Theses from 1999
Smoking : An exploration of message framing and death anxiety, Ian James Parker
Population dynamics of the southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon Obesulus) on Ellen Brook Reserve, Craig Pentland
Training Methods for Shunting Inhibitory Artificial Neural Networks, Son Lam Phung
The Sacrifice of Les Murray, Jill Reading
Masculinity, Social Support and Sense of Community : The Mens Group Experience, Julie A. Reddin
An evaluation of Digital Chisel 3.0 as a multimedia authoring tool in a year seven classroom, Robert Richardson
Evaluating oral histories for restoration ecology, Margaret Robertson
Moral Dilemmas and Cases of Conscience : Trollope's Morality in The Warden and The Last Chronicle of Barset, Hannah Louise Rogers
The Relationship Between Values and Religiosity in Adolescents, Paul F. Russell
Stories of School : Perspectives of the Low Literate Adult, Anne Shipway
Nene Gare, a biographical study: Australian novelist, 1919-1994, Rosina Squarcini
Transforming the Mediasphere : Sweden, A Case Study of Conflicting Discourses in Socialist and Capitalist Broadcasting Values, Kent Ingemar Svensson
Success Stories : A Means of Enhancing the Personal-Professional Development of Teachers, Elizabeth Kirstie Thorburn
How do Family Members Perceive, Understand and Explain the Experience of Homework? : A Case Study of Four Families, Cathryn Voak
Embed[d]ed Zerotree Codec, Karma Wangdi
The routines and rituals of a design and technology classroom: An ethnographic study, Shaun Wellbourne-Wood
Self concept: mothers and their children, Leanne D. Wood
K-1 Children's Understandings of Selected Child Abuse Prevention Concepts, Samantha Wynne
Lost opportunity?: An evaluation of the senate's report on disaster management, Julian Anthony Yates
Theses from 1998
A solid phase extraction system for the isolation of the germination cue in smoky water when subjected to the light sensitive lettuce Lactuca Sativa v. Grand Rapids, Troy David Adriansz
An examination of learner control in a low achieving mathematics class, Allan Bertram
The effect of training mode on skill acquisition and transfer, Douglas F. Brewer
Behaviour of Gilbert's Potoroo (Potorous gilbertii Gould) in captivity, Kylie Dijon Burke
The birds and habitat of Kings Park, Bradley W. Cox
El gaucho como personaje historico en la literatura Argentina, Nora M. C. de Sidoruk
The participant's perception of the contribution of Lyengar yoga to their health and well-being, Ann Dragon
Web based customer support in banking and financial services, Kevin C. D'Silva
Person-Job Fit in the Changing Work Environment : Models for Office Workers and Teleworkers, Sharon C. Elsley
The distribution and long-term change in banksia ilicifolia communities on the Gnangara Mound, Ryan Gurner
The Psychosocial Correlates of Cigarette Smoking Among Tertiary Students, Tina Hankins
The in vitro propagation of seagrasses : halophila ovalis, ruppia megacarpa and posidonia coriacea, Melissa Grace Henry
Comparison of median indicator kriging with full indicator kriging in the analysis of spatial data, Donna Hill
How do you do Your Rage? : A Qualitative Investigation Into Contemporary Women's Experience of Their Rage, Verena Homberger
An Investigation Into how Year Two Children use Drawing and Writing Together to Produce a Narrative, Kelly J. Joice
Women on the move: A qualitative study of relocation to a remote area, Ann Jones
Sequential Testing Effects Re-Visited : Is the Effect of Test Presentation Contingent Upon Slide Linearity?, John D. Jones
The Effect of Pre-Interview Training and Warnings on Children's Eyewitness Testimonies, Julie A. Jost
Small piece of paper -- going out, flying around the world: A preliminary discussion on the reproduction of Aboriginal creativity on postage stamps, Michael James Judd
Good Software Development Processes Lead to Harmonious Project Teams Which in Turn Lead to Effective Project Performance, Rweyunga Kazaura
An investigation of dominant ideologies operating within the text historia by Australian playwright Noëlle Janaczewska, Nicole G. Kelly
Software flexibility in a web environment, Michael Layng
Aboriginal people with disability and their use of advocacy: A phenomenological approach, E. A. Leipoldt
Hidden Meanings of A Dream of Red Mansion, Yin Toa Leung
The role of the print media in constructing controversies in sport, David Robert Marsh
Factors which influence women's decisions for choice of primary surgery for Stage I and Stage II breast cancer, Barbara Mastaglia
