Submissions from 2022
Children’s opera in the twenty-first century: The child-centred approach to writing, Emma Jayakumar
Accessible and inclusive cities: Exposing design and leadership challenges for Bunbury and Geelong, Adam Johnson, Richard Tucker, Hing-Wah Chau, and Elmira Jamei
An online critical thinking course reduces misconceptions in the knowledge of personal trainers, Daniel Jolley, Melissa Davis, Andrew P. Lavender, and Lynne Roberts
Understanding employee travel behaviours in response to workplace relocation: A case study comparing commuting patterns between Subiaco and Perth, Western Australia, Emil E. Jonescu, Chamil E. Ramanayaka, Stephen Moorcroft, and Dean Symington
It’s a matter of trust: Ngāi Tahu democratic processes and Māori Pākehā research partnership, Janine Joyce and Hine Forsyth
Service user involvement in social work education: Enhancing student learning about intimate partner violence, Rebecca Jury
Is there a place in social work education for men who use intimate partner violence? An evolving collaborative inquiry, Rebecca L. Jury
A study of young Yemeni-American Muslims’ identity, 2010–2021, Nahid A. Kabir
Education in a warming world: Trends, opportunities and pitfalls for institutes of higher education, Orla Kelly, Sam Illingworth, Fabrizio Butera, Vaille Dawson, Peta White, Mindy Blaise, Pim Martens, Geertje Schuitema, Maud Huynen, Susan Bailey, and Sian Cowman
Heartwood: Spiritual homebuilding and white-vanishing in Australian gothic fiction, Joshua M. Kemp
Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Jennifer K. Bosson, Paweł Jurek, Tomasz Besta, Michał Olech, Joseph A. Vandello, Michael Bender, Justine Dandy, Vera Hoorens, Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, Eric Mankowski, Satu Venäläinen, Sami Abuhamdeh, Collins Badu Agyemang, Gülçin Akbaş, Nihan Albayrak-Aydemir, Soline Ammirati, Joel Anderson, Gulnaz Anjum, Amarina Ariyanto, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Mujeeba Ashraf, Aistė Bakaitytė, Maja Becker, Chiara Bertolli, Dashamir Bërxulli, Deborah L. Best, Chongzeng Bi, Katharina Block, Mandy Boehnke, Renata Bongiorno, Janine Bosak, Annalisa Casini, Qingwei Chen, Peilian Chi, Vera Cubela Adoric, Serena Daalmans, Soledad De Lemus, Sandesh Dhakal, Nikolay Dvorianchikov, Sonoko Egami, Edgardo Etchezahar, Carla Sofia Esteves, Laura Froehlich, Efrain Garcia-Sanchez, Alin Gavreliuc, Dana Gavreliuc, Ángel Gomez, Francesca Guizzo, Sylvie Graf, Hedy Greijdanus, Ani Grigoryan, Joanna Grzymała-Moszczyńska, Keltouma Guerch, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Miriam-Linnea Hale, Hannah Hämer, Mika Hirai, Lam Hoang Duc, Martina Hřebíčková, Paul B. Hutchings, Dorthe Høj Jensen, Serdar Karabati, Kaltrina Kelmendi, Gabriella Kengyel, Narine Khachatryan, Rawan Ghazzawi, Mary Kinahan, Teri A. Kirby, Monika Kovacs, Desiree Kozlowski, Vladislav Krivoshchekov, Kuba Kryś, Clara Kulich, Tai Kurosawa, Nhan Thi Lac An, Javier Labarthe-Carrara, Mary Anne Lauri, Ioana Latu, Abiodun Musbau Lawal, Junyi Li, Jana Lindner, Anna Lindqvist, Angela T. Maitner, Elena Makarova, Ana Makashvili, Shera Malayeri, Sadia Malik, Tiziana Mancini, Claudia Manzi, Silvia Mari, Sara E. Martiny, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Vladimir Mihić, Jasna MiloševićĐorđević, Eva Moreno-Bella, Silvia Moscatelli, Andrew Bryan Moynihan, Dominique Muller, Erita Narhetali, Félix Neto, Kimberly A. Noels, Boglárka Nyúl, Emma C. O’Connor, Danielle P. Ochoa, Sachiko Ohno, Sulaiman Olanrewaju Adebayo, Randall Osborne, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Jorge Palacio, Snigdha Patnaik, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Pablo Pérez De León, Ivana Piterová, Juliana Barreiros Porto, Angelica Puzio, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Erico Rentería Pérez, Emma Renström, Tiphaine Rousseaux, Michelle K. Ryan, Saba Safdar, Mario Sainz, Marco Salvati, Adil Samekin, Simon Schindler, A. Timur Sevincer, Masoumeh Seydi, Debra Shepherd, Sara Sherbaji, Toni Schmader, Cláudia Simão, Rosita Sobhie, Jurand Sobiecki, Lucille De Souza, Emma Sarter, Dijana Sulejmanović, Katie E. Sullivan, Mariko Tatsumi, Lucy Tavitian-Elmadjian, Suparna Jain Thakur, Quang Thi Mong Chi, Beatriz Torre, Ana Torres, Claudio V. Torres, Beril Türkoğlu, Joaquín Ungaretti, Timothy Valshtein, Colette Van Laar, Jolanda Van der Noll, Vadym Vasiutynskyi, Christin-Melanie Vauclair, Neharika Vohra, Marta Walentynowicz, Colleen Ward, Anna Włodarczyk, Yaping Yang, Vincent Yzerbyt, Valeska Zanello, Antonella Ludmila Zapata-Calvente, Magdalena Zawisza, Rita Žukauskienė, and Magdalena Żadkowska
