Submissions from 2005
The introduction of RFID Security into computer security courses, Christopher Bolan
The Effect of Contractors on Project Success: What the Literature Doesn't Say, Sue Bolton and Donald Mcdermid
Stable isotope composition of faeces as an indicator of seasonal diet selection in wild herbivores in southern Africa, Susan Botha and William Stock
Network Analysis Methods and Tools for Sme C-Commerce, Mark Brogan
C-Commerce Innovation: Unravelling the effects of knowledge ties on embedded network structure, Mark Brogan and Leisa Armstrong
Is CCTV a social benefit? Is psychometric study of perceived social risk, David Brooks
An exploration of student performance, utilization, and attitude to the use of a controlled content sequencing web based learning environment, Justin A. Brown
Towards persistent resource identification with the uniform resource name, Luke Brown
The systematics of the reducta complex of the burrowing freshwater crayfish Engaewa Riek, Quinton Burnham
Why 'A forest conscienceness'?, Michael C. Calver, Heidi Bigler-Cole, Geoffery Bolton, John Dargavel, Andrea Gaynor, Pierre Horwitz, Jenny Mills, and G Wardell-Johnson
AD2US: An Automated Approach to Generating Usage Scenarios from UML Activity Diagrams, Robert Chandler, Chiou Peng Lam, and Huaizhong Li
A Finite State Grammar Based Decoding Method, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
A method for the inference of non-recursive finite-state grammars, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
An Apporach to Integrate Heterogeneous Data Sources, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
An Inference Method for Non-Recursive Context-Free Grammars, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
The use of formal grammars in isolated word recognition, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree
Method for Real-Time Non-Intrusive Video-Based Eye-Gaze Tracking, Joanne Church
Authentication of users on mobile telephones - A survey of attitudes and practices, Nathan Clarke and Steven Furnell
User Authentication for Mobile Devices: A Composite Approach, Nathan Clarke and Steven Furnell
The ultimate support package: educated library technicians in schools, Judith Clayden
Multiple Intelligences in Secondary Schools, Brenda Clover
Storybook: Creating a personalised learning environment for children isolated by severe learning disabilities, Michael Collins and Joanne Church
StoryBook: Extending a personalised interactive learning environment to children with severe learning disabilities, Michael Collins and Sundrakanthi Singh
Computers, ICTs and Online Curriculum: A Role for the Teacher Librarian, Barbara Combes
From smorgasbord to satisfying meal: An holistic approach to information literacy and lifelong learning, Barbara Combes
The copy-and-paste culture of the Net Generation: Strategies for dealing with plagiarism, Barbara Combes
Influence of phenolics on micropropogation of Eucalyptus Marginata, Anetta Cutler-Staniek, Ian Bennett, and Mary Boyce
Seeking information superiority: Strategies for business in the commercial application of information operations, Martin Dart
A range extension for Lerista lineopunctulata and a second record of Lerista lineata, near Yalgorup, Western Australia, Robert Davis and M. Bamford
Embryonic Survival and Egg Numbers in Small and Large Populations of the Frog Heleioporus albopunctatus in Western Australia, Robert Davis and J Roberts
Population genetic structure of the western spotted frog, Heleioporus albopunctatus (Anura: Myobatrachidae), in a fragmented landscape in south-western Australia, Robert Davis and J. Roberts
A protection profiles approach to risk analysis for small and medium enterprises, Vassilis Dimopoulos and Steven Furnell
Issues of Australian IT: Security Outsourcing, Sneza Dojkovski, Matthew Warren, and William Hutchinson
An investigation into the paradox of organisational flexibility versus security: A research project overview, Rosanna Fanciulli
A Security Infrastructure for Cross-Domain Development of Script-Based Business Processes in SOC Environments, Klaus Fischer, Udo Bleimann, Woldemar Fuhrmann, and Steven Furnell
Why users cannot use security, Steven Furnell
Considering the role of academic qualifications for IT security professionals, Steven Furnell, Vasilis Katos, and Nathan Clarke
TCP performance estimation using neural networks modelling, Bogdan Ghita, Steven Furnell, Benn Lines, and Emmanuel Ifeachor
Human health and forested ecosystems: Exploring historical transitions of diseases and perceptions, Marisa Gilles and Pierre Horwitz
A regression algorithm for rock magnetic data mining, Wanwu Guo
A Sufficient Criterion for Reliability Analysis on Statistical Results of Vector Datasets, Wanwu Guo
Data Mining Alogrithm for Rock Magnetic Data Analysis, Wanwu Guo
Phytochemical changes in leaves of subtropical grasses and fynbos shrubs at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Dawood Hattas, William Stock, Wilfred Mabusela, and Ivan Green
Cluster roots of Leucadendron laureolum (Proteaceae) and Lupinus albus (Fabaceae) take up glycine intact: An adaptive strategy to low mineral nitrogen in soils?, Heidi-Jayne Hawkins, Gabrielle Wolf, and William Stock
Exploring Student's Abilities to Use Two Different Styles of Structural Representation in Organic Chemistry, Janette Head, Robert Bucat, Mauro Mocerino, and David Treagust
Using games and simulation to teach AI, Philip Hingston and Barbara Coombes
Enumerating Knight's Tours using an Ant Colony Algorithm, Philip Hingston and Graham Kendall
Potential health impacts associated with peat smoke: a review, Andrea Hinwood and Clemencia Rodriguez
Identity synthesis: Creating an identity from scratch, Lennon Hopkins
Fire and wetland soils and sediments on the Swan Coastal Plain: An introduction, Pierre Horwitz and Ralph Douglas Smith
