Submissions from 2020
The promises and perils of developing a national sex offender recidivism database in Australia, Caroline Spiranovic, Anna Ferrante, Marie-Jeanne Buscot, Catherine Griffiths, Alfred Allan, Stephen Wong, Hilde Tubex, and Frank Morgan
Expression, ethnicity and the Perth nightclub scene of the 1980s, Jon Stratton and Panizza Allmark
The other art of computer programming: A visual alternative to communicate computational thinking, Melanie Tarr
Psychological correlates of self-harm within gay, lesbian and bisexual UK university students, Peter James Taylor, Katie Dhingra, Joanne M. Dickson, and Elizabeth McDermott
Pilot service evaluation of a brief psychological therapy for self-harm in an emergency department: Hospital Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service, Peter J. Taylor, Kirsten Fien, Helen Mulholland, Rui Duarte, Joanne M. Dickson, and Cecil Kullu
The Drones, I See Seaweed (2013), Adam Trainer
Land of smoke, Paul Uhlmann
Lines of doubt, fear and tenderness in the work of José Luis Cuevas and Tommi Parrish, Paul Uhlmann
COVID-19 pandemic constricts methamphetamine supply in Perth, Alexandra Voce, James Finney, Natalie Gately, and Tom Sullivan
Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong: Smartphone culture and activism, Irfan Wahyudi and Panizza Allmark
Representations of obesity in national newspapers: A comparative study between China and Australia, Ying Wang
A sensorimotor control framework for understanding emotional communication and regulation, Justin H.G. Williams, Charlotte F. Huggins, Barbra Zupan, Megan Willis, Tamsyn E. Van Rheenen, Wataru Sato, Romina Palermo, Catherine Ortner, Martin Krippl, Mariska Kret, Joanne M. Dickson, Chiang-shan R. Li, and Leroy Lowe
Exploring the influence of emotional labour, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, and emotional valence on employee job satisfaction and burnout, Kirsty Lee Wilson
Learning cycles: Enriching ways of knowing place, Sandra Wooltorton, Peta White, Marilyn Palmer, and Len Collard
Opposing narratives about children’s digital media use: a critical discourse analysis of online public advice given to parents in Australia and Belgium, Bieke Zaman, Donell Holloway, Lelia Green, Kelly Jaunzems, and Hadewijch Vanwynsberghe
Dual-path Convolutional Image-Text Embeddings with Instance Loss, Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Michael Garrett, Yi Yang, Mingliang Xu, and Yi-Dong Shen
Submissions from 2019
Falling for the amphibian man: Fantasy, otherness, and auteurism in del Toro’s the shape of water, Alberta Natasia Adji
Youth matters: Shedding light on displacement in Syrian girls' memoirs, Alberta Natasia Adji
Being ethical psychologists in correction settings, Alfred Allan
Making a difference: Social media, photography, activism and women in Asian contexts, Panizza Allmark
Travel, sexuality and female Indonesian domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong, Panizza Allmark and Irfan Wahyudi
Mobilising memes for unionist teens: An analysis of the social media use of an Australian hospitality union, Lili M. Archer
Tracing the development of digital humanities in Australia, Paul Longley Arthur
Travel in the digital age, Paul Longley Arthur and Tom Van Nuenen
The right to be listened to: Acknowledging the child’s voice in family court processes, Vicki Banham
Force-feeding and the legacy of torture in the ‘war on terror’, Jamal Barnes
If the Adani mine gets built, it will be thanks to politicians, on two continents, Quentin Beresford
A novel way to measure executive functions in primary school students in an engaging, child-friendly and valid way, Valeksa Berg, Mark McMahon, Shane Rogers, Michael Garrett, and Dominic Manley
The eFun app: A new tool to measure executive functions to support learning in a child-friendly, valid and engaging way, Valeska Berg, Mark McMahon, Shane Rogers, Michael Garrett, and Dominic Manley
The relationship between clients' preferences of therapists' sex and mental health support seeking: An exploratory study, Stephanie C. Black and Eyal Gringart
Commentary on “Learning the lessons from personalisation in England” (Greig, 2019), Kathy Boxall
