Submissions from 2024
Preparing the future public health workforce: Fostering global citizenship through the Relational Employability Framework - Insights from two case studies, Elizabeth Cook, Sally-Anne Doherty, and Ruth M. Wallace
Sex differences in quantitative ultrasonographic measurements of the rectus femoris in children, Carlos Cruz-Montecinos, Matheus D. Pinto, and Ronei S. Pinto
Study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster (nested) randomized controlled trial of antenatal colostrum expression (ACE) instruction in first-time mothers: The ACE study, Cassandra Cuffe, Roslyn Giglia, Matthew N. Cooper, Julie Hill, Desiree Silva, Anita M. Moorhead, Valerie Verhasselt, Joshua R. Lewis, Deborah Ireson, Jill R. Demirci, Talea Cotte, Kathryn Webb, Frances Patey, and Therese A. O’Sullivan
Intraindividual discordance between remnant cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol associated with incident stroke: Results from 2 national cohorts, Cancan Cui, Pingan Li, Yitian Qi, Jiayin Song, Tianjiao Han, Xinyun Shang, Lois Balmer, Chen Sheng, Yining Zha, Zhonghang Xu, Xu Wang, and Zhiyuan Wu
Childhood exposure to interparental physical violence and adult cardiovascular disease, Cancan Cui, Lin Liu, Haibin Li, Yitian Qi, Jiayin Song, Ning Han, Zhijia Wang, Xinyun Shang, Chen Sheng, Lois Balmer, and Zhiyuan Wu
Joint association of TyG index and high sensitivity C-reactive protein with cardiovascular disease: A national cohort study, Cancan Cui, Lin Liu, Yitian Qi, Ning Han, Haikun Xu, Zhijia Wang, Xinyun Shang, Tianjiao Han, Yining Zha, Xin Wei, and Zhiyuan Wu
Arterial stiffness and obesity as predictors of diabetes: Longitudinal cohort study, Cancan Cui, Zhiyuan Wu, Jia Zheng, Jiaqi Chu, Jiajing Zhu, Yitian Qi, Zhenming Zhang, Zhijia Wang, Mengchao Zhang, Zhanhao Mo, Liangkai Cheng, Lei Ding, Xiaoping Kang, Lin Liu, and Te Zhang
Microdosing: A conceptual framework for use as programming strategy for resistance training in team sports, Matthew Cuthbert, G. Gregory Haff, John J. McMahon, Martin Evans, and Paul Comfort
Exercise and diet support in breast and prostate cancer survivors: Findings from focus groups, Jack Dalla Via, Christopher R. Andrew, Brenton J. Baguley, Nina Stewart, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Joshua R. Lewis, Mandy Stanley, and Mary A. Kennedy
Muscle gearing during eccentric contractions in vivo, Matheus Daros Pinto
In vivo human medial gastrocnemius fascicle behaviour and belly gear during submaximal eccentric contractions are not affected by concentric fatiguing exercise, Matheus Daros Pinto, Kazunori Nosaka, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Cohort profile: The ORIGINS pregnancy and birth cohort, Jacqueline Davis, Zenobia Talati, Sarah Whalan, Wesley Billingham, Nina D'Vaz, Lisa Gibson, Susan L. Prescott, and Desiree T. Silva
The crosstalk between amyloid-β, retina, and sleep for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: A narrative review, Isaiah Lorenzo De Guia, Shaun Eslick, Sharon L. Naismith, Swathi Kanduri, Tejal M. Shah, and Ralph N. Martins
Seven-day dietary nitrate supplementation clinically significantly improves basal macrovascular function in postmenopausal women: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover clinical trial, Jocelyn M. Delgado Spicuzza, Jigar Gosalia, Liezhou Zhong, Catherine Bondonno, Kristina S. Petersen, Mary Jane De Souza, Elmira Alipour, Daniel B. Kim-Shapiro, Yasina B. Somani, and David N. Proctor
Frailty increases the long-term risk for fall and fracture-related hospitalizations and all-cause mortality in community-dwelling older women, Elsa Dent, Jack Dalla Via, Trent Bozanich, Emiel O. Hoogendijk, Abadi K. Gebre, Cassandra Smith, Kun Zhu, Richard L. Prince, Joshua R. Lewis, and Marc Sim
