Theses from 2006
The functional significance of multiple Pax7 isoforms, Chantel L. Burchill
Water stress vulnerability of four Banksia species in contrasting Ecohydrological habitats on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia, Caroline Canham
Anglo-Australians' attitudes towards multiculturalism and beliefs about ethnic groups, Tina Charles
The White Death: Representations of salt affected landscapes in the Wheatbelt, Grant Currall
Through the window: The subject and the voyeur's gaze within cinema and video, James A. Doohan
Older adults' perspective on engaging in physical activity after the age of 65 : An exploratory study, Amanda Kathleen England
Age-phasing and the use of life-cycle funds, Shelley Farr
Sustainability and Company Annual Financial Reporting, Mirela Filipovic
The relationship between daytime experiences and nighttime marital behaviour ; Spillover of daytime emotions on marital interactions, Katherine J. Fitzsimmons
Bob Brookmeyer: composer, performer, pedagogue, Mace Francis
The classical guitar in Paris: Composers and performers c.1920-1960, Duncan Robert Gardiner
Determining carbon and nitrogen stable isotope discrimination for marine consumers, Emily N. Gates
Contextualising identity : The intersection of gay culture and consumer culture on the gay male body, Dan Gladden
Death Lilly : Performing the 'Flower Girl' role in the Age of Consumption, Catherine Gomersall
Tacticians, talent, transmitters and targets : The power of pictures in the Howard Prime Ministership, Richard Goodwin
The challenges of ITIL implementations, Jason Gray
Automated photo-identification of cetaceans : An integrated software solution, Daniel Griggs
The Camfields : "The Comforts of Civilisation" in Early Colonial Western Australia, Joan Groves
The relationship between body image and self-esteem in older adulthood, Lucie Guegan
Radio frequency enabled soil redox potential sensor networks, Chris Holme
Why undergraduate nurses choose not to pursue mental health nursing as a career in Western Australia : A descriptive study, Therese Howell
Nurses' decision making processes regarding indwelling catheter insertion and removal, Helen Hull
Use of a weighted matching algorithm to sequence clusters in spatial join processing, Husen Husen
ANGEL A Play in One Phase ; and, The "Mistake" of the Already Born: Towards a Connective Understanding Between 'Angel' and Tess of the D 'Urbevilles, Suzanne Inglebrecht
"Advertopia" : The ethical ramifications of advertising to children, Matthew Jackson
Sex differentiation and sexually dimorphic disease, Emily A. Jefferson
East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon: The construction of national identity in norwegian fashion photography, Anne-Britt Kjoensburg
That's freakin' sweet: The collecting of Family Guy, Matthew Knight
Ideas of landscape: Finding an uneasy peace, Iris Koornstra
Application of binaural recording in the video game industry, Max Leong
Following Leunig and Lansdown : Poems by Elizabeth Lewis in the Tradition of Single Image Poetry, Elizabeth Lewis
Transforming Messiaen : The Application of Elements of the Musical Language of Olivier Messiaen to the Contemporary Jazz Orchestra, Johannes Luebbers
The Art of Trash: Evaluating Troma Entertainment as Paracinema, James W. MacDonald
The dancing mind, Rebecca McCormac
Creative interpretation and cello technique: A pedagogical handbook in the tradition of Michael Goldschlager and Bernard Greenhouse, Sacha McCulloch
Time in Kyrgyzstan, Robert McPherson
Another paradise lost? : A case study of nation building in East Timor, Brendan Paul McShanag
The role of implicit memory in visual word recognition: Principles and processes of long- and short-term repetition priming, Matthew Robert Merema
Interhemispheric modulation of corticomotor excitability following i-wave periodicity transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (iTMS), Lucy Catherine Millar
Effect of a paediatric incentive spacer and reinforcement of inhalation technique training in preschool children, Jasminka Murdzoska
Cyberactivism : Public relations in a wired world, Shane Newton
Finding the Watermark: A filmic response to domestic abuse within Australian film from 1970 - 2006, Erin Nichols
Pollen characteristics of grevillea species determined by in vitro germination, Rebecca Parsons
Ethnic identity, perceived discrimination and the psychological adjustment of culturally and linguistically diverse children, Erin Louise Pratt
