Theses from 1996
Rehabilitation of a salt affected wetland, Natalie Reeves
Nutritional problems and information needs of patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Margaret Joan Robinson
The Use of Subjective Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) to Estimate Fixed Blood Lactate Concentrations During Incremental Cycle Ergometer Exercise, Keith Robert Scotson
The Effects of a Sense of Humour on Empathic-Responses : Testing Positive and Negative Affect as Mediating Variables, Michael Francis Sheehan
Conceptions of learning held by students in the lower, middle and upper grades of primary school, Carole Noelle Steketee
The Effect of Expert Testimony on Juror Decision Making in Eyewitness Identification Cases, Pamela J. Sullivan
Someone's calling your Swatch: Youth, technology and power, Su-Lyn Tan
Attributions of Negative Partner Behaviour by Men who Physically Abuse Their Partners, Santina Tonizzo
Development and optimisation of a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography method for the separation and identification of phenolics from eucalypt species, Andrew J. Tromans
Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Water Chemistry, Phytoplankton Biomass and Microcrustacea in Lake Joondalup and Beenyup Swamp, Western Australia, Kimberley Upton
Assessing Content-Related Validity and Internal-Consistency Reliability of Tests Constructed by Seychellois Teachers, Justin Davis Valentin
The 1868-9 Select Committee on Parliamentary and Municipal Elections : Insights into the Mid-Victorian Electoral System, Justin Wasserman
New plays for old : Jonson's Orton and Orton's Jonson, Josephine M. Wayling
Children's perceptions of tasks, structure, routines and roles in two multi-age (P-1) classrooms, Anne Yeoward
Theses from 1995
Video coding for Bit rates 64Kbps and below, Geoffrey N. Alagoda
Time-frequency shift-tolerance and counterpropagation network with applications to phoneme recognition, Li-minn Ang
Problem solving of children with intellectual disabilities: Interrogative strategies and solution time rates, Sonya Barrett
Constructed Wetland Design Criteria : A Study of Their Role in Contaminant Removal From Urban Stormwater Runoff, A. J. Braid
Strategy, perceived environmental uncertainty, management accounting systems and performance: An empirical investigation, Kar Ming Chong
An Ada-like language to facilitate reliable coding of low cost embedded systems, Michael Collins
Speaking Magic Realism: Selected short stories of Peter Carey, Raymond Driehuis
Is there a difference in cortical representation between dominant and non-dominant arm muscles of elite badminton players?, Dylan J. Edwards
The effects of strategy instruction on the vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension of grade five students, Michelle Gurry
Identifying the difficulties experienced by year 10 high school students when attempting to solve genetic pedigree problems, Richard Hamilton-Brown
Turning Point, Susan Harfield
A comparison of participation motives of competitive and non-competitive youth age swimmers, Shane T. Harris
The Effect of Metacognition on Learning Outcomes for Tertiary Level Computing Students, Susan Hastings
Occupational stress, coping styles, and social resources, Wayne L. Hill
Transhipment problem, salt exportation, Brian Hogben
Localisation of the gene for a novel form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in an isolated population, Kaite Honeyman
A Comparison of Disabled and Able-Bodied Athletes in Wheelchair Basketball, Kym Hoonhout
Investigation of the Ashenden Proposal for redesigning teachers' work: The case of secondary teacher librarians, G. A. Hornsby
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Inquiry-Oriented Teaching With Traditional Teaching in the Maldives, K. Ibrahim-Didi
Foraging Preferences of the Introduced Honeybee in Winter Flowering Banksia Woodland : Implications for the Management of Flora and Fauna of Conservation Areas, Simon Lawrence Judd
Robust decentralised variable structure control for rigid robotic manipulators, Thasapalan Kuhan
Exploring young children's knowledge of their social network, their social competence, and links to their social behaviour, Natalie C. Leitao
Practice nurses and hepatitis B : Preventative actions and their relationship to health beliefs, Helen Le Sueur
Parental assistance in children's reading in the home, Karen Lyons
Immunisation delay in the 0-18 month age group in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia, Anne Mahony
Perceptions of lower secondary design and technology teachers about the utilisation of the design process, Desire Mallet
The effect of eccentric and concentric training on the size and strength of human skeletal muscle, Haydn J. N. McDonald
Influence of the label intellectual disability on trainee disability service providers' impressions, Dianne Rosemary McKillop
Cultural materialism and the teaching of media : The lesson of Raymond Williams, D. I. McRitchie
