
Submissions from 2017


A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an interactive web-based intervention: CancerCope, Suzanne K. Chambers, Lee Ritterband, Frances Thorndike, Lisa Nielsen, Joanne Aitken, Samantha Clutton, Paul Scuffham, Philippa Youl, Bronwyn Morris, Peter Baade, and Jeffrey Dunn


Predictors of pneumococcal carriage and the effect of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in the Western Australian Aboriginal population, Deirdre A. Collins, Anke Hoskins, Thomas Snelling, Kalpani Senasinghe, Jacinta Bowman, Natalie A. Stemberger, Amanda J. Leach, and Deborah Lehmann


Abnormal methylation of imprinted genes and cigarette smoking: Assessment of their association with the risk of male infertility, Hao Dong, Youxin Wang, Zhikang Zou, Limin Chen, Chuanyun Shen, Shaoqiang Xu, Jie Zhang, Feifei Zhao, Siqi Ge, Qing Gao, Haixiang Hu, Manshu Song, and Wei Wang


"Active team" a social and gamified app-based physical activity intervention: Randomised controlled trial study protocol, Sarah Edney, Ronald Plotnikoff, Corneel Vandelanotte, Tim Olds, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Jillian Ryan, and Carol Maher


Immune checkpoint inhibition: Prospects for prevention and therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma, Caryn L. Elsegood, Janina E.E. Tirnitz-Parker, John K. Olynyk, and George C.T. Yeoh


Human CAP10-like protein 46 kDa gene promotes malignancy in colorectal cancer, Honghong Fang, Qiaoyun Chu, Jie Zhang, Hao Wang, Xinwei Yu, Siqi Ge, Manshu Song, Lijuan Wu, Minglin Lang, Naibai Chang, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


Immunoglobulin G N-Glycans as potential postgenomic biomarkers for hypertension in the Kazakh population, Qing Gao, Mamatyusupu Dolikun, Jerko Štambuk, Hao Wang, Feifei Zhao, Nizam Yiliham, Youxin Wang, Irena Trbojević-Akmačić, Jie Zhang, Honghong Fang, Yang Sun, Hongli Peng, Zhongyao Zhao, Di Liu, Jiaonan Liu, Qihuan Li, Qi Sun, Lijuan Wu, Gordan Lauc, Wei Wang, and Manshu Song


Contribution of genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes in DRD2, BDNF, and opioid receptors to heroin dependence and endophenotypes among the Han Chinese, Xuan Gao, Youxin Wang, Minglin Lang, Li Yuan, Albert Reece, and Wei Wang


Acute impact of conventional and eccentric cycling on platelet and vascular function in patients with chronic heart failure, Andrew Haynes, Matthew Linden, Lauren Chasland, Kazunori Nosaka, Andrew Maiorana, Ellen Dawson, Lawrence Dembo, Louise Naylor, and Daniel Green


Increased plasma N-glycome complexity is associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes, Toma Keser, Ivan Gornik, Frano Vuckovic, Najda Selak, Tamara Pavic, Edita Lukic, Hrvoje Gasparovic, Bojan Biocina, Therese Tilin, Annika Wennerstrom, Satu Mannisto, Veikko Salomaa, Aki Havulinna, Wei Wang, James F. Wilson, Nishi Charutvedi, Markus Perola, Harry Campbell, Gordan Lauc, and Olga Gornik


Insulin resistance is associated with reductions in specific cognitive domains and increases in CSF tau in cognitively normal adults, Simon M. Laws, Scott Gaskin, Amy Woodfield, Velandai K. Srikanth, David G. Bruce, Paul E. Fraser, Tenielle Porter, Philip N. Newsholme, Nadeeja Wijesekara, Samantha C. Burnham, Vincent Doré, Qiaoxin Li, Paul T. Maruff, Colin L. Masters, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Christopher C. Rowe, Olivier Salvado, Victor L. Villemagne, Ralph N. Martins, and Giuseppe Verdile


The indirect efficacy comparison of DNA methylation in sputum for early screening and auxiliary detection of lung cancer: A meta-analysis, Di Liu, Hongli Peng, Qi Sun, Zhongyoa Zhao, Xinwei Yu, Siqi Ge, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Jiaonan Liu, Lijuan Wu, Manshu Song, and Youxin Wang


