
Submissions from 2023


Pre-text representation transfer for deep learning with limited and imbalanced data: Application to CT-based COVID-19 detection, Fouzia Altaf, Syed M.S. Islam, Naeem K. Janjua, and Naveed Akhtar


Serious games for health promotion in adolescents – A systematic scoping review, Lesley Andrew, Donna Barwood, Julie Boston, Martin Masek, Lauren Bloomfield, and Amanda Devine


A comprehensive review on machine learning in healthcare industry: Classification, restrictions, opportunities and challenges, Qi An, Saifur Rahman, Jingwen Zhou, and James Jin Kang


Association between micronutrients, oxidative stress biomarkers and angiogenic growth mediators in early and late-onset preeclamptic Ghanaian women, Enoch O. Anto, Wina I. O. Boadu, Otchere Addai-Mensah, Yaw A. Wiafe, William K. B. A. Owiredu, Christian Obirikorang, Max E. Annani-Akollor, Eric Adua, Michael Appiah, Stephen Opoku, Emmanuel Acheampong, Evans A. Asamoah, Eddie W. Owiredu, Agartha O. Anto, Augustine Tawiah, Frank Ankobea, Ebenezer Afrifa Yamoah, and David A. Coall


Prevalence of preeclampsia and algorithm of adverse foeto-maternal risk factors among pregnant women in the central region of Ghana: A multicentre prospective cross-sectional study, Enoch O. Anto, Wina I. O. Boadu, Ezekiel Ansah, Augustine Tawiah, Joseph Frimpong, Valentine C. K. T. Tamakloe, Emmanuel E. Korsah, Emmanuel Acheampong, Evans A. Asamoah, Stephen Opoku, Eric Adua, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Max E. Annani-Akollor, Agartha O. Anto, and Christian Obirikorang


Unrecognized hypertension among a general adult Ghanaian population: An urban community-based cross-sectional study of prevalence and putative risk factors of lifestyle and obesity indices, Enoch O. Anto, Wina I. O. Boadu, Emmanuel E. Korsah, Ezkiel Ansah, Eric Adua, Joseph Frimpong, Patience Nyarkoa, Valentine C. K. T. Tamakloe, Emmanuel Acheampong, Evans A. Asamoah, Stephen Opoku, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Max E. Annani-Akollor, and Christian Obirikorang


Cardiometabolic syndrome among general adult population in Ghana: The role of lipid accumulation product, waist circumference-triglyceride index, and triglyceride-glucose index as surrogate indicators, Enoch O. Anto, Joseph Frimpong, Wina I. O. Boadu, Emmanuel E. Korsah, Valentine C. K. T. Tamakloe, Ezekiel Ansah, Stephen Opoku, Emmanuel Acheampong, Evans A. Asamoah, Patience Nyarkoa, Eric Adua, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Max E. Annani-Akollor, and Christian Obirikorang


Using qPCR and microscopy to assess the impact of harvesting and weather conditions on the relationship between Alternaria alternata and Alternaria spp. spores in rural and urban atmospheres, Godfrey Philliam Apangu, Carl Alexander Frisk, Beverley Adams-Groom, Geoffrey M. Petch, Mary Hanson, and Carsten Ambelas Skjøth

Comparative study on development of novel catalytic oxidation for removing emerging contaminants, Abdul H. Asif


Graphitic carbon nitride engineered α-Fe2O3/rGO heterostructure for visible-light-driven photochemical oxidation of sulfamethoxazole, Abdul Hannan Asif, Nasir Rafique, Rajan Arjan Kalyan Hirani, Lei Shi, Shu Zhang, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Amorphous FeOOH anchored on boron and nitrogen codoped carbon nanotubes for fenton-like oxidation of sulfamethoxazole, Abdul Hannan Asif, Hong Wu, Lei Shi, Rajan Arjan Kalyan Hirani, Nasir Rafique, and Hongqi Sun


Australia’s spodumene: Advances in lithium extraction technologies, decarbonization, and circular economy, Abdul H. Asif, Chao Li, Hazel Lim, and Hongqi Sun


