
Submissions from 2022


Ransomware 2.0: An emerging threat to national security, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Sascha Dominik Dov Bachmann, Abu Barkat Ullah, and Shaun Barnett


Is Russia really about to cut itself off from the internet? And what can we expect if it does?, Mohiuddin Ahmed and Paul Haskell-Dowland


Medibank won’t pay hackers ransom. Is it the right choice?, Mohiuddin Ahmed and Paul Haskell-Dowland


Explainable artificial intelligence for cyber security: Next generation artificial intelligence, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Sheikh Rabiul Islam, Adnan Anwar, Nour Moustafa, and Al-Sakib Khan Pathan


Goodbye Internet Explorer. You won’t be missed (but your legacy will be remembered), Mohiuddin Ahmed, M. Imran Malik, and Paul Haskell-Dowland


False information in a post Covid-19 world, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Chris Martin, Tristram Walker, and James Van Rooyen


A blockchain-based emergency message transmission protocol for cooperative VANET, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Nour Moustafa, A. F. M. S. Akhter, Imran Razzak, Ehsanuzzaman Surid, Adnan Anwar, A. F. M. S. Shah, and Ahmet Zengin


Next-generation enterprise security and governance, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Nour Mustafa, Abu Barkat, and Paul Haskell-Dowland


Spatial characterisation of demersal scalefish diversity based on recreational fishing data, Eric N. Aidoo, Ute Mueller, Glenn A. Hyndes, and Karina L. Ryan


Blockchain in vehicular ad hoc networks: Applications, challenges and solutions, A. F. M. Suaib Akhter, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Adnan Anwar, A. F. M. Shahen Shah, Al Sakib Khan Pathan, and Ahmet Zengin


A forensic framework for detecting denial-of-service attacks in IoT networks using the MQTT protocol, Ala'a A. M. Alatram


Assessment of the effectiveness of ventilation controls in managing airborne and surface lead levels at a newly commissioned indoor shooting range, Robert Alcock, Magdalena Wajrak, and Jacques Oosthuizen


Maturity stage at harvest influences antioxidant phytochemicals and antibacterial activity of jujube fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk. and Ziziphus spina-christi L.), Adhbah R. H. Aldhanhani, Zienab F. R. Ahmed, Nikolaos Tzortzakis, and Zora Singh


Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment, Deonie Allen, Steve Allen, Sajjad Abbasi, Alex Baker, Melanie Bergmann, Janice Brahney, Tim Butler, Robert A. Duce, Sabine Eckhardt, Nikolaos Evangeliou, Tim Jickells, Maria Kanakidou, Peter Kershaw, Paolo Laj, Joseph Levermore, Daoji Li, Peter Liss, Kai Liu, Natalie Mahowald, Pere Masque, Dušan Materić, Andrew G. Mayes, Paul McGinnity, Iolanda Osvath, Kimberly A. Prather, Joseph M. Prospero, Laura E. Revell, Sylvia G. Sander, Won Joon Shim, Jonathan Slade, Ariel Stein, Oksana Tarasova, and Stephanie Wright


Real-world smartphone-based gait recognition, Hind Alobaidi, Nathan Clarke, Fudong Li, and Abdulrahman Alruban


Deep learning augmentation for medical image analysis, Fouzia Altaf


Data driven classification of opioid patients using machine learning - An investigation, Saddam Al Amin, Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Md Sezan Mahmud Saikat, Md Ismail Hossain, Md Adnanul Islam, Mohiuddin Ahmed, and Sami Azam


Enhanced heart rate prediction model using damped least-squares algorithm, Angela An, Mohammad Al-Fawa’reh, and James Jin Kang


Facial dermatosis papulosa nigra, a risk for the development of pterygium and myopia: A descriptive cross-sectional study in Ghana, Du Bois Asante, Korantema M. Tsegah, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Samuel Kyei, Dunyah J. Dzidzor, and Reindolf Anokye


Benthic foraminifera as indicators of recent mixed turbidite-contourite sediment transport system in the Eastern Mediterranean upper continental slope, offshore Israel, L. Ashkenazi, O. Katz, S. Abramovich, A. Almogi-Labin, Y. Makovsky, O. Gadol, M. Kanari, Pere Masque, and O. Hyams-Kaphzan


