Theses from 1997
Accountability Perceptions of Passive Students in Cooperative Learning, Narelle Day
The Role of Trust and the Victim-Offender Relationship, Gail Della Torre
The impact of permaculture on the above-ground mesofaunal communities in the Perth Metropolitan Area, Ruth C. D'Sanges
Does Good Project Management Ensure Successful Software Development?, Julie Lisa Eldridge
An investigation of the behaviours exhibited by boys (identified as at-risk) while using the computer for creative writing, Danielle Fisher
An evaluation of the productivity of two oil mallee species in a revegetation trial in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia, Beatrice Lucie Hedwig Franke
Locus of control and self-directed learning as predictors of well-being in the elderly, Deborah Gardner
The effects of concurrent strength and muscular endurance resistance training on strength, endurance and body composition in previously untrained females, Derek W. Gibbins
The Association of Student Perceptions With Student Motivation and Cognitive Engagement in the Year 11 Economic Framework Unit, Leah Gransden
Scope of Justice, Delegitimisation, Sentience and Ecosystemic Integrity as Predictors of Protection, Rob Gulley
A Design in interfacing the MC68HC11 to the AMD AM29F010 flash memory chips, David H. Hands
A Critique of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, 8 July 1996 : The Nuclear Weapons Case, Christopher Hubbard
The implementation of first steps in four primary classrooms, Janet Hunter
The Effect of Masking the Prime in Orthographic and Semantically Related Pairs : An Interactive Activation Account, Rowan Johnston
Teaching Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence Rules to Children With Learning Difficulties : An Implementation of the Fernald Method, Paula Kinsman
The birds of Perth's urban parks : Factors influencing their distribution and community attitudes towards them, Jodi S. Mansell
The Effect of Stress at the Retrieval Stage of Eyewitness Recall, Mary-Anne Martin
Security decay: The erosion of effective security, Shawn A. McClure
Home hospice cancer care: Family members' expectations, perceptions and satisfaction with care, Kristina Medigovich
Trial by Anxiety : Effects of Nervous Demeanour and Level of Evidence on Mock Jurors' Decisions, Michael Miller
Pink and blue see red differently: Influences of gender, gender role and gender of the target on anger experience and expression, Darryl George Milovchevich
The Relationship Between Global Self-Concept and Attribution Preference in Primary School Children, Carolyn Moore
Blood, sweat & tears : The photographs of Bill Henson, Deborah Pearson
The assessment and evaluation of ESL children's writing : A case study of one ESL primary child, Liza Phillips
An Investigation into the Australian Position on Software Copyright, Nicholas Pinakis
The effects of reciprocal teaching upon year 6 students' reading comprehension, D. M. Rasmussen
Teaching Children With Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disabilities to Select and Produce Facial Expressions of Emotion Using Modelling and Feedback, Tracey Rayworth
The ToySim Project, Anthony Rodriguez
The role of Fas and Fas ligand in apoptosis during regression of the corpus luteum, Sharon Roughton
Senior Teacher Classification for Teacher-Librarians in Western Australian Catholic Schools : An Investigation, Kathryn L. Salt
A descriptive analysis of motor learning contexts within a netball season of sport education, Kirsten Scott
Love and Disease : the Humanism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera, Alan Sheardown
Postmodernism and children's picture books, Jane Siddall
A Study of Biochemical and Haematological Variables with Performance in Showjumping Horses, Darren B. Simmons
Modeling of fading dynamics for the indoor microwave channel, Mangeet Singh
Some aspects of the ecology of an urban Corvid : The Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides) in metropolitan Perth, P. J. Stewart
A study of the effects of consanguinity at the genomic level in two Pakistani Bradaris, Sheena Sullivan
The perception of effort during muscular fatigue and recovery, Juan H. Svendsen
Introducing calculators in year one mathematics : Attitudes and achievement, Vanessa Thorpe
Vers une Typologie des Actualites Televisees sur l'ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Australie Occidentale) et sur France 2, Maryleen C.H. Troubat
The Ms. Stereotype : Could it be a Health Risk?, Phillip van der Klift
Monitoring of oxygen saturation during and after endoscopy, George Paul Van Lawick
The Predictive Accuracy of the Violent Offender Treatment Program Risk Assessment Scale, Ann Ward
Have a safe trip: An investigation of rituals and sanctions surrounding LSD use, David Wellbourne-Wood
