Theses from 2024
Semi-state and non-state actors, the transnational trade in cyberweapons, and the cybersecurity dilemma, Summer Natasha O'Brien
Proteomic understanding of grain germination to improve the selection of barley varieties with internationally competitive malting quality characteristics, Clare Elizabeth O'Lone
Can virtual reality scenarios induce acute anxiety within an experimental setting?, James H. O'Loughlin
A wreck of seabirds: Entrapment and isolation within the Australian coastal gothic landscape, Karleah May Olson
Representations of Afro-Taíno Puerto Rican American women’s identities and connections to place: The cultural productions of Nitty Scott 2016-2018, Frances Claire Haynes Orchard
Performing Britishness: Identity and popular music tribute shows in Perth, Western Australia, Colin Outhwaite
Workplace exposures of wildland firefighters in Western Australia - Novel insights and real-world impact, Kiam Padamsey
Technique reframed body reimagined, Susan D. Peacock
The use of simulation-based learning experiences to decrease anxiety and increase confidence and preparedness for clinical placements for speech pathology students, Teresa B. Petrich
Preparing for end of life in a new country: A grounded theory study on African migrants living in Australia, Gertrude Gondwe Phiri
Exploring the barriers and identifying strategies for express courier services in implementing crowdsourced last mile delivery: A study based on the express courier industry in Sri Lanka, Nipuni Bhagya Piyasena
The role of text type in the reading development of beginning readers with English as an additional language, Simmone P. Pogorzelski
Dietary intake of vegetables and type 2 diabetes prevention, Pratik Pokharel
Boxing performance analysis: The role of camera systems, match conditions, and automation, Wayne Poon
Comparing effects of an isocaloric low-fat vs Mediterranean diet on hepatic steatosis and cardio-vascular risk factors in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)., Catherine Properzi
Simulation of high purity oxygen separation process, Sayed Qudrat E Khuda
Exploring the effects of ethical leadership on the intention of unethical pro-organisational behaviour in the public sector context, Rahat Ul Aain
Understanding mental wellbeing of family day care educators in Australia: A mixed methods study, Theresa Rayfield
Mums without maternal support: Rethinking 'motherlessness' in mothering, Bethwyn L. Rowe
Injury surveillance in Australian professional rugby union players, Eduardo Rubio del Castillo
A tale of the well-ness monster: Examining the mental wellness needs of pre-service teachers during the assistant teacher program, Carli Sanbrook
Attitudes and perceptions towards privacy and surveillance in Australia, Aleatha J. Shanley
Utilization of mine tailings in construction of pavement, Khushi Paragbhai Sheth
An ecological and transdisciplinary ethnographic study of Indonesian TESOL returnee lecturer identity, Yuniar Dwi Ansari Siregar
Verbal and nonverbal communicative approaches used by reading teachers to foster student reading for pleasure in secondary school, Claire Patricia Smith
Western Australian home economics teachers' perceptions of the function and relevance of home economics in the 21st century: An exploratory review, Sandra Faye Smith
Transformative career theory: A grounded theory study into the long-term careers of Australian youth workers, John Sutcliffe
Validity, reliability, and sensitivity of methods for monitoring training load and training effects in elite sprinters, Matthew Thome
The role of CD147 N-glycosylation and IgG N-glycosylation in the inflammatory modulation of atherogenesis, Cuihong Tian
Teachers’ approaches to spelling instruction for years 3 to 6 in Western Australian schools, Kylie Pham Truong
The physiological and performance consequences of the Australian Special Forces selection course, Angela Uphill
Western Australian mothers' experiences of breastfeeding support in hospital after birth: A mixed methods study, Justine van der Watt
Determining factors in first-year university student uptake of English language support programs at one Australian university, Tracy Luize Geste Ware
The physiological requirements and intervention accuracy of umpiring state-level Australian rules football, Corey Wilson
Walking-with Derbarl Yerrigan/Swan River: Experimentations with methodological and pedagogical practices in early childhood education, Vanessa Wintoneak
Young Australian nightlife attendees as active bystanders to reduce unacceptable sexual behaviour: A multimodal project, Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester
Care-full climate justice organising: Movement-based participatory Action Research on Noongar Boodja, Kylie A. Wrigley
Monocytic inflammation and cardiometabolic diseases and mortality, Dan Wu
Dreams, illusions, bubbles and shadows: The temporality of objects within Buddhist perception, Xinwei Xu
Developing and applying a bioacoustic survey method for the Australian masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae novaehollandiae) in Southwestern Western Australia, Nathan Yaschenko
Acoustic source identification in noisy environments, Ruba Zaheer
In-situ leaching and recovery of copper from ores using cryogenic fracturing by liquid nitrogen, Nehila Vannessa Zapata Cordoba
Market efficiency and volatility dynamics in China's financial markets, Fan Zhang
Investigating the expression and role of circular RNAs in the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma, Chunbin Zhou