Seasonal niche differentiation among closely related marine bacteria, Adrià Auladell, Albert Barberán, Ramiro Logares, Esther Garcés, Josep M. Gasol, and Isabel Ferrera


Analysis of an SEIR model with the vertical transmission on transmission and spread of hepatitis B in Ghana, Kwaafo Akoto Awuah-Mensah, Ute Mueller, and Steven Richardson


In the wake of recent data breaches, here’s why you need to check your credit score. It could even help track down criminals, Sascha-Dominik Bachmann and Mohiuddin Ahmed


Proteome phenotypes discriminate the growing location and malting traits in field-grown barley, Mahya Bahmani, Angéla Juhász, James Broadbent, Utpal Bose, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood, Ian B. Edwards, and Michelle L. Colgrave


An analysis of the effects of large wildfires on the hydrology of three small catchments in central chile using tritium-based measurements and hydrological metrics, Francisco Balocchi, Diego Rivera, José Luis Arumi, Uwe Morgenstern, Donald A. White, Richard P. Silberstein, and Pablo Ramírez de Arellano


Design, development, and characterization of highly efficient colored photovoltaic module for sustainable buildings applications, Mohammad Khairul Basher, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Momtazur Rahman, Steven Hinckley, and Kamal Alameh


A most unusual tail: Scoliosis in a wild Australian skink, and reported incidences and suggested causes of similar malformations amongst squamates, Philip W. Bateman, Robyn Benken, Ryan Glowacki, and Robert A. Davis


Taking care of everyone’s business: Interpreting Sicilian Mafia embedment through spatial network analysis, Michele Battisti, Andrea Mario Lavezzi, and Roberto Musotto


Bridge to the future: Important lessons from 20 years of ecosystem observations made by the OzFlux network, Jason Beringer, Caitlin E. Moore, Jamie Cleverly, David I. Campbell, Helen Cleugh, Martin G. De Kauwe, Miko U. F. Kirschbaum, Anne Griebel, Sam Grover, Alfredo Huete, Lindsay B. Hutley, Johannes Laubach, Tom Van Niel, Stefan K. Arndt, Alison C. Bennett, Lucas A. Cernusak, Derek Eamus, Cacilia M. Ewenz, Jordan P. Goodrich, Mingkai Jiang, Nina Hinko-Najera, Peter Isaac, Sanaa Hobeichi, Jürgen Knauer, Georgia R. Koerber, Michael Liddell, Xuanlong Ma, Craig Macfarlane, Ian D. McHugh, Belinda E. Medlyn, Wayne S. Meyer, Alexander J. Norton, Jyoteshna Owens, Andy Pitman, Elise Pendall, Suzanne M. Prober, Ram L. Ray, Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Sami W. Rifai, David Rowlings, Louis Schipper, Richard P. Silberstein, Lina Teckentrup, Sally E. Thompson, Anna M. Ukkola, Aaron Wall, Ying-Ping Wang, Tim J. Wardlaw, and William Woodgate


Non-charismatic waterbodies and ecosystem disservices: Mine pit lakes are underrepresented in the literature, Rachele Bernasconi, Mark A. Lund, and Melanie L. Blanchette


Immunoanalytic investigation of grain proteins antigenic for celiac disease patients in an einkorn collection, Zsófia Birinyi, Dalma Réder, Ádám Diós, Ilma R. Korponay-Szabó, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás, Christakis George Florides, Angéla Juhász, and Gyöngyvér Gell


Comparison of protein extraction protocols and allergen mapping from black soldier fly Hermetia illucens, Utpal Bose, James A. Broadbent, Angéla Juhász, Shaymaviswanathan Karnaneedi, Elecia B. Johnston, Sally Stockwell, Keren Byrne, Vachiranee Limviphuvadh, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Andreas L. Lopata, and Michelle L. Colgrave


Performing kayepa dordok living waters in Noongar boodjar, South-Western Australia, Clint Bracknell, Pierre Horwitz, Trevor Ryan, and Jonathan W. Marshall


Intrusion Detection Systems in physical security, David J. Brooks


Geostatistical tools to assess shifts in recreational fishing, Shannon J. Burchert, Glenn A. Hyndes, Karina Ryan, and Ute Mueller