Barriers to exercise in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: A patient survey, Kedar Deshpande, John Olynyk, Oyekoya Ayonrinde, and Kazunori Nosaka
ICON 2023: International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus - The core outcome set for Achilles tendinopathy (COS-AT) using a systematic review and a Delphi study of professional participants and patients, Robert Jan De Vos, Karin Gravare Silbernagel, Peter Malliaras, Tjerk Sleeswijk Visser, Hakan Alfredson, Inge Van Den Akker-Scheek, Mathijs Van Ark, Annelie Brorsson, Ruth Chimenti, Sean Docking, Pernilla Eliasson, Kenneth Farnqvist, Zubair Haleem, Shawn L. Hanlon, Jean Francois Kaux, Rebecca Samantha Kearney, Paul D. Kirwan, Kornelia Kulig, Bhavesh Kumar, Trevor Lewis, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Tun Hing Lui, Nicola Maffulli, Adrian James Mallows, Lorenzo Masci, and Myles Calder Murphy
Workplace hazards impacting the environmental health workforce: A study among practitioners in the United States, Garry Dine, David T. Dyjack, Sue Reed, and Jacques Oosthuizen
The role of diet and gut microbiota in Alzheimer’s disease, D. M.Sithara Dissanayaka, Vijay Jayasena, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Ralph N. Martins, and W. M.A.D.Binosha Fernando
Effect of maternal prebiotic supplementation on human milk immunological composition: Insights from the SYMBA study, Nivedithaa Divakara, Zac Dempsey, Chitra Saraswati, Johan Garssen, Desiree Silva, Jeffrey A. Keelan, Claus T. Christophersen, Matthew N. Cooper, Susan L. Prescott, Debra J. Palmer, Valerie Verhasselt, and Patricia Macchiaverni
Blood, sweat, and tears: Implications for hydration testing in combat sports—Investigating body mass loss and biomarker changes, Colin S. Doherty, Lauren V. Fortington, and Oliver R. Barley
Prevalence of disordered eating and its relationship with rapid weight loss amongst male and female combat sport competitors: A prospective study, Colin S. Doherty, Lauren V. Fortington, and Oliver R. Barley
Rapid weight changes and competitive outcomes in Muay Thai and mixed martial arts: A 14-month study of 24 combat sports events, Colin S. Doherty, Lauren V. Fortington, and Oliver R. Barley
Sex differences in hydration biomarkers and test-retest reliability following passive dehydration, Colin S. Doherty, Lauren V. Fortington, and Oliver R. Barley
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses' and junior doctors' workloads, Gemma Doleman, Annemarie De Leo, and Dianne Bloxsome
Cognitive biases involving readiness to categorise food in terms of calorie content in anorexia nervosa, Laura Dondzilo, Andrea Phillipou, Stephanie Miles, Nienke Jonker, Emily Jeffery, and Colin MacLeod
Impact on help-seeking behaviours of a campaign perceived to decrease stigma and increase openness around mental health, Robert J. Donovan, Catherine F. Drane, Ziggi I. Santini, and Geoffrey Jalleh
Impact of source credibility on behavioural responses to a mental health promotion social marketing campaign, Robert J. Donovan, Geoffrey Jalleh, and Catherine Drane
Outdoor adventure education for adolescent social and emotional wellbeing: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Michael J.A. Down, D. Picknoll, T. Edwards, F. Farringdon, G. Hoyne, B. Piggott, and M. C. Murphy
Healing right way randomised control trial enhancing rehabilitation services for Aboriginal people with brain injury in Western Australia: Translation principles and activities, Neil Drew, Meaghan McAllister, Juli Coffin, Melanie Robinson, Judith Katzenellenbogen, and Elizabeth Armstrong
Managing travel and jetlag in athletes, Ian C. Dunican and John A. Caldwell