Sensitive droplet digital PCR method for detection of TERT promoter mutations in cell free DNA from patients with metastatic melanoma, Ashleigh C. McEvoy, Leslie Calapre, Michelle Pereira, Tindaro M. Giardina, Cleo Robinson, Muhammad A. Khattak, Tarek M. Meniawy, Antonia L. Pritchard, Nicholas K. Hayward, Benhur Amanuel, Michael J. Millward, Mel R. Ziman Dr, and Elin S. Gray


Screening for potential serum-based proteomic biomarkers for human type 2 diabetes mellitus using MALDI-TOF MS, Qiutao Meng, Siqi Ge, Wenhua Yan, Ruisheng Li, Jingtao Dou, Haibing Wang, Baoan Wang, Qingwei Ma, Yong Zhou, Manshu Song, Xinwei Yu, Hao Wang, Xinghua Yang, Fen Liu, Mohamed Ali Alzain, Yuxiang Yan, Ling Zhang, Lijuan Wu, Feifei Zhao, Yan He, Xiuhua Guo, Feng Chen, Weizhuo Xu, Monique Garcia, Desmond D. Menon, Youxin Wang, Yiming Mu, and Wei Wang


Reducing barriers to consulting a General Practitioner in patients at increased risk of lung cancer: A qualitative evaluation of the CHEST Australia intervention, Sonya Murray, Yvonne Kutzer, Emily Habgood, Peter Murchie, Fiona Walter, Danielle Mazza, Shaouli Shahid, and Jon D. Emery


Plasma cortisol, brain amyloid-β, and cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease: A 6-year prospective cohort study, Robert H. Pietrzak; Simon Laws; Yen Ying Lim; Sophie J. Bender; Tenielle Porter; James Doecke; David Ames; Chrisopher Fowler; Colin L. Masters; Lidija Milicic; Stephanie Rainey-Smith; Victor L. Villemagne; Christopher C. Rowe; Ralph Martins; Paul Maruff; and Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Research Group


Effects of different exercise modalities on fatigue in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: A year-long randomised controlled trial, Dennis Taaffe, Robert Newton, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, Suzanne K. Chambers, Robert Gardiner, Brad Wall, Prue Cormie, Kate Bolam, and Daniel A. Galvao


Exercise improves VO2max and body composition in androgen deprivation therapy-treated prostate cancer patients, Bradley A. Wall, Daniel A. Galvão, Naeem N. Fatehee, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel A. Spry, David J. Joseph, Jeffrey J. Herbert, and Robert U. Newton


Serum peptidome profiling for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: Discovery and validation in two independent cohorts, Hao Wang, Chenghua Luo, Shengtao Zhu, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Siqi Ge, Haixia Qu, Qingwei Ma, Hongwei Ren, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


Association between ideal cardiovascular health metrics and suboptimal health status in Chinese population, Youxin Wang, Xiaoxue Liu, Jing Qiu, Hao Wang, Di Liu, Zhongyao Zhao, Manshu Song, Qiaofeng Song, Xizhu Wang, Yong Zhou, and Wei Wang


Acute exposure to fine particulate matter and cardiovascular hospital emergency room visits in Beijing, China, Qin Xu, Shuo Wang, Yuming Guo, Chao Wang, Fangfang Huang, Xian Li, Qi Gao, Lijuan Wu, Lixin Tao, Jin Guo, Wei Wang, and Xiuhua Guo

Submissions from 2016


Validation and characterization of a novel peptide that binds monomeric and aggregated β-Amyloid and inhibits the formation of neurotoxic oligomers, Renae K. Barr, Guiseppe Verdile, Linda K. Wijaya, Michael Morici, Kevin Taddei, Veer Gupta, Steve Pedrini, Liang Jin, Joseph A. Nicolazzo, Erin Knock, Paul E. Fraser, and Ralph Martins


