Theses from 2022
End-of-life care in residential aged care: The perceptions of bereaved family members, Sushma Bhandari Kunwar
EFL undergraduate students' perspectives and experiences of the flipped classroom at a Vietnamese university, Thi Hien Bui
Regulatory capital, liquidity creation, bank characteristics and profitability: Evidence from developed and developing countries, Pakeezah Butt
Girls and secondary education opportunities in rural Tanzania: Men's influences on equity in education in the Magu district, Sylivester J. Buyobe
The assessment of movement demands and neuromuscular fatigue in female softball players, Kathryn Cardwell
Impact of macroeconomic and monetary policy uncertainty shocks on economic growth- an empirical study of Pakistan, Hina Chaudhry
Bloodmeal analysis of urban Western Australian mosquito species for improved public health outcomes, Cameron Chisholm
Narratives of “living well”: Exploring the experiences of family members living with a family member with depression, Amanda Lesley Cole
Exercise as an adjunct therapy in melanoma patients undergoing checkpoint inhibitor therapy, Brendan Crosby
CO2-rock interaction during CO2-enriched brine injection into storage reservoirs using NMR integrated with fiber optic sensors, Bruno da Silva Falcao
Exploring the influences of gender diversity in global healthcare organisations, Kylie de Klerk
Reimagining, restructuring, and revitalising school leadership philosophy in Nepal: A critical auto/ethnographic case study, Shankar DHAKAL
Proprioception and performance in surfing, Rebecca Dowse
“Give me a path to follow”: A Deweyan inquiry into training volunteer EAL tutors of adult refugees, Maria Enriquez Watt
How start-up accelerators work to facilitate successful commercialisation: A critical realist perspective, Farzaneh Eslamloo
A biodefence framework for Western Australian cattle production enterprises, Deborah K. Evans
Deep learning and neural architecture search for cardiac arrhythmias classification, Najmeh Fayyazifar
Fleshing out the fictive soul: A screen actor’s personalisation of characterisation through collaborative subtextual improvisation, Damian T. Foley
The experience of individuals following total laryngectomy in Western Australia: A narrative inquiry, Wanjiku Gatonga
Medulloblastoma: New animal models, preclinical drug testing, and characterising immune infiltrates, Courtney M. George
Social disorganisation theory and violent crime: A spatial-econometric analysis of Chicago and Sydney, Anthony N. Greening
Measuring and mitigating cyber vigilance decrement in network defence personnel, Oliver A. Guidetti
Police engagement with African communities in Western Australia, Umile Gwakuba
Computer vision based classification of fruits and vegetables for self-checkout at supermarkets, Khurram Hameed
Preventing bird declines in urban landscapes: Influence of behavioural traits and streetscape plantings, Kaarissa Harring-Harris
Talking back: A new theatrical representation of Noongar women's experience, Bobbi J. Henry
Who we are getting it right for: The practitioners’ experience of program evaluation, Andrea S. Highman
Maloya dance and music: Réunionese Créole togetherness, Marie-Muriel Hillion Toulcanon
The effect of post-resistance exercise water immersion on muscular adaptation and performance in athletes, Barry G. Horgan
An automated deep learning based approach for nuclei segmentation of renal digital histopathology image analysis, Md Shamim Hossain
The social value of contemplating poetry, Anna Hueppauff
Is there a place in social work education for men who use intimate partner violence? An evolving collaborative inquiry, Rebecca L. Jury
Motor capacity and sidestepping execution strategies in female athletes, Daniel Kadlec
Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and firm performance: The role of country characteristics, Muhammad Kamran
Investigation of flow characteristics in an open channel with one-line semicircular vegetation patches, Hemanta D. Karki
NMR integrated subsurface characterization and wettability alteration detection for enhanced oil recovery, Chamini I. Karunarathne
Mathematics teachers' pedagogy in preparation for OLNA numeracy high-stakes testing: A Western Australian case study, Angela Kelly
Heartwood: Spiritual homebuilding and white-vanishing in Australian gothic fiction, Joshua M. Kemp
The impact of non governmental organisation disaster response on local communities: Perspectives of responders, David R. Kennedy
Risk assessment of Legionella pneumophila in cooling towers in Western Australia, Crystal E. Kennett
An exploration of octatonicism: From Liszt to Takemitsu, Yagan M. Kiely
Vessels for the devil: Exploring the rhetoric of the monstrous-feminine in graphic culture, Julia M. Lane
Blended learning in teaching English to Vietnamese university students from EFL lecturers' perspectives, Thi Nguyet Le
Significance of the smash-lunge sequence and lunges in relation to badminton singles match performance, Zengyuan Lin
Optimisation of process parameters in abrasive waterjet contour cutting of AISI 304L, Jennifer M. Llanto
