
Submissions from 2004

Inducing intentional errors in concatenated databases, D. T. Shaw, A. Shaw, and S. P. Maj


Reefs as contributors to diversity of epiphytic macroalgae assemblages in seagrass meadows, B. Van Elven, P. S. Lavery, and G. A. Kendrick

A guide to tropical seagrasses of the Indo-West Pacific, Michelle Waycott, Kathryn Mcmahon, Jane Mellors, Ainsley Calladine, and Diana Kleine

Growth in the deployment and security of 802.11b wireless local area networks in Perth, WA, Sue Webb


In vitro propagation of some Western Australian seagrasses, Julia Wilson


The use of proline to determine salt tolerance in eucalyptus species and clones, Andrew J. Woodward

Submissions from 2003

The Information Strategy and the United States Government from 2004 onwards, Edwin Leigh Armistead

The United States Government in the Information Age: Adapting Information Operations to a Changing World, Edwin Leigh Armistead

A tale of two cities: Approaches to Counter-Terrorism and Critical Infrastructure Protection in Washington DC and Canberra, Edwin Leigh Armistead and John Malone

A UML-Based Risk Analysis Approach for Software Testing, Xiaoqing Bai, Chiou Peng Lam, and Huaizhong Li


A Multi-Lingual Web-Based Survey Form Machine Translation Mechanism, Richard Boddington, Judith Clayden, Michael Collins, and Samuel Pride


Tailoring the separation selectivity of metal complexes and organometallic compounds resolved by capillary electrophoresis using auxiliary separation processes, Mary Boyce and Paul Haddad


Determination of flavour components in natural vanilla extracts and synthetic flavourings by mixed micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Mary Boyce, Paul Haddad, and Tomislav Sostaric

Case Study in Construction of a Vertical Portal: The Cape Range Ningaloo Project, Mark Brogan and Gurpreet Kohli

ISO 17799 and Australian Healthcare Organisations, W J Brooks, Matthew Warren, and William Hutchinson

Indentification and Integration of Information Security Topics In a Web Application Programming Course, Justin Brown


The case for conditional rules and actions in learning management systems: Towards intelligent learning management systems, Justin Brown

Virtual Universities and E-Learning adoption: one size does not fit all, Justin Brown

A formalisation of an information infrastructure security risk analysis approach, T B Busuttil, Matthew Warren, and William Hutchinson


A New Approach to Integrate Heterogeneous Databases: The Mediated Data Integration Architecture, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree

The Use of Finite State Grammars in Isolated Word Recognition, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree


Using ICT to Create a Dynamic Online Learning Environment, Barbara Combes and George Sekulla


Foraging Ecology And Habitat Selection Of The Western Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria Griseogularis) In A Wandoo Woodland, Western Australia : Conservation Ecology Of A Declining Species, Jarrad A. Cousin


Vehicle induced seismic effects at a gravitational wave observatory, David Coward, David G Blair, Ron Burman, and Chunnong Zhao

Dynamic Simulation of Plants, Warren Creemers and Maurice Danaher

TOACS: Evolution of an On-line Education Environment 1995-2001, James Maning Cross, Patrick James Garnett, and Anthony Craig Watson

A mobile security application using GPRS, Maurice Danaher

An AI approach to assist young structural designers, Maurice Danaher

A storage free approach to landscape generation, Maurice Danaher

Developing knowledge-based systems with Kappa-PC, Maurice Danaher

E-Marketing to the pocket, Maurice Danaher

Surveillance - Transmitting Video to Handheld Devices, Maurice Danaher

Towards object detection images, Maurice Danaher

Real Time Terrain Simulation, Maurice Danaher and Warren Creemers


What happens when you add salt: predicting impacts of secondary salinisation on shallow aquatic ecosystems using an alternative states model, Jennifer A. Davis, Megan McGuire, Stuart Halse, David Hamilton, Pierre Horwitz, Clive Barstow, Raymond H. Froend, Michael Lyons, and Lien Sim