MIL-53(Fe) derived magnetic CuFe2O4/Fe2O3 composite for catalytic oxidation of sulfamethoxazole via peroxymonsulfate activation, Abdul H. Asif, Nasir Rafique, Rajan A. K. Hirani, Lei Shi, Yantao Wang, Xiaoguang Duan, Yu Yin, and Hongqi Sun


Enhancing crop resilience by harnessing the synergistic effects of biostimulants against abiotic stress, Anam Asif, Maratab Ali, Muslim Qadir, Rajmohan Karthikeyan, Zora Singh, Ravjit Khangura, Francesco Di Gioia, and Zienab F. R. Ahmed


Sea turtle eggs and hatchlings are a seasonally important food source for the generalist feeding golden ghost crab (Ocypode convexa), Casper Avenant, Sabrina Fossette, Scott Whiting, Anna J. M. Hopkins, and Glenn A. Hyndes

Quantifying predation on sea turtle eggs and emerging hatchlings by ghost crabs and other native predators, Casper S. Avenant


Extreme predation of eggs and hatchlings for loggerhead turtles in eastern Indian Ocean, Casper Avenant, Scott Whiting, Sabrina Fossette, Peter Barnes, and Glenn A. Hyndes


Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis to characterise barley breeding lines, Mahya Bahmani


Proteome changes resulting from malting in hordein-reduced barley lines, Mahya Bahmani, Angéla Juhász, Utpal Bos, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood, Malcolm Blundell, Crispin A. Howitt, and Michelle L. Colgrave


Forest hydrology in Chile: Past, present, and future, Francisco Balocchi, Mauricio Galleguillos, Diego Rivera, Alejandra Stehr, Jose Luis Arumi, Roberto Pizarro, Pablo Garcia-Chevesich, Andrés Iroumé, Juan J. Armesto, Pedro Hervé-Fernández, Carlos Oyarzún, Pilar Barría, Christian Little, Gabriel Mancilla, Santiago Yépez, Rolando Rodriguez, Don A. White, Richard P. Silberstein, Daniel G. Neary, and Pablo Ramírez de Arellano

Design and development of advanced photovoltaic (PV) glass-based materials for net zero energy buildings (NZEB), Mohammad K. Basher


Aesthetically appealing building integrated photovoltaic systems for net-zero energy buildings. Current status, challenges, and future developments—A review, Mohammad Khairul Basher, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, Md Momtazur Rahman, Kamal Alameh, and Steven Hinckley


Development of zinc-oxide nanorods on chemically etched zinc plates suitable for high-efficiency photovoltaics solar cells, Mohammad Khairul Basher, S. M. Shah Riyadh, M. Khalid Hossain, Mahmudul Hassan, Md Abdur Rafiq Akand, S. M. Amir-Al Zumahi, Md Abdul Matin, Narottam Das, and Mohammad Nur-E-Alam


Just transitions from fossil fuels to a regenerative and renewable future: Challenges and opportunities, Georgia Beardman, Naomi Godden, Mehran Nejati, Jamie Y. Farrant, Leonie Scoffern, James Khan, Joe Northover, and Angus Morrison-Saunders


Unpacking the proteome and metaproteome of the black soldier fly larvae: Efficacy and complementarity of multiple protein extraction protocols, Utpal Bose, Angela Juhasz, Sally Stockwell, Sophia Escobar-Correas, Anna Marcora, Cate Paull, James A. Broadbent, and Gene Wijffels


Analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion model for radon-222 production and transport in shallow porewater profiles, Allen J. Buenavista, Chuan Wang, Yueqing Xie, Benjamin Gilfedder, Sven Frei, Pere Masque, Grzegorz Skrzypek, Shawan Dogramaci, and James L. McCallum


Knowledge organization system for partial automation to improve the security posture of IoMT networks, Kulsoom Saima Bughio


Safeguarding sandalwood: A review of current and emerging tools to support sustainable and legal forestry, Ellyse Bunney, Francesca A. McInerney, Eleanor Dormontt, Arif Malik, Nina Welti, David Wilkins, Malcolm Plant, Dhanushka S. Hettiarachchi, Darren Thomas, Ashley Dowell, Tresa Hamalton, and Andrew J. Lowe