Water quality responses to fire, with particular reference to organic-rich wetlands and the Swan Coastal Plain: A review, Pierre Horwitz and Beate Sommer
Parasites, ecosystems and sustainability: An ecological and complex systems perspective, Pierre Horwitz and Bruce Wilcox
Designing Comminution Circuits with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Simon Huband, Luigi Barone, Philip Hingston, Lyndon While, David Tuppurainen, and Richard Bearman
A scalable multi-objective test problem toolkit, Simon Huband, Luigi Barone, Lyndon While, and Philip Hingston
An Information Centric approach to Information Security Teaching, William Hutchinson
Information security: A misnomer, William Hutchinson
The 'Flexibility' of Official Information during Contemporary Conflict, William Hutchinson
The Relationship between Western Governments, Military and the Media during conflicts since 1980, William Hutchinson
The 'Will' and information operations, William E. Hutchinson
Does transported seagrass provide an important trophic link in unvegetated, nearshore areas?, Glenn Hyndes and Paul Lavery
Secure deletion and the effectiveness of evidence elimination software, Simon Innes
Turning a linksys WRT54G into more than just a wireless router, Simon Innes
Analysis of channel estimation error of OFDM systems in rayleigh fading, Bin Jiao, Jitian Xiao, and Jinlin Wang
Using process modelling to capture requirements for a digital library, Michael Johnstone
2D-barcode for mobile devices, Hiroko Kato
Using human computer interaction principles to promote usable security, D Katsabas, S M. Furnell, and P S. Dowland
Variations in the dietary compositions of morphologically diverse syngnathid fishes, Alan Kendrick and Glenn Hyndes
A conceptual model as an aid to student understanding of network security, G Kohli, S P. Maj, G Murphy, and D Veal
An investigation into the use of B-Nodes and state models for computer network technology and education, Gurpreet Kohli
The integration of state diagrams with competency-based assessment, G Kohli, D Veal, S P. Maj, and G Murphy
A computer network laboratory based on the concept of virtual machines, Wojciech Kuczborski
Artifical Impostor Profiling for Keystroke Analysis on a Mobile Handset, Julien Lecomte, Nathan Clarke, and Steven Furnell
Using Symbolic Execution to Guide Test Generation, Gareth Lee, John Morris, Kris Parker, Gary A. Bundell, and Chiou Peng Lam
Using Anti-Ant-Like Agents to Generate Test Threads from the UML Diagrams, Huaizhong Li and Chiou Peng Lam
An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Test Sequence Generation for State-Based Software Testing, Huaizhong Li and Chiou Peng Lam
Healthcare practitioners' perspectives on the use of e-health applications to support overweight and obese adolescents, Rachel J. Mahncke
A Pedagogical Evaluation of New State Model Diagrams for Teaching Internetwork Technologies, Stanislaw Maj, Gurpreet Kohli, and Tony Fetherston
Making Assignments More Authentic, Donald Mcdermid
Herbicide contamination and the potential impact to seagrass meadows in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia, Kathryn McMahon, Susan Bengston-Nash, Geoff Eaglesham, Joachin Muller, and Norm Duke
Multinomial Representation of Majority Logic Coding, John B. Moore and Keng T. Tan
After Conversation - A Forensic ICQ Logfile Extraction Tool, Kim Morfitt and Craig Valli
Effects of Steganography In The Business World: How Mobile Devices Can Make A Difference, Danny Ng
One more blog, one more RSS feed - Liblogarians adventures in the bilioblogosphere, Hoi Ng
A Quantitative Dietary Study of the 'Critically Endangered' Gilbert's Potoroo Potorous Gilbertii, Vinh Nguyen, Alan Needham, and Anthony Friend
Ten more years of educational technologies in education: How far have we travelled?, Ron Oliver
Biomass dynamics of exotic Sargassum muticum and native Halidrys siliquosa in Limfjorden, Denmark - Implications of species replacements on turnover rates, Morten Pedersen, Peter Staehr, Thomas Wernberg, and Mads Solgaard Thomsen
Skin Segmentation using Color Pixel Classification: Analysis and Comparison, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, and Douglas Chai
The ECU Advantage Project: Research Outcomes Advising the Future, Robyn Quin and Anthony Craig Watson
An investigation of network security management methods, Shamila Anuranga Ratnayake
System Survivability: A Critical Security Problem, Jason Redman, Matthew Warren, and William Hutchinson
Nowhere to hide: Awareness and perceptions of environmental change, and their influence on relationships with place, Ruth Rogan, Moira O'Connor, and Pierre Horwitz
Using XML in Version Management of Chemical Process Models, Heidi Rose, Chiou Peng Lam, and Huaizhong Li
HTTP-aware anonymisation of packet traces, Eric Salama, Bogdan Ghita, and Steven Furnell
Recovery of Alpine Vegetation from Grazing and Drought: Data from Long-term Photoquadrats in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia, Pascal Scherrer and Catherine Marina Pickering
The short-term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions in four Australian cities, Rod Simpson, Gail Williams, Anna Petroechevsky, Trudi Best, Geoff Morgan, Lynn Denison, Andrea Hinwood, and Gerard Neville
The short-term effects of air pollution on daily mortality on four Australian cities, Rod Simpson, Gail Williams, Anna Petroechevsky, Trudi Best, Geoff Morgan, Lynn Denison, Andrea Hinwood, Gerard Neville, and Anne Neller
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of an Amphibolis griffithii seagrass bed, A J Smit, Ann Brearley, Glenn Hyndes, Paul Lavery, and Dianne Walker
Preventing wetland soils and sediments from burning on the Swan Coastal Plain: Workshop outcomes and conclusions, Ralph D. Smith and Pierre Horwitz