Submissions from 2019
Gregory Pryor - The Yilgarn lacunae, George Karpathakis and Gregory Pryor
The dilemmas of regional development in Ghana: An ethnographic analysis of the North, Jonas Quashie Klutsey
Empowering the next generation of actors through the creation of student-centred self-devised dramatic work, Andrew Lewis and Lyndall Adams
The role of culture in Theory of Mind, Leslie Linares Pava
The Internet of Toys: Practices, affordances and the political economy of children’s play, Giovanna Mascheroni and Donell Holloway
The quantified child: Discourses and practices of dataveillance in different life stages, Giovanna Mascheroni and Donell Holloway
Seven dead emus, Donna Mazza
The True Tail, Donna Mazza
Why are Australian authors obsessed with killing off kangaroos?, Donna Mazza
Dancing with a bullet: Moving into memory with music, Vahri McKenzie
The Other Writing Group: an embodied workshop, Vahri Mckenzie
Normal milk, Vahri G. Mckenzie
Narrowcast, Vahri G. Mckenzie and Siobhan Maiden
Making visible: Illustration through identification, categorization, and metaphor, Stuart Medley
The visual realism continuum: the roles of high and low-fidelity pictures, Stuart Medley
Applied comics for law and the avatar-brainstorming, Stuart Medley and Bruce Mutard
Ungrievable lives: Australian print media portrayals of Palestinian casualties during the Gaza War of 2014, Mayyada Mhanna and Debbie Rodan
Living with autism: The experience of developmentally healthy adolescents and youths who have a sibling diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Jessica Michel
Engagement through the street, impact through the storefront, Laura Mitchell
Becoming activist: The mediation of consumers in Animals Australia’s Make it Possible campaign, Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan
Digitising kids with chooks to supercharge one online activism campaign, Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan
The multiple modes of protesting live exports in Australia, Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan
Female genital mutilation/cutting: A conceptual discussion, Darlene Mwende Ndasi and Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
Professional education and Mad Studies: Learning and teaching about service users’ understandings of mental and emotional distress, Joanne Newman, Kathy Boxall, Rebecca Jury, and Julie Dickinson
Normativity and the ordinary person formula: Comparing provocation and duress in Australia, Toby Nisbet and Ann-Claire Larsen
Social impacts of climate change and occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana, Victor Fannam Nunfam
The nexus between social impacts and adaptation strategies of workers to occupational heat stress: A conceptual framework, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Eddie John Van Etten, Jacques Oosthuizen, Samuel Adams, and Kwasi Frimpong
Rights-based approach to poverty reduction: The Ghanaian experience [Thesis], Bright James Nyarkoh
‘Bloodwood’ and ‘Liminal Spaces, Timeless Places: Abjection, Liminality and Landscape in Australian Gothic Fiction’, Karleah Olson
Pioneering supervision training for school guidance counsellors in Bhutan: Reflections and lessons for the field, Sonam Pelden and Tashi Pelzom
Ladies, gentlemen and guys: The gender politics of politeness, Sonam Pelden, Elizabeth Reid Boyd, Madelena Grobbelaar, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, and Lucy Hopkins
Western Australia January to June 2019, Harry C. J. Phillips and Liz Kerr
Western Australia July to December 2018, Harry C. J. Phillips and Liz Kerr
Driving into the sun, Marcella Polain
Image-based sexual abuse: The extent, nature, and predictors of perpetration in a community sample of Australian residents, Anastasia Powell, Nicola Henry, Asher Flynn, and Adrian J. Scott
Assessing emotional reactivity: psychometric properties of the Perth emotional reactivity scale and the development of a short form, David Preece, Rodrigo Becerra, and Guillermo Campitelli
Recent climate-driven ecological change across a continent as perceived through local ecological knowledge, Suzanne M. Prober, Nat Raisbeck-Brown, Natasha B. Porter, Kristen J. Williams, Zoe Leviston, and Fiona Dickson
Gregory Pryor: Dragging tail, Gregory Pryor
List from 231002 - 150907, Gregory Pryor
Mothers’ experiences of their adult child’s interethnic relationship, Nikki Rajakaruna
Misuse of police information systems: Predicting perceived likelihood of misuse among unsworn police employees, Nikki Rajakaruna, Pamela Henry, and Adrian J. Scott
A qualitative analysis of problematic and non-problematic alcohol use after bariatric surgery, Danielle L. Reaves, Joanne M. Dickson, Jason C. G. Halford, Paul Christiansen, and Charlotte A. Hardman
How creativity can help us cultivate moral imagination, Elizabeth Reid Boyd
Love, Academically. Why scholarly hearts are beating for Love Studies, Elizabeth Reid Boyd
Early years teachers’ perspectives on the effects of NAPLAN on stakeholder wellbeing and the impact on early years pedagogy and curriculum, Pauline Roberts, Lennie Barblett, and Ken Robinson
Animals Australia and the challenges of vegan stereotyping, Debbie Rodan and Jane Mummery
Contact is in the eye of the beholder: the eye contact illusion, Shane L. Rogers, Oliver Guidetti, Craig P. Speelman, and Melissa Longmuir
Applications of the reflective practice questionnaire in medical education, Shane L. Rogers, Lynn E. Priddis, Nicole Michels, Michael Tieman, and Lon J. Van Winkle
Correction to: Parent and teacher perceptions of NAPLAN in a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia (The Australian Educational Researcher, (2018), 45, 4, (493-513), 10.1007/s13384-018-0270-2), S. L. Rogers, L. Barblett, and K. Robinson
Eco-activism and social work: New directions in leadership and group work, Dyann Ross, Martin Brueckner, Marilyn Palmer, and Wallea Eaglehawk
Where Fanny Balbuk walked: Re-imagining Perth's wetlands [book chapter], John C. Ryan, Danielle Brady, and Christopher Kueh
Stalking: How perceptions differ from reality and why these differences matter, Adrian J. Scott
The influence of contextual information regarding the breakdown of relationships and perpetrator-target sex composition on perceptions of relational stalking, Adrian J. Scott, Simon C. Duff, Lorraine Sheridan, and Nikki Rajakaruna
