Submissions from 2020
Bridging the child and family centered care gap: Therapeutic conversations with children and families, Mandie Foster and Linda Shields
Interpreting health events in big data using qualitative traditions, Roschelle L. Fritz and Gordana Dermody
Automated smart home assessment to support pain management: Multiple methods analysis, Roschelle L. Fritz, Marian Wilson, Gordana Dermody, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, and Diane J. Cook
A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: Ensuring that Black lives matter, Lynore Geia, K. Baird, K. Bail, L. Barclay, J. Bennett, O. Best, M. Birks, L. Blackley, R. Blackman, A. Bonner, R. Bryant AO, C. Buzzacott, S. Campbell, C. Catling, C. Chamberlain, L. Cox, W. Cross, M. Cruickshank, A. Cummins, H. Dahlen, J. Daly, P. Darbyshire, P. Davidson, E. Denney-Wilson, R. De Souza, K. Doyle, A. Drummond, J. Duff, Christine M. Duffield, T. Dunning, L. East, D. Elliott, R. Elmir, D. Fergie, C. Ferguson, R. Fernandez, D. Flower, M. Foureur, C. Fowler, M. Fry, E. Gorman, J. Grant, J. Gray, E. Halcomb, B. Hart, D. Hartz, M. Hazelton, L. Heaton, L. Hickman, C. S. E. Homer, C. Hungerford, A. Hutton, D. Jackson, A. Johnson, M. A. Kelly, A. Kitson, S. Knight, T. Levett-Jones, D. Lindsay, R. Lovett, L. Luck, L. Molloy, E. Manias, J. Mannix, A.M.R. Marriott, M. Martin, D. Massey, A. McCloughen, S. McGough, L. McGrath, J. Mills, B. G. Mitchell, J. Mohamed, J. Montayre, T. Moroney, W. Moyle, L. Moxham, H. Northam, S. Nowlan, A. P. O'Brien, O. Ogunsiji, C. Paterson, K. Pennington, K. Peters, J. Philips, T. Power, N. Procter, L. Ramjan, N. Ramsay, B. Rasmussen, J. Rihari-Thomas, B. Rind, M. Robinson, M. Roche, K. Sainsbury, Y. Salamonson, J. Sherwood, L. Shields, J. Sim, I. Skinner, G. Smallwood, R. Smallwood, L. Stewart, S. Taylor, K. Usher, C. Virdun, J. Wannell, R. Ward, C. West, R. West, L. Wilkes, R. Williams, R. Wilson, D. Wynaden, and R. Wynne
Contemporary nursing graduates' transition to practice: A critical review of transition models, Amanda C Graf, Elisabeth Jacob, Diane Twigg, and Barbara Nattabi
A mixed method study on Nursing graduate support programs in rural and remote areas of Western Australia, Amanda Clair Graf
Clinical guide to antineoplastic therapy: A chemotherapy handbook, Mary Gullatte, Rowena Schwartz, Katherine Spinks, and Deborah Kirk Walker
Symptom burden and unmet needs in MPM: Exploratory analyses from the RESPECT-Meso study, Siao Nge Hoon, Iain Lawrie, Cathy Qi, Najib Rahman, Nick Maskell, Karen Forbes, Stephen Gerry, Leanne Monterosso, Anoop Chauhan, and Fraser J. H. Brims
Formula vs. donor breast milk for preterm or low-birth-weight infants, Deborah Ireson
Barriers to Ghanaian midwives’ ability to provide quality care: A Glaserian grounded theory study, Yakubu Ismaila
Are current clinical guidelines on the use of Peripheral Intravenous Cannula for blood draws supported by evidence? An organizational case study, Alycia Jacob, Linda Coventry, Hugh Davies, and Elisabeth Jacob
Rural dialysis nurses’ experiences with challenging patients: a thematic qualitative analysis, Alycia Jacob, Caroline Vafeas, Laurita Stoneman, and Elisabeth Jacob
Importance of vitamin D in the antenatal period for maternal well-being, Gemma Jarvis and Sadie Geraghty
Characterisation of peripheral bone mineral density in youth at risk of secondary osteoporosis - A preliminary insight, Mark Jenkins, Nicolas H. Hart, Sophia Nimphius, Paola Chivers, Timo Rantalainen, Karen M. Rothacker, Belinda R. Beck, Benjamin Weeks, Fleur McIntyre, Beth Hands, Brendan P. Beeson, and Aris Siafarikas
No soldiers left behind: An IoT-based low-power military mobile health system design, James Jin Kang, Wencheng Yang, Gordana Dermody, Mohammadreza Ghasemian, Sasan Adibi, and Paul Haskell-Dowland
If you build it, will they come? Evaluation of a co-located exercise clinic and cancer treatment centre using the RE-AIM framework, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Daniel A. Galvão, Favil Singh, Nigel A. Spry, Michael Davis, Raphael Chee, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nicolas H. Hart, Dennis R. Taaffe, and Robert U. Newton
