Theses from 2005
Skill acquisition and transfer to contextually different tasks: Complete, partial or zero transfer?, Lois E. Johnson
Computer security: Investigating the impact that security specific education has on users’ behaviour, Samuel David Jones
2D-barcode for mobile devices, Hiroko Kato
Healthcare practitioners' perspectives on the use of e-health applications to support overweight and obese adolescents, Rachel J. Mahncke
Between the red tent and the red haze : Representations of perimenopause, Sheena Maureen McChlery
Recognising the screenwriter: Agency and authorship in adaptation, Michelle McMerrin
The role of strategy choice and working memory capacity in arithmetic acquisition in third grade primary school children, Dijana Mirkovic
A Study of the Abundance, Distribution and Daily Activities of the Australian Raven (Corvus Coronoides) in Urban Wetland Parks, Desiree L. Moon
A feminist Jungian analysis of the representations of teenage females in films 1950s to 1970s, Lea O'Dea
A qualitative exploration of the transition experience of students from a high school to a senior high school in rural Western Australia, Amiee-Jade Pereira
Girl du jour - Girl of the day, Sarah Perfrement
Lost wisdom: An exploration of the experiences of women who chose to birth at home, Lee-Anne Raeside
An investigation of network security management methods, Shamila Anuranga Ratnayake
Someone, Anyone, Tanya Reynolds
Farming at Wylie : A Technical Biography 1933- 1963, Bruce Rhind
Dryland salinity in Western Australia: A local government perspective, Paul Scalzi
Parental monitoring and the role of community norms and neighbourhood, Katrina Sims
Monitoring different types of resistance training using session rating of perceived exertion, Favil Singh
Nurses' Perceptions of the Pharmacological Management of Acute Pain Experienced by Patients Hospitalised in the General Ward Setting, Susan Slatyer
Shifting representations of Aboriginality in Australian cinema : Re-presenting from an anti-colonial perspective, Kylie Solonec
Photography in Madagascar: Magical realism as an ambiguous space, Talhy Stotzer
Does alcohol use cause intimate partner violence? The role of alcohol in intimate partner violence: Perspectives of women in domestic violence refuges, Angeline C. Swan
End user preference of customisable features within a course management system, Diana Taylor
The effect of antioxidant supplementation on human sperm cryopreservation, Katrina E. Taylor
Uncovering the connections between the concepts of language, sexual difference and the divine in the work of Luce Irigaray, Ajasta Vargas
Palliative care nurses' perceptions of their management of the psychosocial and spiritual pain experienced by their clients in the home hospice setting, Laurence Vogler
The Unpopular Practice: Being Feminist in an Anti-Feminist Age, Brooke Zeligman
Theses from 2004
Examination of multiple fatigue models during prolonged cycling in hot versus cold climates, Chris Abbiss
Plague, Pestilence & Pollution : Berkoff's Collision With Aeschylus and Sophocles, Michelle Aslett
Visions must be re-visioned : Gender politics in Earthsea, Audrey Barton
The Alternative Vote : In Theory and Practice, Vanessa Beckingham
Pressure groups and the state homelessness taskforce: An investigation of the insider/outsider model of pressure group theory, Bianca Blake
Evaluation of an Esperanto-Based Interlingua Multilingual Survey Form Machine Translation Mechanism Incorporating a Sublanguage Translation Methodolgy, Richard Boddington
Natural regeneration of native vegetation on abandoned agricultural land in the Fitzgerald Biosphere, Nerilee Boshammer
The Abject in the Technological Other, Alex Bradley
Banksia woodland resilience to groundwater drawdown on the Gnangara Mound, Llewellyn Broun
The framing of Iraq: How newspapers rely on wire services for fact and frameire services for fact and frame, Ruth Callaghan
The sources and nature of social representations in a multicultural peer group : Implications for friendship and inter-group relationships, Christina Callow
A comparison of the relationship management methodology and the extended business rules diagram method, Jeff Campbell
Clutch, Claire Canham
Construction of Male Identity : The Relationship Between Cancer Support Groups and Identity for Men who are Living With Cancer, Kathryn M. Chegwidden
