Submissions from 2020
Year 12 can be stressful, but setting strong and healthy goals can help you thrive, Joanne Dickson
The psychology of comfort food - why we look to carbs for solace, Joanne Dickson and Charlotte Hardman
How do children play in virtual worlds? An Ethnography of Australian children’s digital gameplay practices, Ashley Donkin
One-year outcome and adherence to pharmacological guidelines in first-episode schizophrenia: Results from a consecutive cohort study, Petros Drosos, Kolbjørn Brønnick, Inge Joa, Jan Olav Johannessen, Erik Johnsen, Rune Andreas Kroken, Helen Joy Stain, Wenche Ten Velden Hegelstad, and Tor Ketil Larsen
Silent sequences and ontological entanglement in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival and Pat Grant’s Blue, Debra Dudek
John Galsworthy and slum clearance, Jill Felicity Durey
Vivisection through the eyes of Wilkie Collins, HG Wells and John Galsworthy, Jill Felicity Durey
"L’Ange" de Paul Valéry: Esquisse d’une étude génétique et traductologique, David Elder
Multinational Federalism and secessionism in Ethiopia, Tesfa Bihonegn Emirru
The making of Broken: A manifesto for a democratised cinema, Damian Fasolo
Drug users’ experiences of a residential rehabilitation program in Western Australia: A thematic analysis of drug users lived experiences, Michelle Fullam
Factors underlying clinicians’ judgements of patient insight and confidence in using clinical judgement in psycho-legal settings, Dylan P. Galloghly and Greg E. Dear
Instagram is the home of pretty pictures. Why are people flocking to it for news?, Laura Glitsos
Sia, This Is Acting, Laura Glitsos
Why Dawson’s Creek, in all its cringey glory, is the TV show 90s kids need right now, Laura Glitsos
The Pepe the Frog meme: An examination of social, political, and cultural implications through the tradition of the Darwinian Absurd, Laura Glitsos and James Hall
Feminist participatory action research as a tool for climate justice, Naomi J. Godden, Pam Macnish, Trimita Chakma, and Kavita Naidu
Community work, love and the Indigenous worldview of buen vivir in Peru, Naomi Joy Godden
Confident, capable and world changing: Teenagers and digital citizenship, Lelia Green
Digital citizenship in domestic contexts, Lelia Green
Introduction: Children and digital media, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie J. Stevenson, Tama Leaver, and Leslie Haddon
The Routledge companion to digital media and children, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie J. Stevenson, Tama Leaver, and Leslie Haddon
National contexts for the risk of harm being done to children by access to online sexual content, Lelia Green, Catharine Lumby, Alan McKee, and Kjartan Olafsson
Disadvantaged children’s creative visualisation of possible futures, Lelia Green, Kylie J. Stevenson, and Panizza Allmark
Working with victims/survivors of intimate partner violence: The ‘self’ in the therapeutic relationship, Madalena Grobbelaar, Yolanda Strauss, and Marika Guggisberg
An examination of circumstances related to forced marriage among culturally and linguistically diverse women in Australia, Marika Guggisberg and Madalena Grobbelaar
Together and alone: Telling second stories on the humans of New York Facebook page, Li Guo
The clay face, Tiffany Hastie
Why is logic so likeable? A single-process account of argument evaluation with logic and liking judgment, Brett K. A. Hayes, Peggy Wei, John C. Dunn, and Rachel G. Stephens
Peppa pig is gangsta: China's challenging memes, Kay Hearn
Helping doctoral students understand PhD thesis examination expectations: A framework and a tool for supervision, David Hodgson
Professional self-care practices, emotional work and burnout in Australian psychology academics, Claudia Yael Hoenig
Explaining lecture attendance behavior via structural equation modeling: Self-Determination Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Ross C. Hollett, Gilles E. Gignac, Shinae Milligan, and Paul Chang
Female characters from adult-only video games elicit a sexually objectifying gaze in both men and women, Ross Hollett, Helen Morgan, Nigel T.M. Chen, and Gilles Gignac
Parenting pedagogies in the marketing of children's apps, Donell Holloway, Giovanna Mascheroni, and Ashley Donkin
Activating the legacy motive mitigates intergenerational discounting in the climate game, Mark J. Hurlstone, Annabel Price, Susie Wang, Zoe Leviston, and Iain Walker
Trauma seeks trauma: One journalist's experience of terror echoes back to WWII, Carmen Jacques
