
Submissions from 2014


Photo Elicitation: Understanding Factors Contributing to a Successful Public Marina in Western Australia?, Helen D. Cripps, Joanna Pearce, and Maria M. Ryan


I remember Richelieu: Is anything secure anymore?, Michael G. Crowley and Michael N. Johnstone


The great experiment with devolved NRM governance: Lessons from community engagement in Australia and New Zealand since the 1980s, A Curtis, H Ross, G R. Marshall, C Baldwin, J Cavaye, C Freeman, A Carr, and Geoff J. Syme

Moral reasoning and traumatic brain injury dataset, Julian Dooley and Vicki Anderson


Conference Report: The Third Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium, 7-13 September 2013, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Ross K. Dowling


Galapagos - An emerging tourism destination, Ross K. Dowling


Reunion Island - A volcanic showcase, Ross K. Dowling and Julie C. Margueritte


"Saborea (Tasting) Lanzarote": Building the foundation of a new food and wine event through collaborative efforts, A Duarte Alonso


Socioeconomic development in an ultra-peripheral European region: the role of a food regulatory council as a social anchor, Abel Duarte Alonso


Wine cellar experiences in the Southeastern United States: Educating the winery visitor on muscadine wines, Abel Duarte Alonso


Innovation in the context of small family businesses involved in a 'niche' market, Abel Duarte Alonso and Alessandro Bressan


Educating winery visitors and consumers: An international perspective, Abel Duarte Alonso, Alessandro Bressan, Michelle O'Shea, and Vlad Krajsic


Cost management and small restaurant businesses: A complex balance and the role of management, Abel Duarte Alonso and Vlad Krajsic


Small restaurant businesses and the importance of knowledge of cost management: an exploratory study, Abel Duarte Alonso and Vlad Krajsic


A Critical Reflection on the Role of Stakeholders in Sustainable Tourism Development in Least-Developed Countries, Sotear Ellis and Lynnaire Sheridan

Producer–market orientation of community based tourism (CBT) products for sustainable tourism: A case study in Bali, Indonesia, Ni Made Ernawati

To 'P' or not to 'P': The Dilemma In Tourism And Hospitality Marketing, Stephen M. Fanning and Alfred W. Ogle


Enhancing First Year Student Engagement: Collaborative Practice In A Core Business Unit, Tina Fleming and Alicia Stanway


Messages that increase women's intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy: Results from quantitative testing of advertising concepts, Kathryn E. France, Robert J. Donovan, Carol Bower, Elizabeth J. Elliott, Janet M. Payne, Heather D'Antoine, and Anne E. Bartu


Retirement savings investment choices: Sophisticated or naive?, Paul Gerrans and Yap Ghialy


Aspects of Volatility and Correlations in European Emerging Economies, Anna Golab, David Edmund Allen, and Robert Powell


Volatility and Spillover Effects of Central and Eastern Europe: Impact of EU Enlargement, Anna Golab, David E. Allen, Robert Powell, and Ghialy Choy Lee Yap

Challenges and the future direction of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Stephen Grainger


The Chinese market economy and its effect on guanxi in the twenty-first century, Stephen J. Grainger


The perceived personal characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders, Ling He


An exploratory study of entrepreneurial leadership: The perceived characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders, Ling He, Peter P. Standen, and Alan J. Coetzer

Child support and perceptions of fairness dataset, Pam Henry


A Regime-Switching analysis of Asian bank stocks, Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang


News Sentiment and High-Frequency Volatility Dynamics in the Japanese Stock Exchange, Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Volatility And Correlation Dynamics Of The Mainland Chinese And Hong Kong Stock Markets: Evidence From The A-, B-, H- And Red Chip Markets, Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang


What drives the time-varying performance of Japanese mutual funds?, Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Sovereign wealth funds in East Asia: An update of their recent developments, Kin-Yip Ho and Zhaoyong Zhang


Planning a Wedding: Consumption behaviour of Bridal Magazines and Website Usage, Laura Huhne, Helen D. Cripps, and Maria M. Ryan


Self-assessment of employability skill outcomes among undergraduates and alignment with academic ratings, Denise Jackson


