Theses from 2023
Occupational hearing loss in Australian mining: Prevalence, management and prevention, Adelle Liebenberg
Exploring demographic, clinical and exercise prescription moderators of resistance exercise effects on objectively measured and patient-reported outcomes in men with prostate cancer, Pedro Lopez Da Cruz
Exercise and sport medicine during chemo(radio)therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer, Hao Luo
Domain shift robustness in deep learning models, Hassan Mahmood
Performance and interpretation: Beethoven's Opus 110, Izaac J. Masters
An examination of kinanthropometric and physical injury risk factors in elite Australian football, Callum J. McCaskie
Social capital, children's sport participation and physical literacy development in rural Western Australia, Kate L. McCreery
Teleoperation enhancement for improved control of unmanned ground vehicles through video transformation and deep learning based future frame prediction, Md Moniruzzaman
Flow-state in Noongar performance, Kyle J. Morrison
The role of sleep duration and quality in vitamin D metabolism and their association with glucose homeostasis in pregnancy, Maryam Mosavat
Human identification using ear biometrics: A complete pipeline from detection to recognition, Md Mursalin
Nascent technology ventures commercialization: A framework for capability development and business model transitions, Tongai Mutongo
Perceptions of family support and youth crime prevention in a South Sudanese community in regional Australia, Henry N. C. Ndala
Sources of sexual knowledge and information and sexual attitudes of men in Kenya, Darlene Ndasi
An investigation of change in drone practices in broadacre farming environments, Hrishikesh S. Neetye
Post-stroke lateropulsion – pushing for a greater understanding of rehabilitation and recovery, Jessica Nolan
Deep learning-based seagrass detection and classification from underwater digital images, Md Kislu Noman
Plant-herbivore interactions in a changing climate and implications for seagrass resilience, Caitlyn M. O'Dea
Comparison of methods for metabolite extraction from rat polycystic kidney tissue for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, Matthew Oosthuizen
Compliance of pre-packaged food products imported from Asian countries, and sold in Western Australia, with the Australian and New Zealand food standards code, Eugene J. Paewai
Investigation and development of titanium nitride solid-state potentiometric pH sensor, Shimrith Paul Shylendra
An overview of blood-based biomarkers in AD, Steve Pedrini
An uncomfortable interface. Medicines legislation and its impact on the delivery of healthcare by registered nurses in very remote Australia: A mixed-methods study, Katie R. Pennington
Three essays on systemic risk in Asian emerging markets, Ngoc Thach Pham
Quantifying and managing the impact of electric vehicles on power distribution assets, Pravakar Pradhan
Engineered functional films for photo-electro-chemical sensing of environmental matters, Nasir Rafique
Design, development, and performance evaluation of an energy-efficient spectrally selective photovoltaic mini greenhouse, Md. Momtazur Rahman
Developing and optimizing methods for grape seed polyphenol extraction, Lahiru P. Ranepura Hewage
A study into the use of torrefied biomass in a fixed bed biomass combustor, Sajid Riaz
Assessing the return of carbon sequestration following the restoration/recovery of Amphibolis antarctica and Posidonia sinuosa seagrass in South Australia, Jack S. Robinson
Food provision in long day care requires a multilevel approach to optimise health and developmental outcomes for young children, Rosalind Sambell
Exploring the prevalence and impact of missed nursing care on nurse–patient outcomes in Western Australia: A descriptive correlational study, Afia A. Sarpong
Morning sickness and the placenta, Julie A. Sartori
A critical control approach to preventing fatalities in construction, Roberta J. Selleck
Multimodal human action recognition using deep learning, Muhammad Bilal Shaikh
From perceived affliction to realized opportunity: Evaluation and transformation of the experience of patients on haemodialysis in Pakistan, Haseeba Shouket
Thyroid hormone receptor beta is an oncogene in triple-negative subtype of breast cancer, Manjot Singh
Late capitalism and the American doctrine: Photographing American tragedy, Jenni C. Skinner
Exploring a feminist reclamation of Medea through percussion theatre, Mercedes A. Slack-Smith
Associations between sunlight exposure, skin pH and epidermal permeability in pregnancy, Rachel J. Stevens
The internet of toys: Working towards best practice in digital governance and the recognition of children’s rights in mediated contexts, Francesca A. Stocco
Multi-factor authentication in the internet of healthcare things: An adaptive approach to improve dynamic security requirements, Tance Suleski