Refugees’ dreams of the past, projected into the future, Carmen Jacques, Kelly Jaunzems, Layla Al-Hameed, and Lelia Green
Animated charcoal drawing, Shana James
The etching process, Shana James
Virtual reality training for workers in high-risk occupations, Kelly Jaunzems, Lelia Green, and David Leith
Misconceptions in the knowledge of vocational fitness students and graduates, Daniel J. Jolley, Melissa Davis, and Andrew P. Lavender
Ashram pilgrimage and yogic peace education curriculum development: An autoethnographic study, Janine Joyce
Australian Muslim citizens: Questions of inclusion and exclusion, 2006 –2020, Nahid A. Kabir
Identity politics in India: Gujarat and Delhi riots, Nahid A. Kabir
Do sequential lineups impair underlying discriminability?, Matthew Kaesler, John C. Dunn, Keith Ransom, and Carolyn Semmler
Masculine uses of the womb in the renaissance, Şebnem N. Karali
Musical affect and the emotion–cognition interaction in The Phantom of the Opera, Sebnem Nazli Karali
Interlace: Inter-institutional engagement, Nicola Kaye and Clive Barstow
Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Tomasz Besta, Jennifer K. Bosson, Paweł Jurek, Joesph A. Vandello, Deborah L. Best, Anna Wlodarczyk, Saba Safdar, Magdalena Zawisza, Magdalena Żadkowska, Jurand Sobiecki, Collins Badu Agyemang, Gülçin Akbaş, Soline Ammirati, Joel Anderson, Gulnaz Anjum, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Mujeeba Ashraf, Aistė Bakaitytė, Chongzeng Bi, Maja Becker, Michael Bender, Dashamir Bërxulli, Janine Bosak, Serena Daalmans, Justine Dandy, Soledad de Lemus, Nikolay Dvorianchikov, Edgardo Etchezahar, Laura Froehlich, Alin Gavreliuc, Dana Gavreliuc, Ángel Gomez, Hedy Greijdanus, Ani Grigoryan, Miriam-Linnea Hale, Hannah Hämer, Vera Hoorens, Paul B. Hutchings, Dorthe Høj Jensen, Kaltrina Kelmendi, Narine Khachatryan, Mary Kinahan, Desiree Kozlowski, Mary Anne Lauri, Junyi Li, Angela T. Maitner, Ana Makashvili, Tiziana Mancini, Sarah E. Martiny, Jasna Milošević Đorđević, Eva Moreno-Bella, Silvia Moscatelli, Andrew B. Moynihan, Dominique Muller, Danielle Ochoa, Sulaiman Olanrewaju Adebayo, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Jorge Palacio, Snigdha Patnaik, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Ivana Piterová, Angelica Puzio, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Erico Rentería‐Pérez, Tiphaine Rousseaux, Mario Sainz, Marco Salvati, Adil Samekin, Efraín García‐Sánchez, Simon Schindler, Sara Sherbaji, Rosita Sobhie, Dijana Sulejmanović, Katie E. Sullivan, Beatriz Torre, Claudio V. Torres, Joaquín Ungaretti, Timothy Valshtein, Colette Van Laar, Jolanda van der Noll, Vadym Vasiutynskyi, Neharika Vohra, Antonella Ludmila Zapata‐Calvente, and Rita Žukauskienė
The experiences of Western Australian Muslims within the current political and social environment, John Lehane
What does it take to become “one of us?” Redefining ethnic-civic citizenship using markers of everyday nationhood, Chan Hoong Leong, Adam Komisarof, Justine Dandy, Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, Saba Safdar, Katja Hanke, and Eugene Teng
Facebook as a disruptor of journalism and political debate in Vietnam, Viet Tho Le
Host-member misperceptions about what others expect of immigrants: The role of personal attitudes, voting behaviour, and right-wing authoritarianism, Zoe Leviston, Jana M. Coenen, and Justine Dandy
'They're discriminated against, but so are we’: White Australian-born perceptions of ingroup and immigrant discrimination over time are not zero sum, Zoe Leviston, Justine Dandy, and Jolanda Jetten
The role of relative deprivation in majority-culture support for multiculturalism, Zoe Leviston, Justine Dandy, Jolanda Jetten, and Iain Walker
Overestimating one’s “green” behavior: Better-than-average bias may function to reduce perceived personal threat from climate change, Zoe Leviston and Hannah V. Uren
Influence of moral disengagement on responses to climate change, Zoe Leviston and Iain Walker
So how does elastic grammar create meaning in children’s literature?: Storytelling and elastic grammar in Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990), Inkheart (2003), and A Monster Calls (2011), Kate Lomas Glendenning
Workplace cyberbullying and bystander helping behaviour, Charmein Madden and Jennifer Loh
I went looking for Mr Facey, dad, Linda Martin
Books in a post-f@#^ world. Are we all sworn out yet?, Donna Mazza
Fauna, Donna Mazza
The fingerprint, Donna Mazza
