
Submissions from 2005


Modification of lipoproteins by very low-carbohydrate diets, J. Volek, Matthew Sharman, and C. Forsythey


Influence of diurectic-induced dehydration on competitive sprint and power performance, Greig Watson, DJ Judelson, LE Armstrong, SW Yeargin, DJ Casa, and CM Maresh


Isolation and Expression Analysis of a Pax Group III Gene from the Crustacean Cherax Destructor, Robert White, Tina M. Lamey, Melanie Ziman, and Annette Koenders


Implementing best practice protocols for occupational hygiene monitoring, Hayden Wing


Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA studies on the population structure of the Christmas Island Community, Cheryl Wise, Sheena Sullivan, Michael Black, Wendy Erber, and Alan Bittles


Physiological and Anthropometric Characteristics of Starters and Non-Starters and Playing Positions in Elite Australian Rules Football: A Case Study, Warren B. Young, Robert U. Newton, Timothy Doyle, Dale Chapman, S Cormack, C Stewart, and Brian Dawson


Effects of partial immobilization after eccentric exercise on recovery from muscle damage, Zainal Zainuddin, Peter Hope, Michael Newton, Paul Sacco, and Kazunori Nosaka


Effects of massage on delayed-onset muscle soreness, swelling, and recovery of muscle function, Zainal Zainuddin, Michael Newton, Paul Sacco, and Kazunori Nosaka

Submissions from 2004


Copper mediates dityrosine cross-linking of Alzheimer's Amyloid-β, Craig Atwood, George Perry, Hong Zeng, Yoji Kato, Walton D. Jones, Ke-Qing Ling, Xudong Huang, Robert D. Moir, Dandan Wang, Lawrence M. Sayre, Mark A. Smith, Shu G. Chen, and Ashley I. Bush


Calcium-sensing receptor gene polymorphism A986S does not predict serum calcium level, bone mineral density, calcaneal ultrasound indices, or fracture rate in a large cohort of elderly women, J. Bollerslev, S.G. Wilson, I.M. Dick, Amanda Devine, S.S. Dhaliwal, and R.L. Prince


The influence of multimedia resources in and out of biomedical studies, Richard Brightwell, Angus Stewart, and Simon Pask


Flight-training effect on the cervical muscle strength of trainee pilots, Angus F. Burnett, Fiona L. Naumann, and Elissa J. Burton


Formative study of aggression prevention and reduction in junior primary school: final report presented to the Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation: book 1 of 2, Donna Cross, Greg Hamilton, Clare Roberts, and Margaret Hall


Reliability of EMG measurements for trunk muscles during maximal and sub-maximal voluntary isometric contractions in healthy controls and CLBP patients, Wim Dankaerts, Peter Bruce O’Sullivan, Angus Firth Burnett, Leon Melville Straker, and Lieven Andre Danneels


Target selection for antisense oligonucleotide induced exon skipping in the dystrophin gene, Stephen J. Errington


Creatine serum is not as effective as creatine powder for improving cycle sprint performance in competitive male team-sport athletes, Nicholas David Gill, R.D. Hall, and Anthony Blazevich


Exercise and growth hormone in the aging individual, with special reference to the exercise-induced growth hormone response, R.J. Godfrey and Anthony Blazevich


Determination of heel strike and toe-off in the running stride using an accelerometer: Application to field-based gait studies, Tamika Heiden and Angus Burnett


High intake of cholesterol results in less atherogenic low-density lipoprotein particles in men and women independent of response classification, K. Herron, I. Lofgren, Matthew Sharman, Jeff Volek, and M. Fernandez


Phenolic acid metabolites as biomarkers for tea- and coffee-derived polyphenol exposure in human subjects, J.S. Hodgson, S.Y. Chan, I.B. Puddey, Amanda Devine, N. Wattanapenpaiboon, M.L. Wahlqvist, W. Lukito, V. Burke, N.C. Ward, R.L. Prince, and K.D. Croft