Sleep behaviors and nutritional knowledge in amateur and professional combat sport athletes, Ian C. Dunican, Andrew Galpin, Mitchell Turner, and Reid Reale
Vitamin K1 intake is associated with lower risk for all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in community-dwelling older Australian women, Montana Dupuy, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Liezhou Zhong, Jack Dalla Via, Kun Zhu, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Nicola P. Bondonno, Allan Linneberg, Jaime W. Bellinge, Carl Schultz, William Courtney, Richard L. Prince, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Joshua R. Lewis, and Marc Sim
Quantitative comparison of presenilin protein expression reveals greater activity of PS2-γ-secretase, Melissa K. Eccles, Nathan Main, Rodrigo Carlessi, Ayeisha M. Armstrong, Miheer Sabale, Brigid Roberts-Mok, Janina E. E. Tirnitz-Parker, Mark Agostino, David Groth, Paul E. Fraser, and Giuseppe Verdile
Global management of serious bacterial infections in young infants aged 0 to 59 Days: An overview of systematic reviews, Karen M. Edmond, Georgia R. Whisson, Derek C. Swe, and Natalie A. Strobel
Response: Use of the WISCI-II score in assessing outcome of intensive robot-assisted gait training in spinal cord injury, Dylan J. Edwards and A. Jayaraman
Seven-year analysis of adjuvant pembrolizumab versus placebo in stage III melanoma in the EORTC1325 / KEYNOTE-054 trial, Alexander Eggermont, Michal Kicinski, Christian U. Blank, Mario Mandala, Georgina V. Long, Victoria Atkinson, Stéphane Dalle, Andrew Haydon, Andrey Meshcheryakov, Adnan Khattak, Matteo S. Carlino, Shahneen Sandhu, James Larkin, Susana Puig, Paolo A. Ascierto, Piotr Rutkowski, Dirk Schadendorf, Marye Boers-Sonderen, Anna Maria Di Giacomo, Alfonsus JM van den Eertwegh, Jean Jacques Grob, Ralf Gutzmer, Rahima Jamal, Alexander C.J. van Akkooi, Paul Lorigan, and Dmitri Grebennik
The effects of short-term, progressive exercise training on disease activity in smouldering multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: A single-arm pilot study, A. Emery, S. Moore, J. Crowe, J. Murray, O. Peacock, D. Thompson, F. Betts, S. Rapps, L. Ross, D. Rothschild-Rodriguez, A. A. Echarri, R. Davies, R. Lewis, D. X. Augustine, A. Whiteway, Z. Afzal, J. L. J. Heaney, M. T. Drayson, J. E. Turner, and John P. Campbell
Psychedelic trip sitting, dosages and intensities: Supplementing clinical studies with anecdotal reports, Liam B. Engel, Sascha Thal, Stephen J. Bright, and Mitchell Low
Source-specific nitrate and nitrite intakes and associations with sociodemographic factors in the Danish diet cancer and health cohort, Dorit W. Erichsen, Pratik Pokharel, Cecilie Kyrø, Jörg Schullehner, Liezhou Zhong, Catherine P. Bondonno, Frederik Dalgaard, Peter Hendriksen, Torben Sigsgaard, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Anja Olsen, Anne Tjønneland, and Nicola P. Bondonno
Exploring drivers of women’s well-being in hospitals: Mapping the landscape, Mitra Faghihi, Aliasghar Farshad, Nasim Salehi, Dean Whitehead, Masoud Motalebi Ghayen, Bahar Izadi, and Morteza Mansourian
Planning and evaluating an integrated clinical exercise oncology service: An exploratory mixed-methods study, Ciaran M. Fairman, Shana E. Harrington, Alec R. Schumpp, Alex M. Brooks, Morgan J. Jones, Julian Kim, and Mary A. Kennedy
Completion of pembrolizumab in advanced non-small cell lung cancer—Real world outcomes after two years of therapy (COPILOT), Andrew Fantoni, Lydia Warburton, Benjamin Solomon, Marliese Alexander, Meghana Maddula, Lauren Julia Brown, Ines Pires da Silva, Adnan Nagrial, Farah Abu Al-Hial, Malinda Itchins, Nick Pavlakis, and Samantha Bowyer