Voices from a reliquary, Donna Jean Mazza
Carbon sequestration of two oil mallee species, eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. lissophloia and eucalyptus. kochii subsp. plenissima in the semi-arid environment of the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia, Andrew Phillip McCarthy
Testing the Matching Hypothesis : Implementing a Minimal Stress Intervention by Matching Writing Task to Emotional Coping Style, Pamela D. McNeill
The determination of the potential of Australian native plants to phytoremediate lead, Desmond Dev Menon
Factors influencing continuation and withdrawal from coaching youth football in metropolitan Western Australia, James T. K. Milne
Vector Geometry and Applications to Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics, Rory Morrison
Changes in muscular power associated with delayed onset muscle soreness, Carmel Nottle
Biometrics : An exploration and analysis of user acceptance issues, Brendan J. O'Loughlin
Young children's understanding of design in the technology process, Jean E. O'Sullivan
Pathfinding in VRML, Jason Richard Pearce
DSP implementation of a quadrature phase shift keying transmitter, Andrew Phoon
Skill Acquisition and Transfer : The Effect of Practice on Performance, Tracy Piani
The effectiveness of using drama in presenting spiritual material to school students, Geoff Pollard
The efficacy of a 'spacer' in the delivery of salbutamol for the prevention of exercise-induced asthma, David G. Reed
Psychological Well-Being in the Victims of Bullying Among Primary School Children, Catherine A. Rice
Behavioural contexts for the expression of modern racism: The simulated juror paradigm, Murray Riggs
Digital Receivers, George Rofa
Categorical and coordinate spatial judgements in face recognition, Jill E. Russell
GaAs Implementation of FIR Filter, Anup Savla
Fear of diminishing fortunes in Middlemarch, Mirella Scarvaci
The Effects of Context and Number of Presentations on Repetition Priming, Terry A. Simpson
How EFL writing (English as a Foreign Language) is taught in Solomon Islands, Sylvia Skinner
"Blue Places on the Maps" and Death, Loss and Dreams : Helene Cixous and Writing Theory, Annabel Smith
The soil acarine fauna of selected agroecosystems within the York Shire, Derek Juan Swarts
Bright lights, small city: New beginnings of the Singapore film industry, Samantha W.M. Tan
Parent involvement in a year one in-class reading practice program, Sheelagh Tillotson
Reefs as contributors to the diversity of epiphytic algal communities in seagrass meadows, B. R. Van Elvan
Sense of effort associated with exercise in the chronic fatigue syndrome, Karen E. Wallman
How the Internet is Used in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom, Megan B. West
Networking 8-bit embedded controllers, using the controller area network method, Brett Wilkinson
Detection of rancidity in peanuts, Sophe Williamson
Team cohesion, performance outcome and player satisfaction in state league netball, Angelique Jane Wilson
Data logging multiple aviation sensors using a Motorala [sic] HC11 microcontroller, Andrew James Wooding
Perceptions of seagrass ecosystem health and potential indicators for monitoring, Nick Wood
Communicating tissue culture as art, Ionat Zurr
Theses from 1997
A descriptive analysis of magisterial remand custody orders for offenders who receive a non-custodial sentence outcome, Maeve B. Barry
CD-ROM Storybooks: Reading Strategies of Learners of English as a Second Language, Marie Beardsell
The all Encompassing Role and Function of the Computing Coordinator in Western Australian Government Senior High Schools, Diana C. Brown
WEBassess, Justin Anthony Brown
Homozygosity levels in consanguineous populations: A study of the Sankethi community, Karnataka, India, Janet Cahill
Theory of Mind Deficits in Children With Intellectual Disabilities : A Test of Specificity and Uniqueness Hypotheses, Dianne Campbell
The experience of being a migrant child : An early childhood perspective, Judith Candy
An investigation of the Acarine fauna of rehabilitated bauxite mines in the Northern Jarrah Forest, Alex Cuccovia
Preliminary Exploration of Risk Assessment Predictors : Can Probationers who Re-Offend be Identified?, Deborah Dawson
Accountability Perceptions of Passive Students in Cooperative Learning, Narelle Day
The Role of Trust and the Victim-Offender Relationship, Gail Della Torre