Theses from 2009
Fuel characteristics and dynamics in shrublands of the transitional rainfall zone, Western Australia, Sarah Dalgleish
Investigating data mining techniques for extracting information from Alzheimer's disease data, Vinh Quoc Dang
Trauma Practitioners' Lived Experience of the Impact of Therapy on Trauma Recovery Outcomes, Francess M. Day
Corporate social reporting in Sri Lanka surrounding the tsunami in 2004, Tilina Dharmaratne
Mourning Eros: Hieroglyphic love and loss in H.D.'s Helen in Egypt, Shauna Karine Dorotich
Anglo-Australians' attitudes towards asylum seekers and egalitarianism, Antonietta Matrone Faulkner
An investigation of specific structural techniques used by the Miles Davis Quintet on selected live recordings from 1964-1965, Callum G'Froerer
McMansions: Re-presenting a divided, subdivided and uncanny suburban landscape, Mike Gray
The classics and her cygnets: Classic choreographies and their contemporary (counter) parts, Leeke Griffin
Loss, Gain, Survival: Women in Bangladesh, Caitlin Harrison
Stability and accuracy of long-term memory for musical pitch, Alyce Hay
'Youth Ventures Into the Unknown' developing an individual style of dance making, Kate Herron
The impact of Beijing Olympic Sponsorship Program on annual report social disclosure by local sponsors, Juncheng Hu
Making the invisible, visible : Exploring liminality of mind and body through glass, Naomi Hunter
A new age of goddess worship in new wave feminism : witch way forward? : a qualitative study, Joanne Kostopoulos-Riganello
Constellations, Pathways Through the Body : An Exploration Creating new Movement Pathways Using Dual Patterning, Gemma Laing
The cultural landscape of Perth's cemeteries, Daniel J. McDonald
The perception of peer support by young stroke survivors, Katherine E. McGurk
Australian refugee policy and party rhetoric in contrast: A study of the Hawke/Keating and Howard governments, Paul Mercieca
A narrative analysis of the experiences of living with HIV for heterosexual men, Tanya Millard
The relationship between working memory capacity and movement memory of dancers, Katrina Louise Muller-Townsend
E-Help: Community perspectives on help-seeking using electronic forms of communication, Jacqueline D. Myles-Pallister
The impact of centre based respite on occupational performance for people with dementia, Kristy Ness
Leisure participation for school-aged children with Down syndrome, Alinta Oates
Architects of the identity of dance: Gender inequity in achievement and acknowledgment in Australian contemporary dance, Quindell Orton
Attitudes toward asylum seekers: The role of beliefs in procedural fairness, Lisa Palamountain
An exploration of the experiences leading to volunteer facilitation of postnatal depression peer support groups, Tracey Parker
A Literature Review and Analysis of Prison Offences and Punishments in England and Wales in 2007 by Gender, Catharine Phillips
The communicating dance, Alison Plevey
Balancing multiple roles: A pilot study exploring the complexity of role balance in working mothers with primary school aged children, Katherine Prince
Mothers' and fathers' experiences of parenting in the fly-in fly-out mode of employment, Patricia Joan Rhodes
Young women's perspectives on tanning in solariums: A constructivist grounded theory study, Michelle Louise Russell
Gender performativity in H.D.'s Sea Garden, Angela Sanigar
From dreams to nightmares : Cross-generational romance in mainstream American cinema, Sol Stern
Structural characteristics of banksia woodland along an ecohydrological gradient, Western Australia, Rebecca Thomas
Historical geography of Yellagonga Regional Park, Western Australia, Susan Ujma
An analysis of use of equipment and respite services by families with a daughter with Rett Syndrome, Anna Urbanowicz
Metabolomic investigation of a new rat model of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, Hayley White
World War II prisoner of war visual art : Investigating its significance in contemporary society, Eileen Whitehead
Children's exposure to lead and nickel in Esperance - A case study, Matthew Tristan Winters
From paper, ink and dust: Thank you (two words from an archive of Elizabeth Jolley's writing for students), Andrea Wood
Theses from 2008