Effect of high-pressure processing on the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of honey, Ayesha Faraz, Mark Williams, WMAD Binosha Fernando, and Vijay Jayasena
Interleukin-15 and high-intensity exercise: Relationship with inflammation, body composition and fitness in cancer survivors, Morgan J. Farley, Alexander N. Boytar, Kirsten N. Adlard, Chloe E. Salisbury, Nicolas H. Hart, Mia A. Schaumberg, David G. Jenkins, and Tina L. Skinner
Exploring the health benefits of raw white garlic consumption in humans: A mini review, Rebeka Fejes, Catherine P. Bondonno, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Tilman Kühn, and Karl Heinz Wagner
Increased nitrate intake from beetroot juice over 4 weeks affects nitrate metabolism, but not vascular function or blood pressure in older adults with hypertension, Rebeka Fejes, Martin Lutnik, Stefan Weisshaar, Nina Pilat, Karl-Heinz Wagner, Hans-Peter Stüger, Jonathan M. Peake, Richard J. Woodman, Kevin D. Croft, Catherine P. Bondonno, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Michael Wolzt, and Oliver Neubauer
Effects of increased nitrate intake from beetroot juice on blood markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in older adults with hypertension, Rebeka Fejes, Nina Pilat, Martin Lutnik, Stefan Weisshaar, Anna M. Weijler, Karsten Krüger, Agnes Draxler, Laura Bragagna, Jonathan M. Peake, Richard J. Woodman, Kevin D. Croft, Catherine P. Bondonno, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Karl Heinz Wagner, Michael Wolzt, and Oliver Neubauer
Exercise medicine in supportive care of pregnancy associated breast cancer: Feasibility and patient preferences, Brianna Fleay
What impact have the IOC medical consensus statements made on athlete health? a survey of medical commissions from national olympic/ paralympic committees and international sports federations, Lauren V. Fortington, Marelise Badenhorst, Wayne Derman, Carolyn Emery, Kati Pasanen, Martin Schwellnus, Evert Verhagen, and Caroline F. Finch
Epidemiological principles in claims of causality: An enquiry into repetitive head impacts (RHI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Lauren V. Fortington, J. David Cassidy, Rudolph J. Castellani, Andrew J. Gardner, Andrew S. McIntosh, Michael Austen, Zachary Yukio Kerr, and Kenneth L. Quarrie
Maternal health considerations: Highlighting and advancing opportunities for improved maternal health, Caitlin Fox-Harding
A taste of research: Preliminary insights from an undergraduate research training cadetship project in a Western Australian university offering experiences outside the classroom, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Kristina Kendall, Tenielle Porter, Brianna Fleay, Shelley Beatty, and Ruth Wallace
The caregiving role influences suboptimal health status and psychological symptoms in unpaid carers, Monique Garcia, Zheng Guo, Yulu Zheng, Zhiyuan Wu, Ethan Visser, Lois Balmer, and Wei Wang
The dynamic strength index is a reliable and feasible tool to assess neuromuscular performance in male and female handball players, Carlos García-Sánchez, Jose María Lominchar-Ramos, Ester Jiménez-Ormeño, Paul Comfort, Diego A. Alonso-Aubín, and Marcos A. Soriano
The Australian multidomain approach to reduce dementia risk by protecting brain health with lifestyle intervention study (AU-ARROW): A study protocol for a single-blind, multi-site, randomized controlled trial, Samantha L. Gardener, Stephanie J. Fuller, Sharon L. Naismith, Laura Baker, Miia Kivipelto, Victor L. Villemagne, Stuart M. Grieve, Paul Yates, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Juliana Chen, Belinda Thompson, Nicola J. Armstrong, Malika G. Fernando, Carolina B. Castro, Silochna Meghwar, Rema Raman, Andrew Gleason, Catriona Ireland, Roger Clarnette, Kaarin J. Anstey, Kevin Taddei, Manohar Garg, Hamid R. Sohrabi, and Ralph N. Martins
