Theses from 2011
The application of data mining techniques to interrogate Western Australian water catchment data sets, Ajdin Sehovic
Ecotypic variation and plasticity of morphological and physiological traits of Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp. lissophloia along a climate gradient in south-west Australia, Vanessa Stylianou
Physical activity: Its implication on attention span and quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorder, Wei Zhong Beron Tan
A review of the relationships between mindfulness, stress, coping styles and substance use among university students, Chris Thomas
The synergy of visual projections and contemporary dance, Hannah Molly Timbrell
The sun safety attitudes of parents and the effects on their children, Matthew Welch
Theses from 2010
Near infrared photovoltaic micro-cell for optical fibre based power harvesting, Gary Allwood
An exploration of the impact of brand personality on consumer buying intentions toward specialist stationery products across age groups, Chalinun Aurmanarom
Facebook usage predicted by sense of community and 'loneliness', Alison Bagworth
Peer mentoring in higher education: Mentees' perceptions and experiences, Jaye Barclay
Effect of Apology Focus on Perceptions of Sincerity, Apology Acceptance and Forgiveness, Sophie M. Beesley
Factors that influence help-seeking behaviours in young men aged 25 to 30 years, Meredith Bolland
Young heterosexual women's negotiations of sexual consent within casual encounters and intimate relationships, Melissa Burkett
The experience of single mothers: Resilience in their multiple roles, Sharon Cheeseman
The Anatomy of the Marmoset Zona Incerta- With Reference to Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease, Tiza Chipungu
The experiences of first time fathers in Western Australia: A qualitative analysis into the transition to fatherhood, Ian D. Clayton-Smith
The work practices and employment patterns of parents of a child with Rett syndrome, Jessica Coles
Autonomy support in Australian higher education: A review of contextual and situational applications of self-determination theory, Nicolas Connault
Website accessibility issues in Western Australian public libraries, Vivienne L. Conway
Coping with the demands of mature age student life, Jenny E.M. Cowell
Postmodernism and the professional String Quartet, Kelly Michaela Curran
Dancing with risk: risk-taking as a performance practice in contemporary dance, Gemma Dawkins
The Seventeenth-Century Battaglie for Lute in Italy, Aiden Deasy
How do they cope: Teaching students with learning difficulties in mainstream classrooms, Coralyn Dick
The predictive ability of corporate narrative disclosures: Australian evidence, Yinan Dong
Music for trumpet and cornetto in the Duben collection, Breanna Michelle Evangelista
From junior to senior sport: Do athletes differ in their transitional experiences?, Glen Ewen
Stability and accuracy of long-term memory for musical tempo, Avril Fairclough
Comparison and application of three decorrelation methods PCA, MAF and ACDC, Jacqueline Ferreira
The experience of retirement for individuals with an intellectual disability, Megan Flowers
Quantification of circulating melanoma cells, Jamie Freeman
The role of social support systems in reducing loneliness and social isolation for parents whose partner work fly-in/fly-out, Nicole Fresle
Wuthering Heights and the influence of literary value, Michelle Fusco
The decision making process involved when changing career: A qualitative study of registered nurses who have left the profession, Katherine S. Gallager
The effect of motivation, social support, stress and resilience on the development of burnout symptoms in elite athletes, Blythe Gooden
An exploratory study on the perspectives of Western Australian drivers towards responding to emergency vehicles, Pauline Grant
Risk mitigation and culture: an examination of the utility of cultural cognition theory in determining operational security cultures in a healthcare environment, Melvyn Griffiths
Resilience in families with same-sex parents, Natasha Griffiths
An interactive music system based on the technology of the reacTable, James Herrington
Ethical concerns over the use of fear appeals when targeting vulnerable populations, Stephanie Hutchinson
The ephemerality of dance, Abby Frances Johnson
Extension of the theory of planned behaviour incorporating an improved measure of emotion: An application to speeding, Chloe Jones
Writing in light: Giving silences their say in Janette Turner Hospital's "The Last Magician", Niva Kaspi
The outcome star: A tool for recovery orientated services; and, Exploring the use of the outcome star in a recovery orientated mental health service, Emma-Louise Keen
Remote access forensics for VNC and RDP on Windows platform, Paresh Kerai
