
Submissions from 2001

Bridge climb: on post modern rites of passage, Ronald Groves and R Belk

Look at them blokes! Got no bloody control see: Alcohol consumption and the Australian Aborigine, Ronald Groves and R Belk


I just gotta have my own place: The bedroom as a leisure site for adolescent girls, Kandy James


Campus Alive!: A project to explore student attitudes to campus life, Kandy James and Suzanne Colyer


Anyone could be lurking around! : Constraints on adolescent girls recreational activities after dark, Kandy James and Lynne Embrey


Attitudes toward female sports stars as endorsers, Kandy James and Maria Ryan


Delivering public leisure services: Integrating people, places and partnerships, Joaquim Lobo

Health Tourism within the Leisure Paradigm: Australian and New Zealand Experiences, Joaquim Lobo


The work-leisure paradigm: Changing relationships and challenges for service delivery, Joaquim Lobo

Young People, Unemployment and Leisure: A Gender Perspective, Joaquim Lobo

The holistic interpretive package: A qualitative measure of customer satisfaction in dive tourism, Martin Maccarthy, Paul (Allan) Williams, and Martin O'Neill


The effect and implications for a stochastic pattern of lotto game play, Dick Mizerski and Katherine Mizerski


Souvenirs on the internet - would you purchase?, Katherine Mizerski, C Arthur, and Richard Mizerski

An exploratory study into customer orientation and product attributes in the racing industry, Katherine Mizerski, Rohan Miller, and Richard Mizerski

Are electronic gaming machines the crack cocaine of gambling?, Katherine Mizerski, Richard Mizerski, and B Jolley


Why women wear lipstick: preliminary findings, Madeleine Ogilvie and Paulene Kristensen-Bach


Measuring Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Martin O'Neill


Exploring the relationship between post-consumption dissonance and time-elapsed perceptions of service quality, Martin O'Neill and Adrian Palmer


Survey timing and consumer perceptions of service quality: An overview of empirical evidence, Martin O'Neill and Adrian Palmer


Quality evaluation in on-line service environments: An application of the importance-performance measurement technique, Martin O'Neill, Christine Wright, and Frank Fitz


Marketing the anti-drug message: Source credibility varies by level of marijuana use, Fiona Perman and Nadine Henley


King or Prawn? The Role of the Australian Beer Drinker, Simone Pettigrew

The beer-drinking female: An Australian anomaly, Simone Pettigrew


The role of alcohol in non-indigenous Australian culture: An ethonographic study, Simone Pettigrew


The role of sport in the Australian psyche: Marketing implications, Simone Pettigrew


Why a journal of research for consumers?, Simone Pettigrew


New year's eve consumption plans: Consumer's consumption priorities on the eve of 2000, Simone Pettigrew, Maria M. Ryan, and Madeleine Ogilvie


Internet issues for small and medium-sized Australian businesses, Simone Pettigrew and Roman Vargha


Percetions of gambling on the internet: a simulated study, Maria Ryan and Pradtana Limkrailassiri


Examining the effects of environmental interchangeability with overseas students: A cross cultural comparison, Maria M. Ryan and Madeleine Ogilvie


Putting theory in practice: guiding marketing students to better communication and collaborative skills, Sherryl Tanian and Kandy James


The selling orientation-customer orientation (S.O.C.O.) scale: A proposed short form, Raymond W. Thomas, Geoffrey N. Soutar, and Maria M. Ryan


Allometry of clutch and neonate sizes in montior lizards (Varanidae: Varanus), Graham G. Thompson and Eric R Pianka

Why do children change their mind about smoking? Child development theory applied to social marketing practice, Calvin Wang and Nadine Henley

Submissions from 1999


Executing effective road safety advertising: Are big production budgets necessary?, R. J. Donovan, Geoffrey Jalleh, and Nadine Henley


Unintended Consequences of Arousing Fear in Social Marketing, Nadine Henley and Rob Donovan


Unintended consequences of arousing fear in social marketing, Nadine Henley and Rob Donovan

Submissions from 1998


Appealing to positive motivations and emotions in social marketing: Example of a positive parenting campaign, Nadine Henley, R. Donovan, and H. Moorhead


Gender differences in tourism destination: Implications for tourism marketers, Marie Ryan, Nadine Henley, and Geoffery Soutar


Gender Differences in Tourism Destination: Implications for Tourism Marketers, Marie Ryan, Nadine Henley, and Geoffery Soutar