Theses from 2008
Educating secondary school students with learning difficulties: The teacher's perspective, Christine Potter
The Relationships Between Cyber and Non-Cyber Bullying and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents in Western Australia, Mitch J. Read
Cross-cultural transition, coping, and social support: relationships among psychological outcomes among British Migrants in Australia, Samantha Shooter
Performing Le Merle Nair: An investigation into the performance issues in the music of Olivier Messiaen, Kirsten Smith
What role can Indigenous child care training play in ameliorating disadvantage for Indigenous people?, Susan Teather
Democratic PR? : Relationship-building between members of parliament and their constituents, Andrea Urbinati
Evaluation of a community radio station in Tulikup, Bali: Indonesia, Dane Anthony Waters
Performing the keyboard percussion works of Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, Joshua James Webster
Theses from 2007
Space invaders: A cinematic examination of privacy-invasion and defamation in the Australian media, Vanessa Jean Barnett
From GPs to Psychologists: The patients' perspective on help-seeking and referral, Zdenka Bartova
In-Flight Service Recovery - What's Been Tried, What Actually Works? : An Exploratory Study, Nicole Bennett
A methodology for thorough text preparation of German Lieder, Emma Louise Blake
Cinematography and choreography: "It takes two to tango", Laura Boynes
In Genius-Lee : An analysis of the improvisational style of Lee Konitz, Andrew Brooks
An evaluation of OMG SysML 1.0a standard conformance between modelling tools, Andrew James Campbell
Womb Tongues : A Collection of Poetry, Kim Coull
The new String Quartet : The evolution of the Hyperquartet, Rachael Dease
The human rights and social justice mandate of social work: Environmental health and well-being for the Yarloop Community, Steven Denton
Virtual worlds: A new paradigm for advertising?, Nigel Devenport
The extent of interaction between the scallop and prawn fleets in the Shark Bay scallop managed fishery, John Dickson
The use of detached kelp (Ecklonia radiata) by seagrass-associated mesograzers in temperate South-Western Australia, Christopher Doropoulos
Blogging the other: Representations of the Australian Islamic Diaspora, Judith Elund
Improving decision making : The case for internal intelligence functions, Charlene Kaye Farr
A study of the parallelisation of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in a cluster environment, Sadeesha Gamhewa
Sub space: Enhancing the spatial awareness of trainee submariners using 3D simulation environments, Michael Garrett
The role and meaning of spirituality among older adults in Western Australia, Sue Grossman
Attitudes towards depression and anxiety, Tiana Hankins
Understanding Personal Carers' Experiences of Caring for Older People in Pain, Kristi Holloway
A comparison of edge detection methods for segmentation of skin lesions in mobile-phone-quality images, Khanh Linh Hua
Perceptions of security and attitudes towards cultural diversity and immigration amongst UK migrants in Western Australia, Nikki Isaacson
Academic - practice bridges: implications for lecturers when the complexities of change meets the higher education and nurse education systems, Adrianne Jones
The perceived psychosocial benefits of pet ownership on child development: A parental perspective, Erin K. Leahy
Depression, rumination and dependency in relation to age and gender, Alison J. Lee
Assyrian Imperial Administration 680-627 BCE : A Comparison Between Babylonia and the West Under Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Ivan Losada-Rodriguez
An Investigation Into the Application of Data Mining Techniques to Characterize Agricultural Soil Profiles, Rowan J. Maddern
Why has violence come to dominate images of PNG elections? The 2002 elections in the Highlands Region, Krisztina Matefy
Nutrition and eating behaviour in older adulthood, Catherine Helene Matringe
Social attributions of asymptomatic women towards anorexia nervosa: A qualitative study, Natalie McDonald
Minimal exercise, maximum benefit? Comparing incidental physical activity with structured exercise participation on three measures of well-being in a group of corporate employees, Warwick J. McGlone
The effect of massed and spaced presentation and practice on repetition priming, Catherine McNeilly
