
Submissions from 2022


A parent first: Exploring the support needs of parents caring for a child with medical complexity in Australia, Anita Moyes, Theresa Abbott, Sue Baker, Carlton Reid, Rayleen Thorne, and Evalotte Mörelius


An untenable burden: Exploring experiences of secondary school nurses who encounter young people with mental health problems, Anita Moyes, Shirley McGough, and Dianne Wynaden


Challenges experienced by newly qualified nurse-midwives transitioning to practice in selected midwifery settings in northern Malawi, Mathews Brave Mtegha, Elizabeth Chodzaza, Ellen Chirwa, Fatch Welcome Kalembo, and Maggie Zgambo

Experiences of caregivers around the final decision-making process of transferring an older person living with dementia to long-term care: A grounded theory study, Lydiah Joyce C. Muge


Patient experience surveys for children’s community health services: A scoping review, Helen J. Nelson, Catherine Pienaar, Anne M. Williams, Ailsa Munns, Katie McKenzie, and Evalotte Mörelius

Health beliefs, health behaviours and perceived support needs among older Vietnam-born people living with chronic disease in the Australian context: A focused ethnographic study, Thi Ngoc Minh Nguyen


The use of theory in qualitative research: Challenges, development of a framework and exemplar, Thi Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Lisa Whitehead, Gordana Dermody, and Rosemary Saunders


Systematic review of perception of barriers and facilitators to chronic disease self-management among older adults: Implications for evidence-based practice, Thi Ngoc Minh Nguyen, Lisa Whitehead, Rosemary Saunders, and Gordana Dermody


Equality, diversity and inclusion: A focus on LGBTQ+ people, Brian Nyatanga


A qualitative systematic review on the experiences of homelessness among older adults, Phuntsho Om, Lisa Whitehead, Caroline Vafeas, and Amanda Towell-Barnard


Adherence to screening and management guidelines of maternal Group B Streptococcus colonization in pregnancy, Sabine Pangerl, Deborah Sundin, and Sadie Geraghty


Shakespeare and emptional expression: Finding feeling through colour, Bríd Phillips


Evaluation of an Australian neurological nurse-led model of postdischarge care, Judith Dianne Pugh, Kathleen McCoy, Merrilee Needham, Leanne Jiang, Margaret Giles, Elizabeth McKinnon, and Kym Heine


Neurological patient and informal caregiver quality of life, and caregiver burden: A cross-sectional study of postdischarge community neurological nursing recipients, Judith Dianne Pugh, Kathleen McCoy, Anne M. Williams, Catherine A. Pienaar, Brenda Bentley, and Leanne Monterosso


Exercise counselling and referral in cancer care: An international scoping survey of health care practitioners’ knowledge, practices, barriers, and facilitators, Imogen Ramsey, Alexandre Chan, Andreas Charalambous, Yin Ting Cheung, H. S. Darling, Lawson Eng, Lisa Grech, Nicolas H. Hart, Deborah Kirk, Sandra A. Mitchell, Dagmara Poprawski, Elke Rammant, Margaret I. Fitch, and Raymond J. Chan


Factors affecting hospital readmission rates following an acute coronary syndrome: A systematic review, Amineh Rashidi, Lisa Whitehead, and Courtney Glass


A translational research framework for nurse practitioners, Mary Ryder and Elisabeth Jacob


Nurses leading volunteer support for older adults in hospital: A discussion paper, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karen Gullick, Olivia Gallagher, Karla Seaman, Debra Scaini, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Jeff Hughes, Beverly O'Connell, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Nurse-led volunteer support care plan, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karen Gullick, Olivia Gallagher, Karla Seaman, Debra Scaini, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Bev Ewens, Jeff Hughes, Bev O'Connell, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Effectiveness of nurse-led volunteer support and technology-driven pain assessment in improving the outcomes of hospitalised older adults: Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, Rosemary Saunders, Kate Crookes, Karla Seaman, Seng Giap Marcus Ang, Caroline Bulsara, Max K. Bulsara, Beverley Ewens, Olivia Gallagher, Renee M. Graham, Karen Gullick, Sue Haydon, Jeff Hughes, Mustafa Atee, Kim Huong Nguyen, Bev O'Connell, Debra Scaini, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