Copyright, creative commons and artistic integrity, Yagan M. Kiely
Pubertal trajectory and the management of menstruation in females with Rett syndrome and Down syndrome, Olivia Annelies Knight
The role of perceived threat in Anglo-Australian attitudes to international students, Katarzyna Koska
Repressive bodies, transgressive bodies : Dracula and the feminine, Sharon Kostopoulos
An injury survey and biomechanical analysis of strength and conditioning exercises and maximal hiking test (HM180) in junior sailors, Wee Wing Kuen
Asperger's disorder: A musical treatment for child anxiety, Jeremy Marriott
Interleukin 6 and 8 gene expression responses to resistance exercise and the correlation to muscle mass, Vivien Massie
Automaticity as a predictor of skill transfer, Jana Melis
Augustus: Rocky Foundations for Peace, Fiona Erica Nichols
Re-designing the 'Great Australian Dream': Creating a More Sustainable Housing Future, Eko Pam
Impact of higher education workplace relations requirements on NTEU membership density, Tulsi Laxman Panchani
The interaction between marketing dynamics and the perception of healthy food choices, Shalini Perera
The Dancing Imagination: How Does Imaginative Imagery Facilitate Movement Qualities in Dance Training and Performance?, Rachel Perica
Spirituality and organised religion in supporting parents of children with Down syndrome and intellectual disability, Divia Pillay
Determining the point of optimum transferability of skill, Amanda Puchar
HIV /AIDS in 2010: a case study of four Australian publications, Peder Qvale
The experiences of incarceration on Indigenous parents and primary care-givers of juvenile detainees, Simone Reid
The predictive ability of corporate financial disclosures : Australian evidence, Yun Ren
Fear of terrorism: Legislation and perceived loss of civil liberties, Finola Richardson
John Hollenbeck's Compositional Technique: An Analysis and Creative Application, Tilman Robinson
Terrorism in Australia: Myth or reality? A psychometric study into the Western Australian public's perception of terrorism, Richard Sargent
An exploration of the perceptions of flexible work arrangements (FWAS) and factors affecting their uptake at a tertiary education institution in Australia, Fleur Sharafizad
Why ask the guests? : An examination of mechanisms and efficacy of guest feedback used in hotels in Perth, Selly Sugio
The relationship between amount of training and performance on a new task, Jacinta Avril Tan
The analysis of composition techniques in utp_: Synthetic composition for electroacoustic ensembles, Kynan Tan
Application of the theory of planned behaviour to career choice: The role of an improved measure of emotion, Saveta Tegova
Lives in transition: Ethnic identity and psychological well-being in adults with a highly mobile global upbringing, Sutharshini (Dharshi) V. Vasikaran
Differing attitudes towards the cannabis infringement notice scheme as a function of career aspirations and dispositional variables, Mark Thomas Wallace
Sound art and the gallery: Material, body and space, Bess Williams
To what extent is the spirit of motivational interviewing present in the experience of Alcoholics Anonymous members?, Mark Williams
Contrast and didacticism in the novels of Jane Austen, Brittany Morgan Woodhams
A study of performance practices in recordings of Bach's Violin Sonata BWV 1003 from 1930-2000, Adrian Yeo
Exchange rate pass through into domestic prices in mainland China, Xiangyu Zhang
Theses from 2009
An exploratory study on reaction time to valenced memories: The importance of individual differences, Emrah Ates
Regulating the Notes : A Case Study Into the Impact of Government Regulation on the Live Music Performances of Perth's Original Contemporary Musicians, Christina Ballico
The role of resilience in second year university students, Sarah M. Barbas
The success and sustainability of improvisation in a live performance context, Ashleigh Rose Berry
Effects of ancient and modern, avoidant and approach stimuli on visual search task reaction times, Sanja Bojic
A qualitative exploration of women firefighters' experience in the Western Australian Volunteer Bushfire Service, Cindy Branch-Smith
In music, poetry: A Britten song cycle and influences on a new work, Talitha Broughton
Using decision analytic modelling to simulate pregnancy, Jeffrey Cannon
Predicting adolescent intentions to use sun protection: extending the theory of planned behaviour, Geoffrey Stephen Caratathis
An investigation into student reactions towards rad versus traditional programming environments for novice developers, Pansy Colkers
Dreaming in motion: Maintaining community, culture and identity of First Australians, Ian R.T. Colless
Pilgrim : Peoms on the Camino de Santiago, Shevaun Cooley