Neuroendocrine and neurotrophic signaling in Huntington's disease: Implications for pathogenic mechanisms and treatment strategies, Danielle Bartlett, Travis M. Cruickshank, Anthony J. Hannan, Peter R. Eastwood, Alpár S. Lázár, and Mel R. Ziman Dr


Cerebral glucose metabolism is associated with verbal but not visual memory performance in community-dwelling older adults, Samantha Gardener, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Kai-kai Shen, Stephanie Rainey-Smith, Michael Weinborn, Kristyn A. Bates, Tejal Shah, Jonathan K. Foster, Nat Lenzo, Olivier Salvado, Christoph Laske, Simon M. Laws, Kevin Taddei, Giuseppe Verdile, and Ralph Martins


A randomized controlled trial of very early rehabilitation in speech after stroke, Erin Godecke, Elizabeth Armstrong, Tapan Rai, Sandy Middleton, Natalie Ciccone, Anne Whitworth, Miranda Rose, Audrey Holland, Fiona Ellery, Graeme Hankey, Dominique Cadilhac, and Julie Bernhardt


Plasma apolipoprotein J as a potential biomarker for Alzheimer's disease: Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle study of aging, Veer Gupta; James D. Doecke; Eugene Hone; Steve Pedrini; Simon M. Laws; Madhav Thambisetty; Ashley Bush,; Christopher C. Rowe; Victor L. Villemagne; David Ames; Colin L. Masters; Stuart Lance Macaulay; Alan Rembach; Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith; and Ralph N. Martins


Consistent prebiotic effect on gut microbiota with altered FODMAP intake in patients with Crohn's disease: A randomised, controlled cross-over trial of well-defined diets, Emma P. Halmos, Claus T. Christophersen, Anthony R. Bird, Susan J. Shepherd, Jane G. Muir, and Peter R. Gibson


β-Amyloid, APOE and BDNF genotype, and depressive and anxiety symptoms in cognitively normal older women and men, Sophie E. Holmes; Irina Esterlis; Carolyn M. Mazure; Yenying Lim; David J. Ames; Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith; Ralph N. Martins; Olivier Salvado; Vincent Doré; Victor L. Villemagne; Christopher C. Rowe; Simon M. Laws; C. L. Masters; Paul T. Maruff; Robert H. Pietrzak; and Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, Lifestyle Research Group


Missing voices: Profile and Extent of Acquired Communication Disorders in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Adult Stroke Survivors in Western Australia Using Linked Administrative Records, Judith Katzenellenbogen, Emily Atkins, S C. Thompson, Deborah Hersh, Juli Coffin, Leon Flicker, Colleen Hayward, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah Woods, Meaghan McAllister, and Elizabeth Armstrong


Performance on the cogstate brief battery is related to amyloid levels and hippocampal volume in very mild dementia, Yen Y. Lim, Victor L. Villemagne, Simon M. Laws, Robert H. Pietrzak, David Ames, Christopher Fowler, Stephanie Rainey-Smith, Peter J. Snyder, Pierrick Bourgeat, Ralph N. Martins, Olivier Salvado, Christopher C. Rowe, Colin L. Masters, Paul Maruff, and AIBL Research Group


Constructive activism in the dark web: Cryptomarkets and illicit drugs in the digital ‘demimonde’, Alexia Maddox, Monica J. Barratt, Matthew Allen, and Simon Lenton


Changes in the plasma proteome at asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease, Julia Muenchhoff, Anne Poljak, Anbupalam Thalamuthu, Veer Gupta, Pratishtha Chatterjee, Mark Raftery, Colin Masters, John Morris, Randall Bateman, Anne Fagan, Ralph Martins, and Perminder Sachdev


Association between IGF2BP2 polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A case-control study and meta-analysis, Ping Rao, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Jie Zhang, Manshu Song, Yong Zhou, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


Validation of Type 2 Diabetes Risk Variants Identified by Genome-Wide Association Studies in Northern Han Chinese, Ping Rao, Yong Zhou, Siqi Ge, Anxin Wang, Xinwei Yu, Mohamed Ali Alzain, Andrea K. Veronica, Jing Qiu, Manshu Song, Jie Zhang, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