Exploring orthopaedic patients’ experiences of hospital discharge: Implications for nursing care, Rosemary Saunders, David Dineen, Karen Gullick, Karla Seaman, Renee Graham, and Sandra Finlay


My hip journey: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences of an eHealth program for patient preparation and recovery from hip replacement surgery, Rosemary Saunders, Karla Seaman, Laura Emery, Debra Crompton, Chantelle Lynch, Dorji Penjor, and Sonali Sagar


Re-imagining the data collection and analysis research process by proposing a rapid qualitative data collection and analytic roadmap applied to the dynamic context of precision medicine, James Smith, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Tracey A. O’Brien, Stephanie Smith, Vanessa J. Tyrrell, Emily V. A. Mould, Janet C. Long, and Frances Rapport


The voices of stakeholders nvolved in precision medicine: The co-design and evaluation of qualitative indicators of intervention acceptability, fidelity and context in PRecISion medicine for children with cancer in Australia, James Smith, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Tracey A. O’Brien, Stephanie Smith, Vanessa J. Tyrrell, Emily V. A. Mould, Janet C. Long, and Frances Rapport


“You never exhale fully because you're not sure what's NEXT”: Parents' experiences of stress caring for children with chronic conditions, Stephanie Smith, Mary Tallon, Carrie Clark, Lauren Jones, and Evalotte Mörelius


Parental sleep when their child is sick: A phased principle-based concept analysis, Stephanie Smith, Mary Tallon, James Smith, Charlotte Angelhoff, and Evalotte Mörelius


A cohort comparison study on women in threatened preterm labor given nifedipine or nifedipine and salbutamol tocolysis in air medical retrieval, Breeanna Spring Walsh, Fergus W. Gardiner, Dianne Bloxsome, David Ford, Brennen W. Mills, and Simon M. Laws


Haemodiafiltration and haemodialysis should be reported separately by kidney replacement therapy registries, Ulrich Steinwandel, Hugh Davies, and Nicholas Gibson


Residual renal function – How fast does the residual urine output function decline in the first year of haemodialysis? – A scoping review, Ulrich Steinwandel, Homa Kheirkhah, and Hugh Davies


Saliva cortisol diurnal variation and stress responses in term and preterm infants, David Q. Stoye, James P. Boardman, Clive Osmond, Gemma Sullivan, Gillian Lamb, Gill S. Black, Natalie Z. M. Homer, Nina Nelson, Elvar Theodorsson, Evalotte Mörelius, and Rebecca M. Reynolds


Preterm birth and infant diurnal cortisol regulation, David Q. Stoye, James P. Boardman, Clive Osmond, Gemma Sullivan, Gillian Lamb, Gill S. Black, Natalie Z. M. Homer, Nina Nelson, Elvar Theodorsson, Rebecca M. Reynolds, and Evalotte Mörelius


Palliative care early in the care continuum among patients with serious respiratory illness an official ATS/AAHPM/HPNA/SWHPN policy statement, Donald R. Sullivan, Anand S. Iyer, Susan Enguidanos, Christopher E. Cox, Morag Farquhar, Daisy J. A. Janssen, Kathleen O. Lindell, Richard A. Mularski, Natasha Smallwood, Alison E. Turnbull, Anne M. Wilkinson, Katherine R. Courtright, Matthew Maddocks, Mary Lynn McPherson, J. Daryl Thornton, Margaret L. Campbell, Tracy K. Fasolino, Patricia M. Fogelman, Larry Gershon, Thayer Gershon, Christiane Hartog, Judy Luther, Diane E. Meier, Judith E. Nelson, Elliot Rabinowitz, Cynda H. Rushton, Danetta H. Sloan, Erin K. Kross, and Lynn F. Reinke


Peripheral thermometry: Agreement between non-touch infrared versus traditional modes in an adult population, Penelope Sweeting, Minakshi Murphy, Sadie Geraghty, and Maree Duddle


Effects of a nurse-led Tai Chi programme on improving quality of life, mental wellbeing, and physical function of women with breast cancer: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Sadie Geraghty, Caitlin Fox-Harding, and Calvin Wang


The safety and efficacy of using moxibustion and or acupuncture for cancer-related insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Ellen Yichun Han, Mark Jenkins, Xuepei Hong, Shuqin Pang, Lisa Whitehead, Deborah L. Kirk, and Anne Williams