Forensic analysis on wireless medical devices, Andy Lu
Organic matter and nitrogen cycling in a heavily modified coastal lagoon, Roisin McCallum
Beneath the money tree and nature is a haunted house: A novel and exegesis, Rachel M. McEleney Freebury
Public perceptions of child sex offenders, Laura A. Milosavljevic
Retrotopia: An exhibition – and – mashup and expanded painting: A lens on liquid consumerism: An exegesis, Laura C. Mitchell
Experiences of caregivers around the final decision-making process of transferring an older person living with dementia to long-term care: A grounded theory study, Lydiah Joyce C. Muge
Hamstring muscle architecture parameters in static and dynamic conditions using ultrasound imaging, Clarissa Muller Brusco
Effect of different set configurations on the kinematic variables during a power snatch, Tsuyoshi Nagatani
Estimation and modulation of persistent inward currents in human spinal motoneurons, Ricardo Neves de Oliveira Mesquita
Health beliefs, health behaviours and perceived support needs among older Vietnam-born people living with chronic disease in the Australian context: A focused ethnographic study, Thi Ngoc Minh Nguyen
A privacy preserving online learning framework for medical diagnosis applications, Trang Pham Ngoc Nguyen
Modelling of unequally sampled rock properties using geostatistical simulation and machine learning methods, William Patton
An analysis of the contributing factors to the growth or decline of the privately-owned financial planning sector, Darren A. Pawski
The influence of social interactions on tourist experience and tourist satisfaction: A study of group package tours in Vietnam, Tran Truc Vien Pham
Microbial diversity and function, and an exploration of bleaching in the Australian kelp Ecklonia Radiata, Charlie Phelps
A study of the emergence, impacts, and responses to trolling in the Australian news media, Delysha Pick
The influence of complex training design on post-activation performance enhancement of explosive performance in team sport athletes, Nicholas Poulos
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of metallic biomaterials produced by laser powder bed fusion, Peng Qin
A condition monitoring system for rock drill bits, Mo'Ath Q. M. Qutaish
Diet, cardiovascular disease, and mental health, Simone Radavelli Bagatini
An experimental study on the effect of viscosity on micro-bubble size distribution and rise velocity in a bubble column, Sumanasiri D. N. Rajapakse
Significance of battery energy storage systems in mitigating the challenges in weak grids, Andre F. Ramos
Investigation of surface textures on thermal and pressure drop performance of plate-fin heat exchangers, Kanishk Rauthan
Preparing providers for advanced life support in the prehospital environment, David N. Reid
In vitro assessment to evaluate the potential effects of polyphenol extracts from sorghum on Alzheimer’s disease, Nasim Rezaee
Heterogeneous anomaly detection from network traffic streams using data summarization, Liam R. Riddell
Keniny Kaadadijiny: Restoring and developing dance for Noongar Boodjar, Trevor J. Ryan
Seagrass soils as paleoenvironmental tools and biogeochemical sinks for management, Cristian C. Salinas Zapata
Muscle morphology and function in women with advanced-stage ovarian cancer: Relevance in care and response to exercise medicine, Christelle Schofield
Exercise as adjunct therapy during treatment for men with prostate cancer, Oliver Schumacher
Encounters across dialogic cross-cultural collaborative painting, Harrison W. See
Autoantibodies as prognostic biomarkers for cutaneous melanoma, Desiree Sexauer
Playing to the beat, a play, devising and collective creation in actor training, an exegesis, Andrew L. Smith
Early career teachers’ experiences with assessment for learning in Western Australian secondary schools, Lachlan T. Spears
Remote preterm birth prevention: Comparison of nifedipine and salbutamol tocolysis in aeromedical retrieval, Breeanna Spring
The 'marimba-vibe' double keyboard: An explorative investigation of a nascent solo percussion idiom, Paul Tanner
Exploring the factors that affect senior hotel managers’ intentions towards future crisis planning: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, Feliani Tjong
Moving towards communication-oriented language teaching at the primary English level: A Vietnamese perspective, Hien Thi Tran
Robust fitting: Assisted by semantic analysis and reinforcement learning, Ha-Giang Truong
The influence of sleep-wake behaviour and chronotype on the match-play and physical performance of tennis players, Mitchell Turner
Enhancing the capabilities of electronic performance tracking system for applications in sports, Adnan Waqar
Characterising individual running gait: A field based, scalable approach, Jason Weber
Drama, education, artistry: Australian practitioners fostering connections across cultures and disciplines in China, Jessica-Anne Wellman
Reconstruction of environmental change during the Holocene based on the multiproxy study of sedimentary archives, Axel Werner