Submissions from 2001
Modifying consumption of alcohol using harm reduction: The role of responsible alcohol service, Nevil Alexander and Nadine Henley
The Winery as educator: Do wineries provide what the wine tourist needs?, Jane Ali-Knight and Steve Charters
E-government and government policy towards the internet, Alex Allan
Are bank deposits and bank-affiliated managed funds close substitutes?, David E. Allen and Jerry T. Parwada
An e-commerce model for extending ERP systems onto the internet: An Australian perspective, Colin Ash
Benefits from e-business implementations with ERP: Exploring the antecedents of B2B model, Colin Ash
e-Business change and application service providers: A case study of an ERP enabled SME, Colin Ash
E-business change and organisational performance: A case study of B2B e-business integration, Colin Ash
Managing Change for e-Business Success, Colin Ash and Janice Burn
To be or not to be - an ERP quandry, Colin Ash and Janice Burn
Strategy or strategic tool? The role of information systems in change management success or failure, Colin Ash and Scott Gardner
E-engineering through e-business change management, Colin G. Ash and Janice M. Burn
E-ERP: A comprehensive approach to e-business [conference paper], Colin G. Ash and Janice M. Burn
E-business change management through I-ERP, Colin Ash, William Hutchinson, and Janice Burn
A symbolism to this place: The geography of a union campaign, Janis Bailey
Repositioning travel agencies on the internet, Martin Barnett and Craig Standing
Paradise nearly gained? Studying the emerging architecture of workplace learning practices and the changing focus of VET, Llandis Barratt-Pugh
Searching for extended identity: The problematised role of managing people development, as illuminated by the frontline management Initiative, Llandis Barratt-Pugh
Effective Knowledge Management: Knowledge, Thinking and the Personal-Corporate Knowledge Nexus Problem, Stephen Benson and Craig Standing
The uncertain search for opportunities: Determinants of strategic alliances, Mike Beverland and Phillip Bretherton
Australian SMEs, consultant engagement and B2C success factors, Shirley Bode and Janice Burn
Who wags, the e-tail? Strategic planning for e-business in SMEs, Shirley Bode and Janice Burn
Marketing anti-smoking messages to 'hard-core' older smokers: Differences in male and female attitudes, Debora Brown and Nadine Henley
E-volutionary strategies for e-business, Janice Burn
Strategic planning for e-commerce systems (SPECS): developing interpretations, Janice Burn, Gurpreet Dhillon, and Ray Hackney
SPECS - Strategic planning for e-commerce systems towards an E-customer, Janice Burn and Ray Hackney
Structure, strategy and success factors for the virtual organisation, Janice Burn, Peter Marshall, and Judith Mckay
The societal impact of the World Wide Web: Key challenges for the 21st century [journal article], Janice M. Burn and Karen D. Loch
Strategic planning for e-government: a customer value based model, Janice Burn and Greg Robins
E-Business research: Exploring a new paradigm for research development, Janice Burn and Emmanuel Tetteh
Global strategies for SMe-Business: applying the SMALL framework, Janice Burn and Emmanuel Tetteh
Regional Wine Tourism: A Plan of Development for Western Australia, Jack Carlsen and Ross Dowling
Cross-case analysis of family businesses in rural tourism, Jack Carlsen and Donald Getz
The environmental attitudes and practices of family businesses in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors, Jack Carlsen, Donald Getz, and Jane Ali-Knight
Event evaluation research, Jack Carlsen, Donald Getz, and Geoff Soutar
Service Quality at the Cellar Door: A Comparison Between Regions, Stephen Charters and Martin O'Neill
Service quality and consumer behavioural intention: an exploratory study from the Australian wine tourism sector, Stephen Charters, Martin O'Neill, Adrian Palmer, and Frank Fitz
A research note on the effects of gender and task complexity on an audit judgment, Janne Chung and Gary S. Monroe
Closing the divide: Downsizing as if people mattered, Cecil Clabaugh
Teleworking: Frameworks for organizational research, Kevin Daniels, David Lamond, and Peter Standen
Examining the outsourcing decision - A structure/agency perspective, Philip Dobson
Investigating ERP systems using structuration theory - A critique, Philip Dobson
Outsourcing as a Fad - The Rational Agent Versus Structural Imposition, Philip Dobson
The SoSM revisited - critical realism and the soft systems approach - the importance of social structures, Philip Dobson
What's in a name? 'BPR' versus outsourcing - A critical realist perspective on emancipation, Philip Dobson
Longitudinal case research - A critical realist perspective, Philip J. Dobson
The philosophy of critical realism—An opportunity for information systems research, Philip J. Dobson
Whatever happened to the IT plan?, Philip Dobson and Craig Standing
Environmental Tourism, Ross Dowling
Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific), Ross Dowling