Effects of Tai Chi on the quality of life, mental wellbeing, and physical function of adults with chronic diseases: Protocol for a single-blind, two-armed, randomised controlled trial, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Johnny Lo, Sadie Geraghty, and Angela Wei Hong Yang


Light acupuncture and five-element music therapy for nurses' mental health and well-being during and post-COVID-19: protocol for a randomised cross-over feasibility study, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Johnny Lo, Rosemary Saunders, Esther Adama, Caroline Bulsara, Christopher Etherton-Beer, and Angela Wei Hong Yang


Reimagining the role of nursing education in emissions reduction, Aletha Ward, Diane Heart, Catelyn Richards, Luke T. Bayliss, Mark Holmes, Samantha Keogh, and Odette Best


Determining associations among health orientation, fitness orientation, and attitudes toward fatness in physiotherapists and physiotherapy students using structural equation modeling, Sandra C. Webber, Patricia Thille, Kun Liu, Kristy Wittmeier, and Patricia Cain


Physiological plateaus during normal labor and birth: A scoping review of contemporary concepts and definitions, Marina Weckend, Clare Davison, and Sara Bayes


Traditional Chinese medicine as a tourism recovery drawcard to boost China's inbound tourism after COVID-19, Jun Wen, Carol C. Wang, Edmund Goh, Zhaohui Su, and Tianyu Ying


The effectiveness of goal setting on glycaemic control for people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis, Lisa Whitehead, Courtney Glass, and Kirsten Coppell


Nurses' perceptions and beliefs related to the care of adults living with multimorbidity: A systematic qualitative review, Lisa Whitehead, Peter Palamara, Jacqueline Allen, Jennifer Boak, Robyn Quinn, and Cobie George


Factors influencing the development and implementation of nurse practitioner candidacy programs: A scoping review, Lisa Whitehead, Diane E. Twigg, Rebecca Carman, Courtney Glass, Helena Halton, and Christine M. Duffield


Effectiveness of mobile apps to improve urinary incontinence: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Renee Widdison, Amineh Rashidi, and Lisa Whitehead


A team mental model approach to understanding team effectiveness in an emergency department: A qualitative study, Sarah Wise, Christine Duffield, Margaret Fry, and Michael Roche


Nurses' role in accomplishing interprofessional coordination: Lessons in ‘almost managing’ an emergency department team, Sarah Wise, Christine Duffield, Margaret Fry, and Michael Roche


What are the benefits and challenges of mentoring in midwifery? An integrative review, Krystyl Wissemann, Dianne Bloxsome, Annemarie De Leo, and Sara Bayes


"We just do it … we are dead already": Exploring the sexual behaviors of youth living with HIV, Maggie Zgambo, Diana Arabiat, and Deborah Ireson


Effect of auricular acupressure on acute pain in nursing home residents with mild dementia: A single-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study, Jun Jun Zhang, Li Yu, Jun Hui Mei, Hong Xin Wang, Hai Xiang Gao, Ju Fang Fu, Ye Cheng, Lu Lu Gao, Lei Bu, Jian Qiang Yu, Carol Chunfeng Wang, and Yu Xiang Li


Should acupuncture-related therapies be considered in prediabetes control? Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Min Zhang, Carol Chunfeng Wang, and Johnny Lo

Submissions from 2021


Nurses' perceptions and attitudes toward family-centered care in acute pediatric care settings in Jordan, Nadin M. Abdel Razeq, Diana H. Arabiat, and Linda Shields


Proximal and distal influences on dietary change among a diverse group with prediabetes participating in a pragmatic, primary care nurse-led intervention: A qualitative study, Sally L. Abel, Lisa C. Whitehead, David C. Tipene-Leach, and Kirsten J. Coppell


Foot ulcers associated with external trauma among people with diabetes: An integrative review of the origin of trauma and outcomes, Ma-en Zaid Abu-Qamar, Vivien Kemp, and Lisa Whitehead


The psychosocial impact of rare diseases among children and adolescents attending mainstream schools in Western Australia, Esther A. Adama, Diana Arabiat, Mandie Foster, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, K. Runions, R. Vithiatharan, and A. Lin


Sociocultural practices affecting the care of preterm infants in the Ghanaian community, Esther Abena Adama, Deborah Sundin, and Sara Bayes