Creativity and creative pedagogies in practice in visual arts at secondary schools: A case study of Sekondi-Takoradi in Ghana, Enock Swanzy-Impraim
Lupin: Prospective superfood or potential allergen?, Arineh Tahmasian
The wellbeing of reportable child sex offenders in Western Australia: A comparative study, Daniel Bryce Talbot
The cartographies of place: Approaches to audio-visual composition incorporating aspects of place, Wing S. Tsang
Square piano by Arnold Frederick Beck (London, 1780): Restorative conservation, what may be inferred, and a resultant teaching program, Paul L. Tunzi
The effect of performance fatigue on sprint running technique, Shayne M. Vial
Ambulance workplace stressors: The health impacts on our ambulance personnel, Lee Waller
Fagotte forgotten? the bassoon in the early symphonies of Mozart, Haydn and contemporaries in the 1760s and 1770s, Katherine J. Walpole
Investigating the efficacy of teaching practicum supervision in Bhutan, Sangay Wangchuk
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti-Cu alloys, Xin Wang
How coxsackievirus B3 infection impairing host cells by inducing aberrant autophagy, Xueqing Wang
Environmental variability generates sources of resilience in seagrasses, Chanelle L. Webster
Physiological plateaus during childbirth: A constructivist grounded theory and novel definition, Marina J. Weckend
The effect of diet on growth and reproduction of western swamp tortoises (Pseudemydura umbrina) at Perth zoo, Grace C. Wilkinson
Evaluating traditional botnet detection applied to contemporary threats from the internet of things, Ashley C. Woodiss-Field
Roles of remnant cholesterol in the risk factor, occurrence and in-hospital outcomes of stroke, Zhiyuan Wu
Biomass photocatalytic reforming for hydrogen production over nanostructured catalysts, Xinyuan Xu
The roles of modifiable risk factor and immunoglobulin G N-glycome in the risk of hearing loss, Yulu Zheng
Theses from 2022
Assessment of circulating tumour cells in lung cancer patients, Emmanuel Acheampong
Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic diseases: An evaluation and intervention, Claire E. Adams
Pore scale study on permeability stimulation and hydrogen geostorage in coal seams, Hamed Akhondzadeh
A forensic framework for detecting denial-of-service attacks in IoT networks using the MQTT protocol, Ala'a A. M. Alatram
Deep learning augmentation for medical image analysis, Fouzia Altaf
Business success in the Vietnamese logisitcs industry: The role of competencies and relationship quality among owners of small and medium enterprises, Minh Huyen Anderson
The aftermath of domestic violence: Listening to women’s voices of their experiences, Caroline Arisunta
Development and evaluation of methodologies for analysis of CTC and ctDNA in patients with ovarian carcinoma, Du-Bois Asante
Electrokinetic investigation of coal fines in fractured and porous media, Faisal Ur Rahman Awan
Experimental methods to analyse crankcase aerodynamic losses and flow fields, Thomas J. Ayres
A mixed-method study to evaluate the effectiveness of a policy-driven tool to improve the recognition of and response to clinical deterioration in acute care, Tania L. Beament
Measuring executive functions and problem solving in an engaging new way in students, Valeska Berg
End-of-life care in residential aged care: The perceptions of bereaved family members, Sushma Bhandari Kunwar
EFL undergraduate students' perspectives and experiences of the flipped classroom at a Vietnamese university, Thi Hien Bui
Regulatory capital, liquidity creation, bank characteristics and profitability: Evidence from developed and developing countries, Pakeezah Butt
Girls and secondary education opportunities in rural Tanzania: Men's influences on equity in education in the Magu district, Sylivester J. Buyobe
The assessment of movement demands and neuromuscular fatigue in female softball players, Kathryn Cardwell
Impact of macroeconomic and monetary policy uncertainty shocks on economic growth- an empirical study of Pakistan, Hina Chaudhry
Bloodmeal analysis of urban Western Australian mosquito species for improved public health outcomes, Cameron Chisholm
Narratives of “living well”: Exploring the experiences of family members living with a family member with depression, Amanda Lesley Cole
Exercise as an adjunct therapy in melanoma patients undergoing checkpoint inhibitor therapy, Brendan Crosby
CO2-rock interaction during CO2-enriched brine injection into storage reservoirs using NMR integrated with fiber optic sensors, Bruno da Silva Falcao
Exploring the influences of gender diversity in global healthcare organisations, Kylie de Klerk
Reimagining, restructuring, and revitalising school leadership philosophy in Nepal: A critical auto/ethnographic case study, Shankar DHAKAL
Proprioception and performance in surfing, Rebecca Dowse