Studying contact replays: Investigating mechanisms, management and game exposures (SCRIMMAGE) for brain health in the Australasian National Rugby League: A protocol for a database design, Andrew J. Gardner, Grant L. Iverson, Paul Bloomfield, Sharron Flahive, James Brown, Suzi Edwards, Gordon W. Fuller, Mazdak Ghajari, Prashant Jhala, Ben Jones, Christopher R. Levi, Warren McDonald, Shreya McLeod, Cameron Owen, Georgia Page, Kenneth L. Quarrie, Oliver Smith, Peter Stanwell, Daniel Tadmor, Timana Tahu, Douglas P. Terry, Campbell Thomson, Ross Tucker, and Lauren V. Fortington
The influence of time-restricted eating/feeding on Alzheimer’s biomarkers and gut microbiota, Maha Gasmi, Novi Silvia Hardiany, Marie van der Merwe, Ian J. Martins, Aastha Sharma, and Ruth Williams-Hooker
Access to waitlisting and posttransplant outcomes in patients with failed kidney allografts secondary to recurrent glomerulonephritis, Ryan Gately, Germaine Wong, Armando Teixeira-Pinto, Helen Pilmore, Carmel Hawley, Scott Campbell, William Mulley, and Wai H. Lim
Specific vegetable types are associated with lower long-term risk for late-life dementia: The Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women, Negar Ghasemifard, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Simon M. Laws, Helen Macpherson, Emma Stevenson, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Richard L. Prince, Joshua R. Lewis, and Marc Sim
A scoping review of the impact of Food Policy Groups on local food systems in high-income countries, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Jess Doe, Sarah Goodwin, Laura Alston, and Katherine Kent
The paradigm change from reactive medical services to 3PM in ischemic stroke: A holistic approach utilising tear fluid multi-omics, mitochondria as a vital biosensor and AI-based multi-professional data interpretation, Olga Golubnitschaja, Jiri Polivka Jr, Pavel Potuznik, Martin Pesta, Ivana Stetkarova, Alena Mazurakova, Lenka Lackova, Peter Kubatka, Martina Kropp, Gabriele Thumann, Carl Erb, Holger Fröhlich, Wei Wang, Babak Baban, Marko Kapalla, Niva Shapira, Kneginja Richter, Alexander Karabatsiakis, Ivica Smokovski, Leonard C. Schmeel, Eleni Gkika, Friedemann Paul, Paolo Parini, and Jiri Polivka
Error in jump height estimation using the flight time method: Simulation of the effect of ankle position between takeoff and landing, Carlos Gonçalves, Roberto Baptista, James Tufano, Anthony J. Blazevich, and Amilton Vieira
The combined role of sexual selection and socioeconomic environment in explaining everyday risk-taking behavior in human males, Hannah Goodman, Cyril C. Grueter, and David A. Coall
Electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds as a platform to reduce melanoma tumour growth, recurrence, and promote post-resection wound repair, Nowsheen Goonoo, Fanny Gimié, Imade Ait-Arsa, Melanie Ziman, Samson A. Adeyemi, Philemon Ubanako, Lindokuhle M. Ngema, Yahya E. Choonara, and Archana Bhaw-Luximon
Effect of fitness level on time course of recovery after acute strength and high-intensity interval training, Maria Grammenou, Kristina L. Kendall, Cody J. Wilson, Tenielle Porter, Simon M. Laws, and G. Gregory Haff
Incident response drills on cyber ranges: Enhancing cyber-defence education, Alexander E. Grojek, Leslie F. Sikos, David J. Holmes, and Oliver Guidetti
Exploring the association between sarcopenic obesity and cardiovascular risk: A summary of findings from longitudinal studies and potential mechanisms, Zhongyang Guan, Blossom C.M. Stephan, Lorenzo Maria Donini, Carla M. Prado, Marc Sim, and Maria Siervo
