Submissions from 2024
Secrecy rate maximization for active reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted MIMO systems, Bin Gao, Jingru Zhao, Shihao Yan, and Shaozhang Xiao
Large airway T cells in adults with former bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Jing Gao, Petra Um-Bergström, Melvin Pourbazargan, Eva Berggren-Broström, Chuan X. Li, Heta Merikallio, Riitta Kaarteenaho, Nichole S. Reinke, Craig E. Wheelock, Erik Melén, Lindén Anders, Åsa M. Wheelock, Georgios Rassidakis, Cristian Ortiz-Villalon, and Magnus C. Sköld
Strong marine heatwaves trigger flowering in seagrass, Catalina A. García-Escudero, Victoria Litsi-Mizan, Pavlos T. Efthymiadis, Vasilis Gerakaris, Oscar Serrano, and Eugenia T. Apostolaki
Trends and lessons from thirty years of Australian threatened bird action plans, Stephen T. Garnett, Allan H. Burbidge, and Stephen Pruett-Jones
Toward covert communications via a wireless-powered jammer fueled by a receiver, Jiaxin Ge, Yida Wang, Xiaoling Hu, Yuzhen Huang, and Shihao Yan
Nonstationary recharge responses to a drying climate in the Gnangara groundwater system, Western Australia, Simone Gelsinari, Sarah Bourke, James McCallum, Don McFarlane, Joel Hall, Richard Silberstein, and Sally Thompson
Performance evaluation of a dual-chamber plant microbial fuel cell developed for electricity generation and wastewater treatment, Mahmood Golzarian, M. Ghiasvand, S. Shokri, M. Bahreini, and Fatemeh Kazemi
Escarpments within Mediterranean seagrass posidonia oceanica meadows increase habitat heterogeneity and structural complexity enhancing fish diversity and biomass, Enric Gomis, Enric Ballesteros, Irene Bernabeu, Karina Inostroza, Miguel A. Mateo, and Oscar Serrano
Genetic detection of anticoagulant resistance in Australia's introduced rats, Alicia Gorbould
Twin peaks: Matrix isolation studies of H2S·amine complexes shedding light on fundamental S–H⋯N bonding, Matthew H. V. Graneri, Dino Spagnoli, Duncan A. Wild, and Allan J. McKinley
WIP: Performance metrics of PUF-based authentication protocols for smart grid: A review, Taylah Griffiths, Mohiuddin Ahmed, and Shihao Yan
Incident response drills on cyber ranges: Enhancing cyber-defence education, Alexander E. Grojek, Leslie F. Sikos, David J. Holmes, and Oliver Guidetti
Psybersecurity: Human factors of cyber defence, Oliver Guidetti, Mohiuddin Ahmed, and Craig Speelman
Global patterns and drivers of fish reproductive potential on coral reefs, Jeneen Hadj-Hammou, Joshua E. Cinner, Diego R. Barneche, Iain R. Caldwell, David Mouillot, James P.W. Robinson, Nina M.D. Schiettekatte, Alexandre C. Siqueira, Brett M. Taylor, and Nicholas A.J. Graham
Lessons learned on the feasibility of coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon and co-benefits in Australia, Valerie Hagger, Phoebe Stewart-Sinclair, Renee Anne Rossini, Maria Fernanda Adame, William Glamore, Paul Lavery, Nathan J. Waltham, and Catherine E. Lovelock
Storms facilitate airborne DNA from leaf fragments outside the main tree pollen season, Mary Hanson, Geoff Petch, Beverley Adams-Groom, Thor Bjørn Ottosen, and Carsten A. Skjøth
Simple climate models that can be used in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, Timothy G. Harrison, Michael T. Davies-Coleman, Alison C. Rivett, M. Anwar H. Khan, Joyce D. Sewry, Magdalena Wajrak, Nicholas M. Barker, Jonny Furze, Sophie D. Franklin, Linda Sellou, Naomi K.R. Shallcross, and Dudley E. Shallcross
Methyl jasmonate advances fruit ripening, colour development, and improves antioxidant quality of ‘Yoho’ and ‘Jiro’ persimmon, Mahmood Ul Hasan, Zora Singh, Hafiz Muhammad Shoaib Shah, Andrew Woodward, and Eben Afrifa-Yamoah
In hot water: Uncertainties in projecting marine heatwaves impacts on seagrass meadows, Paula S. Hatum, Kathryn McMahon, Kerrie Mengersen, Jennifer K. McWhorter, and Paul P.Y. Wu
