Theses from 2022
Aliwa! A reimagined journey: A stage play and exploring a Nyoongar theatre text with pre-service teachers: An exegesis, Elisa M. Williams
Range retraction and the habitat selection of the western Partridge Pigeon (Geophaps smithii blaauwi) in the north-western Kimberley region, Western Australia, Patrick Williams
Phases of play in Australian football: Analysis of running and technical match performance, Christopher E. Wing
Understanding new venture entry and continuance among Chinese entrepreneurs, Tenghao Zhang
Theses from 2021
Simultaneous machining of aerospace structural materials using poly-drills, Muhammad Aamir
Minimising the risks of 21st Century violence: The balance of ethics and creativity in staging Simon Stephens’ Motortown, Michael Abercromby
Imputation, modelling and optimal sampling design for digital camera data in recreational fisheries monitoring, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah
Enhancing solver motivation in crowdsourcing using work design: The mediating role of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, Senyo Kwaku Agbeblewu
Experimental and CFD–PBM investigation of an agitated bioreactor using a dual helical ribbon impeller, Maryamsadat Amiraftabi
Making the most of life’s uncertainty: An analysis of the philosophies and musical language of David Ades, Joshua Appleby
Development of novel tests to improve the management of Uveal Melanoma, Aaron Beasley
Mindsets matter: Early childhood teacher perceptions of mindset, Fiona Boylan
Phylogeography and population structure of the putative relict Reedia spathacea F.Muell. (Cyperaceae), Jessica Bruce
An investigation of the associated factors and measurement of food insecurity in Australia, Lucy Meredith Butcher
Architectural analysis and customised deployment of deceptive cowrie and conpot honeypots, Warren Cabral
Towards an evidence-informed differentiated learning consolidation process to support classroom instruction, Nicola Carr-White
Unravelling the potential applications of extracellular vesicles for the clinical management of melanoma patients, Michael Edward Clark
The relationship between subjective training load and performance in open and closed skill sports, Joseph Coyne
Delegation practices between the registered nurse and the assistant in nursing in the acute care setting in Western Australia, Carol Crevacore
Performer training evolutions: NSP the firstborn son of SMAT, Chelsea Crothers
Headteachers in difficult circumstances: A study of school leaders in post-conflict, post-disaster Nepal, Rupak Dahal
Diagnosis and prognosis of rolling element bearings using audio signals and deep learning, Welihena Gamage Sameera Darshana
Applications of Béla Bartók's techniques of pitch organisation to jazz improvisation, Niran Jay Dasika
Combined assurance, firm reporting and market consequences: The mediating roles of Board monitoring intensity and integrated reporting quality, Augustine Donkor
Investigation of a communication enhanced environment model after stroke: A mixed methods before-and-after pilot study, Sarah D’Souza
Cost-effectiveness of exercise medicine for prostate cancer, Kim Edmunds
Through a lens of therapeutic jurisprudence: A case study of the Children’s Court Drug Court in Perth, Suzanne Ellis
The characteristics and effectiveness of treatment for young sex offenders in Australia and New Zealand: A systematic review, James Finney
Understanding Stage Management in the 21st century in Australia: A Preliminary Survey, Ping Sum (Teresa) Fok
Investigating self-efficacy: Early childhood teachers’ understanding of self-efficacy, Dimity Franks
Digital enhancement of senior secondary dance assessment, Maria Gamble
An exploration of virtual reality to facilitate authentic tasks in EFL learning in a Vietnamese tertiary setting, Thi Ngoc Diem Hoang
Exploring Vietnamese first-year English-major students’ motivation: A longitudinal, mixed-methods investigation, Thinh Quoc Hoang
Tasteful piano performance in classic-era Britain, James Huntingford
Customer switching intention in the retail energy markets in Western Australia, Shahid Hussain
Flow and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent swirling impinging jets [thesis], Muhammad Ikhlaq
Exploring the role of stakeholder expectations in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes, Megan Ann Jones
Identity: A crisis of confidence? Or is it resemblance? An exploration of the different approaches by which eyewitness evidence can be obtained from lineups, Dominic T. Jordan
Exploring the research to practice gap in exercise oncology, Mary A. Kennedy
Energy and throughput efficient strategies for heterogeneous future communication networks, Haitham El-Mohamdy Khaled
Experimental and mathematical investigations of soil-conduit interaction within a loaded soil slope, Muhammad Umer Arif Khan
Factors related to creating force-velocity and load-velocity profiles with the squat jump, Yosuke Kotani