The leadership characteristics registered nurses perceive as important in their clinical nurses, Linda May Aitken
Experiences of mature age female students studying psychology: A phenomenological account [thesis], Ruth Ayres
Gender and apologies: Exploring offended females' perceptions of apologies from males and females, Stacey Bennet
The dimensionality of emotion and individual differences, Leah Braganza
Exploration of the Authentic Apology theory: An examination of the reasons why people reject an apology, Stephenie Bruce
The relationship between normative beliefs and tobacco smoking : A social psychological perspective, Wendy Cannon
An exploration of Generation Y's experiences of offshore Fly-in/Fly-out (FIFO) employment, Tayla Carter
A phenomenological study of foster carers' experiences of formal and informal support, Tara Cavazzi
Modulation of corticomotor excitability during passive and active wrist flexion and extension, Lilian Min Yen Chye
Dancing on the edge of silence : Steps towards articulating the experience of childhood rape, Brenda Joy Downing
An exploration of the perceptions domestic groundwater users hold in relation to Perth's groundwater resources, Beverley Drayton-Witty
Protean careers and the performing arts: Antecedents for intrinsic motivation, Sophie Fernandes
Final Medicine ; and, Balance in Comic Theory : An Analysis of Character and Language in 'Final Medicine', Filippo Filidei
Husband of the Above, Karen Fouweather
Developing new and alternative quality of life indicators for older people: A case study from community vision and a cohort of their aged clients in Perth, WA, Jonathan Georgiou
Case analysis of information security risk perceptions, Alexis Guillot
The adoption or adaptation of integrated marketing communications for a regional promotional campaign of a State Government Office, Anthony Warren Hall
Understanding Seychelles students' social, academic and cultural experiences during transition to university, Sophia A. Harryba
Unmasking Albany : Addressing social issues through mask-work with young people in a Western Australian regional centre, Fleur Hockey
PR for pollutant corporations : Does ethical environmental PR exist and could it make a difference?, Chloe Holland
Mathematical skill acquisition: Transfer effects of a computer game based on the components theory of skill acquisition, Jenny Kessell
Factors that influence perception of seriousness of crime : The application of race, type of offence and dispositional empathy to an Australian context, Giselle Larkins
The relationship between session rate of perceived exertion measures and the volume load of resistance training, Mirza Abdul Latif
How Droll : A Screenplay Based on a Feminist Perspective of Film, Clare Leach
Is enough really enough? : Evaluation of an alcohol awareness campaign at ECU Joondalup, Marissa MacDonald
Exploring the Pap smear experiences of women aged 18 to 25 : Moving from intention to action, Gemma Malatesta
Exploring Young Adult Conflict Management Skill Development, Pauline Marcoux
Family support within a child care centre: A case study, Rikki Maynard
The effects of oxidative stress and age on human spermatozoa, Taryn McAndrew
The benefits of pet ownership for single adults in midlife, Lauren McGillivray
A parental perspective: The role of companion animals for children during separation and divorce, Jessica Michel
The impact of implementation of VOIP in call centres : A Western Australia perspective, Syed Moniruzzoha
Visualising the transient self: An examination of the intangible in creative work, Jaqueline Monks
Factor structure of the life orientation test and life orientation test- revised: The influence of item framing, Jamie Moore
New indeterminate music: The influence of the Cagean trajectory in the importance of being earmarked, Brett Philip Murray
Self-efficacy, sense of belonging and social support as predictors of resilience in adolescents, Anna Nowicki
The role of sex, gender role, and extraversion-introversion in explaining the experience, expression and control of anger, James Oliver
Knowledge and perceptions about hepatitis C among police undertaking training at the Western Australia Police Academy, Cerissa Papanastasiou
Experiencing pet loss as a child: A parental perspective, Sarah Jayne Parkin