
Submissions from 2007


People's beliefs about factors contributing to mental health: implications for mental health promotion, RJ Donovan, Nadine Henley, G Jalleh, SR Silburn, SR Zubrick, and A Williams


"Decision research" correlates directly with better business performance, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley

Developing and implementing communication messages, Nadine Henley, R J. Donovan, and M Francas

Testing online strategies for responding to commercial rumor, G Howell, D Mizerski, and Katherine Mizerski


The lifespans of the patriarchs: Schematic orderings in the chrono-genealogy, Jeremy Northcote


Using a bridging vehicle to increase deep learning: A videography teaching study, Maria Ryan, Madeleine Ogilvie, and Angela Bevilacqua

Spending behaviour - A comparison between Town and Shire residents, Maria Ryan and G Soutar


Can morphometrics predict sex in varanids?, J. G. Smith, B. W. Brook, A. D. Griffiths, and Graham G. Thompson


Terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys for the preparation of environmental impact assessments; how can we do it better? A Western Australian example, Graham G. Thompson


Are backfilled burrows a predator protection strategy for the Spinifex Hopping Mouse?, Graham G. Thompson and S. A. Thompson


Early and late colonisers in mine site rehabilitated waste dumps in the Goldfields of Western Australia, Graham G. Thompson and S. A. Thompson


Shape and spatial distribution of Mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) burrows, with comments on their presence in a burnt habitat and a translocation protocol, Graham G. Thompson and S. A. Thompson


Using species accumulation curves to estimate trapping effort in fauna surveys and species richness, Graham G. Thompson and S. A. Thompson


Determining adequate trapping effort and species richness using species accumulation curves for environmental impact assessments, Graham G. Thompson, S. A. Thompson, P. C. Withers, and J. Fraser


Usefulness of funnel traps in catching small reptiles and mammals, with comments on the effectiveness of the alternatives, Graham G. Thompson and Scott Thompson

An examination of customers' perceived quality - value model for the Thai retail sector, S Untachai and Katherine Mizerski

Submissions from 2006

Introduction [to Global wine tourism: Research, management and marketing], Jack Carlsen and Stephen Charters


Water balance of field-excavated aestivating Australian desert frogs, the cocoon-forming Neobatrachus aquilonius and the non-cocooning Notaden nichollsi (Amphibia: Myobatrachidae), Victoria Cartledge, Philip Withers, Kellie McMaster, Graham Thompson, and S D Bradshaw


Aesthetic Products and Aesthetic Consumption: A Review, Stephen Charters

Wine and society: The social and cultural context of a drink, Stephen Charters

Conclusion: the Future of Wine Tourism Research, Management and Marketing, Stephen Charters and Jack Carlsen

Younger wine tourists: A study of generational differences in the cellar door experience, Stephen Charters and Joanna Fountain


Conceptualising Product Quality: The case of wine, Stephen Charters and Simone Pettigrew

How effectively do we communicate about wine?, Stephen Charters and Simone Pettigrew


Product involvement and the evaluation of wine quality, Stephen Charters and Simone Pettigrew

The relevance of the quality construct to wine consumption, Stephen Charters and Simone Pettigrew

Building restaurant wine lists: A study in conflict, Nicole Davis and Stephen Charters


The impact on mental health in others of those in a position of authority: A perspective of parents, teachers, trainers and supervisors, Robert Donovan, Nadine Henley, Geoffery Jalleh, Sven Silburn, Steve Zubrick, and Anwen Williams


The Cruising Industry, Ross Dowling


The Antarctic Cruise Industry, Ross Dowling and Thomas Bauer


Looking Ahead: The Future of Cruising, Ross K. Dowling


Geotourism's Issues and Challenges, Ross Dowling and David Newsome

A Modified Mystery Shopping Approach to the Winery Cellar Door Experience, Joanna Fountain and Stephen Charters

Playing out movie smoking scenes in peer groups: A cautionary tale from Sri Lankan immigrant adolescents, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley


The prevalence and usefulness of market research: An empirical investigation into 'background' versus 'decision' research, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley


Free to be obese in a 'super nanny state'?, Nadine Henley


Free to be obese in a " Super Nanny State " ?, Nadine Henley


Is it 'too bloody late'? Older people's response to the national physical activity guidelines, Nadine Henley and Joan Jackson


The influences of lawfulness attitudes on consumers' willingness to purchase counterfeit goods, Anas Hidayat and Katherine Mizerski


Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Australian Media, 2001-2005, Nahid Kabir


Customer Satisfaction and Scuba-diving: Some Insights from the Deep, Martin Maccarthy, Martin O'Neill, and Paul Williams

Establishing destination loyalty through image building: A Conceptual Framework, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qiu Zhang

Factors affecting tourists' destination preference and future behavior intention: a study of mainland Chinese tourists' travel behavior, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qiu Zhang

Differences in importance and relevance ratings among older consumers, Katherine Mizerski and Simone Pettigrew


The Scope and Nature of Geotourism, David Newsome and Ross Dowling


Breaking the Isolation Cycle: The Experience of Muslim Refugee Women in Australia, Jeremy Northcote, Peter Hancock, and Suzy Casimiro

Survey Timing and Visitor Perceptions of Cellar Door Quality, Martin O'Neill and Stephen Charters


Consumers' expectations of food and alcohol pairing, Simone Pettigrew and Stephen Charters

Monastic Traditions: Developing a 'Typical' Brand, Maria Ryan and Katherine Mizerski


Recovery of Alpine Herbfield on a Closed Walking Track in the Kosciuszko Alpine Zone, Australia, Pascal Scherrer and Pickering Catherine Marina

Fantasy and Reality: Tourist and Local Experience of Cruise Ship Tourism in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, Lynnaire Sheridan and Gregory Teal

Small vertebrate colonisers of mine site rehabilitated waste dumps in the Goldfields of Western Australia, Graham Thompson and Scott Thompson

Quantification of rehabilitation success on mine site waste dumps, Scott Thompson and Graham Thompson

Submissions from 2005


Marketing Bullying Prevention: A Case for Segmenting by Unmet Needs, Debora E. Brown, Nadine R. Henley, Robert Donovan, and Donna S. Cross


'Hard core' smokers response to the Quit! Message: Rationalisations to relieve cognitive dissonance, Debora Brown and Nadine Henley

Shopping Motivation, Optimum Stimulation Level, The Perception of Store Atmosphere and Store Patronage Satisfaction: A Case of Indonesia, Tjong Budisantoso and Katherine Mizerski

The influence of shopping motivation, optimum stimulation level and cognitive response on store patronage satisfaction: A case of Indonesia, Tjong Budisantoso and Katherine Mizerski


Water relations of the burrowing sandhill frog, Arenophyrne rotunda (Myobatrachidae), Victoria Cartledge, Philip Withers, Graham Thompson, and Kellie McMaster


Drinking sparkling wine: An exploratory investigation, Stephen Charters


Is wine consumption an aesthetic experience?, Steve Charters and Simone Pettigrew


'Charm sells': The role of a community action group in preserving a place image in Akaroa, New Zealand, Joanna Fountain


Marketing the anti-smoking message to immigrant adolescents: Are cultural values risk or protective factors ?, Raguragavan Ganeshasundaram and Nadine Henley


E-buyers unveil it all, Anesshta Gunness, Madeleine Ogilvie, and Katherine Mizerski


Marketing mental health: People in authority as intermediaries, Nadine Henley, Geoffery Jalleh, Robert Donovan, Sven Silburn, Steve Zubrick, and Anwen Williams


Cultural differences in physical activity of adolescents: Australia and Taiwan, Kandy James, Yichung Hsu, Janice Redmond, and Peter Hope

Investigating the construct of adolescent receptivity to tobacco advertising and promotion, Alvin Lee, Katherine Mizerski, Richard Mizerski, and Desmond Lam

Understanding tourists' loyalty through their motivations with logistic regression, Yue Mao and Hanqin Qiu Zhang