Glycan biomarkers for rheumatoid arthritis and its remission status in Han Chinese patients, Andrea Sebastian, Mohamed Ali Alzain, Collins Asweto, Haicheng Song, Liufu Cui, Xinwei Yu, Siqi Ge, Hao Dong, Ping Rao, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Jie Zhang, Dian He, Xiuhua Guo, Manshu Song, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


The effects of testosterone supplementation on cognitive functioning in older men, Eka Wahjoepramono, Prita Asih, Vilia Aniwiyanti, Kevin Taddei, Satvinder Dhaliwal, Stephanie Fuller, Jonathan Foster, Malcolm Carruthers, Giuseppe Verdile, Hamid R. Sohrabi, and Ralph Martins


China suboptimal health cohort study: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics, Youxin Wang, Siqi Ge, Yuxiang Yan, Anxin Wang, Zhongyao Zhao, Xinwei Yu, Jing Qui, Mohamed Ali Alzain, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Manshu Song, Jie Zhang, Yong Zhou, and Wei Wang


The association between glycosylation of immunoglobulin G and hypertension: A multiple ethnic cross-sectional study, Youxin Wang, Lucija Klarić, Xinwei Yu, Kujtim Thaqi, Jing Dong, Mislav Novokmet, Jim Wilson, Ozren Polasek, Youqin Liu, Jasminka Krištić, Siqi Ge, Maja Pučić-Baković, Lijuan Wu, Yong Zhou, Ivo Ugrina, Manshu Song, Jie Zhang, Xiuhua Guo, Qiang Zeng, Igor Rudan, Harry Campbell, Yurii Aulchenko, Gordan Lauc, and Wei Wang


Profiling IgG N-glycans as potential biomarker of chronological and biological ages: A community-based study in a Han Chinese population, Xinwei Yu, Youix Wang, Jasminka Krištić, Jing Dong, Xi Chu, Siqi Ge, Hao Wang, Honghong Fang, Qing Gao, Di Lui, Zhongya Zhao, Hongli Peng, Maja P. Baković, Lijuan Wu, Manshu Song, Igor Rudan, Harry Campbell, Gordan Lauc, and Wei Wang


The Uyghur population and genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes: Potential role for variants in CAPN10, APM1 and FUT6 genes, Feifei Zhao, Dolikun Mamatyusupu, Youxin Wang, Honghong Fang, Hao Wang, Qing Gao, Hao Dong, Siqi Ge, Xinwei Yu, Jie Zhang, Lijuan Wu, Manshu Song, and Wei Wang

Submissions from 2015


Study protocol: Missing voices – communication difficulties after stroke and traumatic brain injury in Aboriginal Australians, Elizabeth Armstrong, Deborah Hersh, Judith M. Katzenellenbogen, Juli Coffin, Sandra C. Thompson, Natalie Ciccone, Colleen Hayward, Leon Flicker, Deborah Woods, and Meaghan McAllister


Circulating Melanoma Cell Subpopulations: Their Heterogeneity and Differential Responses to Treatment, Elin S. Gray, Anna L. Reid, Samantha Bowyer, Leslie Calapre, Kelvin Siew, Robert Pearce, Lester Cowell, Markus H. Frank, Michael Millward, and Mel R. Ziman Dr


Circulating tumor DNA to monitor treatment response and detect acquired resistance in patients with metastatic melanoma, Elin S. Gray, Helen Rizos, Anna L. Reid, Suzanah Boyd, Michelle Pereira, Johnny Lo, Varsha Tembe, James Freeman, Jenny Lee, Richard Scolyer, Kelvin Siew, Chris Lomma, Adam Cooper, Muhammad Khattak, Tarek Meniawy, Georgina Long, Matteo Carlino, Michael Millward, and Mel R. Ziman


Breastfeeding and nutrition to 2 years of age and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors, Kathryn R. Greenop, Helen D. Bailey, Margaret Millar, Rodney J. Scott, John Attia, Lesley J. Ashton, Peter Downie, Bruce K. Armstrong, and Elizabeth Milne


Childhood folate, B6, B12, and food group intake and the risk of childhood brain tumors: results from an Australian case–control study, Kathryn R. Greenop, Margaret Miller, Helen D. Bailey, Nicholas H. de Klerk, John Attia, Stewart J. Kellie, Carol Bower, Bruce K. Armstrong, and Elizabeth Milne