We have the program, what now? Development of an implementation plan to bridge the research-practice gap prevalent in exercise oncology, Mary A. Kennedy, Sara Bayes, Robert U. Newton, Yvonne Zissiadis, Nigel A. Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nicolas H. Hart, Michael Davis, Aileen Eiszele, and Daniel A. Galvão
Global nursing, Deborah Kirk and Stephanie Wheeler
Key elements of sustained child health home visiting programs for vulnerable families in Australia: A scoping review, Nicole Latham, Jeanine Young, and Michelle Gray
Demographic profile of the intellectual disability nursing workforce in Australia: Findings from a national survey, Peter Lewis, James Collison, Lisa Whitehead, Virginia Howie, Sarah Feighan, Michele Wiese, Kate O’Reilly, Hayden Jaques, and Nathan J. Wilson
The effects of yam gruel on lowering fasted blood glucose in T2DM rats, Xinjun Lin, Zongting Luo, Shuqin Pang, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Li Ge, Yanling Dai, Jian Zhou, Fang Chen, Xuepei Hong, and Jiahui Zhang
Somatic acupoint stimulation for cancer-related sleep disturbance: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Xian-Liang Liu, Hui Lin Cheng, Simon Moss, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Catherine Turner, and Jing-Yu Tan
Terminology preferences in mental health, Andrea Sam Lyon and Sheila Mary Mortimer-Jones
The relationship between terminology preferences, empowerment and internalised stigma in mental health, Andrea Sam Lyon and Sheila Mary Mortimer-Jones
Perceived influence of value systems on the uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision among men in Kweneng East, Botswana, Thandisizwe R. Mavundla, Fungai Mbengo, and Khanyenda Bruce Ngomi
Use, adoption, and effectiveness of tippy-tap handwashing station in promoting hand hygiene practices in resource-limited settings: A systematic review, Balwani C. Mbakaya, Fatch W. Kalembo, and Maggie Zgambo
Nursing and midwifery students' experiences and perception of their clinical learning environment in Malawi: A mixed-method study, B. C. Mbakaya, F. W. Kalembo, Maggie Zgambo, A. Konyani, F. Lungu, B. Tveit, A. Kaasen, M. Simango, and T. Bvumbwe
The importance of telehealth in the implementation of best practice in paediatric burn management by non-burn specialist clinicians, Tania McWilliams
General practice nurses and physicians and end of life: A systematic review of models of care, Geoffrey Mitchell, Michèle Aubin, Hugh Senior, Claire Johnson, Julia Fallon-Ferguson, Briony Williams, Leanne Monterosso, Joel J. Rhee, Peta McVey, Matthew Grant, Harriet Nwachukwu, and Patsy Yates
A scoping review of nursing research priorities in pediatric care, Evalotte Morelius, Mandie Foster, and Fenella Gill
A four-phase paediatric nursing research priority setting study, Evalotte Mörelius, Fenella Gill, Mandie Foster, Stephanie Smith, and Ailsa Munns
You can’t flight, you need to fight – a qualitative study of mothers’ experiences of feeding extremely preterm infants, Evalotte Morelius, Kajsa Kling, Eva Haraldsson, and Siw Alehagen
External barriers for including parents of preterm infants in a randomised clinical trial in the neonatal intensive care unit in Sweden: A descriptive study, Evalotte Mörelius, Emma Olsson, Charlotte Sahlén Helmer, Ylva Thernström Blomqvist, and Charlotte Angelhoff
Vitamin D and sleep duration: Is there a bidirectional relationship?, Maryam Mosavat, Aisling Smyth, Diana Arabiat, and Lisa Whitehead
A mixed-methods study on patient safety insights of new graduate registered nurses, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope
Supporting new graduate registered nurse transition for safety: A literature review update, Melanie Murray, Deborah Sundin, and Vicki Cope
Biopsychosocial risk factors and knowledge of cervical cancer among young women: A case study from Kenya to inform HPV prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa, Irene Ngune, Fatch Kalembo, Barbara Loessl, and Lucy W. Kivuti-Bitok