Predicting future behaviour from past experience: Evidence from outbound Chinese tourists to Hong Kong, Yue Mao, Hanqin Qiu Zhang, and Hailin Qu


Diet and foraging behaviour of the semi-aquatic varanus mertensi (Reptilia: varanidae), Phillip Mayes, Graham Thompson, and Philip Withers


Demographic characteristics of WA users of electronic banking, Cathrine Munene, Simone Pettigrew, and Katherine Mizerski


Wildlife Tourism, David Newsome, Ross Dowling, and Susan Moore

Empowering stakeholders in community-based tourism development, Attama Nilnoppakun

Student designed exams and their impact on self centred learning - A case analysis, Madeleine Ogilvie and Arron Jackson

Students' preference for tertiary project presentation: the increasing role of videography as a teaching tool, Madeleine Ogilvie and Maria Ryan


An exploratory study on the role of management tone in hotel guest questionnaires, Alfred Ogle, Kaoru Nosaka, and Simone Pettigrew


Older Australians' expectations of their interactions with their GPs, Simone Pettigrew, Katherine Mizerski, and Robert Donovan


The three "big issues" for older supermarket shoppers, Simone Pettigrew, Katherine Mizerski, and Robert Donovan


Motivations for Social Internet Use, Laura Price, Kum-Foong Leong, and Maria Ryan


Predicting attachment to online communities, Laura Price, Kum-Foong Leong, and Maria Ryan

Assessing the effects of in-school point of purchase and sampling on the choice of a healthy food option, Dafina Rexha, Katherine Mizerski, and Richard Mizerski

The effect of sampling and point of purchase advertising on young children's first purchases, Dafina Rexha, Katherine Mizerski, and Richard Mizerski

The impact of the availability and promotion of healthy food in changing young children's food preferences, Dafina Rexha, Richard Mizerski, and Katherine Mizerski


Parenting in an Obesogenic Environment, Michele Roberts

The influence of cause-related marketing on purchase behaviour, Michele Roberts and Maria Ryan


The preference for group work - not always the case: a case study, Maria Ryan and Madeleine Ogilvie


BBQ's and Beers, or Cappuccinos? Globalisation, Field Hockey and Social Change, Ruth Sibson

I think what they want is exposure': The sponsorship dynamics of local, grass-roots sport, Ruth Sibson


Mammals or reptiles, as surveyed by pit-traps, as bio-indicators of rehabilitation success for mine sites in the goldfields region of Western Australia?, Graham Thompson and Scott Thompson


Shape of Western Australian dragon lizards (Agamidae), Graham Thompson and Philip Withers


Size-free shape differences between male and female Western Australian dragon lizards (Agamidae), Graham Thompson and Philip Withers


The relationship between size-free body shape and choice of retreat for Western Australian Ctenophorus (Agamidae) dragon lizards, Graham Thompson and Philip Withers


Burrows of desert-adapted frogs, Neobatrachus aquilonius and Notaden nichollsi, Graham Thompson, Philip Withers, Kellie McMaster, and Victoria Cartledge


Temporal variations in reptile assemblages in the goldfields of Western Australia, Scott Thompson and Graham Thompson


Capture rates of small vertebrates decrease as the pit-trapping effort increases at Ora Banda, Scott Thompson, Graham Thompson, and Philip Withers


Influence of pit-trap type on the interpretation of fauna diversity, Scott Thompson, Graham Thompson, and Philip Withers


Range extension for the Perentie, Varanus giganteus (Squamata: Varanidae), Scott Thompson, Philip Withers, Graham Thompson, and David Robinson

The determinants of likelihood of revisiting of Mainland China visitors to Hong Kong, Hanqin Qiu Zhang, Hailin Qu, and Yue Mao

Submissions from 2004

The unplanned internet shopper: Women lead the way, Aneeshta Guinness and Madeleine Ogilvie


A multivariate analysis of spontaneous purchases online, Aneeshta Gunness and Madeleine Ogilvie

Application of importance-performance analysis in Hong Kong model in tour guides performance: evidence from mainland Chinese outbound visitors , Hanqin Qiu Zhang, Yue Mao, and Ivy Chow