Paternal dietary folate, B6 and B12 intake, and the risk of childhood brain tumors, Kathryn R. Greenop, Margaret Miller, Helen D. Bailey, Rodney J. Scott, John Attia, Carol Bower, Frank M. van Bockxmeer, Lesley J. Ashton, Bruce K. Armstrong, and Elizabeth Milne


Follow-up plasma apolipoprotein e levels in the Australian imaging, biomarkers and lifestyle flagship study of ageing (AIBL) cohort, Veer B. Gupta, V.B; Andrea C. Wilson; Samantha Burnham; Eugene Hone; Steve Pedrini; Simon M. Laws; Wei L.F. Lim; Alan Rembach; Stephanie Rainey-Smith; David Ames; Lynne Cobiac; S L. MacAulay; Colin L. Masters; Christopher C. Rowe; Ashley I. Bush; Ralph Martins; and AIBL Research Group


A depressive endophenotype of poorer cognition among cognitively healthy community-dwelling adults: Results from the Western Australia memory study, Leigh A. Johnson, Hamid R. Sohrabi, James R. Hall, Kevin Taddei, Melissa Edwards, Sid E. O'Bryant, and Ralph Martins


Detection of BRAF-V600E and V600K in melanoma circulating tumour cells by droplet digital PCR, Anna L. Reid, James B. Freeman, Michael Millward, Melanie Ziman, and Elin S. Gray


Bone mineral density, adiposity, and cognitive functions, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Kristyn A. Bates, Michael Weinborn, Romola S. Bucks, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Mark A. Rodrigues, Sabine M. Bird, Belinda M. Brown, John Beilby, Matthew Howard, Arthur Criddle, Megan Wraith, Kevin Taddei, Georgia Martins, Athena Paton, Tejal Shah, Satvinder S. Dhaliwal, Pankaj D. Mehta, Jonathan K. Foster, Ian J. Martins, Nicola T. Lautenschlager, Francis Mastaglia, Simon Laws, and Ralph Martins


The Uyghur population and genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes: Potential role for variants in CDKAL1, JAZF1, and IGF1 genes, Manshu Song, Feifei Zhao, Longjin Ran, Mamatyusupu Dolikun, Lijuan Wu, Lijuan Ge, Hao Dong, Qing Gao, Yanchun Zhai, Ling Zhang, Yuxiang Yan, Fen Liu, Xinghua Yang, Xiuhua Guo, Youxin Wang, and Wei Wang


Aspects of speech-language abilities are influenced by MECP2 mutation type in girls with Rett syndrome, Anna Urbanowicz, Jenny Downs, Sonya Girdler, Natalie Ciccone, and Helen Leonard


The impact of luteinizing hormone and testosterone on beta amyloid (Aβ) accumulation: Animal and human clinical studies, Giuseppe Verdile, Prita R. Asih, Anna M. Barron, Eka J. Wahjoepramono, Lars M. Ittner, and Ralph Martins


The role of type 2 diabetes in neurodegeneration, Giuseppe Verdile, Stephanie J. Fuller, and Ralph N. Martins


Reduced cardiovascular capacity and resting metabolic rate in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation: A comprehensive cross-sectional investigation, Bradley Wall, Daniel A. Galvao, Naeem Fatehee, Dennis Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert Newton

Submissions from 2014


Improving sexual health in men with prostate cancer: Randomised controlled trial of exercise and psychosexual therapies, Prue Cormie, Suzanne K. Chambers, Robert U. Newton, Robert A. Gardiner, Nigel Spry, Dennis R. Taaffe, David Joseph, M Akhlil Hamid, Peter Chong, David Hughes, Kyra Hamilton, and Daniel A. Galvão


Messages that increase women's intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy: Results from quantitative testing of advertising concepts, Kathryn E. France, Robert J. Donovan, Carol Bower, Elizabeth J. Elliott, Janet M. Payne, Heather D'Antoine, and Anne E. Bartu