The development and use of the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol on the internet, Damon James Whyte
Design and implementation of high-radix arithmetic systems based on the SDNR/RNS data representation, Paul Whyte
Coastal Zone Monitoring and Evaluation : A Descriptive Analysis of Western Australian Practices, Michael F. Williams
Attitudes of Young Adult Catholic Women Towards Religious Life and Related Issues, L. J. Worthington
Theses from 1996
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon Design in Practise [sic] Within the City of Perth, Anastasia C. Bradley
Introduced Cyprinid (carp) fishes in Western Australia and their management implications, K. R. Breheny
The causes and consequences of interactions between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal primary school children from the perspective of their parents, Catherine M. Brennan
Crime and punishment: Existential kenosis and revelation in the iconographic chronotope, Dean M. Britton
The Development of Drink Driving Policy in Western Australia, 1990-1996, Evanya Cameron
Intergenerational Contact and Children's Perceptions of Seniors, Jacqueline L. Carmichael
Simulator for the Performance Analysis of CPM Schemes in an Indoor Wireless Environment, Ronald Chua
Individual Differences in Word Association and Inference Generation From Brief Discourse, Alison L. Clark
Fuel characteristics of rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western Australia, Sarah J. Collins
ESL development in a mainstream classroom : A case study, Silvia Davidson
An investigation into manufacturing execution systems, K. W. Duley
Arbitrary views of high-dimensional space and data, Andrew Ellerton
Bullying in Schools : An Extension and Replication of Schoolchildren's Attitudes and Helping Behaviour Toward Victims of Bullying, Kathy Elliott
Patterns of anger, attribution, and appraisal, Andrew J. Ellis
Effect of Carbohydrate Source, Auxin and Endogenous Ethylene Upon Root Induction of Eucalyptus marginata donn EX SM. In Vitro, Meredith Magaret Fairbanks
Reading Dolly : The reading practices of adolescent girls, Suzanne Fleming
Self-concept differences between bullied and non-bullied children, Wendy Forrest
An examination of the influence of court interpreters upon attributions of defendant and plaintiff culpability, Grace Frances
The Role of Social Support Networks in the Independent Functioning of Elderly Persons, Maree Gabbedy
Developmental aspects : Metacognition and problem solving, Roseanne Gibson
Growth and Properties of Chemically Deposited CdS Thin Films, Edward A. Gluszak
Word processors in secondary English : A survey and discussion of usage in West Australian high schools, Stuart D. Hakeney
Modelling the effects of rehabilitation and changed agricultural practices in a saline-affected rural catchment, M. K. Heller
Analysis of Background Noise for Wireless Microwave LAN Channels, Jason C. Hislop
Central Fatigue in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Peter A. J. Hope
Towards a model for software project estimating, Stuart Hope
Student's attitude to using the internet at school after limited classroom exposure, Anna Hu
The Impact on Juries of Pre-Recording Children's Evidence, Josephine Hubble
The Design and Implementation of a Toolkit for the Creation of Virtual Environments, Jesse Kinross-Smith
The effect of adjunct illustrations on Year 8 students' comprehension of scientific text, Jackie Knapp
Teacher's perceptions of the introduction of a middle school within a Western Australian independent girls' school, S. M. Lienert
Coming Out of the Closet : Young Gay Men's Experiences in the Process of Coming Out, Ronald Macdonald
Young Lions : The changing face of South African youth politics 1944-1994, Jubalane Matsebula
The beliefs and attitudes of primary school teachers in the Bunbury region toward the subject of science, Michelle A. McKeon
The effect of role play on year 9 students' creative writing, Kerry Mulholland
Nonresidential father perception of father-child relationships: An exploratory analysis of family functioning, Wendy J. Nicholls
An investigation into the use of the freshwater crayfish marron (cherax tenuimanus) as a flagship for the restoration of the Blackwood River, Rachael Nickoll
Phenolic and lignin concentration as an indicator of resistance to phytophthora cinnamomi in banksia species, Sandra Jane Nicoski
Samurai of Gentle Power : An Exploration of Aikido in the Lives of Women Aikidoka, Katie Noad
Chief Seattle's speech(es): Ambivalent idealizations and emplacing the uprooted 'origin', Paul J. O'Malley
An Analysis of Potential Incompatibility Between the Acts Amendment (Evidence of Children and Others) Act 1992 and Defendants' Rights, V. F. Pearson