chong, and Geoff Soutar
The effect of outsourcing public sector audits on audit hours, Gary Monroe, Colin Dolley, K M Chong, and K Houghton
An empirical examination of the relationship between auditors' control and inherent risk assessments made during planning and misstatements discovered in inventory, Gary Monroe and M Gooding
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat, Gerald Nugawela
Scoring goals: Strategic application of the Internet by Western Australian sport organisations, Cameron O'Beirne and Susan Stoney
Why women wear lipstick: preliminary findings, Madeleine Ogilvie and Paulene Kristensen-Bach
Weaving the tangled web - Deception on the internet, a travellers tale?, Lorraine O'Neill-Cooper
Women in the information technology industry: A Western Australian view, Lorraine O'Neill-Cooper and Elizabeth Walker
Measuring Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Martin O'Neill
Exploring the relationship between post-consumption dissonance and time-elapsed perceptions of service quality, Martin O'Neill and Adrian Palmer
Survey timing and consumer perceptions of service quality: An overview of empirical evidence, Martin O'Neill and Adrian Palmer
Quality evaluation in on-line service environments: An application of the importance-performance measurement technique, Martin O'Neill, Christine Wright, and Frank Fitz
The management of performance by volunteers: The use of performance feedback, Megan Paull
Marketing the anti-drug message: Source credibility varies by level of marijuana use, Fiona Perman and Nadine Henley
King or Prawn? The Role of the Australian Beer Drinker, Simone Pettigrew
The beer-drinking female: An Australian anomaly, Simone Pettigrew
The role of alcohol in non-indigenous Australian culture: An ethonographic study, Simone Pettigrew
The role of sport in the Australian psyche: Marketing implications, Simone Pettigrew
Why a journal of research for consumers?, Simone Pettigrew
New year's eve consumption plans: Consumer's consumption priorities on the eve of 2000, Simone Pettigrew, Maria M. Ryan, and Madeleine Ogilvie
Internet issues for small and medium-sized Australian businesses, Simone Pettigrew and Roman Vargha
Frameworks to support e-business growth strategy, Adi Prananto, Judith Mckay, and Peter Marshall
Bringing virtual reality to a public service environment, Greg Robins
E-government, information warfare and risk management: An Australian case study, Greg Robins
Information Sharing in a Cross Cultural Environment, Greg Robins
In the beginning...a knowledge management project in progress, Greg Robins
Protecting Australian heritage by defining tomorrow's industry guidelines today, Greg Robins
A virtual organisation model for e-government, Greg Robins and Janice Burn
Building value into e-government: an Australian case study, Greg Robins and Janice Burn
Recreating government through effective knowledge management, Greg Robins and Janice Burn
Percetions of gambling on the internet: a simulated study, Maria Ryan and Pradtana Limkrailassiri
Examining the effects of environmental interchangeability with overseas students: A cross cultural comparison, Maria M. Ryan and Madeleine Ogilvie
Documenting and Disseminating Narrative Knowledge, Walter Smith
The Characteristics of Successful e-Marketplaces, Craig Standing
The requirements of methodologies for developing web applications, Craig Standing
Business Models and Electronic Commerce in the Travel Industry, Craig Standing and Helen Bull
Evaluating the benefits of electronic marketplaces, Craig Standing and Rosemary Stockdale
Recognition and use of key success factors in electronic marketplaces, Craig Standing and Rosemary Stockdale
User Involvement in E-Commerce Systems Development, Craig Standing and Julian Terry
Industry Transformation in e-commerce: Web Diffusion in travel Agencies, Craig Standing and Thandarayan Vasudavan
The Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Travel Sector, Craig Standing and Thandarayan Vasudavan
Working for excellence in the e-conomy: 2nd international We-B conference, Sue Stoney (Ed.)
Role of politics on the setting of budget plans: A study of the public sector fertiliser enterprises in Indonesia, Akhmad Syakhroza and Mohamed Islam
Virtual organising in a floating production storage and offtake oil and gas project, Ernie Tan
Putting theory in practice: guiding marketing students to better communication and collaborative skills, Sherryl Tanian and Kandy James
Teaching students learning strategies in a first year accounting unit, Leonard Therry, Roger Willcocks, and Richard Fuller
The selling orientation-customer orientation (S.O.C.O.) scale: A proposed short form, Raymond W. Thomas, Geoffrey N. Soutar, and Maria M. Ryan
Allometry of clutch and neonate sizes in montior lizards (Varanidae: Varanus), Graham G. Thompson and Eric R Pianka
Mermaids and ethics, Eva Tshauridu
Idealism, gender and business decisions, Eva Tshauridu and Elizabeth Walker
Digital chimney sweeps - maximising your internet connections business potential, Craig Valli
Key knowledge matrix - a tool for guiding an intranet based knowledge management system, Craig Valli
NIDH - Network Intrusion Detection Hierarchy: A model for gathering attack intelligence, Craig Valli
The stumbling blocks of trust in virtual organising, Craig Valli
The well bookshop - moving to virtuality, Craig Valli
An initial study of Australian on-line bookstores, Craig Valli and Peter Marshall
Automaton hackers, Craig Valli and Alice Voeten-Lim
The ISO 9000 series as a tool for organisational change: Is there a case?, A Van der Weile, A R T Williams, A Brown, and B G Dale
A corporate social responsbility audit within a quality management framework, Ton Van der Weile, Peter Kok, Richard Mckenna, and Alan Brown
Internet advertising and it's role in information warfare, Dragan Velichkovich
Internet advertising: How different is it?, Dragan Velichkovich
Traditional versus internet advertising: The rise of narrowcasting, Dragan Velichkovich
Using the techniques of internet advertising for a perception offensive in information warfare, Dragan Velichkovich
A contemporary profile of Australian women small business owners, Elizabeth Walker
Are most family businesses really family businesses?, Elizabeth Walker
Why do children change their mind about smoking? Child development theory applied to social marketing practice, Calvin Wang and Nadine Henley
A security method for healthcare organisations, Matthew Warren and William Hutchinson
Deception: A tool and curse for security management, M Warren and W Hutchinson
Swarming: A new paradigm for agent management, Leigh Watson
The application of swarming theory to information warfare, Leigh Watson
Interfaces for e-learning: cognitive styles and software agents for web-based learning support, William Webster
Supply chain management and collaborative commerce (C-com): An exploratory study of Australian-SMEs, Robert Welsh and Tamilselvi Kandasaami
The need for in-depths cyber defence programmes in business information warfare environments, Mark Williams and Stephen Edwards
Supply chain management and the B2B E-commerce for a non-profit organisation, Edward Wong
The organisational impacts of knowledge management systems, Edward Wong
Cognitive learning of intelligence systems using neural Networks: Evidence from the Australian capital markets, Edward Wong and Joachim Tan
Some statistical models for durations and their applications in finance, Harry Zheng, David E. Allen, and Lyn C. Thomas
The duration derby : a comparison of duration based strategies in asset liability management, Harry Zheng, David E. Allen, and Lyn C. Thomas