The trajectory in catalytic evolution of Rubisco in Posidonia seagrass species differs from terrestrial plants, Sebastià Capó-Bauçà, Spencer Whitney, Concepción Iñiguez, Oscar Serrano, Timothy Rhodes, and Jeroni Galmés


Degradation of selected pharmaceuticals detected in wastewater systems using an enzyme-mediator system and identification of resulting transformation products, Ionut Daniel Caraene, Yolanta Gruchlik, Francesco Busetti, Kathryn L. Linge, and Cynthia A. Joll


Levels of autotrophy and heterotrophy in mesophotic corals near the end photic zone, Amy Carmignani, Veronica Z. Radice, Kathryn M. McMahon, Alex I. Holman, Karen Miller, Kliti Grice, and Zoe Richards


Eaten out of house and home: Local extinction of Abrolhos painted button-quail Turnix varius scintillans due to invasive mice, herbivores and rainfall decline, R. S. Carter, C. A. Lohr, A. H. Burbidge, R. van Dongen, J. Chapman, and R. A. Davis


Island meltdown: Demise of the Abrolhos painted button-quail Turnix varius scintillans in the face of multiple threats, Ryan Carter


Lipidomic features of honey bee and colony health during limited supplementary feeding, Clara E. Castaños, Mary C. Boyce, Tiffane Bates, A. Harvey Millar, Gavin Flematti, Nathan G. Lawler, and Julia Grassl


Efficacy and safety of acupuncture for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Binglei Chen, Carol C. Wang, Khui Hung Lee, Jianhong C. Xia, and Zongting Luo


Two rapid power iterative DOA estimators for UAV emitter using massive/ultra-massive receive array, Yiwen Chen, Qijuan Jie, Yiqiao Zhang, Feng Shu, Xichao Zhan, Shihao Yan, Wenlong Cai, Xuehui Wang, Zhongwen Sun, Peng Zhang, and Peng Chen


An information-theoretic method to automatic shortcut avoidance and domain generalization for dense prediction tasks, WeiQin Chuah, Ruwan Tennakoon, Reza Hoseinnezhad, David Suter, and Alireza Bab- Hadiashar


Succession and determinants of the early life nasopharyngeal microbiota in a South African birth cohort, Shantelle Claassen-Weitz, Sugnet Gardner-Lubbe, Yao Xia, Kilaza S. Mwaikono, Stephanie H. Mounaud, William C. Nierman, Lesley Workman, Heather J. Zar, and Mark P. Nicol


Effect of deferoxamine on post-transfusion iron, inflammation, and in vitro microbial growth in a canine hemorrhagic shock model: A randomized controlled blinded pilot study, Melissa A. Claus, Lisa Smart, Anthea L. Raisis, Claire R. Sharp, Sam Abraham, Joel P. A. Gummer, Martin K. Mead, Damian L. Bradley, Rachel Van Swelm, Erwin T. G. Wiegerinck, and Edward Litton


Big Tech is firing employees by the thousands. Why? And how worried should we be?, Nathalie Collins, Jeff Volkheimer, and Paul Haskell-Dowland


Bioprospecting for and the applications of halophilic acidophiles in bioleaching operations, Melissa K. Corbett and Elizabeth L. J. Watkin


Non-preferred habitat increases the activity area of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in a semi-arid landscape, M. A. Cowan, H. A. Moore, B. A. Hradsky, C. J. Jolly, J. A. Dunlop, M. L. Wysong, L. Hernandez-Santin, Robert A. Davis, D. O. Fisher, D. R. Michael, J. M. Turner, L. A. Gibson, C. G. Knuckey, M. Henderson, and D. G. Nimmo


Using intervention analysis to evaluate the trends in release rates of recreational fisheries following extensive management changes, Brett Crisafulli, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Ute Mueller, Karina Ryan, David Fairclough, and Johnny Lo


Entering the firing line: How civilians become legitimate targets in war as technology becomes a double-edged sword, Michael Crowley, Mike Johnstone, and Glenn Murray