Predicting seagrass ecosystem resilience to marine heatwave events of variable duration, frequency and re-occurrence patterns with gaps, Paula Sobenko Hatum, Kathryn McMahon, Kerrie Mengersen, Kieryn Kilminster, and Paul Pao Yen Wu
Analysis of the outer retinal bands in ABCA4 and PRPH2-associated retinopathy using OCT, Rachael C. Heath Jeffery, Johnny Lo, Jennifer A. Thompson, Tina M. Lamey, Terri L. McLaren, John N. De Roach, Lauren N. Ayton, Andrea L. Vincent, Abhishek Sharma, and Fred K. Chen
Retinal dystrophies associated with peripherin-2: Genetic spectrum and novel clinical observations in 241 patients, Rachael C. Heath Jeffery, Jennifer A. Thompson, Johnny Lo, Enid S. Chelva, Sean Armstrong, Jose S. Pulido, Rebecca Procopio, Andrea L. Vincent, Lorenzo Bianco, Maurizio Battaglia Parodi, Lucia Ziccardi, Giulio Antonelli, Lucilla Barbano, João P. Marques, Sara Geada, Ana L. Carvalho, Wei C. Tang, Choi M. Chan, Camiel J.F. Boon, Jonathan Hensman, Ta Ching Chen, Chien Yu Lin, Pei Lung Chen, Ajoy Vincent, Anupreet Tumber, and Elise Heon
S-Methyl cysteine sulfoxide From brassica and allium vegetables and its effects upon cardiometabolic health in high-fat fed mice, Caroline Hill, Lois Balmer, Jonathan Hodgson, Joshua Lewis, and Armaghan Shafaei
Development of a food composition database for the estimation of dietary s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide from vegetables, Caroline R. Hill, Emma L. Connolly, Armaghan Shafaei, Lois Balmer, Liezhou Zhong, Taulant Muka, Antonietta Hayhoe, Shikha Saha, Richard J. Woodman, Joshua R. Lewis, Jonathan M. Hodgson, and Lauren C. Blekkenhorst
Drought legacy interacts with wildfire to alter soil microbial communities in a Mediterranean climate-type forest, Anna J. M. Hopkins, Aaron J. Brace, Jess L. Bruce, J. Hyde, J. B. Fontaine, L. Walden, W. Veber, and K. X. Ruthrof
PDF malware detection: Toward machine learning modeling with explainability analysis, G. M.Sakhawat Hossain, Kaushik Deb, Helge Janicke, and Iqbal H. Sarker
Application of histopathology image analysis using deep learning networks, Md Shamim Hossain, Leisa J. Armstrong, David M. Cook, and Pauline Zaenker
A hybrid deep learning framework for daily living human activity recognition with cluster-based video summarization, Shihab Hossain, Kaushik Deb, Saadman Sakib, and Iqbal H. Sarker
Luminescent solar concentrators for greenhouse applications based on highly luminescent carbon quantum dots, Kambiz Hosseinpanahi, Mohammad Hossein Abbaspour-Fard, Mahmoud Reza Golzarian, Elaheh K. Goharshadi, and Alberto Vomiero
Unifying context with labeled property graph: A pipeline-based system for comprehensive text representation in NLP, Ali Hur, Naeem Janjua, and Mohiuddin Ahmed
A framework to support autonomous construction of knowledge graphs from unstructured text, Muhammad Ali Hur
A systematic review of k-12 cybersecurity education around the world, Ahmed Ibrahim, Marnie McKee, Leslie F. Sikos, and Nicola F. Johnson
Spin-coated high mobility MoO3 thin film for designing highly efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells, M. A. Islam, Ihsan Ahmad Siddiquee, Y. A. Wahab, S. F.W. Hatta, Jakaria Mahdi Imam, Foo Wah Low, Aziz Ahamed, and Mohammad Nur E. Alam
MoS2 thin film hetero-interface as effective back surface field in CZTS-based solar cells, Md Saiful Islam, Camellia Doroody, Tiong Sieh Kiong, Kazi Sajedur Rahman, Ahmad Wafi Mahmood Zuhdi, Boon Kar Yap, Mohammad Nur E. Alam, and Nowshad Amin
Combination of sensors-based monitoring system and internet of things (IoT): A survey and framework for remote and intensive care unit patients, Mohammad Islam, Kazi Z. Mostofa, Hamidreza Mohafez, Md J. Hossen, Foo W. Low, Mikhail Vasiliev, Syed M. S. Islam, and Mohammad Nur-E-Alam
Exploring post-COVID-19 health effects and features with advanced machine learning techniques, Muhammad N. Islam, Md S. Islam, Nahid H. Shourav, Iftiaqur Rahman, Faiz A. Faisal, Md M. Islam, and Iqbal H. Sarker
