Theses from 2021
Analysing small-sample-sized methylation data to identify biomarkers for congenital heart defects, Kan Yu
The socio-cultural context of HIV risk and sexual behaviours among youth living with HIV in Mwanza, Malawi: A focused ethnography, Maggie Zgambo
Development of nanostructured photocatalysts for solar fuels production, Jinqiang Zhang
Theses from 2020
Evaluating integrated reporting quality, its determinants and its effect on sustainability in a mandatory reporting environment, Kwadjo Appiagyei
Proactive content caching in future generation communication networks: Energy and security considerations, Muhammad Ishtiaque Aziz Zahed
The application of evidence based practice in the acute care hospital setting: A grounded theory study of the perspective of nurses in Western Australia, Melanie Jane Baker
Maximising Board governance effectiveness in small and medium-sized Australian independent schools, Matthew Bambach
Application of heat pumps and thermal storage systems for improved control and performance of microgrids, Ali Baniasadi
"I love being a midwife; it's who I am": A Glaserian grounded theory study of why midwives stay in midwifery [thesis], Dianne Kim Bloxsome
Venturing into silences:The silence of water (novel) - and - Convicts, women and Western Australian stories (essay), Sharron Booth
The effects of environmental temperature on high-intensity interval training, Jason R. Boynton
Improving science teaching through the use of video reflection and a PCK-based teaching framework, Dallas Bruce
The first-line manager’s role during radical organisational change: A social exchange perspective, Bassam Buhusayen
Infants’ relationship with drop-offs and water environments, Carolina Burnay Rodrigues de Morais
Probative value of pre-sentence reports for juvenile matters, Debra Bycroft
Assessing biofilm and epiphytes on seagrass leaves as bioindicators of environmental change, Connor Campbell
Voice in Motion: Connecting voice, acting and movement in contemporary dance, Sarah Chaffey
Digital storytelling as an astronomy disciplinary literacy enhancement approach for adolescent Kyrgyzstani EFL students, Nadezhda Chubko
Characteristics of scoring instances during the 2016 Australian Football League Home and Away Season, Elliot Clare
The impact of policy change on the teaching of spoken English in primary schools in the north mountainous region of Vietnam, Tram Quynh Dang
Improving processes for implementing evidence-based practice in midwifery: Development of an eTool(KIT) for midwives, Annemarie June De Leo
Conospermum undulatum: insights into population genetics and pollination ecology of a threatened species, Nicola Delnevo
Utility of CSF biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognosis and assessment of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, Kunal Dhiman
Web Content Management System and accessibility awareness: A comparative study of novice users and accessibility outcomes, Fatima Artiba Diaz
Prediction models of corporate financial distress in the Southeast Asian countries, Viet Dung Dinh
How do children play in virtual worlds? An Ethnography of Australian children’s digital gameplay practices, Ashley Donkin
Modelling cross-market linkages between global markets and China’s A-, B- and H-shares, Thi Tuan Anh Do
Intercultural Communication Competence in upper primary students: International collaboration case studies using Web 2.0 technologies, Rebecca Louise Duyckers
The perceived ‘classroom readiness’ and support of Western Australian primary graduate teachers, Samantha Jade Edwards
Multinational Federalism and secessionism in Ethiopia, Tesfa Bihonegn Emirru
Understanding pro-environmental binning behaviour of National Park visitors: A cross-cultural study, Kourosh Esfandiar
The making of Broken: A manifesto for a democratised cinema, Damian Fasolo
A study into the effects of spray and jet characteristics on flash evaporation system, Farshid Fathinia
Characteristics and determinants of aerial surfing with implications for representative task design, Brendon Ferrier
The socialisation of early career principals in Western Australia, Simon Fittock
When autism strikes (an exegesis), Gemma Foxall
Drug users’ experiences of a residential rehabilitation program in Western Australia: A thematic analysis of drug users lived experiences, Michelle Fullam
A mixed method study on Nursing graduate support programs in rural and remote areas of Western Australia, Amanda Clair Graf
Contextual factors impacting on research performance at a young Australian university, Johannes Pieter Groenewald
Appraisal of free online symptom checkers and applications for self-diagnosis and triage: An Australian evaluation, Michella Gaye Hill
No Happy Accident: Defining the factors contributing to the success and longevity of a long-running community engagement program, Jennifer Irvine
Barriers to Ghanaian midwives’ ability to provide quality care: A Glaserian grounded theory study, Yakubu Ismaila
Design, microstructure and properties of metastable beta-type biomedical titanium alloys, Syed Faraz Jawed
Investigation of selected nutraceuticals to protect against mitochondrial dysfunction: Potential therapeutic role in Alzheimer’s disease, Dona Pamoda Wajirapanie Jayatunga
