Submissions from 2021
Is Australia really lost in space?, Brett Biddington
Fire in organic-rich wetland sediments: Inorganic responses in porewater, David Blake, Mary C. Boyce, William D. Stock, and Pierre Horwitz
Aquatic ecosystems of the anthropocene: Limnology and microbial ecology of mine pit lakes, Melanie L. Blanchette and Mark A. Lund
Taking an environmental ethics perspective to understand what we should expect from EIA in terms of biodiversity protection, Alan Bond, Jenny Pope, Angus Morrison-Saunders, and Francois Retief
Protein extraction protocols for optimal proteome measurement and arginine kinase quantitation from cricket Acheta domesticus for food safety assessment, Utpal Bose, James A. Broadbent, Angéla Juhász, Shaymaviswanathan Karnaneedi, Elecia B. Johnston, Sally Stockwell, Keren Byrne, Vachiranee Limviphuvadh, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Andreas L. Lopata, and Michelle L. Colgrave
Proteome and nutritional shifts observed in hordein double-mutant barley lines, Utpal Bose, Angéla Juhász, Ronald Yu, Mahya Bahmani, Keren Byrne, Malcolm Blundell, James A. Broadbent, Crispin A. Howitt, and Michelle L. Colgrave
Quantitative mass spectrometry-based analysis of proteins related to cattle and their products – focus on cows’ milk beta-casein proteoforms, James A. Broadbent, Mark R. Condina, and Michelle L. Colgrave
Phylogeography and population structure of the putative relict Reedia spathacea F.Muell. (Cyperaceae), Jessica Bruce
To dine in or not to dine in: A comparison of food selection and preparation behaviours in those with and without food security, Lucy M. Butcher, Therese A. O’Sullivan, Maria M. Ryan, Johnny Lo, Julie Nyanjom, Hugh C. Wilkins, and Amanda Devine
Architectural analysis and customised deployment of deceptive cowrie and conpot honeypots, Warren Cabral
Analysis of Conpot and Its BACnet features for cyber-deception, Warren Z. Cabral, Craig Valli, Leslie F. Sikos, and Samuel Wakeling
Advanced cowrie configuration to increase honeypot deceptiveness, Warren Z. Cabral, Craig Valli, Leslie F. Sikos, and Samuel G. Wakeling
Kynurenic acid may underlie sex-specific immune responses to COVID-19, Yuping Cai, Daniel J. Kim, Takehiro Takahashi, David I. Broadhurst, Hong Yan, Shuangge Ma, Nicholas J. W. Rattray, Arnau Casanovas-Massana, Benjamin Israelow, Jon Klein, Carolina Lucas, Tianyang Mao, Adam J. Moore, M. Catherine Muenker, Ji Eun Oh, Julio Silva, Patrick Wong, Albert I. Ko, Sajid A. Khan, Akiko Iwasaki, Caroline H. Johnson, and Yale IMPACT Research team
An integrated approach to re-evaluate the validity of the family Leptobathynellidae (Crustacea: Bathynellacea), Ana I. Camacho, Paloma Mas-Peinado, Yenumula R. Reddy, Elia Bandari, Shabbudin Shaik, Giulia Perina, Beatriz A. Dorda, Adrian Casado, and Isabel Rey
Pathways to spatial subsidies by kelp in seagrass meadows, Audrey E. Cartraud, Paul S. Lavery, Caitlin M. Rae, and Glenn A. Hyndes
Addressing the spectrum of strategic environmental assessment potential: Evolving practice in Thailand and its effectiveness, Chaunjit Chanchitpricha, Kanokporn Swangjang, and Angus Morrison-Saunders
Quantum robust fitting, Tat-Jun Chin, David Suter, Shin-Fang Ch’ng, and James Quach
Review of the analysis of 234Th in small volume (2–4 L) seawater samples: Improvements and recommendations, Samantha J. Clevenger, Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson, Jessica Drysdale, Steven Pike, Viena Puigcorbé, and Ken O. Buesseler
What lies beneath: Predicting seagrass below-ground biomass from above-ground biomass, environmental conditions and seagrass community composition, C. J. Collier, L. M. Langlois, Kathryn M. McMahon, J. Udy, M. Rasheed, E. Lawrence, A. B. Carter, M. W. Fraser, and L. J. McKenzie
Why bother calculating pi to 62.8 trillion digits? It’s both useless and fascinating, Julia Collins
How to encourage cyber-safe behaviour at work without becoming the office grouch, Nathalie Collins, Jeff Volkheimer, and Paul Haskell-Dowland