Myths of the Kalon Kakon : Apocalyptic Femininity, Sarah E. Cocks
An electromyographic comparison of neck conditioning exercises, Jemma L. Coleman
Communicative art through a critique of instrumental reason, Sussi Porsborg Conlin
Men's Strengths in the Transition to Fatherhood, Dawson C. Cooke
Exploring Women's Experiences of a Medically Necessary Caesarean, Michelle Cotterell
Panpsychism as personal experience: Resolving a paradox, Jonathan Cotton
Improving nutrient management at Lake Joondalup, Western Australia, through identification of key sources and current trajectories, Michelle Cumbers
All That we Have to Cling To" : Mothers and Motherhood in the Plays of Tennessee Williams, Trina Di Crescenzo
Measuring Coping : Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the COPE, Kathleen J. Donoghue
Using information and communication technology for human development: Comparing strategies, Jenny Engelbrektsson
Teachers' Experiences of Teaching Children With Learning Difficulties, Michelle Francis
Optimisation of John the Ripper in a clustered Linux environment, Christian Frichot
An Exploration of the Impact of the Family Court Process on 'Invisible' Stepparents, Natalie Gately
Deep muscle function in the cervical spine: Application to musculoskeletal modelling, Jonathon Green
A historical geography of the Bayswater Foreshore, Swan River, Susan Hames
Images of Confinement : Power Relations, Cultural Industries and the Individual, Sohan Ariel Hayes
Exploring the Experience of Fatherhood for Men Over 40 Years of Age, Jan Henderson
Exploring the possibilities of three dimensional image manipulations on mobile devices, Thanuja Nuwan Hettiarachchi
Beach-Cast Wrack as a Determinant of Macroinvertebrate Assemblages and Trophic Subsidy to Sandy Beach Ecosystems, Rebecca Ince
Plant surrogacy: An evaluation of its use and application in the effort to conserve ground dwelling invertebrates, Kerry Leigh Ironside
Dust : A Collection Of Poetry, Wade Jancey
Barriers to the acceptance and utilisation of knowledge management systems: An exploratory study, Patricia Kennett
Developing software for wound measurement, Savo Kordic
Singing at Tertiary Level : Training the Female Singer in the First Year of Studying Voice, Claire Lenyk
Substance Using Women : The Social Meaning of Substance use for Using Women and the Negotiation of Identities, H. Suzanne MacKeith
Effects of Temporary PAR reduction on the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii (Black) den Hartog, Paul R. Mackey
Perceptions of Psychological Injury in the Workplace, Richard Merrett
The effectiveness of post-fire weed management and the germination ecology of selected invasive weed species of Bold Park, Brett Neasham
Under the Thumb : The Role of SMS in the Forming and Maintenance of Adolescent Dating Relationships, Jason Noble
Towards an understanding of the grey nomad consumer, Mandy Pickering
Child custody disputes: Bridging the gap between psychologists and family court, Kate Pratsides
Uses, motivations and community attachment of social internet users, Laura Price
The Body and Technology in Popular Culture, Przemyslaw Psuj
When Hong Kong Action Meets Australian History : The Man From China, a Feature Film Script : An Exegesis, Herman Rethuan
The Importance of the Emotional Climate in Schools : Linking Teachers' Sense of Belonging to School Community With Student Outcomes, Linda Rogerson
Picturing a Postcolonial Australia : Breaking the 'white' norm in contemporary creative practice, Rebekah Rousi
Students' Perception of Their First Experience of the Sacrament of Penance Within the Archdiocese of Perth, Western Australia, Janine Sanzone
Social Competence : An Exploration of Children's Experiences Within the Home Environment, Mandie B. Shean
Imagining the performance zone: Overcoming ambiguity in consumer based electronic performance support systems, Jason Simons
Skill Acquisition and Transfer in a Simple Algebraic Task, Charan J. Singh
The Reporting of the Tampa Incident in Australian and Norwegian Newspapers, Lene Sjobrend
Analysis of expression patterns of ScL and Pax7 in the mouse brain for potential concomitant function within the mesencephalon, Julie Stampalia
'Married' to the military : The experiences of partners of Australian Defence Force members, Ngaere B. Stewart
Can Anybody Own the Internet? : Microsoft, Open-Source and the Debate About Intellectual Property, Greg Stratton