Health, lifestyle and nature disconnect in high-rise apartment dwellers, Danica-Lea Larcombe
A grounded theory study on how Vietnamese higher education teachers of English as a Foreign Language construct their professional identities, Thi Thuy Chinh Le
Cheek to cheek: Transforming a compositional practice through collaboration, Johannes Luebbers
Consumers’ payment preference at Point-of-Sale (POS) in Australia, China and Sri Lanka, Senali Madugoda Gunaratnege
Assessment of the clinical validity of ctDNA Analysis for melanoma management, Anda-Gabriela Marsavela
An assessment of health hazards associated with the use of water mist systems as a cooling intervention in Australia, Edmore Masaka
Aggregate: An exhibition -and- Event, Sensation and Figurative Painting: An exegesis, Gale Joanna Mason
Does accurate data, identifying obese patients impact nurse safety and hospital finances?, Kim McClean
Creative constraints: Developing a method for restrictive jazz composition, Harry Mitchell
A framework to support the stochastic software architecture modeling and analysis for system of systems, Ahmad Mohsin
The role of good quality student-teacher relationships when working with students with challenging behaviours in mainstream primary schools in Western Australia, Felicity Fay Moore
Breeching the system: An exploration of women’s experiences in Western Australia and breech birth recommendations, Sara Elizabeth Morris
Bully Me: A graphic novel; The Return: A graphic novel; Comakademix: A comics anthology; Leadbetter: A comic; Laundry: A minicomic -and- The Erotics of Comics: An exegesis, Bruce Roberts Mutard
Affordance learning for visual-semantic perception, Chau Nguyen Duc Minh
An evaluation study of an English for academic purposes program in a Vietnamese university, Nga Ngoc Nguyen
Exploring the experiences of Australian science researchers; Library, Google and beyond, Ewa Maria Niewiadomska
Paying attention to water relations: Poetic inquiry and pedagogical documentation as curious practices, Claire O’Callaghan
The adherence to group b streptococcus screening guidelines amongst pregnant women in Western Australia – A quantitative descriptive analysis, Sabine Pangerl
Power network and smart grids analysis from a graph theoretic perspective, Hossein Parast Vand
Understanding physical and physiological characteristics in mixed martial arts athletes, Matthew Plush
Load-settlement investigation of geosynthetic-reinforced soil using experimental, analytical, and intelligent modelling techniques, Muhammad Nouman Amjad Raja
Cooperative co-evolution-based feature selection for big data analytics, A N M Bazlur Rashid
Determining muscle-tendon characteristics and function of stretch-shortening cycle performance in dancers, Paige Elizabeth Rice
The Coaches’ Eye: Exploring coach decision-making during talent identification, Alexandra Hannah Roberts
Neuromuscular characteristics of eccentric contractions of the knee extensors and their muscle damage profiles, Cassio V. Ruas
Power, perspective and affordance in early childhood education, Amelia Ruscoe
Impact of the quality of internal audit function and the internal audit outsourcing/co-sourcing on external audit fees: Evidence from listed companies in Australia, Hasina Farhana Sarkar
The impact of corporate governance compliance and capital structure on firm performance: Evidence from Pakistan, Irfan Haider Shakri
Siblings of people with intellectual disability: Relationships and decision-making across the life span, Wendy Simpson
Exploring the experiences and conceptualisation of male victims of intimate partner abuse, Tara Jane Sita
The youth work career: Exploring long-term careers of professional youth workers in Western Australia, John Sutcliffe
‘It’s All in The Timing’ – A Research Project that explores the complexities in the relationship of Actor to Audience, in Musical Theatre, Crispin Taylor
Factors associated with intimate partner homicide in a West Australian context, William Anthony Thompson
Capital structure decisions of ASEAN-6 family firms: Implications for Southeast Asia, Khanh Trang Tran
An investigation into the efficacy of URL content filtering systems, Brett Ronald Turner
Characterising social cognition and its predictors in individuals with premanifest Huntington’s disease, Kate Ellen Turner
Digital representation for assessment of spoken EFL at university level: A case study in Vietnam, Thi Bich Hiep Vu
Teacher agency and the enactment of curriculum: The case of primary school EFL teachers in Vietnam, Thi Loan Vu
Screening multi-omics biomarkers for suboptimal health status, Hao Wang
Selective laser melting of Ti-35NB alloy: Processing, microstructure and properties, Jincheng Wang
DRUMBEAT© for arthritis “ a shared purpose” rather than a “lonely struggle”, Jannette Warhurst
A defensive strategy for detecting targeted adversarial poisoning attacks in machine learning trained malware detection models, Adrian Michael Wood