RLIDT: A novel reinforcement learning-infused deep transformer model for multivariate electricity load forecasting, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Fateme Fahiman, and Mahdi Khodayar
Microplastic pollution in riparian soils of the rapidly growing city of Thimphu, Bhutan, Karma Jamtsho, Mark A. Lund, David Blake, and Eddie Van Etten
Exploring thermal dynamics of polyaniline-modified paraffin wax phase change material with varied PANI loadings (1–4% wt.), Emeema Janumala, Murali Govindarajan, Bommareddi V. Reddi, Murugan Manickam, Elumalai P. Venkatesan, C. Ahamed Saleel, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Saboor Shaik, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Manzoore E. M. Soudagar
Bioactive components in the marsupial pouch and milk, Manujaya W. Jayamanna Mohottige, Chloe E. Gardner, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood, Katherine A. Farquharson, Angéla Juhász, Katherine Belov, Carolyn J. Hogg, Emma Peel, and Michelle L. Colgrave
Actor behaviour, notable incidents in critical infrastructures, and risks to the health sector, Michael N. Johnstone, Michael Crowley, and Glenn Murray
Maternal prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation modifies the microbiome and short chain fatty acid profile of both mother and infant, Jacquelyn M. Jones, Stacey N. Reinke, Mahsa Mousavi-Derazmahalleh, Johan Garssen, Maria C. Jenmalm, Ravisha Srinivasjois, Desiree Silva, Jeffrey Keelan, Susan L. Prescott, Debra J. Palmer, and Claus T. Christophersen
Transforming place-based management within watersheds in Fiji: The Watershed Interventions for Systems Health project, Stacy D. Jupiter, Aaron P. Jenkins, Joel Negin, Shylett Anthony, Ponipate Baleinamau, Rachel Devi, Sikeli Gavidi, Alice Latinne, Kini Koto Mailautoka, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Kelera Naivalu, Timoci Naivalulevu, Vilisi Naivalulevu, Nabeela Nasim, Sikeli Naucunivanua, Sarah Nelson, Ingrid Qauqau, Anaseini Ratu, Mereia Ravoka, Jacqueline Thomas, Andrew Tukana, Paul van Nimwegen, Ama Wakwella, Amelia Wenger, Donald Wilson, and Pierre Horwitz
The allergen profile of two edible insect species—Acheta domesticus and hermetia illucens, Shaymaviswanathan Karnaneedi, Elecia B. Johnston, Utpal Bose, Angéla Juhász, James A. Broadbent, Thimo Ruethers, Emily M. Jerry, Sandip D. Kamath, Vachiranee Limviphuvadh, Sally Stockwell, Keren Byrne, Dean Clarke, Michelle L. Colgrave, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, and Andreas L. Lopata
Decision-making in balancing fire safety hazards against security threats within the built environment, Richard Kathage, David J. Brooks, and Michael Coole
Mineral profiling of diverse genotypes of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) grown in Australia, Jashanpreet Kaur, Zora Singh, Muhammad Sohail Mazhar, Eben Afrifa-Yamoah, Kamaljit Kaur Sangha, and Andrew Woodward
Variability in fruit quality traits of tropical Australian jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) genotypes, Jashanpreet Kaur, Zora Singh, Muhammad Sohail Mazhar, Eben Afrifa-Yamoah, and Andrew Woodward
Insights into phytonutrient profile and postharvest quality management of jackfruit: A review, Jashanpreet Kaur, Zora Singh, Hafiz Muhammad Shoaib Shah, Muhammad Sohail Mazhar, Mahmood Ul Hasan, and Andrew Woodward
Quality and establishment of some water-conserving turfgrass species for sustainable development and some ecosystem services in arid urban environments, Fatemeh Kazemi, Mahmood Reza Golzarian, and Seyedeh Maliheh Rabbani Kheir Khah
Developing a sustainable nature-based agricultural vertical system in cadmium polluted urban environments, Fatemeh Kazemi and Mansoure Jozay
Evolving visual counterfactual medical imagery explanations with cooperative co-evolution using dynamic decomposition, Luke Kelly, Martin Masek, Chiou Peng Lam, Brandon Abela, and Ashu Gupta