Neonatal nursing: Critically sick babies require unique nursing skills, Evalotte Pahlsson Morelius and Mandie J. Foster
Effects of Dioscorea polystachya 'yam gruel' on the cognitive function of diabetic rats with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury via the gut-brain axis, Shu Qin Pang, Zong Ting Luo, Carol Chunfeng Wang, Xue Pei Hong, Jian Zhou, Fang Chen, Li Ge, Xia Li, Yanling Dai, Yilan Wu, and Jiahui Zhang
Subtotal colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis for slow transit constipation: Clinical follow-up at median of 15 years, V. Patton, V. Balakrishnan, C. Pieri, P. Doherty, K. C. Phan-Thien, D. W. King, and D. Z. Lubowski
An intervention with dance and yoga for girls with functional abdominal pain disorders (Just in TIME): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Anna Philipson, Stefan Särnblad, Lars Ekstav, Mats Eriksson, Ulrika L. Fagerberg, Margareta Möller, Evalotte Mörelius, and Anna Duberg
Clinical nursing management of low anterior resection syndrome - a practical guide to understanding and managing symptoms, Carolyn Pieri and Vicki Patton
Measuring the ‘dose’ of person-centred care in aged care: Development of staff and family questionnaires, Davina Porock, Junxin Li, and Yu-Ping Chang
Aboriginal people with chronic HCV: The role of community health nurses for improving health-related quality of life, Amineh Rashidi, Peter Higgs, and Susan Carruthers
Factors affecting hepatitis C treatment intentions among Aboriginal people in Western Australia: A mixed-methods study, Amineh Rashidi, Peter Higgs, and Susan Carruthers
Factors that influence adherence to treatment plans amongst people living with cardiovascular disease: A review of published qualitative research studies, Amineh Rashidi, Prachi Kaistha, Lisa Whitehead, and Suzanne Robinson
An integrative review to identify evidence of nurse practitioner‐led changes to health‐care delivery and the outcomes of such changes, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks
A survey identifying leadership and research activities among nurse practitioners, Mary Ryder, Elisabeth Jacob, and Joyce Hendricks
Frequent general practitioner visits are protective against statin discontinuation after a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme copayment increase, Karla L. Seaman, Frank M. Sanfilippo, Max K. Bulsara, Tom Brett, Anna Kemp-Casey, Elizabeth E. Roughead, Caroline Bulsara, and David B. Preen
Predictors of ceasing or reducing statin medication following a large increase in the consumer copayment for medications: a retrospective observational study, Karla Seamon, Frank Sanfilippo, Max Bulsara, Libby Roughead, Anna Kemp-Casey, Caroline Bulsara, Gerald F. Watts, and David Preen
Perceived barriers to healthcare utilization among Jordanian families: A family centered approach, Abeer M. Shaheen, Khaldoun M. Hamdan, Maha Alkaid Albqoor, and Diana H. Arabiat
Impact of a nurse-led advance care planning intervention on satisfaction, health-related quality of life, and health care utilization among patients with severe respiratory disease: A randomized patient-preference trial, Craig Sinclair, Kirsten Anne Auret, Sharon Frances Evans, Fiona Jane, Siobhan Dormer, Anne Wilkinson, Kim Greeve, Audrey Koay, and Fraser Brims
The rise of rapid implementation: a worked example of solving an existing problem with a new method by combining concept analysis with a systematic integrative review, James Smith, Frances Rapport, Tracey A. O'Brien, Stephanie Smith, Vanessa J. Tyrrell, Emily V.A Mould, Janet C. Long, Hossai Gul, Jeremy Cullis, and Jeffrey Braithwaite
Gaps in nurses knowledge of sleep health, Aisling Smyth
Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines to identify recommendations for sleep in type 2 diabetes mellitus management, Aisling Smyth, Mark Jenkins, Melissa Dunham, Yvonne Kutzer, Shahrad Taheri, and Lisa Whitehead