Ranking the risk of CO2 emissions from seagrass soil carbon stocks under global change threats, Martin Dahl, Kathryn McMahon, Paul S. Lavery, Serena H. Hamilton, Catherine E. Lovelock, and Oscar Serrano


Australia’s notifiable data breach scheme: An analysis of risk management findings for healthcare, Martin Dart and Mohiuddin Ahmed


CYBER-AIDD: A novel approach to implementing improved cyber security resilience for large Australian healthcare providers using a unified modelling language ontology, Martin Dart and Mohiuddin Ahmed


Evaluating staff attitudes, intentions, and behaviors related to cyber security in large Australian health care environments: Mixed methods study, Martin Dart and Mohiuddin Ahmed


Operational shock: A method for estimating cyber security incident costs for large Australian healthcare providers, Martin Dart and Mohiuddin Ahmed


Collected to extinction? History and records of the Western Rufous Bristlebird, Robert. A. Davis


A review of methods for detecting rats at low densities, with implications for surveillance, Robert A. Davis, Philip J. Seddon, Michael D. Craig, and James C. Russell


Reintroduction of threatened digging mammals influences soil microbial communities differently along a rainfall gradient, Orsi Decker, Eleonora Egidi, Anna J. M. Hopkins, Melissa Danks, and Heloise Gibb


Sedimentary organic carbon and nitrogen sequestration across a vertical gradient on a temperate wetland seascape including salt marshes, seagrass meadows and rhizophytic macroalgae beds, Carmen B. de los Santos, Luis G. Egea, Márcio Martins, Rui Santos, Pere Masqué, Gloria Peralta, Fernando G. Brun, and Rocío Jiménez-Ramos


Internal electric field in carbon nitride-based heterojunctions for photocatalysis, Aixin Deng, Yue Sun, Zhanqi Gao, Shaogui Yang, Yazi Liu, Huan He, Jinqiang Zhang, Shaomin Liu, Hongqi Sun, and Shaobin Wang


Understanding stakeholder experiences with visual communication in environmental impact assessment, Ana R. de Oliveira, Sofia Bento, Maria Partidário, and Angus Morrison-Saunders


Development of a 3-D-printable device for continuous measuring of heavy metal ion concentrations, Charl De Villiers, Magdalena Wajrak, and Alex Lubansky


Radar-communication waveform design with detection probability constraints, Yaohui Ding, Shihao Yan, Xiaobo Zhou, Feng Shu, and Siling Feng


Efficient electro-fenton processes on a novel self-supported single-atom fe electrode: Mechanism and practical application, Pei Dong, Xiaolin Ma, Meng Li, Zhenzhan Xu, Jinqiang Zhang, Baosheng Ge, Yang Wang, Chaocheng Zhao, and Hongqi Sun


Joint beamforming and phase shift design for hybrid IRS and UAV-aided directional modulation networks, Rongen Dong, Hangjia He, Feng Shu, Qi Zhang, Riqing Chen, Shihao Yan, and Jiangzhou Wang


Understanding how community wellbeing is affected by climate change: Evidence from a systematic literature review, Tashi Dorji, Angus Morrison-Saunders, and Dave Blake


Hybrid warfare and disinformation: A Ukraine war perspective, Sascha-Dominik Dov Bachmann, Dries Putter, and Guy Duczynski


Quantifying blue carbon stocks and the role of protected areas to conserve coastal wetlands, Micheli Duarte de Paula Costa, Maria Fernanda Adame, Catherine V. Bryant, Jack Hill, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Catherine E. Lovelock, Anne Ola, Michael A. Rasheed, Cristian Salinas, Oscar Serrano, Nathan Waltham, Paul H. York, Mary Young, and Peter Macreadie


Ecohydrology of coastal aquifers in humid environments and implications of a drying climate, Madeleine Dyring, Harald Hofmann, David Stanton, Patrick Moss, and Ray Froend


Coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystems are falling through policy gaps, Madeleine Dyring, Melissa M. Rohde, Ray Froend, and Harald Hofmann