Rehearsal and performance practices of minimalist music, specifically related to music for eighteen musicians by Steve Reich, Callum Moncrieff
Everyday philosophy, Andrea Monteath
Teachers experiences with teaching children with learning difficulties: A qualitative study, Aleesha Morton
"Destination Sabah" (Malaysia) : The public and private stakeholders' perspectives on branding, Justine L. Nagorski
Photography, dance and the concept of punctum, Rhiannon Newton
Terrorism, millenarianism, and death: A study of Hezbollah and Aum Shinrikyo, Steven Nicholls
An exploration of thresholds of tolerance for changes to sanctuary zones among repeat tourists: A case of Ningaloo Marine Park, Natasha Nicholson
God's Lonely Men : Bernard Herrmann's musical voice for the lonely and tortured men of cinema, Clare Nina Norelli
In The Game : An Exploration of the Concept of Immersion in Video-Games and its Usage in Game Design, Cesar Manuel Saez Ojeda
Effects of a photoaging appeal on sun protection attitudes of female adolescents, Suzanna Papasavvas
Contextual effects on a well learned task: Isolated or broad?, Matthew J. Parkinson
Preparing the role of Tytania in Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream: a handbook for singers, Emma Pettemerides
Assessment of static balance ability in an athletic pediatric population, Cailyn Rogers
Do auditory simulations of noise-induced hearing loss change young adults' attitudes towards noise exposure?, Claire Roockley
An investigation of musical life and music societies in Perth (Western Australia), 1900-1950, Jessica Sardi
An investigation into the effectiveness of paired reading with the incorporation of additional error corrective procedures, Kathryn Schneider
The systemic nature of critical infrastructure protection using a medium sized company as the case study, Jeffery Sewell
Development of a blood test for the detection of cutaneous malignant melanoma, Rebecca Slattery
Notions of truth in contemporary narrative : Where the truth lies, Cherie Smilovitis
Exploring the relationship between selfobject needs and parental bonding, Sherry-Lee Smith
Using machine learning techniques to create AI controlled players for video games, Bhuman Soni
The needs of Western Australian parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder, as influenced by the age of the child, Kerry Stedman
What Factors Influence Future GPs' Treatment and Referral Decisions When Managing Patients with Mental Health Disorders?, June Fern Tan
An exploration of community, identity, religion and spirituality, Sara Thomas
Users' Perspectives and Attitudes Towards Web Application Security, Leonard Ticualu
Changing the Coastline : Three Short Stories ; and, Perceiving Differently, Respecting Diversity : Representing Disability in Fiction, Melinda Tognini
An investigation of the relationship between inhibitory motor control and low and high trait impulsivity in non-clinical adults, Lindsay Vibert
An other(ed) handmaid's tale : Child care workers: seen but not heard, Kathrine Alice Sarah Whitty
M/others : One lens, multiple maternities, Toni Wilkinson
Teachers' perceptions of sense of belonging and the possible impact on adolescent development, Debra E. York
A descriptive survey of undergraduate nursing students' perceptions of desirable leadership qualities of nurse preceptors, Melanie Zilembo
Theses from 2006
The transition to fatherhood: Exploration of fathers' understandings and perceptions of their experiences of fatherhood, Yael S. Abitbol
Evaluating the impact of peer review and participation awareness in an online collaborative document authoring environment, Greg Baatard
A model for successful teamwork, Mohamed Bakir
The determination of probes for the indirect detection of anions in capillary zone electrophoresis using light emitting diode detection, Peter Ashley Balding
The effects of light reduction treatments on mobile Epifaunain an Amphibolis Griffithii (black) den Hartog seagrass ecosystem, Helen Barwick
Discovering the self: An enquiry into spiritual seekers journeys towards self-realisation, Marianne Batenburg
Natural death in The West Australian newspaper, Heinrich Benz
The politics of problem gambling: Explaining differences between Victoria and Western Australia, Ryan Blake
Electoral professionalism and the 2004 Australian federal election campaign, Ryan Boyd
Impressions of standard Japanese and Osaka dialect, Stephen Bumstead