Disrupted sleep and associated factors in Australian dementia caregivers: a cross-sectional study, Aisling Smyth, Lisa Whitehead, Eimear Quigley, Caroline Vafeas, and Laura Emery
The psychometric validation of the quality practical experience (QPE) instruments (nurses and student nurse) to evaluate clinical supervision of undergraduate student nurses, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Linda Coventry, L. Foster, Susan Davis, Dianne E. Twigg, Chrianna Bharat, and J. Boston
The influence of adaptive challenge on engagement of multidisciplinary staff in standardising aseptic technique in an emergency department: A qualitative study, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Susan Slatyer, Helen Cadwallader, Michelle Harvey, and Susan Davis
Perceptions of ageing and future aspirations by people with intellectual disability: A grounded theory study using photo-elicitation, Henrietta Trip, Lisa Whitehead, and Marie Crowe
Recognition and management of agitation in acute mental health services: A qualitative evaluation of staff perceptions, Joshua Tucker, Lisa Whitehead, Peter Palamara, Josephine Xenia Rosman, and Karla Seaman
A younger onset dementia toolkit: Innovative practice, Caroline Vafeas, Elisabeth Jacob, and Alycia Jacob
Post-COVID-19 Chinese domestic tourism market recovery: potential influence of traditional Chinese medicine on tourist behaviour, Jun Wen, Carol Chunfeng Wang, and Metin Kozak
Preventing delirium in older adults in institutional long-term care, Lisa Whitehead
Evaluation of a remote symptom assessment and management (SAM) system for people receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for breast or colorectal cancer: Mixed methods study, Lisa Whitehead, Laura Emery, Deborah Kirk, Diane Twigg, Deborah Brown, and Joanna Dewar
Exploring the role of goal setting in weight loss for adults recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes, Lisa Whitehead, Courtney C. Glass, Sally L. Abel, Kiri Sharp, and Kirsten Coppell
Community nursing, Lisa Whitehead and Kylie McCullough
A national survey of nurses who care for people with intellectual and developmental disability, Nathan J. Wilson, James Collison, Sarah J. Feighan, Virginia Howie, Lisa Whitehead, Michele Wiese, Kate O’Reilly, Hayden Jaques, and Peter Lewis
Clarifying workforce flexibility from a division of labor perspective: A mixed methods study of an emergency department team, Sarah Wise, Christine Duffield, Margaret Fry, and Michael Roche
Tropomyosin autoantibodies associated with checkpoint inhibitor myositis, Pauline Zaenker, David Prentice, and Melanie Ziman
The impact of a three-phase video-assisted debriefing on nursing students' debriefing experiences, perceived stress and facilitators' practices: A mixed methods study, H. Zhang, W. Wang, S. H.L. Goh, X. V. Wu, and Evalotte Morelius
Submissions from 2019
Use of nutrition therapy in the management of diabetes mellitus, Ma'en Zaid Abu-Qamar
Chronic childhood illness in the Arab world, Mohammad AL Jabery and Diana Arabiat
Newborn care practices of mothers in Arab societies: implication for infant welfare, Diana H. Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, Mohammad A. AL Jabery, Muhammad Darawad, Sadie Geraghty, and Suhaila Halasa
Traditional methods for managing illness in newborns and infants in an Arab society, Diana H. Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, Mohammad AL Jabery, Amanda Towell-Barnard, L. Shields, and E. Abu Sabah
Corrigendum to "parents' experiences of family centred care practices" [journal of pediatric nursing, 42 (2018), 39-44], Diana Arabiat, Lisa Whitehead, Mandie Foster, Linda Shields, and Linda Harris
Project to improve storage, access and incorporation of advance care plans in a regional Australian hospital, Kirsten Auret, Craig Sinclair, Anne Wilkinson, Jill Thomas, and Dot Price
Australian midwives' experiences of implementing practice change, Sara Bayes, Elaina Juggins, Lisa Whitehead, and Annemarie De Leo