Voltammetric determination of inorganic arsenic in mildly acidified (pH 4.7) groundwaters from Mexico and India, Martijn Eikelboom, Yaxuan Wang, Gemma Portlock, Arthur Gourain, Joseph Gardner, Jay Bullen, Paul Lewtas, Matthieu Carriere, Alexandra Alvarez, Arun Kumar, Shane O'Prey, Tamás Tölgyes, Dario Omanović, Subhamoy Bhowmick, Dominik Salaun, and Pascal Salaun


bZIP transcription factors repress the expression of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) high molecular weight glutenin subunit genes in vegetative tissues, Csaba Éva, Blanka Moncsek, Kitti Szőke-Pázsi, Viola Kunos, Klára Mészáros, Szabolcs Makai, László Sági, and Angéla Juhász


ZeroLess-DARTS: Improved differentiable architecture search with refined search operation and early stopping, Najmeh Fayyazifar, Selam Ahderom, Najmeh Samadiani, Andrew Maiorana, and Girish Dwivedi


A novel convolutional neural network structure for differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia, Najmeh Fayyazifar, Girish Dwivedi, David Suter, Selam Ahderom, Andrew Maiorana, Owen Clarkin, Saad Balamane, Nishita Saha, Benjamin King, Martin S. Green, Mehrdad Golian, and Benjamin J. W. Chow


Microscale pollen release and dispersal patterns in flowering grass populations, Carl A. Frisk, Godfrey P. Apangu, Geoffrey M. Petch, Simon Creer, Mary Hanson, Beverley Adams-Groom, and Carsten A. Skjøth


Substantial blue carbon sequestration in the world’s largest seagrass meadow, Chuancheng Fu, Sofia Frappi, Michelle N. Havlik, Wells Howe, S. David Harris, Elisa Laiolo, Austin J. Gallagher, Pere Masqué, and Carlos M. Duarte


Biometric technology and user identity, Steven Furnell


Developing and testing a forensic framework for civilian unmanned aerial vehicles, Connor Garratty


Contribution of seagrass productivity to waste treatment in a highly oligotrophic urbanised coast, Sam Gaylard, Stefan Gabrynowicz, Paul Lavery, and Michelle Waycott


Population genetic structure associated with a landscape barrier in the Western Grasswren (Amytornis textilis textilis), Aline Gibson Vega, Michelle L. Hall, Amanda Ridley, Saul J. Cowen, Amy L. Slender, Allan H. Burbidge, Marina Louter, and W. Jason Kennington


Optimising a defence-aware threat modelling diagram incorporating a defence-in-depth approach for the internet-of-things, Menaka L. Godakanda


Perceived nexus between non-invigilated summative assessment and mental health difficulties: A cross sectional studies, Amanda Graf, Esther Adama, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, and Kwadwo Adusei-Asante


A review of cyber vigilance tasks for network defense, Oliver A. Guidetti, Craig Speelman, and Peter Bouhlas


The WACDT, a modern vigilance task for network defense, Oliver A. Guidetti, Craig Speelman, and Peter Bouhlas


UE4-NeRF: Neural radiance field for real-time rendering of large-scale scene, Jiaming Gu, Minchao Jiang, Hongsheng Li, Xiaoyuan Lu, Guangming Zhu, Syed A. A. Shah, Liang Zhang, and Mohammed Bennamoun


Noncovalent chalcogen and tetrel bonding interactions: Spectroscopic study of halide-carbonyl sulfide complexes, Christian T. Haakansson, Peter D. Watson, Timothy R. Corkish, Hayden T. Robinson, Allan J. McKinley, and Duncan A. Wild


Lead exposure of mainland Australia's top avian predator, Jordan O. Hampton, Michael T. Lohr, Aaron J. Specht, Damien Nzabanita, Jasmin Hufschmid, Lee Berger, Kate McGinnis, Jane Melville, Emma Bennett, and James M. Pay


Utilizing proteomics to identify and optimize microalgae strains for high-quality dietary protein: A review, Sara Hamzelou, Damien Belobrajdic, James A. Broadbent, Angéla Juhász, Kim L. Chang, Ian Jameson, Peter Ralph, and Michelle L. Colgrave