Shodan indicators used to detect standard conpot implementations and their improvement through sophisticated customization, Warren Z. Cabral, Leslie F. M. Suaib Sikos, and Craig Valli


Reconfigurable intelligent surface aided non-orthogonal unicast-multicast secure transmission, Tenghao Cai, Jia Zhang, Shihao Yan, Lili Meng, Jiande Sun, and Naofal Al-Dhahir


Blue carbon drawdown by restored mangrove forests improves with age, Paul E. Carnell, Maria M. Palacios, Paweł Waryszak, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Pere Masqué, and Peter I. Macreadie


ITSA: An information-theoretic approach to automatic shortcut avoidance and domain generalization in stereo matching networks, WeiQin Chuah, Ruwan Tennakoon, Reza Hoseinnezhad, Alireza Bab-Hadiashar, and David Suter


Semantic guided long range stereo depth estimation for safer sutonomous vehicle applications, Weiqin Chuah, Ruwan Tennakoon, Reza Hoseinnezhad, David Suter, and Alireza Bab-Hadiashar


Learn how to make a sonobe unit in origami – and unlock a world of mathematical wonder, Julia Collins


A framework for the analysis of security technology vulnerabilities: Defeat evaluation of an electronic access control locking system, Michael Coole, Deborah Evans, and David Brooks


Increasing confidence in estimates of average weight and recreational harvest ranges, Brett Crisafulli, Johnny Lo, Ute Mueller, Karina Ryan, and David Fairclough


Chronically stressed benthic macroinvertebrate communities exhibit limited effects on ecosystem function in a microtidal estuary, S. Cronin-O'Reilly, N. S. Wells, Roisin McCallum, C. S. Hallett, J. R. Tweedley, F. J. Valesini, and B. D. Eyre


Defaunation by deoxygenation: Efficacy and divergent responses of estuarine macroinvertebrates, S. Cronin-O'Reilly, N. S. Wells, Roisin McCallum, C. S. Hallett, J. R. Tweedley, F. J. Valesini, and B. D. Eyre


Impacts of land-use change and urban development on carbon sequestration in tropical seagrass meadow sediments, Martin Dahl, Rashid Ismail, Sara Braun, Pere Masqué, Paul S. Lavery, Martin Gullström, Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Maria E. Asplund, Andrius Garbaras, Liberatus D. Lyimo, Matern S.P. Mtolera, Oscar Serrano, Chanelle Webster, and Mats Björk


Simulation and optimization of nano-structured gratings alternative of thin-film anti-reflectors for GaAs solar cells conversion efficiency improvement, Narottam Das, Ashish Sharma, Mohammad Khairul Basher, and Mohammad Nur-E-Alam


How to control invasive rats and mice at home without harming native wildlife, Robert Davis


Status of barking owl Ninox connivens in south-west Australia, Robert A. Davis, Leo Joseph, and Ronald E. Johnstone


Do bird communities differ with post-fire age in Banksia woodlands of south-western Australia?, Robert A. Davis, Leonie E. Valentine, and Michael D. Craig


Ranging Patterns and Site Fidelity of Snubfin Dolphins in Yawuru Nagulagun/Roebuck Bay, Western Australia, Alexandra D’Cruz; Chandra Salgado Kent; Kelly Waples; Alexander M. Brown; Sarah A. Marley; Deborah Thiele; Holly C. Raudino; and Yawuru Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate, Broome, WA, Australia


Perspectives on wider integration of the health-assistive smart home, Gordana Dermody, Jenna Mikus, Davina Porock, Dov Sugarman, Naeem K. Janjua, Christopher How, and Roschelle Fritz


A hybrid quantum-classical algorithm for robust fitting, Anh-Dzung Doan, Michele Sasdelli, David Suter, and Tat-Jun Chin


Bioturbation by echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in a forest habitat, South-Western Australia, Shannon J. Dundas, Lara Osborne, Anna J. M. Hopkins, Katinka X. Ruthrof, and Patricia A. Fleming