Estimating blood alcohol level through facial features for driver impairment assessment, Ensiyeh Keshtkaran, Brodie Von Berg, Grant Regan, David Suter, and Syed Zulqarnain Gilani
Environmental DNA metabarcoding of pan trap water to monitor arthropod-plant interactions, Joshua H. Kestel, David L. Field, Philip W. Bateman, Nicole E. White, Karen L. Bell, and Paul Nevill
Genomic insights into key mechanisms for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate assimilation by the acidophilic, halotolerant genus Acidihalobacter members, Himel Nahreen Khaleque, Homayoun Fathollahzadeh, Anna H. Kaksonen, Jorge Valdés, Eva Vergara, David S. Holmes, and Elizabeth L.J. Watkin
Simulating compatible solute biosynthesis using a metabolic flux model of the biomining acidophile, acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 23270, Himel N. Khaleque, Hadi Nazem-Bokaee, Yosephine Gumulya, Ross P. Carlson, and Anna H. Kaksonen
Bitter sweet: Exploring alkaloid synthesis in lupin using LC-MS/MS, Tawfeek Khedr
Evaluation of alkaloid levels in commercial and wild genotypes of narrow-leafed lupin, Tawfeek Khedr, Ling Ling Gao, Lars G. Kamphuis, Utpal Bose, Angéla Juhász, and Michelle L. Colgrave
Postoperative fluid therapy in enhanced recovery after surgery for pancreaticoduodenectomy, Sharnice Koek, Johnny Lo, Rupert Ledger, and Mohammed Ballal
Jamming precoding in AF relay-aided PLC systems with multiple eavessdroppers, Zhengmin Kong, Jiaxing Cui, Li Ding, Tao Huang, and Shihao Yan
Robust outage-constrained secrecy rate of hybrid power line and wireless communication with artificial noise-aided beamforming for smart grid, Zhengmin Kong, Li Gan, Jing Song, Tao Huang, Weijun Yin, Shihao Yan, and Jinhong Yuan
In-circuit forensic analysis of IoT memory modules, Vasanth Sampangiramaiah Kumar
Variation in zero plane displacement and roughness length for momentum revisited, Ashvath Singh Kunadi, Richard P. Silberstein, and Sally E. Thompson
Introducing pour points: Characteristics and hydrological significance of a rainfall-concentrating mechanism in a water-limited woodland ecosystem, Ashvath S. Kunadi, Tim Lardner, Richard P. Silberstein, Matthias Leopold, Nik Callow, Erik Veneklaas, Aryan Puri, Eleanor Sydney, and Sally E. Thompson
Prevalence and risk factors of vernal keratoconjunctivitis among a Ghanaian clinical cohort: A case-control study, Samuel Kyei, Mary Nkansah, Kofi Asiedu, Randy Asiamah, Ebenezer Zaabaar, and Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah
Peptidomics analysis of in vitro digested wheat breads: Effect of genotype and environment on protein digestibility and release of celiac disease and wheat allergy related epitopes, Mélanie Lavoignat, Angéla Juhász, Utpal Bose, Thierry Sayd, Christophe Chambon, Miguel Ribeiro, Gilberto Igrejas, Sébastien Déjean, Catherine Ravel, and Emmanuelle Bancel
Region-specific drivers cause low organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the saltmarsh soils of southern Scandinavia, Carmen Leiva-Dueñas, Anna E. L. Graversen, Gary T. Banta, Jeppe N. Hansen, Marie L. K. Schrøter, Pere Masqué, Marianne Holmer, and Dorte Krause-Jensen
RLAD: A reliable hippo-guided multi-task model for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, Zhenxin Lei, Wenjing Zhu, Jiale Liu, Cong Hua, Johann Li, Syed Afaq Ali Shah, Liang Zhang, Mohammed Bennamoun, and Cuiping Mao
Optimal pilot length for key generation in correlated wireless channels, Danqi Li, Shihao Yan, Jia Zhang, Jiande Sun, and Feng Shu
Covert wireless communication with random frequency diverse array, Lintao Li, Zhilin Chen, Riqing Chen, Lei Yang, and Shihao Yan
Participants experiences regarding the use of acupuncture as a treatment modality: A qualitative systematic review, Weiting Liu, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Khui Hung Lee, and Timothy Leen Kang