The influence of vibration on muscle activation and rate of force development during maximal isometric contractions, Brendan Humphries, Geoff Warman, Jason Purton, Tim L.A Doyle, and Eric Dugan


Effects of Concurrent Resistance and Aerobic Training on Load-Bearing Performance and the Army Physical Fitness Test, William J. Kraemer, Jason D. Vescovi, Jeff S. Volek, Bradley C. Nindl, Robert U. Newton, John F. Patton, Joseph E. Dziados, Duncan N. French, and Keijo Hakkinen


Responses of plasma proenkephalin Peptide F in rats following 14 days of spaceflight, William Kraemer, A. Mastro, Scott Gordon, L. Koziris, J. Bush, Jeff Volek, R. Staron, Duncan French, Matthew Sharman, B. Jemiolo, Michael Deschenes, and W Hymer


Effect of a cetylated fatty acid topical cream on functional mobility and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis, William Kraemer, Nick Ratamess, J. Anderson, Carl Maresh, David Tiberio, M. Joyce, M. Messinger, Duncan French, Matthew Sharman, Mickey Rubin, Ana Gomez, Jeff Volek, and R. Hesslink Jr


Pax genes in myogenesis: Alternate transcripts add complexity, Tina Marie Lamey, Annette Koenders, and Mel Ziman


Players' and coaches' perceptions of soccer coaches' specific leadership behaviours, Fadi Y. Ma'ayah


Mutations in the slow skeletal muscle fiber myosin heavy chain gene (MYH7) cause laing early-onset distal myopathy (MPD1), Christopher Meredith, Ralf Herrmann, Cheryl Parry, Khema Liyanage, Danielle E. Dye, Hayley J. Durling, Rachael M. Duff, Kaye Beckman, Marianne de Visser, Maaike M. van de Graaff, Peter Hedera, John K. Fink, Elizabeth M. Petty, Phillipa Lamont, Vicki Fabian, Leslie Bridges, Thomas Voit, Frank L. Mastaglia, and Nigel G. Laing


Stem cell-mediated muscle regeneration is enhanced by local isoform of insulin-like growth factor 1 , Antonio Musaro, C Giacinti, G Borsellino, G Dobrowolny, L Pelosi, L Cairns, S Ottolenghi, G Cossu, G Bernardi, L Battistini, M Molinaro, and N Rosenthal


Proprioceptive and muscle activation changes in triceps surae associated with exercise induced muscle damage, Carmel Nottle


Alteration of immune function in women collegiate soccer players and college students, Praveen Putlur, Carl Foster, Jennifer A. Miskowski, Melissa K. Kane, Sara E. Burton, Timothy P. Scheett, and Michael R. McGuigan


The effect of strength training on 3km performance in recreational female endurance runners, Cherina M. Rice


Expression of the HFE hemochromatosis gene in a community-based population of elderly women, E Rossi, C Kuek, J Beilby, GP Jeffrey, Amanda Devine, and RL Prince


Very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets affect fasting lipids and postprandial lipemia differently in overweight men, Matthew Sharman, Ana Gomez, William Kraemer, and Jeff Volek

Weight loss leads to reductions in inflammatory biomarkers after a very-low-carbohydrate diet and a low-fat diet in overweight men, Matthew Sharman and Jeff Volek


The Influence of Fat Co-administration on the Glucose Memory Facilitation Effect, S. Sunram-Lea, Jonathan Foster, P. Durlach, and C. Perez


The Role of beta Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease: Still a Cause of Everything or the Only One Who Got Caught?, Giuseppe Verdile, Stephanie Fuller, Craig Atwood, Simon Laws, Samuel Gandy, and Ralph Martins


Cardiovascular and hormonal aspects of very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets, Jeff Volek and Matthew Sharman


Comparison of a very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet on fasting lipids, LDL subclasses, insulin resistance, and postprandial lipemic responses in overweight women, Jeff Volek, Matthew Sharman, Ana Gomez, C. DiPasquale, M. Roti, A. Pumerantz, and William Kraemer


Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women, Jeff Volek, Matthew Sharman, Ana Gomez, D Judelson, M Rubin, Greig Watson, B Sokmen, R Silvestre, Duncan French, and William Kraemer


Aging, gender and APOE isotype modulate metabolism of Alzheimer's ABeta peptides and F2-isoprostanes in the absence of detectable amyloid deposits, Jun Yao, Suzana S. Petanceska, Thomas J. Montine, David M. Holtzman, Stephen D. Schmidt, Carolyn A. Parker, Michael J. Callahan, William J. Lipinski, Charles L. Bisgaier, Brian A. Turner, Ralph A. Nixon, Ralph N. Martins, Charles Ouimet, Jonathan D. Smith, Peter Davies, Eugene Laska, Michelle E. Ehrlich, Lary C. Walker, Paul M. Mathews, and Sam Gandy


The effects of movement based interventions on DOMS and muscle damage following eccentric exercise, Zainal A. Zainuddin

Submissions from 2003


A genetic perspective on the South Indian tradition of consanguineous marriage, N Appaji Rao, H S Savithri, and Alan Bittles


Effects of vitamin E supplementation on recovery from repeated bouts of resistance exercise, Neva Avery, Jennifer Kaiser, Matthew Sharman, Timothy Scheett, Dawn Barnes, Ana Gomez, William Kraemer, and Jeff Volek


Acute effect of alternating heavy and light resistances on power output during upper-body complex power training, Daniel Baker


Acute negative effect of a hypertrophy-oriented training bout on subsequent upper-body power output, Daniel Baker


Consanguineous marriage and childhood health, A. H. Bittles


The bases of Western attitudes to consanguineous marriage, Alan Bittles


Genomics and the changing profile of human disease, Alan H. Bittles


Aberrant PAX3 and PAX7 axpression: A link to the metastatic potential of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and cutaneous malignant melanoma?, Judith Blake and Melanie Ziman


Training-Specific Muscle Architecture Adaptation After 5-wk Training in Athletes, Anthony J. Blazevich, Nicholas D. Gill, Roger Bronks, and Robert U. Newton

Evaluation: is an open book examination easier?, Richard Brightwell, Janine-Helen Daniel, and Angus Stewart

The influence of multimedia resources in and out of biomedical studies [Uniserve Science Symposium], Richard Brightwell, Angus Stewart, and Simon Pask


Cognitive impairment, physical disability and depressive symptoms in older diabetic patients: the Fremantle Cognition in diabetes study, D. Bruce, G. Casey, V. Grange, R. Clarnette, O. Almeida, Jonathan Foster, F. Ives, and T. Davis


Expertise and training effects on co-ordination dynamics in a whole body rhythmical task, Gordana Cacija


The effect of eccentric exercise velocity on selected measures of muscle function and soreness of the Human elbow flexors in untrained males and females, Dale W. Chapman


Prevalence of lower extremity pain and its association with functionality and quality of life in elderly women in Australia, J. Chen, Amanda Devine, I.M. Dick, S.S. Dhaliwal, and R.L. Prince


The T869C TGF beta polymorphism is associated with fracture, bone mineral density, and calcaneal quantitative ultrasound in elderly women, I.M. Dick, Amanda Devine, S. Li, S.S. Dhaliwal, and R.L. Prince


Evaluation of a Lower-Body Compression Garment, Brendon K. Doan, Young-Hoo Kwon, Robert U. Newton, Jaekun Shim, Eva M. Popper, Ryan A. Rogers, Lori R. Bolt, Mike Robertson, and William J. Kraemer

Abuse in Palliative Care Families: An initial exploration of the perceptions of palliative care nurses in Perth, Western Australia, Colleen Fisher


The Invisible Dimension: Abuse in Palliative Care Families, Colleen Fisher


Endurance Capacity and High-intensity exercise performance responses to a high-fat diet, Jessie Fleming, Matthew Sharman, and Neva Avery

A UK PhD in Psychology: The British Psychological Society Guidelines, Jonathan Foster


Molecular and Cellular Basis for Anti-Amyloid Therapy in Alzheimer Disease, Sam Gandy, Ralph Martins, and Joseph Buxbaum


Comparative survival advantage of males with down syndrome, Emma Glasson, Sheena Sullivan, Rafat Hussain, Bev Petterson, Philip Montgomery, and Alan Bittles


Physiological and functional effects of acute low-frequency hand-arm vibration, Ana Gomez, Jeff Volek, Mickey Rubin, Duncan French, Nicholas Ratamess, Matthew Sharman, and William Kraemer


The effect of cycling on muscle activation in the running leg of an Olympic distance triathlon [journal article], Tamika Heiden and Angus Burnett


Apolipoprotein E influences amyloid-beta clearance from the murine periphery, E. Hone, Ian J. Martins, J. Fonte, and Ralph Martins


Increased frequency of the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) LX haplotype in Chinese SLE patients, Y F Huang, Wei Wang, J Y Han, X W Wu, S T Zhang, C J Liu, Q G Hu, P Xiong, Renata M J Hamvas, N Wood, F L Gong, and Alan Bittles


The Effects of Exertional Heatstroke and Exercise-Heat Acclimation on Plasma beta-endorphin Concentrations, William J. Kraemer, Lawrence E. Armstrong, and Greig Watson


Physiological Changes With Periodized Resistance Training in Women Tennis Players, William J. Kraemer, Keijo Hakkinen, Travis Triplett-McBride, Andrew C. Fry, L. Perry Koziris, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Jeffery E. Bauer, Jeff S. Volek, Tim McConnell, Robert U. Newton, Scott E. Gordon, Don Cummings, John Hauth, Frank Pullo, J Michael Lynch, Scott A. Mazzetti, and Howard G. Knuttgen


The Effects of L-Carnitine L-Tartrate Supplementation on Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise and Recovery, William Kraemer, Jeff S Volek, Duncan N. French, Martyn R. Rubin, Matthew Sharman, Ana L Gomez, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Robert Newton, Bozena Jemiolo, Bruce Craig, and Keijo Hakkinen


Effect of Explosive Resistance Training on Titin and Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms in Trained Subjects, Michael Mcguigan, Matthew Sharman, Robert Newton, Alan J. Davie, Aron J. Murphy, and Jeffery M. McBride


Attenuating muscle wasting: Cell and gene therapy approaches, A Musaro and N Rosenthal


Muscle damage in resistance training - is muscle damage necessary for strength gain and muscle hypertrophy?, Kazunori Nosaka, Andrew Lavender, Michael Newton, and Paul Sacco


Lumbar repositioning deficit in a specific low back pain population, Peter B. O'Sullivan, Angus Burnett, Alexander N Floyd, Kristen Gadson, Julia Loguidice, Daniel Miller, and Hilary Quirke


The Effects of Amino Acid Supplementation on Muscular Performance During Resistance Training Overreaching, Nicholas A. Ratamess, William J. Kraemer, Jeff S. Volek, Martyn R. Rubin, Ana L. Gomez, Duncan N. French, Matthew J. Sharman, Michael M. McGuigan, Timothy Scheett, Keijo Hakkinen, Robert U. Newton, and Francesco Dioguardi


Methods used to process data from indirect calorimetry and their application to VO2MAX, Robert Robergs and Angus Burnett

Changes in University Student's Perceptions of Competence in Gymnastics and Dance, Elizabeth Rose and Dawne Larkin


Technique and timing in women's inward two and one half somersault tuck (405C) and the men's inward two and one half somersault pike (405B) 3m springboard dives, Ross Sanders and Angus Burnett