A phylogeny of Antirrhinum reveals parallel evolution of alpine morphology, Mario Durán-Castillo, Andrew Hudson, Yvette Wilson, David L. Field, and Alex D. Twyford


The ecology of conifer persistence in tropical rainforests: Podocarpus neriifolius in northern Thailand, Neal J. Enright, Dokrak Marod, Ian Bennett, Raymond H. Froend, and Philip G. Ladd

A biodefence framework for Western Australian cattle production enterprises, Deborah K. Evans


RAIDER: Reinforcement-aided spear phishing detector, Keelan Evans, Alsharif Abuadbba, Tingmin Wu, Kristen Moore, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Ganna Pogrebna, Surya Nepal, and Mike Johnstone


A low-cost machine learning based network intrusion detection system with data privacy preservation, Jyoti Fakirah, Lauhim Mahfuz Zishan, Roshni Mooruth, Michael L. Johnstone, and Wencheng Yang


Deep learning and neural architecture search for cardiac arrhythmias classification, Najmeh Fayyazifar


Safeguarding non-orthogonal multiple access with physical layer techniques, Youhong Feng, Shihao Yan, Nan Yang, Zhen Yang, and Jinhong Yuan


Edge-IIoTset: A new comprehensive realistic cyber security dataset of IoT and IIoT applications for centralized and federated learning, Mohamed A. Ferrag, Othmane Friha, Djallel Hamouda, Leandros Maglaras, and Helge Janicke


Urban sprawl and microclimate in the Ga East Municipality of Ghana, Kwasi Frimpong, Darko Eugene Atiemo, and E. J. Van Etten


Global diversity and distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the tropical and subtropical oceans, Carlota R. Gazulla, Adrià Auladell, Clara Ruiz-González, Pedro C. Junger, Marta Royo-Llonch, Carlos M. Duarte, Josep M. Gasol, Olga Sánchez, and Isabel Ferrera


Identifying key elements to assess patient’s acceptability of neurorehabilitation in stroke survivors–a Delphi method, Manonita Ghosh, Kaoru Nosaka, Lisa Whitehead, and Kazunori Nosaka


A retrospective cohort study of factors associated with severity of falls in hospital patients, Manonita Ghosh, Beverly O’Connell, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Sue Kitchen, and Linda Coventry


Show, attend and detect: Towards fine-grained assessment of abdominal aortic calcification on vertebral fracture assessment scans, Syed Zulqarnain Gilani, Naeha Sharif, David Suter, John T. Schousboe, Siobhan Reid, William D. Leslie, and Joshua R. Lewis


Food supply impacts and solutions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional Australian case study, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Flavio Macau, Katherine Kent, Johnny Lo, and Amanda Devine


Quantitative analysis of methodological and environmental influences on survival of planted mangroves in restoration and afforestation, Daniel Gorman, Mathew A. Vanderklift, and Anna Lafratta


Carbon sequestration is not inhibited by livestock grazing in Danish salt marshes, Anna Elizabeth Løvgren Graversen, Gary T. Banta, Pere Masque, and Dorte Krause-Jensen


Social disorganisation theory and violent crime: A spatial-econometric analysis of Chicago and Sydney, Anthony N. Greening


Ontology-driven artificial intelligence in IoT forensics, Alexander Grojek and Leslie F. Sikos


A tale of two conformers: Spectroscopic evidence for halide catalysed formic acid isomerisation, Christian T. Haakansson, Timothy R. Corkish, Peter D. Watson, Hayden T. Robinson, James R. Brookes, Hannah C. Adam, Allan J. McKinley, and Duncan A. Wild


Preventing bird declines in urban landscapes: Influence of behavioural traits and streetscape plantings, Kaarissa Harring-Harris


5 big trends in Australians getting scammed, Paul Haskell-Dowland


As Russia wages cyber war against Ukraine, here’s how Australia (and the rest of the world) could suffer collateral damage, Paul Haskell-Dowland


Budget 2022: $9.9 billion towards cyber security aims to make Australia a key ‘offensive’ cyber player, Paul Haskell-Dowland


iRobot’s Roomba will soon be owned by Amazon, which raises privacy questions, Paul Haskell-Dowland


This New Year, why not resolve to ditch your dodgy old passwords?, Paul Haskell-Dowland