Nutrition, allergenicity and physicochemical qualities of food-grade protein extracts from Nannochloropsis oculata, Sara Hamzelou, Damien Belobrajdic, Angéla Juhász, Henri Brook, Utpal Bose, Michelle L. Colgrave, and James A. Broadbent


Photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate by carbon quantum dots: Rational regulation of surface functionality and computational insights, W. Han, D. Li, X. Hu, W. Qin, Honqi Sun, S. Wang, and X. Duan


A review on deep-learning-based cyberbullying detection, Md Tarek Hasan, Md Al Emran Hossain, Md Saddam Hossain Mukta, Arifa Akter, Mohiuddin Ahmed, and Salekul Islam


A novel approach for optimal sizing of stand-alone solar PV systems with power quality considerations, Aakash Hassan, Octavian Bass, Yasir M. Al-Abdeli, Martin Masek, and Mohammad A. S. Masoum


Preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ perceptions of teacher knowledge and its sources, Vesife Hatisaru and Julia Collins


Vegetated coastal ecosystems in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean are an unexploited opportunity for climate change mitigation, Vanessa Hatje, Margareth Copertino, Vinicius F. Patire, Ximena Ovando, Josiah Ogbuka, Beverly J. Johnson, Hilary Kennedy, Pere Masque, and Joel C. Creed


Driving with retinitis pigmentosa, Rachael C. Heath Jeffery, Johnny Lo, Jennifer A. Thompson, Tina M. Lamey, Terri L. McLaren, John N. DeRoach, Miguel S. Kabilio, and Fred K. Chen


Ocean connectivity and habitat characteristics predict population genetic structure of seagrass in an extreme tropical setting, Udhi E. Hernawan, Kor-jent van Dijk, Gary A. Kendrick, Ming Feng, Oliver Berry, Christopher Kavazos, and Kathryn McMahon


S-methyl cysteine sulfoxide and its potential role in human health: A scoping review, Caroline R. Hill, Alex Haoci Liu, Lyn McCahon, Liezhou Zhong, Armaghan Shafaei, Lois Balmer, Joshua R. Lewis, Jonathan M. Hodgson, and Lauren C. Blekkenhorst

Novel remediation technologies using macroscopic graphene-based materials for wastewater treatment, Rajan A. K. Hirani


Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by macroscopic nitrogen-doped graphene oxide cubes for the degradation of antibiotic contaminants in water, Rajan A. K. Hirani, Abdul H. Asif, Nasir Rafique, Lei Shi, Shu Zhang, Martin Saunders, Wenjie Tian, Shaobin Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Three-dimensional rGO/CNT/g-C3N4 macro discs as an efficient peroxymonosulfate activator for catalytic degradation of sulfamethoxazole, Rajan Arjan Kalyan Hirani, Abdul Hannan, Nasir Rafique, Lei Shi, Wenjie Tian, Haitao Wang, and Hongqi Sun


Cobalt oxide functionalized ceramic membrane for 4-hydroxybenzoic acid degradation via peroxymonosulfate activation, Rajan Arjan Kalyan Hirani, Hong Wu, Abdul Hannan Asif, Nasir Rafique, Lei Shi, Shu Zhang, Zhentao Wu, Lai-Chang Zhang, Shaobin Wang, Yu Yin, Martin Saunders, and Hongqi Sun


Drones for large-scale wildlife surveys: Raw data to support manuscript - Hodgson et al, Amanda Hodgson


Drone images afford more detections of marine wildlife than real-time observers during simultaneous large-scale surveys, Amanda J. Hodgson, Nat Kelly, and David Peel


The segmentation of nuclei from histopathology images with synthetic data, Md. Shamim Hossain, Leisa J. Armstrong, Jumana Abu-Khalaf, and David M. Cook


Gut microbial communities of hybridising pygmy angelfishes reflect species boundaries, Megan J. Huggett, Jean-Paul A. Hobbs, Federico Vitelli, Michael Stat, Tane H. Sinclair-Taylor, Michael Bunce, and Joseph D. DiBattista


Deep reinforcement learning enabled covert transmission with UAV, Jinsong Hu, Mingqian Guo, Shihao Yan, Youjia Chen, Xiaobo Zhou, and Zhizhang Chen