Revisiting the foundations of (critical) disability studies, Kathy Boxall
Introducing 'intimate civility': Towards a new concept for 21st century relationships, Elizabeth Reid Boyd, Madelena Grobbelaar, Eyal Gringart, Alise Bender, and Rose Williams
Saying no to Roe 8, Danielle Brady
Space, place, and agency in the Roe 8 highway protest, Western Australia, Danielle Brady
European history of the Greater Brixton Street conservation area and surrounds, Danielle Brady and Andrea Gaynor
The cultural significance of wetlands: Perth’s lost swamps to the Beeliar wetlands, Danielle Brady and Jeffrey Murray
Honk if you love Untitled Goose Game: why we should invest more in our indie game creators, Luke Brook
The characteristics and components of national identity in Australia, Kate Brown
Psychological reports for sentencing juveniles in Australian courts, Debra Bycroft, Gregory E. Dear, and Deirdre Drake
Australian prison vocational education and training and returns to custody among male and female ex-prisoners: A cross-jurisdictional study, Jesse Cale, Andrew Day, Sharon Casey, David Bright, Jo Wodak, Margaret Giles, and Eileen Baldry
“Some of them never met us in real life and see what we do, they only see us through the media”: Lived experiences of three young West Australian South Sudanese men, Elizabeth Chiwawa
Waiting for a queer change: Gender identity through performative waiting and the Boudoir Chronotope in Call Me By Your Name, Gregory R. Clarke
Digital literacy meets industry 4.0, Jo Coldwell-Neilson and Trudi Cooper
Calling out ‘alternative facts’: curriculum to develop students’ capacity to engage critically with contradictory sources, Trudi Cooper
Rethinking teaching excellence in Australian higher education, Trudi Cooper
Future prospects for Australasian youth work, Trudi Cooper and Rod Baxter
Transformative youth work in local government youth services, Trudi Cooper, Miriam Brooker, Debbie McCabe, Peter Madden, and Orietta Simons
Achieving economic sustainability for niche social profession courses in the Australian higher education sector: final report, Trudi Cooper and Miriam Rose Brooker
Press coverage of HIV and other health issues in PNG’s Post-Courier: 2007-2017, Trevor Cullen
Why Chinese and Hong Kong students clash in Australia: the patriotic v the protest movement, Christine Cunningham, Clive Barstow, and Wei Zhang
Unravel. A novel – and – A diverse palette: Cosmic horror and weird fiction with/out Lovecraft. A critical essay, Aksel Dadswell
Immigrants and refugees, Justine Dandy and Deirdre Drake
Leaving home: place attachment and decisions to move in the face of environmental change, Justine Dandy, Pierre Horwitz, Robert Campbell, Deirdre Drake, and Zoe Leviston
To eat or not to eat meat: How vegetarian dietary choices influence our social lives, Charlotte J. S. De Backer, Maryanne L. Fisher, Julie Dare, and Leesa Costello
Five tips to help year 12 students set better goals in the final year of school, Joanne Dickson
A systematic review of the antecedents and prevalence of suicide, self-harm and suicide ideation in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth, Joanne M. Dickson, Kate Cruise, Clare A. McCall, and Peter J. Taylor
Rumination selectively mediates the association between actual-ideal (but not actual-ought) self-discrepancy and anxious and depressive symptoms, Joanne M. Dickson, Nicholas J. Moberly, and Christopher D. Huntley
Making the aging experience worthwhile: How social interaction contributes to active aging, Daniel Doh, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, and Vicki Banham
Special issue on state-trace analysis, John C. Dunn, Andrew Heathcote, and Michael Kalish
Models of risky choice: A state-trace and signed difference analysis, John C. Dunn and Li-Lin Rao
John Galsworthy (1867-1933) and animal welfare, Jill Felicity Durey
“Getting rid of the dog”: Adult recall of a childhood experience, Mary E. Edwards, Eyal Gringart, and Deirdre Drake
Paul Valéry et l’acte de traduire, David Elder
Exploring health visiting professionals' evaluations of early parent-infant interactions, Jessica R. S. Elmer, Ruth O'Shaughnessy, Ros Bramwell, and Joanne M. Dickson
