Theses from 2000
MapCAST : Real-Time Collaboration With Concept Maps, Brett Greay
Year 9 Student Attitudes Toward Social Studies in a Western Australian Government High School : A Case Study, Leah Elizabeth Anne Hansberry
Biofilm composition and function in stormwater constructed wetland systems on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, S. A. Hawkins
The Destruction of the Outsider in the Plays of Tennesee Williams, Warren Herbu
The Feasibility of a Flexibly Delivered Professional Development Program for Teachers in Road Safety Education, Vanessa Hille
Attitudes of Lower Secondary School Students Toward Social Studies at an Independent School : A Case Study, Diane M. Hobbs
An investigation of the multiple response to oppression and implications for identity among Aboriginal adolescents, Victoria E. Hovane
Conceptualising Indigenous Self-Determination as Negotiation, Andrew G. Hunter
Molecular investigations in the role of the GALK1 Gene in Galactokinase Deficiency, Michael L. Hunter
VHDL design and simulation for embedded zerotree wavelet quantisation, Hung Huynh
Macroeconomic announcements, volatility and interrelationships: An examination of the UK bond and stock markets, Bradley Jones
Spaces for the spirit: Christian spirituality as represented by Australian media, Jennifer Anne Jones
Case Studies of Children's Social and Emotional Adjustment at School After the Permanent Separation of Their Parents, Gillian Kirk
The Impact of Pressure Groups on the Western Australian School Education Bill 1999 : A Case Study, Sharan Kraemer
Jack Maggs : A Differend Convict(ion) by Peter Carey, Timothy D. Langley
Representations of Class, Social Realism and Region in "Eleven Months in Bunbury" by James Ricks, Joshua J. K. Ledger
Identification of wetland plant hydrotypes on the Swan Coastal Plain Western Australia, Robyn Loomes
The Performance of Everyday Life : Identity, Pleasure and Desire in Suburbia, Graham Miller
Mothers, gaze and rape : Almodóvar's cinema and the construction of gender, Gorana Mlinarevic
Doctrinal and applied TQM in relation to dominant models of organisation: A comparative study, Brad J. Moore
Virtual Reality and the Modern Ideology of Order and Control, Craig I. Murrihy
Voice Command Controller, Hoang Nghia Nguyen
Consumer perceptions of the internet as a product and service infomation source, Kevin Nguy
A Cross-Institutional Evaluation on the Supply and Demand of the Security Function, Shane J. Norton
Organisational Culture Receptiveness to Excellent Communication, Katherine Jane O'Donoghue
Analysis of an ecotourist based management strategy: Crystal Cave, Yanchep National Park, Western Australia, Charles Priddle
Management of a bioeroding sponge on the pearl oyster, pinctada maxima, Luisa Rawlinson
The effect of leaf movement on algal epiphytes in seagrass meadows, T. R. Reid
The Animus : A Jungian Perspective on the Films of Jane Campion, Taryn Louise Ricketts
An Examination of the Impact of Moon Phase on Catch Rates of the Western Rock Lobster, Petra Roberts
The term structure of interest rates in Australia : An application of long run structural modelling, Vicky Shimmings
An investigation on sun microsystems Jini technology, Ferdina D. Soeyadi
Sense of Belonging and Self-Esteem : What are the Implications for Educational Outcomes of Secondary School Students? : A Literature Review, Lynne Strudwicke
Temas de muerte e identidad en Pasos y pasajero, Brian Taylor
Lower Secondary Student Attitudes Towards Social Studies in a Catholic School, Ekaterina Thiveos
Men's health: How men understand the concept of health and how this understanding shapes actions, Craig T. Thompson
Images of ruin: Decay in a post-industrial world, Juha Tolonen
The applicability of stable carbon isotope analysis to measure the water use efficiency of Melaleuca Preissiana populations on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, Hayley E. Valentine
Boys' and Girls' Attitudes to Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students With Conduct Disorder, Nerine van Wyk
A study of Australian managers' perceptions of the internet, Roman Vargha
An exploration of tools, techniques and procedures for evaluating informational/educational multimedia software, Serge Walberg
SICNN optimisation, two dimensional implementation and comparison, Grant Walker
Dead Mothers, Lonely Daughters : Negotiating Intersubjective Space in Young Adult Fiction, Anna-Claire Walsh
Theses from 1999
Head stabilisation during running in place of children with varying motor proficiency levels, Craig Atkins
Culture as commodity: The home as spectacle in popular culture, Jillian E. Benn
Strategies for tutoring written expression in students with ADHD and learning difficulties, Josephine Bishop
