
Submissions from 2002

Flexible Rules and Actions for Delivery of Online Courseware Learning Materials, Justin Brown

A Case for Games in Software Engineering, Craig William Caulfield and Stanislaw Maj


An XML, DTD for Subject Related Resources, Robert Chandler and Karen Anderson


A Model Architecture to Combat Security Issues in Mobile Commerce, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and Rajagopal Gururajan


Mobile Commerce: A Model to Address New Financial Transaction Security Concerns, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and Rajagopal Gururajan

RISS-ECU InNovative Technologies for University Teaching, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and Rajagopal Gururajan

A Mediated Data Model for Heterogeneous Data Integration, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and Suvimol Mukviboonchai


The Mediated Integration Arcitecture for heterogeneous Data Integration, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and Suvimol Mukviboonchai

An Investigation into the Community Information Database System in the Northeast of Thailand: Community Empowerment through Community Learning Centres, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree and C Wongchachom


Teachers, teams and technology: Investigating a team approach for supporting teachers' uptake of ICT, Barnard D. Clarkson


Out in the wide world with a new 'piece of paper': a survey of graduates of Edith Cowan University's Batchelor of Science (Library Technology), Judith Clayden


Voting in the New Millenium: eVoting Holds the Promise to Expand Citizen Choice, Vincent Cordonnier and Anthony Craig Watson

Dynamic Landscape Generation using Page Management, Maurice Danaher

An approach to real-time plant generation, Maurice Danaher and Warren Creemers

Object Segmentation Using Colour for Security Applications on Mobile Devices, Maurice Danaher and Lesley Hopkins

Creating a University Website with VRML, Maurice Danaher and Choon-Sig Lee

Mobile home security with GPRS [conference contribution], Maurice Danaher and D Nguyen

From Sword to Software: The Evolution of Weapons of Conflict, John Davey


Dominating the attacker: Use of intelligence and counterintelligence in cyberwarfare, John Davey and Helen Armstrong


Cutting Hacking: Breaking from Tradition, Rick Duley and Stanislaw P. Maj


Influence of Groundwater Depth on the Seasonal Sources of Water Accessed by Banksia Tree Species on a Shallow, Sandy Coastal Aquifer, Raymond Froend, Sandra Zencich, Jeffrey Turner, and Vit Gailitis


Avifauna of Mount Tomah botanic gardens and Upper Stockyard Gully in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, G. R. Fulton


Pneumaticity of the dorsal foramen and dorsal sulcus of the sternum in Austalasian Passeriformes, Graham Russell Fulton and W E Boles

A Neural System for MCDF Operations: Design and Testing, Wanwu Guo and Anthony Watson


A Neural System Design for CDF Operations, Wanwu Guo and Anthony Craig Watson


Modification of Conjugate Directional Filtering: from CDF to MCDF, Wanwu Guo and Anthony Craig Watson


Improving the Effectiveness of Deceptive Honeynets Through an Empirical Learning Approach, Nirbhay Gupta

Using Finite State Automata for Sequence Mining, Philip Hingston


Evolving Crushers, Philip Hingston, Luigi Barone, and Ronald While

A Dynamic Communication Algorithm for Digital Halftoning, Philip Hingston and Lyndon While

Designing Crushers with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Philip Hingston, Ronald While, and Luigi Barone


Located Toxicology: The Need for Alternative Methodologies to Address Toxicological Significance, Pierre Horwitz and Pam Nichols


Challenges in Undergraduate Computer Security Education, Christopher Hu


Concepts in information warfare, W Hutchinson


From Information Security to Information Warfare: A paradigm shift, William Hutchinson

Network Theory - The Demise of Systems Thinking?, William Hutchinson

The User Abuse of Logic in Contemporary Western Perception Management, William Hutchinson


Aggression on the networks: An Australian viewpoint, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren

Australian Hackers: An Ethical Perspective, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren

Information Superiority and the Role of an Organisation's Network, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren

Security Risk Analysis in E-Commerce, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren


Will new laws be effective in reducing web sponsorship of terrorist groups, William Hutchinson and Matthew Warren


Truth, lies, reality and deception: An issue for e-commerce, W Hutchinson and M Warren

Modelling E-business Security Requirements: Developer and Client Expectations, Michael Johnstone, Donald Mcdermid, and John Venable


Shared Use of Diagrams in requirements Elicitation; roles, expectations and behaviours, Michael Johnstone, Donald Mcdermid, and John Venable


Use of the d15N signatures of different functional forms of macroalgae and filter-feeders to reveal temporal and spatial patterns in sewage distribution, Mahvesh Khan, Paul Lavery, and A J Smit

Creating Opportunities from Challenges in On-line Introductory Biology, Annette Koenders


Myofibrillar Protein Composition of Muscle Fibres from Regenerating and Pristine Claws of the freshwater Crayfish, Cherax Destructor, Annette Koenders, Lisa Cutler, Jan West, M Klemm, and Donald Mykles


The Effects of Moult-induced atrophy on Claw Muscle of the Yabby, Cherax Destructor, Annette Koenders, Tina Lamey, and Jan West


Ubiquitin and actin expression in claw muscles of land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, and american lobster, Homarus americanus: Differential expression of ubiquitin in two slow muscle fiber types during molt-induced atrophy, Annette Koenders, Xiaoli Yu, Ernest S. Change, and Donald L. Mykles