Position statement of the international network for child and family centered care: Child and family centred care during the COVID19 pandemic, Mohammad Al-Motlaq, Sarah Neill, Mandie J. Foster, Imelda Coyne, Davina Houghton, Charlotte Angelhoff, Malin Rising-Holmström, and Maureen Majamanda


The experience of women following first acute coronary syndrome: An integrative literature review, Najmeh Alyasin, Alison Teate, and Karen Strickland


Early childhood caries, primary caregiver oral health knowledge and behaviours and associated sociological factors in Australia: A systematic scoping review, Lesley Andrew, Ruth M. Wallace Mrs, Nicole Wickens, and Jilen Patel


A peer-observation initiative to enhance student engagement in the synchronous virtual classroom: A case study of a COVID-19 mandated move to online learning, Lesley Andrew, Ruth Wallace, and Ros Sambell


Language abilities in children born to mothers diagnosed with diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Diana Arabiat, Mohammad AL Jabery, Mark Jenkins, Vivien Kemp, Lisa Whitehead, and Gary Adams


Motor developmental outcomes in children exposed to maternal diabetes during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Diana Arabiat, Mohammad A. L. Jabery, Vivien Kemp, Mark Jenkins, Lisa C. Whitehead, and Gary Adams


Beliefs about illness and treatment decision modelling during ill-health in Arabic families, Diana Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, Mohammad AL Jabery, Ayman Hamdan-Mansour, Abeer Shaheen, and Eman Abu Sabbah


Ten statements to support nurse leaders implement e-health tools for nursing work in hospitals: A modified Delphi study, Kasia Bail, Eamon Merrick, Amanda Fox, Jo Gibson, Alicia Hind, Cameron Moss, Karen Strickland, and Bernice Redley


Effectiveness of online communication skills training for cancer and palliative care health professionals: A systematic review, Melissa N. Berg, Irene Ngune, Penelope Schofield, Lisa Grech, Ilona Juraskova, Michelle Strasser, Zoe Butt, and Georgia K. B. Halkett


How is organisational fit addressed in Australian entry level midwifery job advertisements, Dianne Bloxsome, Courtney Glass, and Sara Bayes


Healthy eating and physical activity among new graduate nurses: A qualitative study of barriers and enablers during their first year of clinical practice, Elizabeth Brogan, Chris Rossiter, Christine Duffield, and Elizabeth Denney-Wilson


Learning objectives of cultural immersion programs: A scoping review, Kate Buchanan, Marrianne Velandia, Marina Weckend, and Sara Bayes


The impact of critical incidents on nurses and midwives: A systematic review, Melanie Buhlmann, Beverley Ewens, and Amineh Rashidi


Reflecting on experiences of care: An exploratory qualitative descriptive study of the perspectives of stroke survivors, families and staff, Caroline Bulsara, Rosemary Saunders, Laura Emery, and Christopher Etherton-Beer


The knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of midwives on the vaccination coverage rates in Perth’s Aboriginal children, Rebecca Carman, Lesley Andrew, and Amanda Devine


The impact of pre-injury warfarin in major trauma patients: The Western Australian experience, Rebecca Carman, R. Palan, A. Jacques, A. Yeo, S. Rao, and D. Mountain


Nurse-led interventions in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity in infants, children and adolescents: A scoping review, Heilok Cheng, Cobie George, Melissa Dunham, Lisa Whitehead, and Elizabeth Denney-Wilson


Examining the average scores of nursing teamwork subscales in an acute private medical ward, Martina Costello, Kylie Rusell, and Tracey Coventry


Adherence to evidence-based guidelines for indwelling urinary catheter management: A cross-sectional study, Linda L. Coventry, Vicki Patton, Ashleigh Whyte, Xiaohua Liu, Hardeep Kaur, Adina Job, and Mary King


Delegation practices between the registered nurse and the assistant in nursing in the acute care setting in Western Australia, Carol Crevacore


A comparison between the effect of combined chain exercises plus Kinesio taping with combined chain exercises alone in knee osteoarthritis: A randomized clinical trial, Musa S. Danazumi, Shehu U. Ibrahim, Abdulsalam M. Yakasai, Gordana Dermody, Bashir Bello, and Bashir Kaka


Co-creating visual representations of safe spaces with mental health service users using photovoice and Zoom, Julie Dare, Helen Seiver, Lesley Andrew, David A. Coall, Shantha Karthigesu, Moira Sim, and Kathy Boxall


Does participation in extended immersive ward-based simulation improve the preparedness of undergraduate bachelor’s degree nursing students to be ready for clinical practice as a registered nurse? An integrative literature review, Hugh Davies, Deborah Sundin, Suzanne Robinson, and Elisabeth Jacob


Trusting women and birth despite the 'risks', Clare Davison


Woman-centred care, Clare Davison


Midwifery leaders’ views on the factors considered crucial to implementing evidence-based practice in clinical areas, Annemarie De Leo, Sara Bayes, Janice Butt, Dianne Bloxsome, and Sadie Geraghty


Exploring the usability of the COM-B model and theoretical domains framework (TDF) to define the helpers of and hindrances to evidence-based practice in midwifery, Annemarie De Leo, Sara J. Bayes, Dianne Bloxsome, and Janice Butt


Factors influencing community-dwelling older adults’ readiness to adopt smart home technology: A qualitative exploratory study, Gordana Dermody, Roschelle Fritz, Courtney Glass, Melissa Dunham, and Lisa Whitehead


Clinician engagement in quality: A literature review, Marie DIckinson, Christine Duffield, Jen Bichel-Findlay, and Joanne Travaglia


Administrative applications, Gemma Doleman and Christine Duffield


Online learning and teaching approaches used in midwifery programs: A scoping review, Terri Downer, Michelle Gray, and Tanya Capper


Does education level influence the practice profile of advanced practice nursing?, Christine Duffield, Glenn Gardner, Anna Doubrovsky, and Marg Adams


Development of a toolkit to support sustainable culture change in residential aged care, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Barbara Horner, Lorraine Venturato, Rosemary Saunders, and Leon Flicker


The enablers and barriers to children visiting their ill parent/carer in intensive care units: A scoping review, Beverley Ewens, Doreen Collyer, Vivien Kemp, and Diana Arabiat


A delirium prevalence audit and a pre and post evaluation of an interprofessional education intervention to increase staff knowledge about delirium in older adults, Bev Ewens, Karla Seaman, Lisa Whitehead, Mandy Towell-Barnard, and Michelle Young


Questionnaires to measure process and structure of quality indicators for pediatric nursing, Maria Forsner, Evalotte Mörelius, and Lena Hanberger


Seeing lockdown through the eyes of children from around the world: Reflecting on a children's artwork project, Mandie Jane Foster, Mohammad Al-Motlaq, Bernie Carter, Sarah Neill, Therese O'Sullivan, Angela A. Quaye, Maureen Majamanda, Khatijah Abdullah, Inger K. Hallström, Christine English, Amanda Vickers, Imelda Coyne, Esther Adema Adama, and Evalotte Morelius


Revealing meaning from story: The application of narrative inquiry to explore the factors that influence decision making in relation to the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in the intensive care unit, Fiona Foxall; Deborah Sundin; Amanda Towell-Barnard PhD, MNursing; Beverly Ewens; Vivien Kemp; and Davina Porock


Development of nurse practitioner metaspecialty clinical practice standards: A national sequential mixed methods study, Anne Gardner, Christopher Helms, Glenn Gardner, Fiona Coyer, and Helen Gosby


Experiences of Western Australian rural nursing graduates: A mixed method analysis, Amanda C. Graf, Barbara Nattabi, Elisabeth Jacob, and Diane Twigg


Needle-related pain, affective reactions, fear, and emotional coping in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A cross-sectional study, Lena Hanberger, Emma Tallqvist, Amanda Richert, Anna L. Olinder, Maria Forsner, Evalotte Mörelius, and Stefan Nilsson


Clinical supervisors' perspectives of factors influencing clinical learning experience of nursing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds during placement: A qualitative study, Renjith Hari, Sadie Geraghty, and Koshila Kumar


An early collaborative intervention focusing on parent-infant interaction in the neonatal period. A descriptive study of the developmental framework, Charlotte Sahlén Helmer, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg, and Evalotte Mörelius


Supporting patient-clinician interaction in chronic HIV care: Design and development of a patient-reported outcomes software application, Susan Herrmann, Brad Power, Amineh Rashidi, Mark Cypher, Frank Mastaglia, Amy Grace, Elizabeth McKinnon, Pierre Sarrot, Christophe Michau, Matthew Skinner, Renae Desai, and Martin Duracinsky