A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1), Christian Lønborg, Cátia Carreira, Gwenaël Abril, Susana Agustí, Valentina Amaral, Agneta Andersson, Javier Arístegui, Punyasloke Bhadury, Mariana B. Bif, Alberto V. Borges, Steven Bouillon, Maria L. I. Calleja, Luiz C. Cotovicz, Stefano Cozzi, Maryló Doval, Carlos M. Duarte, Bradley Eyre, Cédric G. Fichot, E. Elena García-Martín, Alexandra Garzon-Garcia, Michele Giani, Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo, Renee Gruber, Dennis A. Hansell, Fuminori Hashihama, Ding He, Johnna M. Holding, William R. Hunter, J. Severino P. Ibánhez, Valeria Ibello, Shan Jiang, Guebuem Kim, Katja Klun, Piotr Kowalczuk, Atsushi Kubo, Choon-Weng Lee, Cláudia B. Lopes, Federica Maggioni, Paolo Magni, Celia Marrase, Patrick Martin, S. Leigh McCallister, Roisin McCallum, Patricia M. Medeiros, Xosé A. G. Morán, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Allison Myers-Pigg, Marit Norli, Joanne M. Oakes, Helena Osterholz, Hyekyung Park, Maria L. Paulsen, Judith A. Rosentreter, Jeff D. Ross, Digna Rueda-Roa, Chiara Santinelli, Yuan Shen, Eva Teira, Tinkara Tinta, Guenther Uher, Masahide Wakita, Nicholas Ward, Kenta Watanabe, Yu Xin, Youhei Yamashita, Liyang Yang, Jacob Yeo, Huamao Yuan, Qiang Zheng, and Xosé A. Álvarez-Salgado
BEWARE: A methodical approach to develop BEnign and MalWARE datasets, Muhammad Imran Malik
Transformer-based architecture for judgment prediction and explanation in legal proceedings, Arooba Maqsood, Adnan Ul-Hasan, and Faisal Shafait
Comusichiamo. First language, life-soundtracks and storytelling to support the cultural wellbeing of migrants living with dementia, Simone Marino and Loretta Baldassar
Assessing methane emissions and soil carbon stocks in the Camargue coastal wetlands: Management implications for climate change regulation, Maite Martínez-Eixarch, Pere Masqué, Anna Lafratta, Paul Lavery, Samuel Hilaire, Lluís Jornet, Cyrille Thomas, Arnaud Boisnard, Néstor Pérez-Méndez, Carles Alcaraz, Columba Martínez-Espinosa, Carles Ibáñez, and Patrick Grillas
Improving 3D reconstruction for accurate measurement of appearance characteristics in shiny fruits using post-harvest particle film: A case study on tomatoes, Mohammad Masoudi, Mahmood Reza Golzarian, Shaneka S. Lawson, Mohammad Rahimi, Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam, and Rasool Khodabakhshian
Accuracy assessment of spectral indices & determining factors influencing burn severity of the 2021 Wooroloo bushfire, Jarrad A. McKercher
Metabolomic-derived endotypes of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): A step towards identification of disease subgroups, Kevin Mendez, Ines Lains, Rachel S. Kelly, João Gil, Rufino Silva, John Miller, Demetrios G. Vavvas, Ivana Kim, Joan Miller, Liming Liang, Jessica A. Lasky-Su, and Deeba Husain
Metabolite signatures associated with microRNA miR-143-3p serve as drivers of poor lung function trajectories in childhood asthma, Kevin M. Mendez, Sofina Begum, Anshul Tiwari, Rinku Sharma, Qingwen Chen, Rachel S. Kelly, Nicole Prince, Mengna Huang, Priyadarshini Kachroo, Su H. Chu, Yulu Chen, Kathleen Lee-Sarwar, David I. Broadhurst, Stacey N. Reinke, Robert Gerszten, Clary Clish, Lydiana Avila, Juan C. Celedón, Craig E. Wheelock, Scott T. Weiss, Michael McGeachie, and Jessica A. Lasky-Su
Band gap tuning of perovskite solar cells for enhancing the efficiency and stability: Issues and prospects, Md Helal Miah, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Md Bulu Rahman, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Mohammad Aminul Islam
Perovskite materials in X-ray detection and imaging: Recent progress, challenges, and future prospects, Md Helal Miah, Mayeen U. Khandaker, Mohammad A. Islam, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Hamid Osman, and Md Habib Ullah