Functional capacities of marsupial hearts: size and mitochondrial parameters indicate higher aerobic capabilities than generally seen in placental mammals, T J Dawson, K N Webster, B Mifsud, E Raad, E Lee, and A D. Needham


Simulation of bulk absorption thermal lensing in transmissive optics of gravitational waves detectors, Jerome Degallaix, Chunnong Zhao, L Ju, and David G Blair


Vendor based network engineering education: An international comparison, Jambukeswaran Dharukeshwari and Stanislaw Maj


Quail eggs, modelling clay eggs, imprints and small mammals in Australian woodland, Graham Fulton and Hugh A Ford


Black swan and western tiger snake: A conflict avoidance encounter, Graham Fulton and Mercedes Smith

Application of nonlinear analysis in magnetic experimental data processing, Wanwu Guo


A principle-tactics based approach for guiding student project management, Wanwu Guo

Evaluation of Web-based knowledge delivery systems using T-PUMA model, Wanwu Guo and James Millar


A Neural System Prototype for Data Processing Using Modified Conjugate Directional Filtering (MCDF), Wanwu Guo and Anthony Craig Watson

Image Pattern Recognition Using Modified Conjugate Directional Filtering (MCDF), Wanwu Guo and Anthony Craig Watson


Medical Image Processing Using Modified Conjugate Directional Filtering, Wanwu Guo and Anthony Craig Watson


Determining the effectiveness of deceptive honeynets, Nirbhay Gupta


An Intervention Trial on Short Term Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic in Drinking Water, Andrea Hinwood, Nick de Klerk, Malcolm Sim, Judy Hankin, and Jim Gerostamoulos


Risk factors for increased urinary inorganic arsenic concentrations from low arsenic concentrations in drinking water, Andrea Hinwood, Malcolm R Sim, Damien Jolley, Nick de Klerk, Elisa Bastone, Jim Gerostamoulos, and Olaf O Drummer


Fire and organic substrates: soil structure, water quality and biodiversity in far southwest Western Australia, Pierre Horwitz, Simon Judd, and Beate Sommer


Socio-ecological relationships and their consequences in coping with environmental changes in south-western Australia, Pierre Horwitz, Ruth Rogan, Keith Bradby, and Margaret Robertson


Security management education online, Peter J. Hosie, Clifton L. Smith, and Joseph Luca


Integrating information security and intelligence courses, W Hutchinson

Modern Asymmetric Warfare and the Failure of the West, William Hutchinson

The Changing Nature of Information Security, William Hutchinson

The Impact of Groupthink on the Intelligence Function, William Hutchinson


Emergence: The Achilles Heel of Systems Thinking, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren


Differences in the species- and size-composition of fish assemblages in three distinct seagrass habitats with differing plant and meadow structure, Glenn Hyndes, Alan Kendrick, Lachlan D MacArthur, and Emily Stewart

Extending the business rules diagram method to web based system design, Michael Johnstone, Donald Mcdermid, and John Venable


Patterns in the abundance and size-distribution of syngnathid fishes among habitats in a seagrass-dominated marine environment, A J Kendrick and G A. Hyndes

Modelling Website Infrastructure using B-Node Theory, Gurpreet Kohli, David Veal, and Stanislaw Maj


A Firearm Identification System Based on Neural Network, Jun Kong, Dongguang Li, and Anthony Craig Watson

A new minor in network administration and design, Wojciech Kuczborski

High-Radix Arithmetic Systems on Signed Digit Number Representation and Residue Number System, Wojciech Kuczborski

The significance of virtual computer networks in distance education, Wojciech Kuczborski


Clutch hydration following ovipositions by urination may reduce dessication in thorny devil (Moloch horridus) eggs, Mitchell Ladyman and Scott Thompson

Intelligent Test Data Processing for State-Based Software Testing, Chiou Peng Lam and Huaizhong Li

Application of AI for Automation of Software Testing, Chiou Peng Lam, Michael C. Robey, and Huaizhong Li


Lessons that non-scientists can teach us about the concept of energy: a human-centred approach, Monica Leggett


An Evolutionary Approach for Optimisation of State-Based Test Suites for Software Systems, Huaizhong Li and Chiou Peng Lam