Social cognition in frontotemporal dementia and Huntington's disease, J.S Snowden, Z. C Gibbons, A. Blackshaw, E. Doubleday, J. Thompson, D. Craufurd, Jonathan Foster, F. Happe, and P. Neary


Mutations in the tau gene that cause an increase in three repeat tau and frontotemporal dementia, Prudence Stanford, Claire Shepherd, Glenda Halliday, William Brooks, Peter W Schofield, Henry Brodaty, Ralph Martins, John Kwok, and Peter R Schofield


Breast cancer and the uptake of mammography screening services by women with intellectual disabilities, S G. Sullivan, E J. Glasson, R Hussain, B A. Petterson, L M. Slack-Smith, P D. Montgomery, and A H. Bittles


Increasing fluid milk favorably affects bone mineral density responses to resistance training in adolescent boys, Jeff Volek, Ana Gomez, Timothy Scheett, Matthew Sharman, Duncan French, Mickey Rubin, Nicholas Ratamess, Mike McGuigan, and William Kraemer


An Isoenergetic Very Low Carbohydrate Diet Improves Serum HDL Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol Concentrations, the Total Cholesterol to HDL Cholesterol Ratio and Postprandial Lipemic Responses Compared with a Low Fat Diet in Normal Weight, Normolipide, Jeff Volek, Matthew Sharman, Ana Gomez, Timothy Scheett, and William Kraemer


STR polymorphisms of "forensic loci" in the northern Han Chinese population, Wei Wang, Huiling Jia, Qin Wang, Zhiming Cai, Lihui Wei, Debing Wang, and Alan Bittles


The origins and genetic structure of three co-resident Chinese Muslim populations: the Salar, Bo'an and Dongxiang, Wei Wang, Cheryl Wise, Thomas Baric, Michael Black, and Alan Bittles


A standard protocol for single nucleotide primer extension in the human genome using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Cheryl Wise, Maxime Paris, Bharti Morar, Wei Wang, Luborodna Kalaydjieva, and Alan Bittles


In-class Conference Provides an Authentic Learning Experience, Melanie Ziman


A Dorso-Ventral Gradient of Pax6 in the Developing Retina Suggests a Role in Topographic Map Formation, Melanie Ziman, Jennifer Rodger, Sharralee Lukehurst, Davina Hancock, Sarah Dunlop, and Lynda Dent Beazley

Submissions from 2002


Genetic counseling and screening of consanguineous couples and their offspring: Recommendations of the national society of genetic counselors, Robin L. Bennett, Arno G. Motulsky, Alan Bittles, Louanne Hudgins, Stefanie Uhrich, Debra Lochner Doyle, Kerry Silvey, C. Ronald Scott, Edith Cheng, Barbara McGillivray, Robert D. Steiner, and Debra Olson


Endogamy, consanguinity and community genetics, A H. Bittles


Does inbreeding lead to decreased human fertility?, A H. Bittles, J C. Grant, S G. Sullivan, and R Hussain


The influence of intellectual disability on life expectancy, A H. Bittles, B A. Petterson, S G. Sullivan, R Hussain, E J. Glasson, and P D. Montgomery


Community Genetics in Developing Countries, A H. Bittles, H S. Savithri, and N Appaji Rao

Biological aspects of human ageing, Alan Bittles


Back Stress and Assistance Exercises in Weightlifting, Angus Burnett, Kevin Netto, and Adam Beard


Dance studies in Years 11 and 12: Why girls elect to dance at school, Lynn Embrey and Elizabeth Rose


The effects of therapeutic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle function following downhill walking [journal article], Trevor Farr, Carmel Nottle, Kazunori Nosaka, and Paul Sacco


The changing survival profile of people with Down's syndrome: Implications for genetic counselling, E J. Glasson, S G. Sullivan, R Hussain, B A. Petterson, P D. Montgomery, and A H. Bittles


On the twin risk in autism, Joachim Hallmayer, Emma J. Glasson, Carol Bowers, Beverly Petterson, Lisa Croen, Judith Grether, and Neil Risch