ParaVerse: Co-design of a parachute rehearsal and training virtual-reality enhanced simulator for the Australian Defence Force: Combining a generative co-design framework and an agile approach to development, Brennen Mills, Martin Masek, Julie Boston, Wyatt de Souza, Jake Snell, Stuart Bender, Matthew Thompson, Billy Sung, and Sara Hansen
Integrating human factors and systemic resilience: An interdisciplinary approach to cybersecurity in critical infrastructures and utilities, Avisen Moonsammy, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Oliver Guidetti, and Bazlur Rashid
The human firewall: Mitigating ransomware risks in critical infrastructures through human-centric approaches, Avisen Moonsamy, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Oliver Guidetti, and Bazlur Rashid
Glacial-holocene variability in sediment accumulation and erosion along submarine blind canyons: A case study from Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Naomi Moshe, Oded Katz, Adi Torfstein, Mor Kanari, Pere Masque, and Orit Hyams-Kaphzan
Technological surveillance: Understanding how individuals perceive and respond to digital surveillance risks, Tina C. Moss
Suspended particulate organic matter supports mesopredatory fish across a tropical seascape, Molly Moustaka, Tahlia J. Bassett, Leah Beltran, Michael V.W. Cuttler, Richard D. Evans, Daniel Gorman, Camille M. Grimaldi, Renee K. Gruber, Glenn A. Hyndes, Gary A. Kendrick, Natalie Travaglione, and Shaun K. Wilson
Local habitat composition and complexity outweigh seascape effects on fish distributions across a tropical seascape, Molly Moustaka, Richard D. Evans, Gary A. Kendrick, Glenn A. Hyndes, Michael V. W. Cuttler, Tahlia J. Bassett, Michael J. O’Leary, and Shaun K. Wilson
Managing cybersecurity risk for critical infrastructure: A framework to secure critical infrastructure, Glenn Kristian Murray
The rise of dietary diversity in coral reef fishes, Isabelle Ng, David R. Bellwood, Jan M. Strugnell, Valeriano Parravicini, and Alexandre C. Siqueira
Editorial: Recent advances in research and development for vegetable crops under protected cultivation, Giao N. Nguyen and Zora Singh
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the rapid detection of insect protein adulteration from a simulated matrix, Dongdong Ni, Joost L. D. Nelis, Amanda L. Dawson, Nicholas Bourne, Pablo Juliano, Michelle L. Colgrave, Angéla Juhász, and Utpal Bose
BAOS-CNN: A novel deep neuroevolution algorithm for multispecies seagrass detection, Md Kislu Noman, Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Jumana Abu-Khalaf, and Paul Lavery
Tailoring Ga-Doped ZnO thin film properties for enhanced optoelectric device performance: Argon flow rate modulation and dynamic sputtering geometry analysis, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Mohammad Tanvirul Ferdaous, Abdullah Alghafis, Mikhail Vasiliev, Boon Kar Yap, Tiong Sieh Kiong, Megat Mohd Izhar Sapeli, Nowshad Amin, Mohd Adib Ibrahim, and Md Khan Sobayel Bin Rafiq
Anti-solvent materials enhanced structural and optical properties on ambiently fabricated perovskite thin films, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Yap Boon Kar, Tiong Sieh Kiong, Halina Misran, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Yasser Fouad, Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar, and Erdem Cuce
Machine learning-enhanced all-photovoltaic blended systems for energy-efficient sustainable buildings, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Kazi Z. Mostofa, Boon K. Yap, Mohammad K. Basher, Mohammad A. Islam, Mikhail Vasiliev, Manzoore E. M. Soudagar, Narottam Das, and Tiong S. Kiong
Design, fabrication, and physical properties analysis of laminated Low-E coated glass for retrofit window solutions, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Mikhail Vasiliev, Boon Kar Yap, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Yaseer Fouad, and Tiong Sieh Kiong
LC-MS/MS reveals hordeins are enriched in brewers’ spent grain, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood and Michelle L. Colgrave