The Verandah : A Short Story Collection, Sharron Quayle
Hogarth to Monster Wheels : A grotesque connection, Christopher Ridley
What are the benefits of dance in relation to developing creative potential for the individual?, Shannon Riggs
Bullying and victimisation in primary schools: Relations between bully status, empathy, and gender, Teresa B. Sapienza
Enrolled nurses' attitudes, subjective norms, intentions and behaviour related to independent medication administration, Donna Sayers
The experience of the transition to an aged-care facility: A qualitative exploration, Jenny M. Smith
The influence of genetics and the environment on human personalities, relationships and experiences, Patrice Smith
Genetic diversity and gene flow in fragmented populations of the rare shrub, Calothamnus sp. Whicher, Sean Stankowski
The filmmaker, the subject and the audience : A dialectical exploration of documentary performance, Ben Stewart
Examination of different levels of restorative behaviour utilising the affect, affirmation and action model, Jessica Sumner
Perceived multi-dimensional locus of control over young to older adults : A contemporary Australian cross-sectional study, Richard Syrkiewicz
An attitude and perception study of wireless network usage in home environments, Patryk Szewczyk
She's a Beautiful Woman : An Anthology of Short Stories and Poems ; and, Past the Post : Images of Country Women in Short Fiction, Bronwyne Thomason
Papua New Guinea: weak, failing, failed? : An examination of failed state theory and the usefulness of the Failed States Index, Maria Sussanna Tulkiewicz
Neural induction and differentiation of stem cells using the developmental gene PAX7, Vijesh G. Vaghjiani
An investigation Into Lindsay Vickery's Rendez-vous: An opera noir, Adam Willett
Misconceptions: Loss and melancholia in poetry of miscarriage, stillbirth and abortion, Donna Yannakis
Tan Dun's Eight Memories in Watercolor: Insights into performance, Zhen Zeng
Theses from 2005
Promotional strategies in the internet age, Morgan Almasi
View space linking, solid node compression and binary space partitioning for visibility determination in 3D walk-throughs, Joel Anderson
The Fellowship of Strangers, Michael Armstrong
Habermas's Public Sphere : Politics and Australian News Media, Tim Balfour
Great expectations: The Australian Greens at the 2004 Federal Election, Michael Beard
Predicting the spatial distribution of organic rich sediments on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, David Blake
Adolescent cognitive egocentrism and health behaviour: Personal fables among young adult smokers and the trans-theoretical model, Stephen J. Bright
How to play the game: Constructing Australian masculinities in an increasingly mediated world, Carl Broman
Towards persistent resource identification with the uniform resource name, Luke Brown
The systematics of the reducta complex of the burrowing freshwater crayfish Engaewa Riek, Quinton Burnham
Impact of fire on geophyte abundance, diversity and composition in the Jarrah Forests of South-West Western Australia, Jeffry Cargill
Method for Real-Time Non-Intrusive Video-Based Eye-Gaze Tracking, Joanne Church
The inevitable ageing of the population and the implications of prolonging employment for older adults, Monica Rose Cooper
Mama, Lorraine Lucy Corker
The recognition and application of security risk management in corporate governance, Chris J. Cubbage
Online defamation: A case study in competing rights, Julie Dare
Orchestral engagements with rock music: a study of Michel Colombier's Wings as a catalyst for evolution- a Rock Symphony for jazz orchestra, Christopher de Groot
"Everything I've Listened to With Love" : A study of guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel and his integration of classical music elements into jazz, Johanne Druitt
Issues faced in the post-tsunami recovery of small and medium tourism enterprises in Galle District, Sri Lanka : An exploratory study, Acushla M. Felix
The relationship between self-esteem, self-efficacy and sense of belonging in young adolescents at school, Elisabeth Freeman
The Desperate Hours ; and, At Stake in The Desperate Hours, Craig Hallsworth
Horsepower : A study of equine influence on female adolescent self-efficacy, Vanessa Gay Hancox
An examination of the transitional support needs for young people leaving detention, Kirsten Janke