Task analyses of emotional change, Jason M. Sharbanee, Rhonda N. Goldman, and Leslie S. Greenberg
Student responses to a new project model capstone unit in journalism, Kathryn Shine and Trevor Cullen
From criminalisation to individual choice: Policy responses to changing constructions of intellectual disability in Western Australia, Wendy Simpson, Trudi Cooper, and Vicki Banham
Their sorrow, their story: The lived experience of individuals impacted by the death of Special Forces members in the 1996 Black Hawk accident, Marion Ann Smyth
Towards a method for examining the effects of cognitive load on the performance of cyber first responders, Craig Speelman, Craig Valli, and Oliver Guidetti
From socioeconomic disadvantage to obesity: the mediating role of psychological distress and emotional eating, Jade Spinosa, Paul Christiansen, Joanne M. Dickson, Valentina Lorenzetti, and Charlotte A. Hardman
Like Mother? Like Daughter? Unboxing an Etsy Childhood: At home with digital media, Kylie Stevenson, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, and Kelly Jaunzems
Accounting for siblings in family-based research, Kylie Stevenson, Kelly Jaunzems, Lelia Green, and Donell Holloway
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 4: Smalltalk. 1980s, Melanaie Tarr
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 1: The beginning. 1950s, Melanie Tarr
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 2: LOGO. 1960s, Melanie Tarr
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 3: COBOL. 1970s, Melanie Tarr
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 5: HTML & CSS. 1990s, Melanie Tarr
The other art of computer programming. Milestone 6: Swift. 2000s, Melanie Tarr
Corrigendum to “A meta-analysis of the prevalence of different functions of non-suicidal self-injury” [Journal of Affective Disorders (2017) 759–769], Peter J. Taylor, Khowla Jomar, Katie Dhingra, Rebecca Forrester, Ujala Shahmalak, and Joanne M. Dickson
The importance of 'blue shirts' in traffic policing, Jane Tudor-Owen
Perceptions of exonerees in Australia, Jane Tudor-Owen, Adrian J. Scott, Pamela J. Henry, and Gregory Stratton
Fragment I (Indian Ocean); Fragment II (Indian Ocean); Fragment III (Indian Ocean, ghosts), Paul Uhlmann
Green-tinted glasses: how do pro-environmental citizens conceptualize environmental sustainability?, Hannah V. Uren, Peta L. Dzidic, Lynne D. Roberts, Zoe Leviston, and Brian J. Bishop
Narratives in research and interventions on cyberbullying among young people, Heidi Vandebosch and Lelia Green
There are three types of climate change denier, and most of us are at least one, Iain Walker and Zoe Leviston
Climate change from a distance: An analysis of construal level and psychological distance from climate change, Susie Wang, Mark J. Hurlstone, Zoe Leviston, Iain Walker, and Carmen Lawrence
Where does reflection and critical reflection come into social work teaching?, Lynelle Watts
Social justice theory and practice for social work, Lynelle Watts and David Hodgson
Image-based sexual abuse: A qualitative exploration of the lived experience and perceived consequences for women, Brienna L. Webb
The development of social–emotional skills in pre-primary children: A comparison of parent, teacher and combined coaching programs, Nichola Lucia Webb
Confronting, collaborating, and crafting: An enlivening methodology for academic ecojustice activism, Peta White, Sandra Wooltorton, and Marilyn Palmer
Nightlife patrons’ personal and descriptive norms regarding sexual behaviors, Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester, Maria Allan, and Alfred Allan
Violence and the other in the novels of Carmel Bird, Donna Yannakis
Submissions from 2018
The Inefficacy of Strong Ties Networks in Migration Employment Outcomes, Ruby Absuelo and Peter Hancock
Do same-demography mentoring programmes make any difference to mentees’ learning outcomes? Reflections on the Top Up programme, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
Impact of the National Health Insurance Scheme on drugstores and traditional medicines in Ghana, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
Peer-mentoring approaches to violence prevention among African youth in western Australia: preliminary impact assessment of the ‘stop the violence’ programme, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
Peer mentoring program shows promise for preventing African youth violence, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
The impact of targeted educational programmes on academic outcomes for African students in Western Australia, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
Violence among Australian youth of African descent: Is peer mentoring the answer? commentary on initial findings of ‘stop the violence programme’ in Western Australia, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
The 'Culturally And Linguistically Diverse' (CALD) label: A critique using African migrants as exemplar, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante and Hossein Adibi
The effects of paid volunteerism on peer-mentoring educational initiatives: A case study of the top-up programme, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante and Daniel Doh
Educational partnership in action: Insights from Western Australia, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Daniel Doh, and Isaiah Awidi
Gender impact assessment: theoretical challenges, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante and Sonam Pelden
Moral challenges for psychologists working in psychology and law, Alfred Allan
If someone hurt you this year, forgiving them may improve your health (as long as you’re safe, too), Alfred Allan and Maria Allan
An overview of psychology and law and forensic psychology in Australia, Alfred Allan, Anthony D. Cole, Donald M. Thomson, and Cate L. Parry
Assessing the risk of Australian Indigenous sexual offenders reoffending: A review the research literature and court decisions, Alfred Allan, Cate L. Parry, Anna Ferrante, Christine Gillies, Catherine S. Griffiths, Francis Morgan, Caroline Spiranovic, Stephen Smallbone, Hilde Tubex, and Stephen C.P. Wong