The perceived influence of grandparents’ beliefs and attitudes on parents’ breastfeeding behaviour and paediatric vaccination decisions, Shantha Premila Karthigesu
Group cohesion and collaborative information behaviour: An exploration of student experiences of university group work, Parisa Khatamian Far
Effects of eccentric versus concentric resistance training in adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Christine Kudiarasu
Role of seagrasses as biogeochemical sinks and environmental archives, Anna Lafratta
Effects of high-intensity position-specific drills on physical and technical-skill performance in young soccer players, Cao Cuong Le
The experiences of Western Australian Muslims within the current political and social environment, John Lehane
English proficiency of Vietnamese business graduates: Requirements of government, private universities, and foreign employers, Tien Tung Le
Modernising Conservation Through Technology: A metabolomic investigation of a critically endangered freshwater crayfish, Emily D. Lette
Facebook as a disruptor of journalism and political debate in Vietnam, Viet Tho Le
Heritability enrichment of immunoglobulin G N-glycosylation relevant genes in specific tissues, Xingang Li
Receiving by giving: The impacts of immersive service-learning for primary school-age students, Kimberley Luinstra
An investigation into the spatial distribution, habitat selection and resource usage of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) inhabiting urban reserves within Perth, Western Australia, Michael Thomas Main
Managing science teachers’ adoption of the 2005 Tanzanian Inquiry and Student-Centred Curriculum: Revealing schoolbased leaders’ practices and achievements, Noel Mark Makwinya
Investigations in learning and teaching through metacognition and critical and creative thinking practices in secondary Drama Education, Belinda Massey
Muscle damage and adaptations induced by eccentric cycling in relation to extracellular matrix, Georgios Mavropalias
Injury surveillance in community cricket and the exploration of insurance claims systems, Geordie McLeod
The importance of telehealth in the implementation of best practice in paediatric burn management by non-burn specialist clinicians, Tania McWilliams
Deriving statistical inference from the application of artificial neural networks to clinical metabolomics data, Kevin M. Mendez
Higher education access and participation for persons with disability in Ghanaian public universities, Mary Afi Mensah
Improving sprint performance in road cycling: The forward standing sprint position, Paul Franciscus Johannes Merkes
The integration of pumped hydro storage systems into PV microgrids in rural areas, Navid Mousavi
Stakeholders’ roles in shaping pre-service teachers’ experience of teaching practice in a College of Teacher Education in Tanzania, Hawa M. Mpate
Young people and the Baptist church: Staying and leaving, Timothy Mullen
Local Binary Pattern based algorithms for the discrimination and detection of crops and weeds with similar morphologies, Vi Nguyen Thanh Le
Educational and psychosocial development of adolescents in Specialist Sport Programs in Low SES Areas of Perth, Western Australia, Eibhlish Máire Bridget O'Hara
What constitutes “good” writing in junior primary? Four Western Australian teachers discuss their views, Elle Peacock
Wildfire suppression – an international analysis of operations, strategy and firefighter safety, Greg Peter Penney
Factors determining 200-m kayak performance: Muscle strength, aerobic capacity, stroke kinematics and training, Craig Pickett
The solo piano sonatas of Cipriani Potter (1792-1871): An analysis, reappraisal, and historical performance, Jordan Proctor
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of metastable beta type titanium alloys, Chirag Dhirajlal Rabadia
The viability of simulated large-scale marking as professional development for preservice teachers, Nathanael Reinertsen
Examination of the evolution of multi-percussion, Thomas Alexander Robertson
Quantifying the heterogeneity of the immunoglobulin G N-Glycome in an ageing Australian population: The Busselton Healthy Ageing Study, Alyce Russell
Tropicalisation of temperate seagrass meadows in Western Australia: Predicting the impact of tropical herbivorous fishes on temperate seagrass meadows, Maria Samsonova
Towards a declamatory performance in Schubert Lieder, Olivia Claire Sanders Robinson
The effect of sperm apoptosis, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and semen sample handling on sperm parameters and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) outcomes, Benedicta Santoso
Facebook: Where privacy concerns and social needs collide, Sonya Scherini
Gait entrainment in coupled oscillator systems: Clarifying the role of energy optimization in human walking, Ryan T. Schroeder
Generation 1.5 learners: Using an arts-informed, grounded theory approach to understanding how these students managed their undergraduate studies in a Perth-based, public university in Western Australia over an academic year, Elizabeth Jane Charlotte Serventy
A solar‐driven membrane‐based water desalination/purification system, Abdellah Shafieian Dastjerdi
The careers of female academics in Australia: Inhibitors, bottlenecks, drivers and family outcomes, Fleur Yardena Sharafizad