Theses from 2020
Anterior cruciate ligament injury in women’s team invasion sports: Learning from established sports to understand emerging sports, Leanne Snyder
Characterising PD-L1 expression in circulating melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer cells, Isaac Spencer
“Becoming a Better Teacher” Exploring the cultural competence of non-Aboriginal teachers in a northern Australian boarding school, Megan Hayley Spiers
Alannah, Bree and CASSIE: The ABC of girls on the Autism Spectrum in early years classrooms, Jillian Stansfield
IoT-MQTT based denial of service attack modelling and detection, Naeem Firdous Syed
Primary school teachers’ experience of mathematics education: A phenomenological study, Sarah Jane Tamburri
An investigation on role of the ATP-binding cassette B5 (ABCB5) transporter as potential mediator of melanoma resistance to BRAF inhibition, Lokeswari Prathyusha Tangella
The other art of computer programming: A visual alternative to communicate computational thinking, Melanie Tarr
Lower secondary students’ perspectives towards Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) at three Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) schools, Ekaterina Thiveos
Investigating optimum wavelength(s) for growth of Lactuca sativa, L. using tunable LED sources and developing thin-film filters for glass greenhouses, Jacqualine Anne Thomas
Neuronose: An empirical study of neuromorphic approaches for the development of an artificial olfactory system, Anup Vanarse
Representations of obesity in national newspapers: A comparative study between China and Australia, Ying Wang
A study on performing the Hungarian Rhapsodies in the Liszt tradition, Nicholas Mark Williams
Investigating communicative dissonance within relationships of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (ASD Level 1), Bronwyn Maree Wilson
Mechanisms underpinning an improvement in dynamic muscle force production following a high-intensity warm-up, Cody J. Wilson
Exercise and nutrition induced weight loss for prostate cancer patients, Rebekah Louise Wilson
Sulfate radical based ceramic catalytic membranes for water treatments, Hong Wu
Application of advanced algorithms and statistical techniques for weed-plant discrimination, Saman Akbar Zadeh
Theses from 2019
Phantoms, An original jazz trio studio recording - and - Dispelling phantoms: An Australian bassist exploring assumptions of jazz practice, An exegesis, Nicholas Leonard Abbey
Wettability of quartz surfaces under carbon dioxide geo-sequestration conditions. A theoretical study, Aleksandr Abramov
Cultural diversity and children’s literature: Kindergarten educators’ practices to support principles of cultural diversity through book sharing, Helen Joanne Adam
The effect of wind fluctuations on the membrane of a stand-alone wind powered seawater Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination unit, Mehrnoosh Alemi
Antecedents and outcomes of job embeddedness in the hotel industry: Empirical insights from Ghana, Albert Amankwaa
A public health perspective of the higher education experiences of women studying nursing: A hermeneutic inquiry into commencement and progression, Lesley Jane Andrew
Bilateral and unilateral resistance training and athletic performance, Brendyn B. Appleby
Experimental and numerical analyses of geosynthetic-reinforced soil slopes, Emmanuel Baah-Frempong
Gamma irradiation response of photonic crystal and standard optical fibre Bragg grating sensors for radiation dosimetry, Desmond Baccini
Removal of nitrate from contaminated groundwater by floating alginate beads, Fatemeh Bahrami
Velocity-based training: Monitoring, implementation and effects on strength and power, Henry G. Banyard
Factors affecting the survival and implantation of human blastocysts following vitrification, Hamish Barblett
Acute weight loss in combat sports, Oliver Roland Barley
Factors enabling a successful transition to boarding school for Australian Aboriginal students, Peter Barrett
Geographical, temporal and environmental patterns of coral-Symbiodiniaceae-bacteria co-occurrences, Rachele Bernasconi
An Investigation of secondary student perceptions of fairness about assessment processes implemented by their teachers, Tania Blazevic
Dancing through it: Enhancing psychological recovery in dance, Peta A. L. Blevins
Teaching and learning indigenous histories and cultures: at the intersection of school culture and curriculum, Sarah Booth
Learning in a digitally connected classroom: Secondary science teachers’ pedagogical reasoning and practices, Julie Boston
Emerging strategies for Western Australian secondary school jazz ensemble directors: Improving engagement with drum set students, Gregory Roy Brenton
Treatment fidelity in the Very Early Rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) randomised controlled trial: An exploration of treatment for aphasia, Emily Louise Brogan
Issues in academic educational research: The impact of current issues on research activity, Natalie Brown
Moving on after critical incidents in health care. Second victims: A qualitative study of the experiences of nurses and midwives, Melanie Buhlmann
Learning to grasp in unstructured environments with deep convolutional neural networks using a Baxter Research Robot, Shehan Caldera
The impact of immunisation service delivery in general practice on Aboriginal children living in the Perth metropolitan area: An opportunity to reduce the gap?, Rebecca Anne Carman
A qualitative study into the communication surrounding the initiation and withdrawal of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in people with Motor Neurone Disease, Charlotte Chapman