Thirty critical research needs for managing an ecologically and culturally unique remote marine environment: The Kimberley region of Western Australia, C. Cvitanovic, M. Mackay, R. Kelly, S. K. Wilson, K. Waples, K. L. Nash, E. I. van Putten, S. Field, T. Botterill-James, B. J. Austin, L. E. Beckley, F. Boschetti, M. Depczynski, R. J. Dobbs, R. D. Evans, M. Feng, R. K. Goater, A. R. Halford, A. Kendrick, G. A. Kendrick, G. D. B. Lincoln, L. J. Ludgerus, R. J. Lowe, Kathryn McMahon, J. K. Munro, S. J. Newman, C. Nutt, L. Pearson, M. J. O'Leary, Z. T. Richards, W. D. Robbins, D. I. Rogers, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, V. Schoepf, M. J. Travers, M. Thums, A. D. Tucker, J. N. Underwood, S. Whiting, D. Matthews, and Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation
A temporal record of microplastic pollution in Mediterranean seagrass soils, Martin Dahl, Sanne Bergman, Mats Björk, Elena Diaz-Almela, Maria Granberg, Martin Gullström, Carmen Leiva-Dueñas, Kerstin Magnusson, Candela Marco-Méndez, Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal, and Miguel Ángel Mateo
Nano-grating assisted light absorption enhancement for msm-pds performance improvement: An updated review, Narottam Das, Mohammad Nur-E-alam, Alif Islam, and Ain Zulaikha Maslihan Ain
Mouse plague: bromadiolone will obliterate mice, but it’ll poison eagles, snakes and owls, too, Robert Davis, Bill Bateman, Damian Lettoof, Maggie J. Watson, and Michael Lohr
The biogeographic history of the relictual Gondwanan lineage of Australian burrowing crayfish, Kathryn L. Dawkins, James M. Furse, and Jane M. Hughes
Genetic and ecological consequences of recent habitat fragmentation in a narrow endemic plant species within an urban context, Nicola Delnevo, Andrea Piotti, Michele Carbognani, Eddie J. van Etten, William D. Stock, David L. Field, and Margaret Byrne
Adaptive defence and sensing responses of host plant roots to fungal pathogen attack revealed by transcriptome and metabolome analyses, Yi Ding, Donald M. Gardiner, Jonathan J. Powell, Michelle L. Colgrave, Robert F. Park, and Kemal Kazan
Current and future carbon stocks in coastal wetlands within the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Micheli Duarte de Paula Costa, Catherine E. Lovelock, Nathan J. Waltham, Mary Young, Maria F. Adame, Catherine V. Bryant, Don Butler, David Green, Michael A. Rasheed, Cristian Salinas, Oscar Serrano, Paul H. York, Ashley A. Whitt, and Peter I. Macreadie
A genetic investigation of anticoagulant rodenticide resistance in Mus musculus of Western Australia: Implications for conservation and biosecurity, Bridget Judith Maria Lucrezia Duncan
The role of machine learning in game development domain - a review of current trends and future directions, Gemma Edwards, Nicholas Subianto, David Englund, Jun Wei Goh, Nathan Coughran, Zachary Milton, Nima Mirnateghi, and Syed Afaq Ali Shah
New Guinean bandicoots: New insights into diet, dentition and digestive tract morphology and a dietary review of all extant non-Australian peramelemorphia, Todd F. Elliott, Kenny J. Travouillon, Natalie M. Warburton, Melissa A. Danks, and Karl Vernes
Perennial ryegrass contains gluten-like proteins that could contaminate cereal crops, Sophia Escobar Correas, James A. Broadbent, Alicja Andraszek, Sally Stockwell, Crispin A. Howitt, Angela Juhasz, and Michael Colgrave
Artificial intelligence in security technologies: Levels of intelligent autonomy and risk, Deborah Evans and Michael Coole
Identification of dispersal barriers for a colonising seagrass using seascape genetic analysis, R. D. Evans, Kathryn M. McMahon, K. J. van Dijk, Kat Dawkins, M. Nilsson Jacobi, and A. Vikrant
An accurate CNN architecture for atrial fibrillation detection using neural architecture search, Najmeh Fayyazifar
Federated deep learning for cyber security in the internet of things: Concepts, applications, and experimental analysis, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Othmane Friha, Leandros Maglaras, Helge Janicke, and Lei Shu