Personality Traits in Australian Business Graduates And Implications For Organizational Effectiveness, Denise A. Jackson


Undergraduate perceptions of the development of team-working skills, Denise Jackson, Ruth Sibson, and Linda Riebe


International Solutions For Improving Community Health And Workplace Safety, Janis Jansz, Robert V. Trapani, Robert Brandys, and Gail Brandys


Innovation in entrepreneurial organisations: A platform for contemporary management change and a value creator, Nazmi Saeb Jarrar and Malcolm Smith


Exchange rate exposure of sectoral returns and volatilities: Further evidence from Japanese industrial sectors, Prabhath Jayasinghe, Albert K. Tsui, and Zhaoyong Zhang


New estimates of time-varying currency betas: A trivariate BEKK approach, Prabhath Jayasinghe, Albert K. Tsui, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Traditional and alternative methods of measuring the understandability of accounting narratives, Michael Jones and Malcolm Smith

Family leisure and transitioning into parenting, David Lamb

How can experiential styles of learning better equip and prepare future event management students for the word of work?, David Lamb


Teaching research students to be more critically reflective in documenting their research experience by writing a research journal, David Lamb

Interview of Magistrate Gregory Andrew Benn, Regional Magistrate Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Ann-Claire Larsen


How to Exit Successfully via IPOs: An insight into the listing requirements of the emerging Growth Enterprise Market of China, Hai Long


Examining IPO Success In The Emerging Growth Enterprise Market Of China, Hai Long and Zhaoyong Zhang


High Dividend Rates Can Not Contribute To Long Investment Horizons: The Chinese Evidence, Hai Long and Zhaoyong Zhang


Listing Requirements Lose IPO-Screening Functions: Evidence From The Emerging Growth Enterprise Market of China, Hai Long and Zhaoyong Zhang


The Chinese IPO Examination Mechanism Affected By Administrative Factors: New Evidence From Rejected IPO Firms, Hai Long and Zhaoyong Zhang


Conditional heteroscedasticity with leverage effect in stock returns: Evidence from the chinese stock market, Ling Long, Albert K. Tsui, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Estimating time-varying currency betas with contagion: New evidence from developed and emerging financial markets, Ling Long, Albert K. Tsui, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Implementing an interdisciplinary student centric approach to work-integrated learning, Gary Marchioro, Maria M. Ryan, and Tim Perkins

Competitive advantage through safety compliance: Smaller firm responses to changes in the Australian occupational health and safety regulatory context, Susan Mayson, Rowena Barrett, and Susanne Bahn


Just Work: Narratives of Employment in the 21st Century, Grant P. Michelson and Shaun Ryan


The effect of shared leadership on workgroup creativity, Simon Guive Minaee


Why justice matters in water governance: Some ideas for a 'water justice framework', Marian J. Neal, A Lukasiewicz, and Geoff J. Syme


Safety Auditing, Milos Nedved


The HRM role of line managers: A Malaysian case study, Nik Hazimah Nik Mat


Line Managers' Involvement In HRM Activities: A Malaysian Case Study, Nik Hazimah Nik Mat and Pattanee Susomrith


Geotourism product development and stakeholder perceptions: A case study of a proposed geotrail in Perth, Western Australia, Lauren Norrish, Dale Sanders, and Ross Dowling


Quasi-Q-Sorting Innovation: The Use Of Tangible Cues In Sorting Methodology, Alfred W. Ogle and Stephen M. Fanning

Hospitality Management Undergraduate Qualification Prestige: An Exploratory Study Of Malaysian Degrees, Alfred W. Ogle, Noel Ogle, and Alan Williams


Geotourism and geoparks - a tool for geoconservation and rural development in vulnerable environments: A case study from iceland, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir and Ross K. Dowling

Fair game: The influence of cultural norms in creating sanctioned targets in the workplace, Maryam Omari, Megan Paull, Premilla D'Cruz, and Burcu Guneri Cangarli


Modelling dysfunctional behaviour: Individual factors and ethical financial decisions, Halil Paino, Zubaidah Ismail, and Malcolm Smith