The Perception of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Values : Is Value Incongruence Related to Social Distance?, Lauren Jennifer Breen
Child Abuse : Creating the Public in the Public Service Advertisement, Mark Brennan
A student self-management strategy for reducing inattentiveness, disruptiveness and teacher intervention, James M. Cabrera
Imagining machines: Time & image in the shorter poems of William Carlos Williams, Stuart Campbell
Attitudes to Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Food : A Review, Juliana Rose Cannon
Software Quality Function Deployment : A Method for Building Better Software, Dean Carruthers
Internet Resource Management and Pricing, Christopher J. Clark
The Pleasure of Text - Where Does it Come From? : Children's Responses to Literature, Sharon Cooney
University Teachers' Attitudes Towards Giftedness, Gifted Students and Special Provision for the Gifted, S. M. Cooper
Neighbourhood Cohesion and Sense of Community in a Local Church Context, Colin Cowie
Decreasing Inappropriate Classroom Behaviours Through a Videotape Self-Modelling and Self-Monitoring Treatment Package, Catherine Ann Coyle
A Study of Teacher Behaviours as Interpreted by Low Achieving Passive Students, Carolyn Crook
The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) : Its Structure, Functions and Performance 1971-1996, Vincent Cusack
Myofibrillar protein composition of regenerating and pristine claw closer muscles of the yabby, Cherax Albidis, Lanelle Cutler
The specificity of skill acquisition: Is it task related?, Dawn Darlaston-Jones
Friendship Formation in Australian and Chinese Cultures, Joanna R. De Grauw
General Practitioners and Depression in Older Adult Males : Ageism, Physical Problems and Treatment, Gary M. Duggan
Molecular studies of splice sites in the Canine Dystrophin Gene, Hayley Durling
The effects of therapeutic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle function following downhill walking, Trevor M. Farr
Is There a Need for Speed? : Risky Driving Behaviour and Young Male Drivers : A Review of the Literature, Catherine A. Ferguson
Age Discrimination in Hiring Practices Against Older Adults in Western Australia : The Case of Accounting Assistants, Eyal Gringart
Academic Security Education : The Development of an Industry Based Security Management Curriculum, Layne M. Hesse
Avenues of Communication : The Suburban Press and Globalisation, Shane Hewerdine
Effects of letterland on phonemic awareness and retrieval of phonological information from long term memory, Dianne Hodgson
Children's Reactions to Aggressive and Submissive Peers, Natalie Honey
Loneliness Underneath Laughter : Aspects of Alienation in the Early Plays of Tom Stoppard, Steven Hounsome
The Defendant and the Criminal Trial : Does Providing Knowledge About the Criminal Justice System Help?, Daniel B. Hurley
What are the Important Elements of the Pre-Primary Curriculum? : The Views of Parents and Teachers, Ann Hyde
Parliament or protest? : The parliamentary impact of the Greens (WA) in the Legislative Council : May 1993 to May 1999, Stewart Murdo Jackson
Automatic Recall of Multiplication Facts and Number Sense, Maxine D. Jolly
Light Aircraft Management System, Evan Karjalainen
Better Implementation of Calculators in the Classroom Through Parental Involvement, Jennifer S. Kemp
Bicultural Involvement and Psychological Well-Being in Second Generation Chinese Migrants in Australia, Denise A. Kensit
The effects of moulting on muscle fibre characteristics of the yabby, Cherax Albidus, Tina Marie Lamey
Repetition Priming and Melody : Implicit Memory for Music, Jacqueline Landre
Short-Term Memory for Nonsense Strings in Children With Reading Disabilities, Linda K. Lane
Evidence : the Diaries of Charlotte Smith and, For the Defence : The Formation and Representation of Lesbian Desire in Teenage Texts, Julia Michelle Lawrinson
Dancing With Difference, Michael J. Lenney
The Generalisability of the Stages and Processes of Change ; The Concurrent Validity of the Stages and Processes of Change, Suzanne E. Marko
A 2D DWT architecture suitable for the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm, James Martinez
The Legal Issues in Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice and Jonson's Volpone, Felicia A. Matthew-Stubbs
Therapeutic Factors in Small Groups : A Review of the Literature Since 1985, Nicki McKenna
Suck my dick: G.I. Jane, Demi Moore and the action heroine, Matthew McKeown
Representations of History in Popular Cinema : Schindler's List and JFK as Postmodern History Texts, Kieran L. Murphy
Head motion in overarm throwing for children with varying levels of motor proficiency, Kevin J. Netto
The Effects of Nationality and Educational Background on World Music Preference of a Sample of Expatriate Students in Singapore, Karen Ann Niedermeyer