Monitoring changes in circulating tumour cells as a prognostic indicator of overall survival and treatment response in patients with metastatic melanoma, Dragana Klinac, Elin S. Gray, James B. Freeman, Anna Reid, Samantha Bowyer, Michael Millward, and Mel Ziman


The involvement of lipids in alzheimer's disease, Wei L. Lim, Ian J. Martins, and Ralph N. Martins


Maximal exercise testing of men with prostate cancer being treated with androgen deprivation therapy, Bradley A. Wall, Daniel A. Galvão, Naeem Fatehee, Dennis R. Taaffe, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton

Submissions from 2013


Latrepirdine: molecular mechanisms underlying potential therapeutic roles in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, P R. Bharadwaj, K A. Bates, T Porter, E Teimouri, G Perry, J W. Steele, S Gandy, D Groth, R N. Martins, and Giuseppe Verdile


Promoting Abstinence From Alcohol During Pregnancy: Implications From Formative Research, Kathryn France, Robert Donovan, Nadine Henley, Carol Bower, Elizabeth Elliott, Janet Payne, Heather D'Antoine, and Anne Bartu


Effects of a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet on brain lipid profiles in apolipoprotein E ε3 and ε4 knock-in mice, Wei Ling F. Lim, Sin Man Lam, Guanghou Shui, Alinda Mondal, Daniel Ong, Xinrui Duan, Rhona Creegan, Ian J. Martins, Matthew J. Sharman, Kevin Taddei, Giuseppe Verdile, Markus R. Wenk, and Ralph Martins


Increased risk for obesity and diabetes with neurodegeneration in developing countries [journal article], Ian J. Martins


The acceleration of aging and Alzheimer’s disease through the biological mechanisms behind obesity and type II diabetes, Ian J. Martins, Wei Ling F. Lim, Andrea C. Wilson, Simon M. Laws, and Ralph Martins


Molecular Insights into Appetite Control and Neuroendocrine Disease as Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases in Western Countries, I J. Martins, Rhona Creegan, W. L. F. Lim, and Ralph Martins


Latrepirdine stimulates autophagy and reduces accumulation of α-synuclein in cells and in mouse brain, J Steele, S Ju, M Lachenmayer, J Liken, A Stock, S Kim, L Delgado, I Alfaro, S Bernales, G Verdile, P Bharadwaj, V Gupta, R Barr, A Friss, G Dolios, R Wang, D Ringe, A Protter, R Martins, M Ehrlich, Z Yue, G Petsko, and S Gandy


Latrepirdine improves cognition and arrests progression of neuropathology in an Alzheimer's mouse model, J Steele, M Lachenmayer, S Ju, A Stock, J Liken, S Kim, L Delgado, I Alfaro, S Bernales, G Verdile, P Bharadwaj, V Gupta, R Barr, A Friss, G Dolios, R Wang, D Ringe, P Fraser, D Westaway, P St George-Hyslop, P Szabo, N Relkin, J Buxbaum, C Glabe, A Protter, R Martins, M Ehrlich, G Petsko, Z Yue, and S Gandy


Serological autoantibodies as diagnostic cancer biomarkers - A review, Pauline Zaenker and Melanie R. Ziman

Submissions from 2012


Latrepirdine (Dimebon (TM)) Enhances Autophagy and Reduces Intracellular GFP-A beta(42) Levels in Yeast, Prashant Bharadwaj, Giuseppe Verdile, Renae Barr, Veer Gupta, John Steele, M. Lenard Lachenmayer, Zhenyu Yue, Michelle Ehrlich, Gregory Petsko, Shulin Ju, Dagmar Ringe, Sonia Sankovich, Joanne Caine, Ian Macreadie, Sam Gandy, and Ralph Martins


Evaluation of a multi-marker immunomagnetic enrichment assay for the quantification of circulating melanoma cells, James Freeman, Elin Gray, Michael Milward, Robert Pearce, and Melanie Ziman


Sirtuin-1 mediates the obesity induced risk of common degenerative diseases: Alzheimer's disease, coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes, Ian Martins, Andrea Wilson, Wei Ling Lim, Simon Laws, Stephanie Fuller, and Ralph Martins