Submissions from 2001
Supply chain management and collaborative commerce (C-com): An exploratory study of Australian-SMEs, Robert Welsh and Tamilselvi Kandasaami
The need for in-depths cyber defence programmes in business information warfare environments, Mark Williams and Stephen Edwards
Supply chain management and the B2B E-commerce for a non-profit organisation, Edward Wong
The organisational impacts of knowledge management systems, Edward Wong
Cognitive learning of intelligence systems using neural Networks: Evidence from the Australian capital markets, Edward Wong and Joachim Tan
Some statistical models for durations and their applications in finance, Harry Zheng, David E. Allen, and Lyn C. Thomas
The duration derby : a comparison of duration based strategies in asset liability management, Harry Zheng, David E. Allen, and Lyn C. Thomas
Theses from 2000
So-- you do this for a living? : a study of women in adventure recreation in Western Australia, May Carter
Reducing the redundancy of financial ratios and assessing the stability of financial patterns, Teck K. Hii
How general practitioners and aged care workers perceive incidences of elder abuse, Paul Howrie
Doctrinal and applied TQM in relation to dominant models of organisation: A comparative study, Brad J. Moore
Leisure patterns, constraints and socio-demographic characteristics of Korean immigrants in Western Australia, Sooyoung S. Tcha
Submissions from 1999
Executing effective road safety advertising: Are big production budgets necessary?, R. J. Donovan, Geoffrey Jalleh, and Nadine Henley
Fourth world consumer culture: Emerging consumer cultures in remote Aboriginal communities of North-Western Australia, Ronald George Groves
Unintended consequences of arousing fear in social marketing, Nadine Henley and Rob Donovan
Theses from 1998
An empirical model for predicting the feasibility of corporate turnaround, Syed Kamalludin bin Syed Alaudin Al Qadiri
The role of management in the movement towards sustainability: Perceived responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities, Martin Brueckner
The effects of gender and task complexity on audit judgment, Janne Chung and Gary S. Monroe
Appealing to positive motivations and emotions in social marketing: Example of a positive parenting campaign, Nadine Henley, R. Donovan, and H. Moorhead
Auditor low balling : Fee recoupment and non-audit services, Keith A. Houghton and Christinr Jubb
The interactive effects of different accounting controls on subordinates' behaviour and performance, Chong M. Lau
Gender differences in tourism destination: Implications for tourism marketers, Marie Ryan, Nadine Henley, and Geoffery Soutar
Submissions from 1997
Theses from 1996
Earnings management and accounting choices in initial public offerings : Evidence from Indonesia, Tatang A. Gumanti
An evaluation of the social and economic impacts of the PPAEP on rural Philippines : the case of Luyong Bonbon and Pagalungan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines, Maria R. Hechanova
Approaches to decision making, Richard J. McKenna
Users and accounting information preferences of government department financial reports, Helen R. Mignot
Theses from 1995
Experiences in the use of the structured systems analysis and design methodology (SSADM) in a service organisation, Andre Bavington
Determinants of the decision to capitalize finance leases by lessees : Australian evidence, Salleh B. Hassan
Voluntary environmental disclosure by Australian listed mineral mining companies : an application of stakeholder theory, Y. B. Hutomo
Theses from 1994
The management of information technology investments in the Australian ambulance services, Anthony J. Ahern
Tax-effect accounting in Australia : the nature and treatment of the provision for deferred income tax, Robert A. Lopez
Mothers' labour force participation decisions and child care provision in Australia, Gary Sherry
A study of the approaches and attitudes of information systems executives to measuring information systems effectiveness, Falantina Tjakra
Theses from 1993
An Arts-Employment Analysis : the Effect of Government Funding on Employment at Deck Chair Theatre and Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Lance Bennett
Theses from 1992
Leveraged Buyouts, Kurt J. Smith