Theses from 2023
Investigating the wettability effect on gas hydrate bearing sediments, Ghazanfer R. Abbasi
It's just the way it is: Silence in ABI, Sheridan S. Adams
The influence of networks on suppliers’ sustainable innovation in public procurement: Insights from Ghana’s public works sector, Peter Adjei-Bamfo
The fragmented self the longing (novel) and intergenerational relations in a Chinese Indonesian family (exegesis), Alberta Natasia Adji
Charging strategies for commercial electrical vehicles, Bassam Y. M. Al-Hanahi
Investigating multigrade teaching (MGT) and learning practices in Maldives: Developing a framework for MGT, Aniyath Ali
Influence of organic matter on CO2 and H2 wettability of petroleum reservoirs, Mujahid Ali
Exploring the psychological and behavioural responses to cardiovascular screening interventions, Reindolf Anokye
The determinants of banking system soundness: Evidence from selected developed economies, Samuel K. Ansong
Flow characteristics of narrow vegetated open channels, Arslan Arshad
Comparative study on development of novel catalytic oxidation for removing emerging contaminants, Abdul H. Asif
Quantifying predation on sea turtle eggs and emerging hatchlings by ghost crabs and other native predators, Casper S. Avenant
Carbon geosequestration and enhanced oil recovery in geological formations: Multi-scale analysis, Auby Baban
An interpretive description study of the views and experience of obstetric fistula risk factors among women attending evangel vesico vagina fistula centre in Nigeria, Lydia Babatunde-Bulndi
Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis to characterise barley breeding lines, Mahya Bahmani
Coupled human-water interactions in formal-informal dynamics, Rakhshinda Bano
Design and development of advanced photovoltaic (PV) glass-based materials for net zero energy buildings (NZEB), Mohammad K. Basher
An investigation into theories of odd meter and their application to jazz composition and improvisation, Kristian Borring
Explaining organisational business process adoption mechanisms - A critical realist perspective on social reflexivity and process affordances, Andreas Brönnimann
Woman-centred ethics: A feminist participatory action research, Katherine A. Buchanan
Why do grandparents care?, Rebecca Bullingham
How public libraries in Western Australia support the language and literacy learning of children from birth to age three years, Jennifer Ruth Campbell-Hicks
The experiences of children with visual impairment participating in physical activities: An occupational perspective, Talitha C. Clements
Investigating the provision of clinical supervision and professional development opportunities for agency nurses within Western Australia, Andrea Connolly
Experiences of mental health nurses on the assessment and monitoring of adverse side effects of antipsychotic medication, Tracy J. Coward
Exploring a semi-immersive experiential program and the development of 21st century skills with early adolescent boys, Meaghan E. Cunnington
Effects of stretch speed, muscular contraction, and psychological state on ankle dorsiflexion maximum range of motion and stiffness, Camila de Paula de Lima
Occupational health and safety hazards affecting environmental health officers, Garry Y. B. Dine
Ecocentrism and small businesses, Gun M. Dolva
An investigation into factors affecting motivation for boys playing string instruments at the transition to secondary school, Katie M. Doyle
Self-efficacy in patients undergoing home dialysis: An integrative review, Nicola A. D'souza
Who is leading the early years? An investigation of early childhood pedagogical leadership in school settings, Amie L. Fabry
Ángel del hogar y perfecta casada / angel of the home and perfect wife: The construction of womanhood under the sección femenina during post-Spanish civil war Franco dictatorship 1939–1975, Eveanna T. Fernandez
Developing and testing a forensic framework for civilian unmanned aerial vehicles, Connor Garratty
Cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal health and falls: Exploring the nexus, Abadi Kahsu Gebre
Deconstructing motherhood and fatherhood: An exploration of same-sex parents’ experiences and construction of their parenting roles, Jenine M. Giles
Downstream air dilution and biomass pulverisation into bluff-body and swirl stabilised confined turbulent jets, Syed E. Gillani
Optimising a defence-aware threat modelling diagram incorporating a defence-in-depth approach for the internet-of-things, Menaka L. Godakanda
Experienced high performance work system in the public healthcare sector: Conceptualisation, scale validation and examination of its “dark side", Michael A. Gyensare
Getting a ‘grip’ on supervision: A mixed method study assessing the effect of a new model for clinical supervision in mental health nursing named GRiP-S, Jennifer Hamilton
Exploring mental wellness of older Indian migrants in Western Australia: A focused ethnographic study, Harpreet Harpreet Kaur
Improving the efficiency, power quality, and cost-effectiveness of solar PV systems using intelligent techniques, Aakash Hassan
Factors affecting the selection of novels for study in Western Australian secondary english classrooms: Understanding teacher choices, Anne-Maree Hays
Novel remediation technologies using macroscopic graphene-based materials for wastewater treatment, Rajan A. K. Hirani
Inclusive Communities? Collaborative communication practices between stakeholders supporting secondary students on the autism spectrum, Christina R. Holly