Promoting Confidence in Software Components: A UML Approach, Huaizhong Li, Chiou Peng Lam, and Xiaoqing Bai

Vendor-based network engineering: an evaluation, Stanislaw Maj


Selecting components: A process for context-driven evaluation, Valerie Maxville, Chiou Peng Lam, and Jocelyn Armarego


Algorithmic composition in contrasting music styles, Tristan Mcauley and Philip Hingston

How to elaborate a use case, Donald McDermid

How to prioritize information systems selection decisions under time pressure, Donald McDermid


Integrated business process management: Using state-based business rules to communicate between disparate stakeholders, Donald C. Mcdermid


Food availability for the dibbler (Parantechinus apicalis) on Boullanger and Whitlock Islands, Western Australia, Susan Miller, Roberta Bencini, Harriet Mills, and Dorian Moro


Pathogens of house mice on arid Boullanger Island and subantarctic Macquarie Island, Australia, D Moro, M A. Lawson, R P Hobbs, and A C A Thompson


Translocation of captive-bred dibblers Parantechinus apicalis (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) to Escape Island, Western Australia, Dorian Moro

Pathogen study of house mice on islands reveals insights into viral persistence in isolated populations, Dorian Moro and Malcolm Lawson


Microsatellite primers for the Western Pebble-mound Mouse (Pseudomys chapmani) that show cross amplification for other species of Australian rodent, Dorian Moro and Peter Spencer


Setting a Framework for Trusted Component Trading, John Morris, Chiou Peng Lam, Gary A. Bundell, Gareth Lee, and Kris Parker


Recovery of the Threatened Chuditch (Dasyurus Geoffroll): A Case STudy, Keith Morris, Brent Johnson, Peter Orell, Glen Gaikhorst, Adrian Wayne, and Dorian Moro


The mediated data integration (MeDInt) : An approach to the integration of database and legacy systems, Suvimol Mukviboonchai

The design of an interactive multimedia based professional development tool for educators, James New and Shirley Bode

Review of generic no-take areas and conventional fishery closure systems and their application to the management of tropical fishery resources along north-western Australia, Stephen Newman, Glenn Hyndes, Jim Penn, Michael C Mackie, and Peter C Stephenson


Wedge Veg : Gradient Analysis of Impacts to Coastal Heath Vegetation at Wedge, Western Australia, Steven O'Dwyer

A suggested viable system model for space science and technology development in Indonesia, Sudibyo Sastrohardjono

Verifying Conceptual System Models for the Indonesian Micro Satellite Programme and the Truth (Systems Models Verification and the Truth), Sudibyo Sastrohardjono


Intraspecific variation in the advertisement call of the Sunset Frog Spicospina flammocaerulea (Anura: Myobatrachidae): a frog with a limited geographic distribution, Michael J Smith, J Dale Roberts, Thomas J Hammond, and Robert Davis


Heuristics for Image Retrieval Using Spatial Configurations, William F. Smyth, Chiou Peng Lam, Xin Chen, and Valerie Maxville

Implementing user centred partnership design: Change in attitude made a difference, Anuradha Sutharshan, Stanislaw Maj, and Gurpreet Kohli


The Impact of User Participation on Success in E-Commerce Developments: A Project Managers Perspective, Julian Terry and Craig Standing


The value of User Participation in E-Commerce Systems Development, Julian Terry and Craig Standing


Surface activity of arid-adapted frogs, G G. Thompson, S A. Thompson, and J L Fraser


Assessing biodiversity with species accumulation curves; inventories of small reptiles by pit-trapping in Western Australia, Graham G. Thompson, Philip Withers, Eric R Pianka, and Scott A. Thompson


Dynamics of a cyanobacterial bloom in a hypereutrophic, stratified weir pool, Peter Thompson, Anya Waite, and Kathryn Mcmahon


Reproductive observations of a Thorny Devil, Moloch orridus, in a semi-arid environment, Scott Thompson


The western bearded dragon, Pogona minor (Squamata: Agamidae): An early lizard coloniser of rehabilitated areas, Scott Thompson and Graham Thompson