Information security and privacy – challenges and outlook, Steven Furnell, Paul Haskell-Dowland, Manish Agrawal, Richard Baskerville, Anirban Basu, Matt Bishop, Jorge Cuellar, Sara Foresti, Lynn Futcher, Nurit Gal-Oz, Teju Herath, Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Allen Johnston, Wouter Joosen, Giovanni Livraga, Javier Lopez, false Marsh, Fabio Martinelli, Fabio Massacci, Aljosa Pasic, Stef Schinagl, Abbas Shahim, Kerry Lynn Thomson, Jaideep Vaidya, Tony Vance, and Merrill Warkentin
A blockchain-based verification system for academic certificates, Hrithik Gaikwad, Nevil D'Souza, Rajkumar Gupta, and Amiya K. Tripathy
Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak quarantine, isolation, and lockdown policies on mental health and suicide, Balasankar Ganesan, Adel Al-Jumaily, Kenneth N. K. Fong, Palak Prasad, Surendra Kumar Meena, and Raymond Kai-Yu Tong
Indoor semantic scene understanding using 2D-3D fusion, Muraleekrishna Gopinathan, Giang Truong, and Jumana Abu-Khalaf
Soil carbon stocks vary across geomorphic settings in Australian temperate tidal marsh ecosystems, Connor Gorham, Paul Lavery, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Cristian Salinas, and Oscar Serrano
Heterogeneous tidal marsh soil organic carbon accumulation among and within temperate estuaries in Australia, Connor Gorham, Paul S. Lavery, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Pere Masque, and Oscar Serrano
A novel hybrid cyber range for security exercises on cyber-physical systems, Bil Hallaq, Andrew Nicholson, Richard Smith, Leandros Maglaras, Allan Cook, Helge Janicke, and Kevin Jones
Delamination-and electromigration-related failures in solar panels—a review, Abdulwahab A. Q. Hasan, Ammar Ahmed Alkahtani, Seyed Ahmad Shahahmadi, Mohammad N. E. Alam, Mohammad Aminul Islam, and Nowshad Amin
Facebook data breach: what happened and why it’s hard to know if your data was leaked, Paul Haskell-Dowland
Fastly global internet outage: why did so many sites go down — and what is a CDN, anyway?, Paul Haskell-Dowland
Holding the news to ransom? What we know so far about the Channel 9 cyber attack, Paul Haskell-Dowland
Remember, Apple AirTags and ‘Find My’ app only work because of a vast, largely covert tracking network, Paul Haskell-Dowland
‘We have filed a case under your name’: beware of tax scams — they’ll be everywhere this EOFY, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Nathalie Collins
The Christmas gifts that keep giving (your data away) — and how to prevent this, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Steven Furnell
Apple’s new ‘app tracking transparency’ has angered Facebook. How does it work, what’s all the fuss about, and should you use it?, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Nikolai Hampton
How does the Pegasus spyware work, and is my phone at risk?, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Roberto Musotto
What is ‘Other’ in my iPhone storage, why is it taking up so much space and how do I clear it?, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Patryk Szewczyk
Is Australia a sitting duck for ransomware attacks? Yes, and the danger has been growing for 30 years, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Andrew Woodward
Blue carbon stocks, accumulation rates, and associated spatial variability in Brazilian mangroves, Vanessa Hatje, Pere Masque´, Vinicus F. Patire, Antonio Dorea, and Francisco Barros
Genotype-specific lesion growth rates in stargardt disease, Rachael C. Heath Jeffery, Jennifer A. Thompson, Johnny Lo, Tina M. Lamey, Terri L. McLaren, Ian L. McAllister, Ian J. Constable, John N. De Roach, and Fred K. Chen
Atrophy expansion rates in Stargardt disease using ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence, Rachael C. Heath-Jeffery, Jennifer A. Thompson, Johnny Lo, Tina M. Lamey, Terri L. McLaren, Ian L. McAllister, David A. Mackey, Ian J. Constable, John N. De Roach, and Fred K. Chen
Predictors of marine genetic structure in the Indo-Australian Archipelago, Udhi E. Hernawan, Paul S. Lavery, Gary A. Kendrick, Kor-jent van Dijk, Yaya I. Ulumuddin, Teddy Triandiza, and Kathryn M. McMahon