To what extent can knowledge management systems build and reinforce consensus around initiatives for change?: A self-reflective analysis of professional practice, Guy A. Duczynski
Women and work: Gender disparity in Australian universities, Jennifer Ellis-Newman
The role of security standards in Electronic Business (EB), John Fall
Cyberservice or how to service your business clients online, Dieter Fink
Knowledge management in small and medium sized professional accounting firms: Progress and challenges, Dieter Fink
Web site effectiveness: a measure of information and service quality, Dieter Fink
A conversation regarding ethics in information systems education research, Dieter Fink and Mark Williams
Does computing education promote a mindset which reinforces nihilism and ecological destruction?, Dieter Fink, Mark Williams, and C A Bowers
Stakeholder relationship management: Addessing the dilemmas of commercialised government, Scott Gardner
A Tool to Support the Use of Part-Complete Solutions in the Learning of Programming, Stuart K. Garner
Cognitive load reduction in problem solving domains, Stuart K. Garner
Improving Student-Tutor Dialogues in E-Learning, Stuart K. Garner
Service quality evaluation at events through service mapping, Donald Getz, Martin O'Neill, and Jack Carlsen
Bridge climb: on post modern rites of passage, Ronald Groves and R Belk
Look at them blokes! Got no bloody control see: Alcohol consumption and the Australian Aborigine, Ronald Groves and R Belk
Usefulness of the Statement of Cash Flows: Evidence from Indian Mutual Fund Analysts, Salleh Hassan, M S Narasimhan, and Theo Christopher
Research on Australian e-retailers: Strategic issues, success factors, and challenges, Xueli Huang
Resource adequacy in new product development: A discriminant analysis, Xueli Huang, Geoffrey N. Soutar, and Alan Brown
Survival in the e-conomy: 2nd Australian information warfare & security conference 2001, William Hutchinson (Ed.)
Systems in management 7th annual ANZSYS conference 2001: The relevance of systems thinking in the contemporary world, William Hutchinson (Ed.)
Designing for diversity, William Hutchinson and Susan Stoney
Fire, file and forget: Why e-mails often fail, William Hutchinson and Susan Stoney
A duality security risk analysis method for e-commerce, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
A security training approach for UK small and medium sized enterprises, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
Attitudes of Australian information system managers against online attackers, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
Cyber terrorism and the contemporary corporation, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
Information warfare and hacking, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
Information Warfare: Corporate attack and defence in a digital world, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
The nature of data: Illusions of reality, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
The use of the viable systems model to develop attacks on and an understanding of the weaknesses of an information system, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren
Principles of information warfare, W Hutchinson and M Warren
I just gotta have my own place: The bedroom as a leisure site for adolescent girls, Kandy James
Campus Alive!: A project to explore student attitudes to campus life, Kandy James and Suzanne Colyer
Anyone could be lurking around! : Constraints on adolescent girls recreational activities after dark, Kandy James and Lynne Embrey
Attitudes toward female sports stars as endorsers, Kandy James and Maria Ryan
The gulf between theory and practice among Australian human resource and industrial relations managers, Per Johansen and Robert Horstman
Migrating issues form electronic commerce to mobile commerce, Tamilselvi Kandasaami and Rajagopal Gururajan
Miles to go before secure online shopping: Certification authorities and Australian retailers, Girija Krishnaswamy and Dora Marinova
The role of certification authorities in e-commerce payment systems: Evidence from Australian retailers, Girija Krishnaswamy and Dora Marinova
The dominant knowledge asset: The key to short term decision making, Edmond La Vertu
The autopsy of the Korean market: Dynamics and contradictions, You-Il Lee
E-nabling product development in the Australian machinery industry: An exploratory examination, You-Il Lee and Xueli Huang
An I-based taxonomy of virtual organisations and the implications for effective management, Nick Lethbridge
Impact of information warfare on business continuity planning, Nicolas Lethbridge
Physical and virtual communities and the not-for-profit web site, Nicolas Lethbridge
Delivering public leisure services: Integrating people, places and partnerships, Joaquim Lobo
Health Tourism within the Leisure Paradigm: Australian and New Zealand Experiences, Joaquim Lobo
The work-leisure paradigm: Changing relationships and challenges for service delivery, Joaquim Lobo
Young People, Unemployment and Leisure: A Gender Perspective, Joaquim Lobo