The Effects of the ADD Label on Teachers' Attitudes and Expectations, Catherine Moreton
The supply of needles and syringes to injecting drug users : Attitudes and practices of pharmacists in Western Australia, Heather June Newbey
The Presenters of Anger Management Programmes : Their Experiences of Working in the Context of Prisons, Monica O'Keefe
The effect of a direct instruction motor development program on the catching performance of pre-primary children, Matt Osborne
Effect of exercise induced muscle soreness on the motor control properties of the biceps brachii, Alan J. Pearce
Proline concentration as an indicator of the level of salt tolerance, Philomena Y. Rosalie
COSSAP simulation model of DS-CDMA indoor microwave ATM LAN, Keng T. Tan
Postdischarge surveillance of surgical wound infection by telephone interview, Robyn Taverner
Perceptions of control and satisfaction with hospital birth experiences for first-time mothers, Clelia Tedeschi
Long term restoration of peak torque, endurance and muscle activation post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Darryl Alan Turner
Short term effects of repeated masked priming in stem completion tasks, Anthony Van Andel
You put your life on the line: Young people's experiences of disclosing sexual abuse and/or sexual assault, Robin Walshe
Domestic violence: Service providers' perceptions of factors affecting women's decision to leave abusive relationships, Anne I. Walters
Reasons given by year 9 girls for the non-selection of outdoor education in a selected government school, Janene Walton
Difficulties Experienced by Year 10 Students When Solving Monohybrid Autosomal and X-Linked Genetic Problems, Christina Williams
The optimisation of nitrogen content for micropropagation of eucalyptus marginata, Andrew James Woodward
Implementation and evaluation of enhanced areal interpolation using MapInfo and MapBasic, Gordon Wragg
Eccentrically Induced Skeletal Muscle Damage in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), With Reference to Overtrained Athletes, David L. Wright
Theses from 1994
The near-shore, soft-substrate bivalves of the Swan Estuary: An assessment of their use as biological indicators, Graham Bailey
Unemployment and training reform: A critical analysis of Australian Federal Government policy 1983 to 1993, S. J. Bark
Dostoevsky speaks for Ford: A dialogic interpretation of The Good Soldier, Michael Bonner
Openness of inquiry of laboratory formats currently used in lower secondary Science, H. A. D. Bryce
An analysis of service quality in Ansett Australia W.A. division, Jodie R. Buckley
Issues that concern prison officers about HIV positive prisoners in Western Australia, David Francis Cain
The prevalence of behavioural risk factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome, Ann M. Callaghan
The effect of instruction on short and long term memory of songs and their musical elements, Alanna Campbell
Reasons why patients attend an emergency department, Emily J. Carmona
Une analyse des perspectives feministes dans l'oeuvre de Benoite Groult (1975-1993), Charlotte Joanne Casey
The alien world within: The political, cultural and geographical marginalisation of Northern England in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy, Graham Cattle
Implications of process control and decision control in victim mediation and restitution, F. L. Cefalo
The identification of conceptual and strategic difficulties encountered by students when using an electronic spreadsheet, Craig Clapham
A study of children's drawing types and factors influencing choice of subject matter, Stella Clark
Nurses' attitudes toward computerisation, John Crofts
Towards a theoretical foundation for the success of international sanctions, Ellie Cross
Application of time series models to sets of environmental data, Saarah Ahmed Farag
Domestic space and the construction of identity, Kerry Faulkner
Non-selection as a factor contributing to retirement from Australian sport, Maree B. Fish
Estereotipos femininos y masculinos en Los pazos de Ulloa y La regenta, Ema Luisa Flynn de Garcia
A comparative analysis of perceptions of land between environmentalists and Aboriginal peoples, Rowan Greenlees
A comparative study of the migration experiences of Filipino and Thai brides in Western Australia, Belinda Greensill
Joyce Carol Oates as postmodern romantic: A postmodern feminist critique of A Bloodsmoor Romance and Foxfire: Confessions of a girl-gang, Christian Hansen-Knarhoi
Voluntary disclosure of cash flow information in Australia, Salleh B. Hassan
Localisation and detection of a polymorphism in the human skeletal Beta-Tropomyosin gene (TPM2), Clive C.J. Hunt
T.E.E. English scores and performance on reading and writing tasks by first year education students, Tracy Jacobs
Challenging student alternative frameworks of electrical circuits, Lauril Jones
A study of men in non-traditional male occupations, Fiona Raewyn Kelly
Determining the validity and reliability of an instrument designed to measure metacognitive behaviours, Anne L. Martin