"I love being a midwife; it's who I am": A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study of why midwives stay in midwifery, Dianne Bloxsome, Sara Bayes, and Deborah Ireson
Factors associated with midwives' job satisfaction and intention to stay in the profession: An integrative review, Dianne Bloxsome, Deborah Ireson, Gemma Doleman, and Sara Bayes
The influence of psychosocial and patient handling factors on the musculoskeletal health of nurses, Mark G. Boocock, Fiona Trevelyan, Liz Ashby, Andy Ang, Diep Nguyen, Stephen Teo, and Felicity Lamm
Moving on after critical incidents in health care. Second victims: A qualitative study of the experiences of nurses and midwives, Melanie Buhlmann
A qualitative study into the communication surrounding the initiation and withdrawal of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in people with Motor Neurone Disease, Charlotte Chapman
"Juggling many balls": Working and studying among first-year nursing students, Angela Christiansen, Yenna Salamonson, Ruth Crawford, Belinda McGrath, David Roach, Peter Wall, Mandy Kelly, and Lucie M. Ramjan
What predicts regression from pre-diabetes to normal glucose regulation following a primary care nurse-delivered dietary intervention? A study protocol for a prospective cohort study, Kirsten Coppell, Trish Freer, Sally Abel, Lisa Whitehead, David Tipene-Leach, Andrew R. Gray, Tony Merriman, Trudy Sullivan, Jeremy Krebs, and Leigh Perreault
Variables associated with successful vascular access cannulation in hemodialysis patients: A prospective cohort study, Linda L. Coventry, Jon M. Hosking, Doris T. Chan, Evelyn Coral, Wai H. Lim, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Diane E. Twigg, and Claire M. Rickard
Drawing blood from peripheral intravenous cannula compared with venepuncture: A systematic review and meta-analaysis, Linda L. Coventry, Alycia M. Jacob, Hugh T. Davies, Laurita Stoneman, Samantha Keogh, and Elisabeth R. Jacob
Undergraduate registered nursing students working as assistants in nursing within the acute care environment: Program development and discussion, Carol A. Crevacore, Christine M. Duffield, and Di E. Twigg
Chiropractic care of the pregnant woman and neonate, Erin Curnow and Sadie Geraghty
A comparison of compliance in the estimation of body fluid status using daily fluid balance charting and body weight changes during continuous renal replacement therapy, Hugh Davies, Gavin D. Leslie, David Morgan, and Geoff J. Dobb
Estimation of body fluid status by fluid balance and body weight in critically ill adult patients: A systematic review, Hugh Davies, Gavin Leslie, Elisabeth Jacob, and David Morgan
Grounding participatory action research in rural Colombia: A demonstration study on youth financial inclusion, Gideon de Jong, Miguel Arturo Fajardo Rojas, and Gloria Almeyda
Midwives' use of best available evidence in practice: An integrative review, Annemarie De Leo, Sara Bayes, Sadie Geraghty, and Janice Butt
Ageing smart, Dana Dermody
A conceptual framework for clinicians working with artificial intelligence and health-assistive Smart Homes, Gordana Dermody and Roschelle Fritz
Enhancing Post-Baccalaureate Doctor of Nursing Practice students' analytic skills, Gordana Dermody and Jane Tiedt
Midwifery student's perceptions of caring for substance-using pregnant women, Gemma Doleman, Sadie Geraghty, and Annemarie DeLeo
Manager, clinician or both? Nurse managers' engagement in clinical care activities, Christine Duffield, Glenn Gardner, Anna Doubrovsky, and Sarah Wise
Uncovering the disconnect between nursing workforce policy intentions, implementation, and outcomes: Lessons learned from the addition of a nursing assistant role, Christine Duffield, Di Twigg, Michael Roche, Anne Williams, and Sarah Wise
The chest Australia trial: A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase consultation rates in smokers at risk of lung cancer, Jon D. Emery, Sonya R. Murray, Fiona M. Walter, Andrew Martin, Stephen Goodall, Danielle Mazza, Emily Habgood, Yvonne Kutzer, David John Barnes, and Peter Murchie