Exploring Attitudes toward Product Placement in Film: A Study of Western Australian Students, Stephen Parry, Maria M. Ryan, and Helen D. Cripps


The cycles and spirals of justice in water-allocation decision making, Marian J. Patrick


How reframing a water management issue across scales and levels impacts on perceptions of justice and injustice, Marian J. Patrick, Geoff J. Syme, and Pierre Horwitz

Organisational (Mis)behaviour of Volunteers: Profiles and Perspectives, Megan Paull and Maryam Omari


Nutrition beliefs of disadvantaged parents of overweight children, M Pescud, S Pettigrew, and Nadine Henley


Geotourism: A sustainable development alternative for remote locations in Western Australia, Christof Pforr, Ross K. Dowling, and David Newsome


Guest Editors' Introduction To The Special Issue On FIFO Work, Al Rainnie, Grant P. Michelson, Caleb Goods, and John Burgess


Social sciences and hydrology: An introduction, V Ratna Reddy and Geoff J. Syme

Does momentum trading opportunities exit? Evidence from Chinese and Indian stock markets, Krishna Reddy, Zhiyu Yang, and Abhay Singh


Australian SMEs: Waste sent to landfill, Janice Redmond, Elizabeth A. Walker, Craig M. Parker, and Mike Simpson

The Mommy Curve Stay-at-Home Mothers in Australia, Elizabeth J. Reid Boyd and Ann-Claire Larsen


Corporate governance, conservatism and firm performance: Evidence from China, Yun Ren


The use of rubrics in benchmarking and assessing employability skills, Linda Riebe and Denise Jackson


Democracy and corruption: A complex relationship, Shrabani Saha, Rukmani Gounder, Neil Campbell, and J J. Su


The moderation effects of political instability and terrorism on tourism development: A cross-country panel analysis, Shrabani Saha and Ghialy Yap


Framing the 2007 National Basketball Association finals: An analysis of commentator discourse, Olan KM Scott, Brad Hill, and Dwight Zakus


The Networking Behaviour of Women Small Business Owners, Jalleh Sharafizad


Experiences of stalking in same-sex and opposite-sex contexts, Lorraine Sheridan, Adrian North, and Adrian J. Scott


Stalking and age, Lorraine P. Sheridan, Adrian J. Scott, and Adrian North


Enhancing experiential learning in planning education through an online toolkit of resources, Christine Slade, Johanna Rosier, Claudia Baldwin, Andrew Harwood, Eddo Coiacetto, Trevor Budge, and Timothy J. Perkins


Informal e-learning: The case of small business owners, Tara Smith and Rowena Barrett


Workplace bullying: Propositions from Heider's balance theory, Peter Standen, Megan Paull, and Maryam Omari

Crowdsourcing's Contribution to Open Innovation, Susan Standing and Craig Standing


HR professionalism in foreign-invested enterprises in China, Yuliani Suseno and Chanzi Bao


Acceptable risk and social values: Struggling with uncertainty in Australian water allocation, Geoffrey J. Syme


Water use and water management, Geoffrey J. Syme


Detecting burrows and trapping for mulgaras (Dasycercus cristicauda and D. blythi) can be difficult, Graham G. Thompson and Scott A. Thompson


The effect of time pressure on worker behaviour : a socioemotional selectivity approach, Thuyasithu


Ajustment, Well-being And Help-seeking Among Australian FIFO Mining Employees, Philippa Vojnovic, Grant P. Michelson, Denise A. Jackson, and Susanne T. Bahn


Work Allocation In Australian Courts: Court Staff And The Judiciary, Anne M. Wallace, Kathy Mack, and Sharyn Roach Anleu


Constructing corporate capability in changing contexts: The innovation journey of strategic management development at BankWest, Moira Watson


Tweet this, not that: A comparison between brand promotions in microblogging environments using celebrity and company-generated tweets, Natalie T. Wood and J N. Burkhalter


Recent Developments In The Phenomenon Of Agreement, And The Practical Effect Of These On The Scope Of Estoppel-Based Relief In Australia, Kenneth E. Yin


Interest rate risk of Australian REITs: A panel analysis, Jaime L. Yong and Abhay Singh