Exploring the association between sarcopenic obesity and cardiovascular risk: A summary of findings from longitudinal studies and potential mechanisms, Zhongyang Guan, Blossom C.M. Stephan, Lorenzo Maria Donini, Carla M. Prado, Marc Sim, and Mario Siervo
Psybersecurity: Human factors of cyber defence, Oliver Guidetti, Mohiuddin Ahmed, and Craig Speelman
Malicious minds: Psychological profiling of ransomware attackers and policing challenges, Oliver Guidetti and Scott Mather
Dose-response effects of exercise on mental health in community-dwelling older adults: Exploration of genetic moderators, Swathi Gujral, Marcia Burns, Kirk I. Erickson, Dana Rofey, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Simon M. Laws, and Belinda Brown
A comparison of manual and automatic force-onset identification methodologies and their effect on force-time characteristics in the isometric midthigh pull, Stuart N. Guppy, Claire J. Brady, Yosuke Kotani, Shannon Connolly, Paul Comfort, Jason P. Lake, and G. Gregory Haff
Changes in deadlift six repetition maximum, countermovement jump performance, barbell velocity, and perceived exertion over the duration of a microcycle, Stuart N. Guppy, Tsuyoshi Nagatani, Wayne C. K. Poon, Kristina L. Kendall, Jason P. Lake, and G. Gregory Haff
The stability of the deadlift three repetition maximum, Stuart N. Guppy, Tsuyoshi Nagatani, Wayne C. K. Poon, Kristina L. Kendall, Jason P. Lake, and G. Gregory Haff
The improvement in exercise performance during reduced muscle mass exercise is associated with an increase in femoral blood flow in older and younger endurance-trained athletes, Toni Haddad, Angela L. Spence, Jeremiah Peiffer, Gregory M. Blain, Jeanick Brisswalter, and Chris R. Abbiss
Single- versus double-leg cycling: Small muscle mass exercise improves exercise capacity to a greater extent in older compared with younger population, Toni Haddad, Angela L. Spence, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Gregory M. Blain, Jeanick Brisswalter, and Chris R. Abbiss
Complete genome sequences of toxigenic Clostridioides difficile isolated from Australian feral horses, Natasza Hain-Saunders, Daniel R. Knight, Mieghan Bruce, and Thomas V. Riley
A conceptual framework of different eccentric training methods, Matthew J. Handford, Thomas E. Bright, Peter Mundy, Jason Lake, Nicola Theis, and Jonathan D. Hughes
Non-invasive brain stimulation as treatment for motor impairment in people with Parkinson's disease: Protocol for an umbrella review, Dale M. Harris, Steven J. O'Bryan, and Christopher Latella
Neuromuscular adaptations to different set configurations during a periodized power training block in elite junior Judokas, Dale M. Harris, Dustin J. Oranchuk, and Christopher Latella
Relationships among countermovement vertical jump performance metrics, strategy variables, and inter-limb asymmetry in females, John R. Harry, Leland A. Barker, Grant M. Tinsley, John Krzyszkowski, Luke D. Chowning, John J. McMahon, and Jason Lake
Survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer: MASCC-ASCO standards and practice recommendations, Nicolas H. Hart, Larissa Nekhlyudov, Thomas J. Smith, Jasmine Yee, Margaret I. Fitch, Gregory B. Crawford, Bogda Koczwara, Fredrick D. Ashbury, Maryam B. Lustberg, Michelle Mollica, Andrea L. Smith, Michael Jefford, Fumiko Chino, Robin Zon, Meera R. Agar, and Raymond J. Chan
World Health Organization package of interventions for rehabilitation for cancer: a MASCC-endorsed resource for global action to address unmet rehabilitation needs of people affected by cancer, Nicolas Hart, Nicole L. Stout, Darren Haywood, Fredrick D. Ashbury, Raymond J. Chan, Margaret I. Fitch, Michael Jefford, Maryam B. Lustberg, Yasaman Etemadi, and Alexandra Rauch