Effects of external and internal precooling on sudo- and vasomotor responses and adaptations to heat acclimation, Hui Cheng Choo
Influence of a drama based education program on the development of empathy in year 10, Western Australian students, Scott Corbett
Unravel. A novel – and – A diverse palette: Cosmic horror and weird fiction with/out Lovecraft. A critical essay, Aksel Dadswell
The effects of stretching rate on plantar flexor maximum range of motion and resistance to stretch, Matheus Daros Pinto
Smart management strategies of utility-scale energy storage systems in power networks, Choton Kanti Das
The challenges of digital legacy management on the value of digital objects to older Australians, Derani Nathasha Dissanayake
Chemical composition and toxicity of emissions from burning five vegetation types of Western Australia under experimental combustion conditions, T T Trang Dong
Permeability characteristics of fibre-reinforced Perth sandy soil, Amal Dortaj
The manifestations of fatigue in amateur boxing performance, Emily C. Dunn
Adult day services: experiences of occupational participation by people with early dementia and their carers, Janice Du Preez
Choreography as landscape: Landscape discourse framing choreographic practice, Emma Fishwick
Whose death is it anyway? Withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment: An exploration of the experiences of intensive care nurses and doctors, Fiona Dorothy Foxall
Screening of multi-omics biomarkers for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Chinese population, Siqi Ge
Towards successful cerebral palsy football programs: A conceptual model, Alvin Mingmei Goh
Re-Composing Feminism: Australian women composers in the new millennium, Talisha Goh
Investigating the use of the interactive notebook as a pedagogical tool in a primary music specialist classroom, Kristie Anne Gray
The influence of barbell and body position on force-time characteristics in the isometric mid-thigh pull, Stuart Nathan Guppy
Forging a new consensus: NUMSA and ANC hegemony in flux in South Africa, Benjamin Alexander Hale
Teachers’ perspectives on the identification of, and provisions for, gifted and talented English as an additional language students, Lucy Byramji Hands
Can a procedural justice approach to enforcement reduce low-level speeding?, David Hurdle
Pre-primary teachers’ enacted understandings of explicit instruction of phonics and phonological awareness as evidenced in practice, Helen Faith Jensen
Teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ preparedness to use ICT: a Western Australian perspective, Huifen Jin
Seedling xylem anatomy of two Banksia species relative to availability of groundwater, Melissa Karlinski
Forecasting failure of information technology projects using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, Ahmad A. Khanfar
Mobility management in 5G heterogeneous networks, Mohammad Arifin Rahman Khan
Intrinsic variations in geometric properties of nonlinear equivalent strut models for infill-RC frames, Bruna Kirch Nienkotter Rocha
The dilemmas of regional development in Ghana: An ethnographic analysis of the North, Jonas Quashie Klutsey
Load-settlement behaviour of geosynthetic-reinforced granular soil cover over the conduit, Yan Kou
Catalytic mechanism, multifunctionality and structural design of iron-based metallic glasses, Shunxing Liang
The role of culture in Theory of Mind, Leslie Linares Pava
Response of Australian Boobooks (Ninox boobook) to threatening processes across urban, agricultural, and woodland ecosystems, Michael Thomas Lohr
The application of maximal mean and critical speed and metabolic powers for the quantification of external load in soccer, Cameron Nicholas Lord
The corporate security stratum of work: Occupational ceilings, progression, and career success, Codee Roy Ludbey
Towards interaction: Combining jazz techniques and idiomatic writing for Varied ensembles. A collection of musical works -and- An exegesis, Glyn Alan MacDonald
Skin temperature and sleep in children with cerebral palsy, Susan Mary McCabe
The ward-based Nurse Clinical Educator: Impact on student learning outcomes and student and preceptor experiences, Karen Ann McCarthy
Parents as partners in learning, Stephanie Louise McDonald
Female to male gender transition in Perth and WA: an exploration through documentary film production, Jonathan W.A. Messer
Living with autism: The experience of developmentally healthy adolescents and youths who have a sibling diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Jessica Michel
Exploring the Adelaide Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A stakeholder perspective, Damien Anthony Mills
Smart charging strategies for electric vehicle charging stations, Zeinab Moghaddam
Seagrass detection using deep learning, Md Moniruzzaman
The impact of video as a self-reflective tool for improvement of teacher feedback practices, Julia Mueller
Linking patient safety to clinical practice: The insight of new graduate registered nurses, Melanie Murray
Forest-based poverty alleviation in North-Eastern Vietnam, Giang Huu Nguyen
Using ICT to foster collaborative writing for EFL university students in Vietnam, Thi Thu Lan Nguyen
Heat exposure and adaptation strategies of outdoor informal sector workers in urban Bulawayo - Zimbabwe, Bigboy Ngwenya
Social impacts of climate change and occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana, Victor Fannam Nunfam
Rights-based approach to poverty reduction: The Ghanaian experience [Thesis], Bright James Nyarkoh