Today’s Google outage was brief but disconcerting, Paul Haskell-Dowland


Apple’s PassKeys update could make traditional passwords obsolete, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Steven Furnell


‘What is my IP address?’ Explaining one of the world’s most Googled questions, Paul Haskell-Dowland and Bogdan Ghita


Optimal sizing and energy scheduling of grid-supplemented solar PV systems with battery storage: Sensitivity of reliability and financial constraints, Aakash Hassan, Yasir M. Al-Abdeli, Martin Masek, and Octavian Bass


Guidelines for model adaptation: A study of the transferability of a general seagrass ecosystem Dynamic Bayesian Networks model, Paula Sobenko Hatum, Kathryn McMahon, Kerrie Mengersen, and Paul Pao Yen Wu


Sibling concordance in symptom onset and atrophy growth rates in Stargardt disease using ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence, Rachael C. Heath Jeffery, Jennifer A. Thompson, Johnny Lo, Tina M. Lamey, Terri L. McLaren, John N. De Roach, Dimitar N. Azamanov, Ian L. McAllister, Ian J. Constable, and Fred K. Chen


Connectivity shapes functional diversity and maintains complementarity in surf zones on exposed coasts, Christopher J. Henderson, Ben L. Gilby, Andrew D. Olds, Jesse Mosman, Rod M. Connolly, Glenn Hyndes, Brendan Kelaher, Brooke Maslo, Alan Williams, and Thomas A. Schlacher


Navigating loss and value trade-offs in a changing climate, Karen Paiva Henrique, Petra Tschakert, Chantal Bourgault du Coudray, Pierre Horwitz, Kai Daniel Christian Krueger, and Alexander James Wheeler


Chemistry and analysis of Santalum album, Dhanushka S. Hettiarachchi, Andrew Brown, and Mary C. Boyce


Sulfur compounds: From plants to humans and their role in chronic disease prevention, Caroline R. Hill, Armaghan Shafaei, Lois Balmer, Joshua R. Lewis, Jonathan M. Hodgson, A. Harvey Millar, and Lauren C. Blekkenhorst


Three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene oxide beads for catalytic degradation of aqueous pollutants, Rajan Arjan Kalyan Hirani, Abdu Hannan Asif, Nasir Rafique, Hong Wu, Lei Shi, Shu Zhang, Xiaoguang Duan, Shaobin Wang, Martin Saunders, and Hongqi Sun


Digital inequality: why can I enter your building – but your website shows me the door?, Scott Hollier and Justin Brown


Motivating information security policy compliance: Insights from perceived organizational formalization, Yuxiang Hong and Steven Furnell


How this little marsupial’s poo nurtures urban gardens and bushland (and how you can help protect them), Anna Hopkins and Natasha Tay

An automated deep learning based approach for nuclei segmentation of renal digital histopathology image analysis, Md Shamim Hossain


Microc alcification segmentation using modified U-net segmentation network from mammogram images, Md Shamim Hossain


The role of inputs of marine wrack and carrion in sandy-beach ecosystems: A global review, Glenn A. Hyndes, Emma L. Berdan, Cristian Duarte, Jenifer E. Dugan, Kyle A. Emery, Peter A. Hamback, Christopher J. Henderson, David M. Hubbard, Mariano Lastra, Miguel A. Mateo, Andrew Olds, and Thomas A. Schlacher


Solar irradiance forecasting using a novel hybrid deep ensemble reinforcement learning algorithm, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Sajad Ahmadian, Bahareh Nakisa, Mahdi Khodayar, Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi, Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam, Miadreza Shafie-khah, and João P. S. Catalão


Cyber security curriculum in Western Australian primary and secondary schools: Interim report: Curriculum mapping, Nicola Johnson, Ahmed Ibrahim, Leslie Sikos, and Cheryl Glowrey


Digestibility of wheat alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitors using a caricain digestive supplement, Angéla Juhász, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood, Gregory J. Tanner, and Michelle L. Colgrave


Fingerprinting macrophyte blue carbon by pyrolysis-GC-compound specific isotope analysis (Py-CSIA), Joeri Kaal, José A. González-Pérez, Layla Márquez San Emeterio, and Oscar Serrano