Seeking intimacy: Queer agency, normativity, and emergent identities, Jude Elund
To stay in or leave an abusive relationship: losses and gains experienced by battered filipino women, Alicia F. Estrellado and Jennifer (MI) Loh
Avoiding stigma: Influences on Australian news reporting of drug issues and suggestions for improvement, Andrew L. Fewster
What is the charge of concealment of birth and why is it still happening in Australia?, Amanda Gardiner
Consumer responses to rating tools and residential energy efficiency disclosure, John Gardner, Stephen White, Zoe Leviston, Murni Greenhill, Henry Adams, and Lygia Romanach
A handsome soldier with a ‘medical bill’: how romance scammers make you fall in love with them, Natalie Gately and James McCue
From rivers to confetti: Reconfigurations of time through new media narratives, Laura Glitsos
Somatechnics and popular music in digital contexts, Laura Glitsos
The impact of childhood abuse on adult male prisoners: A systematic review, Teresa Goddard and Julie Ann Pooley
Being a bad vegan, Lelia Green
Parents' failure to plan for their children's digital futures, Lelia Green, Leslie Haddon, Sonia Livingstone, Donell J. Holloway, Kelly Jaunzems, Kylie J. Stevenson, and Brian O'Neill
Introduction: Problematising the treatment of children’s data, Lelia Green and Donell Holloway
Digitising early childhood, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie Stevenson, and Kelly Jaunzems
Reporting mass shootings, Glynn Greensmith
Forging a new consensus: NUMSA and ANC hegemony in flux in South Africa, Benjamin Alexander Hale
Quality of life and psychological distress in cancer survivors: The role of psycho-social resources for resilience, Craig A. Harms, Lynne Cohen, Julie Ann Pooley, Suzanne K. Chambers, Daniel A. Galvao, and Robert U. Newton
Parental Perceptions of the Nature of the Relationship Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Share with Their Canine Companion, Caitlin Harwood, Elizabeth Kaczmarek, and Deirdre Drake
Screen Australia celebrates its work in gender equality but things are far from equal, Cathy Henkel
Key attributes of an effective human source handler: Implications for handler selection and training, Pamela Henry, Nikki Rajakaruna, Charl Crous, and John Buckley
Risk intentions following pill test scenarios are predicted by MDMA use history and sensation seeking: A quantitative field study at an Australian music festival, Ross C. Hollett and Natalie Gately
Can a $12 pill test for ecstasy save lives? Well, it’s complicated, Ross Hollett and Natalie Gately
Explainer: what is surveillance capitalism and how does it shape our economy?, Donell Holloway
Surveillance capitalism and children’s data: The Internet of toys and things for children, Donell Holloway
The parent-child-app learning assemblage: Scaffolding early childhood learning through app use in the family home, Donell Holloway, Leslie Haddon, Lelia Green, and Kylie J. Stevenson
Rethinking the lawyer-client interview: Taking a relational approach, Jill Howieson and Shane L. Rogers
Can a procedural justice approach to enforcement reduce low-level speeding?, David Hurdle
The role of positive goal engagement in increased mental well-being among individuals with chronic non-cancer pain, Joanne E. Iddon, Peter J. Taylor, Jen Unwin, and Joanne M. Dickson
Britain, australia and the secret ballot act of 1872, Edwin Jaggard
Global, 'Glocal' and local dynamics in Calvary Temple: India's fastest growing megachurch, Jonathan D. James
“I call Australia Home?" Indian Christians negotiate their faith in Australia, Jonathan D. James
The prospect of 'Chindia' as a world power, Jonathan D. James
Differences between men and women regarding early maladaptive schemas in an Australian adult alcohol dependent clinical sample, Diana L. Janson, Craig A. Harms, Ross C. Hollett, and Robert D. Segal
Can Islamophobia in the media serve Islamic state propaganda: The Australian case, 2014-2015?, Nahid Afrose Kabir
Cognitive demand of eccentric versus concentric cycling and its effects on post-exercise attention and vigilance, Benjamin Kan, Craig Speelman, and Kazunori Nosaka