Comprehensive quality assessment for aphasia rehabilitation after stroke: Protocol for a multicentre, mixed-methods study, Sam Harvey, Marissa Stone, Sally Zingelman, David A. Copland, Monique F. Kilkenny, Erin Godecke, Dominique A. Cadilhac, Joosup Kim, Muideen T. Olaiya, Miranda L. Rose, Caterina Breitenstein, Kirstine Shrubsole, Robyn O'Halloran, Annie J. Hill, Deborah Hersh, Kathryn Mainstone, Penelope Mainstone, Carolyn A. Unsworth, Emily Brogan, Kylie J. Short, Clare L. Burns, Caroline Baker, and Sarah J. Wallace
Higher plant-derived nitrate intake is associated with lower odds of frailty in a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling older women, Eleanor Hayes, Elsa Dent, Oliver M. Shannon, Lie Zhou Zhong, Trent Bozanich, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Kun Zhu, Catherine P. Bondonno, Mario Siervo, Emiel O. Hoogendijk, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Richard L. Prince, Joshua R. Lewis, and Marc Sim
It’s about time: Mitigating cancer-related cognitive impairments through findings from computational models of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, Darren Haywood, Frank D. Baughman, Evan Dauer, Jennifer Haywood, Susan Rossell, and Nicolas H. Hart
Avoiding the pitfalls of the DSM-5: A primer for health professionals, Darren Haywood, David J. Castle, and Nicolas H. Hart
Cancer-related cognitive impairment as a key contributor to psychopathology in cancer survivors: Implications for prevention, treatment and supportive care, Darren Haywood, Melissa Henry, Evan Dauer, Oscar Lederman, Morgan Farley, Ashley M. Henneghan, Moira O’Connor, Michael Jefford, Susan L. Rossell, and Nicolas H. Hart
Is it time to discard the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM) in psycho-oncology?, Darren Haywood, Roman Kotov, Robert F. Krueger, Aidan G. C. Wright, Miriam K. Forbes, Evan Dauer, Frank D. Baughman, Susan L. Rossell, and Nicolas H. Hart
Reconceptualizing mental health in cancer survivorship, Darren Haywood, Roman Kotov, Robert F. Krueger, Aidan G.C. Wright, Miriam K. Forbes, Evan Dauer, Frank D. Baughman, Susan L. Rossell, and Nicolas H. Hart
Protocol for the development and initial validation of the COG-IMPACT tool: A purpose-built unmet needs assessment for cancer-related cognitive impairment, Darren Haywood, Moira O’Connor, Frank D. Baughman, Alexandre Chan, Raymond J. Chan, Evan Dauer, Haryana M. Dhillon, Ashley M. Henneghan, Blake J. Lawrence, Maryam Lustberg, Janette L. Vardy, Susan L. Rossell, and Nicolas H. Hart
Investment by maternal grandmother buffers children against the impacts of adverse early life experiences, Samuli Helle, Antti O. Tanskanen, David A. Coall, Gretchen Perry, Martin Daly, and Mirkka Danielsbacka
Excitatory drive to spinal motoneurones is necessary for serotonin to modulate motoneurone excitability via 5-HT2 receptors in humans, Tyler T. Henderson, Janet L. Taylor, Jacob R. Thorstensen, and Justin J. Kavanagh
Characterizing cancer-related cognitive impairments and impact on quality of life in women with metastatic breast cancer, Ashley M. Henneghan, Kathleen M. Van Dyk, Darren Haywood, Mansi Patel, Oscar Y. Franco-Rocha, Soyeong Bang, Tamsin Longley, Rebecca Tasker, Tara Kaufmann, Emily W. Paolillo, Raeanne C. Moore, and Nicolas H. Hart
Editorial: Neurotoxins in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Alexandre Henriques, Philippe L. L. Poindron, Binosha Fernando, and Kevin N. Hascup
It's day to day problems: Experiences of people with aphasia who live alone, Deborah Hersh, Clare Williamson, Emily Brogan, and Mandy Stanley
Four overlooked errors in ROC analysis: How to prevent and avoid, Zhuoqiao He, Qingying Zhang, Manshu Song, Xuerui Tan, and Wei Wang