The first nation-wide assessment identifies valuable blue‑carbon seagrass habitat in Indonesia is in moderate condition, Udhi E. Hernawan, Susi Rahmawati, Rohani Ambo-Rappe, Nurul D. M. Sjafrie, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Deny S. Yusup, Aditya H. Nugraha, Yayu A. La Nafie, Wahyu Adi, Bayu Prayudha, Andri Irawan, Yusmiana P. Rahayu, Ermi Ningsih, Ita Riniatsih, Indarto H. Supriyadi, and Kathryn McMahon
Digital twins and cyber security - solution or challenge?, David Holmes, Maria Papathanasaki, Leandros Maglaras, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Surya Nepal, and Helge Janicke
Urban remnant size alters fungal functional groups dispersed by a digging mammal, Anna J. M. Hopkins, Natasha E. Tay, Gillian L. Bryant, Katinka X. Ruthrof, Leonie E. Valentine, Halina Kobryn, Treena I. Burgess, Bonnie Beal Richardson, Giles E. St. J. Hardy, and Patricia A. Fleming
Overlapping cell nuclei segmentation in digital histology images using intensity-based contours, Md Shamim Hossain, Leisa J. Armstrong, Jumana Abu-Khalaf, David M. Cook, and Pauline Zaenker
Effect of pH and heat treatment on physicochemical and functional properties of spray-dried whey protein concentrate powder, Thao M. Ho, Jinlei Zhu, Nidhi Bansal, Mary C. Boyce, and Thao T. Le
A survey on state-of-the-art techniques for knowledge graphs construction and challenges ahead, Ali Hur, Naeem Janjua, and Mohiuddin Ahmed
Cyber Cold War? The US and Russia talk tough, but only diplomacy will ease the threat, Ahmed Ibrahim and Paul Haskell-Dowland
Sensing of surface and bulk refractive index using magnetophotonic crystal with hybrid magneto-optical response, Daria Ignatyeva, Pavel Kapralov, Polina Golovko, Polina Shilina, Anastasiya Khramova, Sergey Sekatskii, Mohammad Nur-E-alam, Kamal Alameh, Mikhail Vasiliev, Andrey Kalish, and Vladimir Belotelov
GuideNet: Learning inter- vertebral guides in DXA lateral spine images, Zaid Ilyas, Naeha Sharif, John T. Schousboe, Joshua R. Lewis, David Suter, and Syed Zulqarnain Gilani
Phylogenetic diversity and dominant ecological traits of freshwater Antarctic Chrysophyceae, Irina Izaguirre, Fernando Unrein, M. Romina Schiaffino, Enrique Lara, David Singer, Vanessa Balagué, Josep M. Gasol, and Ramon Massana
Multiview eye localisation to measure cattle body temperature based on automated thermal image processing and computer vision, Mohammed Ahmed Jaddoa, Luciano Gonzalez, Holly Cuthbertson, and Adel Al-Jumaily
Utilizing the food–pathogen metabolome to putatively identify biomarkers for the detection of shiga toxin-producing e. coli (STEC) from spinach, Snehal R. Jadhav, Rohan M. Shah, Avinash V. Karpe, Robert S. Barlow, Kate E. McMillan, Michelle L. Colgrave, and David J. Beale
A new uncertainty-aware deep neuroevolution model for quantifying tidal prediction, Seyed Mohammad J. Jalali, Mahdi Khodaya, Sajad Ahmadian, Md Kislu Noman, Abbas Khosravi, Syed Mohammed S. Islam, Fei Wang, and João P. S. Catalão
A new ensemble reinforcement learning strategy for solar irradiance forecasting using deep optimized convolutional neural network models, Seyed Mohammad J. Jalali, Mahdi Khodayar, Sajad Ahmadian, Miadreza Shafie-Khah, Abbas Khosravi, Syed Mohammed S. Islam, Saeid Nahavandi, and Joao P. S. Catalao
Privacy-preserving analytics for social network data: A survey of currently prevalent tools, Rishabh Jindal, Ahmed Falah, Adnan Anwar, and Mohiuddin Ahmed
Fecal sample collection methods and time of day impact microbiome composition and short chain fatty acid concentrations, Jacquelyn Jones, Stacey N. Reinke, Alishum Ali, Debra J. Palmer, and Claus T. Christophersen
Exploring the role of stakeholder expectations in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes, Megan Ann Jones
A military human performance management system design using machine learning algorithms, James Jin Kang
Facebook or Twitter posts can now be quietly modified by the government under new surveillance laws, James Jin Kang and Jumana Abu-Khalaf
An energy-efficient and secure data inference framework for internet of health things: A pilot study, James Jin Kang, Mahdi Dibaei, Gang Luo, Wencheng Yang, Paul Haskell-Dowland, and Xi Zheng
A privacy-preserving data inference framework for internet of health things networks, James Jin Kang, Mahdi Dibaei, Gang Luo, Wencheng Yang, and Xi Zheng
How rain, wind, heat and other heavy weather can affect your internet connection, James Jin Kang and Paul Haskell-Dowland
Reducing attack surface of edge computing IoT networks via hybrid routing using dedicated nodes, James Jin Kang, Leslie F. Sikos, and Wencheng Yang
A review of security standards and frameworks for IoT-based smart environments, Nickson M. Karie, Nor Masri Sahri, Wencheng Yang, Craig Valli, and Victor R. Kebande
Digital forensic readiness implementation in SDN: Issues and challenges, Nickson M. Karie and Craig Valli
Digital forensic readiness intelligence crime repository, Victor R. Kebande, Nickson M. Karie, Kim-Kwang R. Choo, and Sadi Alawadi
Real-time monitoring as a supplementary security component of vigilantism in modern network environments, Victor R. Kebande, Nickson M. Karie, and Richard A. Ikuesan
Carbon storage in the Coastal Swamp Oak Forest wetlands of Australia, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Maria Fernanda Adame, Connor Gorham, Jennifer Bratchell, Oscar Serrano, Paul Lavery, Christopher J. Owers, Kerrylee Rogers, Zachary Nagel-Tynan, and Neil Saintilan
Unexpectedly low paternal diversity is associated with infrequent pollinator visitation for a bird-pollinated plant, Joshua H. Kestel, Ryan D. Phillips, Janet Anthony, Robert A. Davis, and Siegfried L. Krauss
A long short-term recurrent spatial-temporal fusion for myoelectric pattern recognition, Rami N. Khushaba, Erik Scheme, Ali H. Al-Timemy, Angkoon Phinyomark, Ahmed Al-Taee, and Adel Al-Jumaily
Realization and optimization of optical logic gates using bias assisted carrier-injected triple parallel microring resonators, Fayza Kizhakkakath, Sooraj Ravindran, Kwangwook Park, Kamal Alameh, and Yong Tak Lee
OmicsVolcano: software for intuitive visualization and interactive exploration of high-throughput biological data, Irina Kuznetsova, Artur Lugmayr, Oliver Rackham, and Aleksandra Filipovska
Aqueous formulations of 1H-cyclopropabenzene modulate ethylene production and fruit quality in Japanese plums, Poe N. Kyaw, Zora Singh, and Vijay Y. Tokala
Corroborating effort and catch from an integrated survey design for a boat-based recreational fishery in Western Australia, Eva K. M. Lai, Karina L. Ryan, Ute Mueller, and Glenn A. Hyndes
The use of singlebeam echo-sounder depth data to produce demersal fish distribution models that are comparable to models produced using multibeam echo-sounder depth, Marcela Montserrat Landero Figueroa, Miles J. G. Parsons, Benjamin J. Saunders, Ben Radford, Chandra Salgado-Kent, and Iain M. Parnum
Health, lifestyle and nature disconnect in high-rise apartment dwellers, Danica-Lea Larcombe
Transgenic wheat with increased endosperm lipid – Impacts on grain composition and baking quality, P. J. Larkin, Q. Liu, T. Vanhercke, X. R. Zhou, U. Bose, J. A. Broadbent, Michelle L. Colgrave, J. P. Ral, K. B. Reynolds, M. Sun, A. El Tahchy, P. Shrestha, Z. Y. Li, S. A. Jobling, P. Lonergan, X. B. Wu, R. Yu, J. X. Luo, C. A. Howitt, and M. Newberry
A strategy for advancing for population-based scientific discovery using the metabolome: The establishment of the metabolomics society metabolomic epidemiology task group, Jessica Lasky-Su, Rachel S. Kelly, Craig E. Wheelock, and David Broadhurst
Deterministic approximate methods for maximum consensus robust fitting, Huu Le, Tat-Jun Chin, Anders Eriksson, Thanh-Toan Do, and David Suter
Long-term dynamics of production in western Mediterranean seagrass meadows: Trade-offs and legacies of past disturbances, Carmen Leiva-Dueñas, Antonio Martínez Cortizas, Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal, Elena Díaz-Almela, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, and Miguel A. Mateo
Understanding community perceptions of an urban stream before and after a discussion of revitalization possibilities using photo-elicitation, Simone Lima da Costa Preuss, Jaime Joaquim da Silva Pereira Cabral, Angus Morrison-Saunders, Mike Hughes, and Ana Bárbara de Araújo Nunes