The last of its kind, Donna Mazza
Two kinds of theory: What psychology can learn from Einstein, Marek McGann and Craig P. Speelman
Aletheia: The Orphic Ouroboros, Glen McKnight
A multi-domain approach to assuring digital literacy in an undergraduate discipline, Mark McMahon, Jo Jung, and Luke Brook
The ‘graphic’ in ‘typographic’: Picture theory applied to type through caricature, Stuart Medley
The role of cuteness aesthetics in interaction, Stuart Medley, Bieke Zaman, and Paul Haimes
The role of leadership in establishing a positive staff culture in a secondary school, Julia E. Morris, Geoffrey W. Lummis, Graeme Lock, Catherine Ferguson, Susan Hill, and Annette Nykiel
Young people and the Baptist church: Staying and leaving, Timothy Mullen
Does providing pill testing at festivals increase intention to use Ecstasy?, Sherri Lee Murphy
Comic: First person third, Bruce Mutard
Vita Longa, Ars Breva, Bruce Mutard
Experiences of sexual and reproductive healthcare professionals working with migrant women living with female genital cutting in Western Australia, Darlene Ndasi and Kwadwo Adusei-Asante
A tsunami of lived experience: From regional Australia to global mental health activism, Joanne Newman, Rebecca Jury, and Kathy Boxall
The question(s), the material(s) and the ethics of creative practice research methodologies, Renée Newman and Lyndall Adams
Barriers to occupational heat stress risk adaptation of mining workers in Ghana, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Kwasi Frimpong, Eddie John van Etten, and Jacques Oosthuizen
Educational and psychosocial development of adolescents in Specialist Sport Programs in Low SES Areas of Perth, Western Australia, Eibhlish Máire Bridget O'Hara
Counselling placements caught up in the mismatch of standards and realities: Lessons from COVID-19, Sonam Pelden and Vicki Banham
Western Australia July to December 2019, Harry C.J. Phillips and Liz Kerr
Attitudes towards immigration-relevant decision-making: The roles of fairness judgements and national identity, Tessa Phipps
A new development in front group strategy: The Social Aspects Public Relations Organization (SAPRO), Rachel Pietracatella and Danielle Brady
Digital harassment and abuse: Experiences of sexuality and gender minority adults, Anastasia Powell, Adrian J. Scott, and Nicola Henry
Assessing alexithymia: Psychometric properties of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire and 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in United States adults, David A. Preece, Rodrigo Becerra, Alfred Allan, Ken Robinson, Wai Chen, Penelope Hasking, and James J. Gross
What is alexithymia? Using factor analysis to establish its latent structure and relationship with fantasizing and emotional reactivity, David A. Preece, Rodrigo Becerra, Ken Robinson, Alfred Allan, Mark Boyes, Wai Chen, Penelope Hasking, and James J. Gross
The emotion regulation questionnaire: psychometric properties in general community samples, David A. Preece, Rodrigo Becerra, Ken Robinson, and James J. Gross
Recent ecological change in Australia survey 2017, Suzanne Prober, Nat Raisbeck-Brown, Natasha Porter, Kristen Williams, Zoe Leviston, and Fiona Dickson
The master's new governess, Elizabeth Reid Boyd
Revisiting children's participation in television: Implications for digital media rights in Bangladesh, S. M.Shameem Reza and Ashfara Haque
Are negative beliefs about psychosis associated with emotional distress in adults and young people with such experiences? A meta-analysis, Esmira Ropaj, Andrew Jones, Joanne Dickson, Zabina Gill, and Peter J. Taylor
Facebook: Where privacy concerns and social needs collide, Sonya Scherini
Public familiarity and understanding of stalking/harassment legislation in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, Adrian J. Scott, Nikki Rajakaruna, Megan A. Handscomb, and Georgina A.H. Waterworth
Predictors of orphanage residents' life satisfaction: Basic psychological needs and cognitive emotion regulation, Haseeba Shouket and Saadia Dildar
Mentalisation Amongst Maternal and Child Health Nurses Using the Newborn Behavioural Observations With Infant-mother dyads: A Qualitative Study, Kim Simkin-Tran, Bronwyn Harman, and Susan Nicolson
The role of place, people and perception in law student well-being, Natalie K. Skead, Shane L. Rogers, and W. Rupert Johnson
Statements about the pervasiveness of behavior require data about the pervasiveness of behavior, Craig P. Speelman and Marek McGann