Decomposition of Logic Networks Based on Partition Products, Wojciech Kuczborski

FPGA Implementation of Complex Boolean Functions, Wojciech Kuczborski

Highly Deployable Wireless Networks, Wojciech Kuczborski

The Application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Engineering Education, Wojciech Kuczborski

Invasion of Indigenous Vegetation in South-West by Leptospemum Laevigatum (Myrtaceae), Anya Lam and Eddie Van Etten


A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Epiphytic Macroagal Assemlages of the Seagrasses Amphibolis and Posidonia Coriacea, Paul Lavery and Mathew Vanderklift

Performing Firearm Identification Ballistic Database Operation Based on an Intranet, Dongguang Li and Bin Jiao


A Global Optimisation Technique for Optical Thin Film Design, Dongguang Li and Anthony Craig Watson


Cleavage Luminescence from Silicon, Dongguang Li and Anthony Craig Watson


Optical Thin Film Optimization Design Using Genetic Algorithms, Dongguang Li and Anthony Craig Watson

B-Nodes: A bridge between the business model, information model and infrastructure model, Stanislaw Maj and Gurpreet Kohli

Modeling Global IT Structures Using B-Nodes, Stanislaw Maj and Gurpreet Kohli

So What's in a Use Case?, Donald Mcdermid

Using Strategic Choice to Make IS Decisions Quickly, Donald Mcdermid

A Framework on Evaluating and Managing the Benefits of IT, Donald Mcdermid, Chien Lin, and Graham Pervan


Diets and predictions of feeding rate of house mice and Lakeland Downs short-tailed mice inhabiting an arid-zone island in Western Australia, D Moro and S D Bradshaw

Comparison of Baits and Bait Stations for the Selective Control of Wild House Mice on Thevenard Island, Western Australia, Dorian Moro


An analysis of public key cryptosystems, Yousef Mubarak Bani Hammad


Myofibrillar protein isoform expression is correlated with synaptic efficacy in slow fibres of the claw and leg opener muscles of crayfish and lobster, Donald L. Mykles, Scott Medler, Annette Koenders, and Robin Cooper

The Use of Local Systemic Action (LSA) to Develop Conceptual Models and to Solve Problem of Space Science and Technology Management in Indonesia, Sudibyo Sastrohardjono and William Hutchinson


Measurement and observations inside a PC, Geoffrey I. Swan, David Veal, and S Paul Maj


An Examination of Non-Business Usage of the World Wide Web in Two Western Australian Organisations, Craig Valli

The Misuse of the Internet at Work, Craig Valli

The New Homeland Defense, Craig Valli

The Proxy Bakers Dirty Dozen - An Analysis of Abusive Users of a WWW Cache, Craig Valli


With Speed the Hacker Cometh, Craig Valli


If You go Down the Internet Today - Deceptive Honeypots, Craig Valli and Suen Yek


Patterns in fish assemblages 25 years after major seagrass loss, M A. Vanderklift and C A. Jacoby


Cyberspace ethics and information warfare, Matthew Warren and William Hutchinson


Application of Modified Conjugate Directional Filtering in Image Processing, Anthony Craig Watson and Wanwu Guo

Swarming in Information Warfare, Leigh Watson


Wireless Insecurity - Current Issues with Securing Wlan's Utilising 802.11b Technology, Susan Gail Webb


A Rich Storehouse for the Relief of Man's Estate: Education for Knowledge Management, Victoria Wilson, Philip Hingston, and Mark Brogan


Firewall or Folly - An Initial Investigation into the Effectiveness of Personal Firewalls in Securing Personal Computers from Attack, Jeshua Yee

Correlation Studies of Seismic Noise at AIGO, Chunnong Zhao, David Coward, David G Blair, R Burston, A Serle, Vincent Cusack, and S Scott


An Image Database for Firearms Identification Based on Images of Cartridge Case and Projectile, Chunnong Zhao, Dongguang Li, and Anthony Craig Watson


A Web-Based Image Database and its Image Processing, Chunnong Zhao, Dongguang Li, and Anthony Craig Watson


Digital Holography and its Application to Firearm Identification Recording, Chunnong Zhao, Dongguang Li, and Anthony Craig Watson


Image Pre-Processing for a Firearm Identification System, Chunnong Zhao, Dongguang Li, and Anthony Craig Watson

Submissions from 2001

Security of telemedical systems for the royal flying doctor service, Colin Armstrong and Helen Armstrong


The virtual campus. a teaching mechanism for security units via the web, Colin Armstrong and Helen Armstrong


Reaching for the stars. A practical case study in securing computer facilities, Helen Armstrong


Benchmarks - are they really useful?, A Boyanich and S P. Maj


Determination of additives in food by capillary electrophoresis, Mary Boyce


Spatial variation of the d13 C signature of Ruppia megacarpa (Mason) in coastal lagoons of south-western Australia and its implication for isotopic studies, Mary C. Boyce, Paul Lavery, Pamela Weatherill, and Pierre Horwitz


A bounded or unbounded universe?: knowledge management in postgraduate LIS Education, Mark Brogan, Philip Hingston, and Victoria Wilson

A case for system dynamics, Craig William Caulfield and Stanislaw Maj


A case for systems thinking and system dynamics, Craig William Caulfield and Stanislaw P. Maj


Web based image database system for ballistic firearm identification, T C. Chase and D G. Li

An intelligent hotel reservation system, Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree