Theses from 1994
Adult migrant learner perceptions of dyadic interaction in the learning of English as a second language in Australia, Philip G. Nichols
Attitudes towards Mathematics of Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese senior secondary female students, Robert G. Palmer
Visualisation of inshore marine water depth data, Karen Powell
Raising school-age children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD): Effects on mothers, Pearl Proud
Part-time work: The attitudes, perceptions and opinions of year 11 students, Marilyn Ralph
El Papel de la Mujer en el Teatro de Federico Garcia Lorca, John Rey
Intercountry adoptive families in Western Australia: The well-being of their four to sixteen-year-old adoptees, Trudy Rosenwald
Factors contributing to the underrepresentation of girls in year 11 outdoor education at a selected government school, Ruth H. Rynehart
Mothers' labour force participation decisions and child care provision in Australia, Gary Sherry
La politica y el arte en la obra de Isabel Allende, Michael David Smith
Victorian modern cursive handwriting in West Australian schools, Deborah Ann Taylor
Influences on outdoor education teachers' content selection, S. D. Thorpe
The effect of facilitating increased involvement in nursing home caregiving on former caregivers' satisfaction with the care arrangement, Christine Toye
Beyond Bond: Broadcasting policy and commercial radio in regional Western Australia, Stephen Turner
The self reported patterns of alcohol consumption by registered nurses in Western Australia, K. Waters
High school girls motivation toward mathematics: Effects of perceived instrumentality and attitude toward the future, Bruce D. Watt
Do women retire? : A feminist critique of the social construction of retirement, Pamela Weatherill
The marginalisation of women: Factors affecting the discontinuance of the careers of female police officers, Vicki Wilkinson
Theses from 1993
Strategies in learning Japanese as a second language in secondary school, Sharon Gay Ainsworth
The effect of a semester unit of study on ethical issues in nursing on a group of practising registered nurses, E. C. Ambrose
The effect of assigning specific roles in science groups on the gender behaviour of primary school children, Janet F. Bant
The continuity of literacy development: Kindergarten to year 1, Lennie Barblett
A comparison of axillary and tympanic temperature measurement in the preterm infant, Susan Elizabeth Bearsby
An Arts-Employment Analysis : the Effect of Government Funding on Employment at Deck Chair Theatre and Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Lance Bennett
The use of generic teaching materials versus brand specific teaching materials with home economics food and nutrition students, Lyn Blackwell
Effects of a topical application of chlorhexidine 1 % cream on clinical signs of infection in newborn infants, Fiona Christine Bottin
Ratbags on the fringe: Exploring feminism through crime, Danielle Brown
Development of a classification system for computer viruses in the IBM PC environment using the DOS operating system, Hugh R. Browne
Urinary bladder assessment skills used by hospital nurses before a decision is made to institute intermittent catheterization, Marion L. Burke
A paper for the people? : The Sunday Times 1897-1905, Karen Byers
The uses of language in the portrayal of character in Mansfield Park, Anne Chadwick
Determinants of accounting policy for identifiable intangible assets, Yuan Chew
St. Juan de Dios, 1495-1550 The Patron Saint of Nurses, Christopher Churchouse
Word reading strategies: A replication and follow up intervention, Andrew Davoll
A study of the benefits of reflection by journal writing in mathematical learning and attitudes in the primary school, Sally Edmonds
An investigation into some of the factors having a bearing on interviewer bias in the Western Australian market research industry, Daniel N. Edwards
The use of tissue culture for the improvement of salt tolerance in Atriplex SPP, Danielle L. Eyre
The effects of different methods of cloze test construction and their relationship with a standardised reading comprehension test, Trevor Michael Edward Forde
An analysis of errors made both on computer administered tests and paper and pencil tests and a comparison between them, Gary Fullarton
Lake level changes within the Yellagonga Regional Park: A historic perspective, Jennifer A. Hamann
Identifying language learners at risk: Pre-primary into year 1, Deidre Jordan
Comparison of primiparous women's expected and experienced pain in labour, Shelagh Lawrence
Convict Teachers and the Children of Western Australia, 1850-1890, Shirley M. Leahy
Integrated computer controlled sensor monitor, Tariq Hafeez Malik
Student misconceptions of osmosis and diffusion, Erica J. McKnight
Development of a questionnaire to assess knowledge in women with gestational diabetes, Caron McLarty
The effect of nutrition on the morphology of the wool follicle, Gail Moriarty
The relationship between quantity of possessions transported and homesickness in migrants, Rosalynn M. Morrow
Needs of terminally ill cancer patients in an in-patient hospice unit, Marylynn C. Oldham
Detection of point mutations in the dystrophin gene, John Pedretti
Attitudes of girls and boys towards compulsory physical education in a selected government secondary school, Mileva Pirot
Differences in attitude towards mathematics between successful regular class children and children with learning problems in mathematics, Jennifer Poller
Student preferences towards law becoming a tertiary entrance score subject, Penelope Preen
Local government financial reporting: A survey of Western Australian practice and the examination of some explanatory economic and political factors, Andrew N. Priest
The Motivational Bases of Attitudes to Living North and South of the Swan River, Darren L. Reynolds
Not guest speakers but peer tutors: The role of adoptive parent organisations in the Western Australian preparation for adoptive parenthood education programme, Maureen Anne Roberts
Seasonal water regimes and leaf litter processing in a wetland on the Swan Coastal Plain, Darren Ryder
An exploratory study of the development of perceived body image in elite female artistic gymnasts in one central programme, Michelle A. Saliba
Bone Density and Muscle Development Problems in Female Lightweight Rowers Trying to Make-Weight, Carmel A. Shipway
Construction of process control charts using asymmetric data, Bruce Sivwright
A hermeneutic approach to the detective story in our mutual friend, Peter Spriggins
Was Ah "Q" an Ocker?, Douglas James Stewart
The effects of high and low repetition resistance training on the force profile of the rowing stroke, Benjamin Tarbox
The population turnaround: A case study of the Shire of Toodyay, Matthew A. Tonts
Health care beliefs of elderly Vietnamese refugees, Gayle Watson
A descriptive process analysis and comparison of game modifications in junior netball and basketball, Andrew Watt
Multi-functional work journeys, Suzanne M. Woodhouse
A case study examining factors influencing loan pricing within the R&I Bank, Yawar Zoeb
Theses from 1992
Un Estudio Comparativo De La Novela Picaresca Espanola Y Su Equivalente Persa, Ramin Ahmad-Panahi
Comparison of pulmonary artery pressure measurements in the supine and lateral positions, Leanne Maree Aitken
In search of the expert pedagogue: How is the expert physical education teacher perceived?, Christine Albert
Sex-related differences in autonomous learning behaviours and mathematics achievement, Laura Beahan
The implementation of Linda In C and associated problems, Stephan Bettermann
The effects of gender and prior computing experience on computer use and attitudes to computers in pre-primary schools, Helen Blackley
The Role of the Media in the Introduction of the Crime (Serious and Repeat Offenders) Sentencing Act 1992, Virginia M. Bristowe
Someone's daughter, someone's worker, someone's girlfriend, someone's wife: Young women and multiple transitions, Jennie Buchanan
The pursuit of fulfilment: Desire in Peter Carey's Illywhacker, Jonas Byford
Valery et Borges: Regards critiques sur la litterature, Galit Cohen
A review of the credit application and assessment process from a consumer perspective, Natalie Dall
Factors related to the amount of time children spend in leisure reading, Dorothy Doig
Factors in the non-recognition of overseas qualifications: The case of medical practitioners, Christine V. Farag
The relationship between time devoted to independent recreational reading and reading achievement scores, R. Fragomeni
Measuring the quality of service within Challenge Bank, George M. Gilchrist
A study of children's television viewing patterns, Ronald D. Gorman
The development of a test of concept identification, semantic and syntactic performance for use with hearing impaired children, Heather Joan Hussey
A Case Study of Professional Ballroom Dance Instructors, Diana Jonas-Dwyer
Inquiry Based Mental Mathematics Versus Traditional on the Performance and Attitudes of Year Four Children, Anita Jurat
Teacher backgrounds, resources, facilities, personnel and time allocation: A survey of music education in metropolitan pre-primary schools, Anna-Therese Kania
An Investigation of IBM PC Computer Viruses Infection Rates and Types in a Western Australian Environment, Boon Guan Lee
Market Efficiency Test Of Australian Options Market Using Put Call Parity Analysis, Eng Kiang Peter Lee
The educational aspirations of upper primary non english speaking background students in a mainstream government school, Shirley Lienert
Remote area nursing in Western Australia: An examination of a conceptual model for practice, Anne Magee