A speculation for the future of service design in healthcare: Looking through the lens of a speculative service design framework, Christopher Kueh, Fanke Peng, Philip Elly, and Gareth Durrant
The role of dysfunctional sleep beliefs in mediating the outcomes of web-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in community-dwelling older adults: Protocol for a single-group, nonrandomized trial, Yvonne Kutzer, Lisa Whitehead, Eimear Quigley, and Mandy Stanley
Vessels for the devil: Exploring the rhetoric of the monstrous-feminine in graphic culture, Julia M. Lane
The latent structure of the adult attachment interview: Large sample evidence from the collaboration on attachment transmission synthesis, K. Lee Raby, Marije L. Verhage, R. M. Pasco Fearon, R. Chris Fraley, Glenn I. Roisman, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Carlo Schuengel, Sheri Madigan, Mirjam Oosterman, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Annie Bernier, Karin Ensink, Airi Hautamäki, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Lynn E. Priddis, Maria S. Wong, and The Collaboration on Attachment Transmission Synthesis
The contribution of skills to the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy, Rachael K. Lee, Craig A. Harms, and Sian E. Jeffery
Regulating social media and influencers within Vietnam, Viet Tho Le and Jonathon Hutchinson
Australians underestimate social compliance with coronavirus restrictions: Findings from a national survey, Zoe Leviston, Samantha K. Stanley, and Iain Walker
You can’t have one without the other: The case for integrated perinatal and infant mental health services, Izaak Lim, Vesna Newman-Morris, Rebecca Hill, Elisabeth Hoehn, Nicholas Kowalenko, Rochelle Matacz, Campbell Paul, Rosalind Powrie, Lynn Priddis, Vibhay Raykar, Tanya Wright, Louise Newman, and Suresh Sundram
Factors influencing Australian Muslims’ attitudes toward Christian-Muslim dialogue: The case of Sunni Muslims of Adelaide and Uniting Church Christians, Gregory MacDonald, Mohamad Abdalla, and Nahid Afrose Kabir
Recognising Indigenous knowledges is not just culturally sound, it’s good science, Maryanne Macdonald, Darren Garvey, Eyal Gringart, and Ken Hayward
Validation of the multi-dimensional student perceptions of school questionnaire (MSPSQ): Early findings and next steps, Mary-anne Macdonald and Eyal Gringart
Suicide exposure experience screener for use in therapeutic settings: A validation report, Myfanwy Maple, Julie Cerel, Rebecca Sanford, Fiona Shand, Philip J. Batterham, and Navjot Bhullar
A psychoeducational support group intervention for people who have attempted suicide: An open trial with promising preliminary findings, Myfanwy Maple, Sarah Wayland, Tania Pearce, Rebecca Sanford, and Navjot Bhullar
Yes, the ‘terrible twos’ are full-on – but let’s look at things from a child’s perspective, Rochelle Matacz and Lynn Priddis
Guide to the classics: written in 1915, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland imagines society without men, Donna Mazza
When Geraldine Brooks writes about Tim Winton, you can hear the axes grind, Donna Mazza
More than something weird: Teaching Australian Gothic in the classroom, Donna Mazza, Narrelle de Boer, and David Rhodes
Beneath the money tree and nature is a haunted house: A novel and exegesis, Rachel M. McEleney Freebury
Moments in performance: Developing an aid for articulation and reflection, Shelby R. McKenzie
Video Figure 1 Distracted Moment, Shelby R. McKenzie
Video Figure 2 The Structured Moment, Shelby R. McKenzie
Video Figure 3 The Embodied Moment, Shelby R. McKenzie
Video Figure 4 Exceeding Embodiment, Shelby R. McKenzie
Video Figure 5 Embodied and Structured, Shelby R. McKenzie
Ability of the Australian general public to identify common emergency medical situations: Results of an online survey of a nationally representative sample, Brennen W. Mills, Michella G. Hill, Alecka K. Miles, Erin C. Smith, Eben Afrifa-Yamoah, David N. Reid, Shane L. Rogers, and Moira G. B. Sim
Public perceptions of child sex offenders, Laura A. Milosavljevic
Retrotopia: An exhibition – and – mashup and expanded painting: A lens on liquid consumerism: An exegesis, Laura C. Mitchell
Breast augmentation and artificial insemination: Monstrous medicine and the female body in recent fiction, Amber Moffat
Introduction. Multiple invisibilities: Space, resistance and LGBTIQA+ Muslim perspectives, Marziya Mohammedali, Budi Sudarto, and Aisya Aymanee M. Zaharin
Sending teens to maximum security prisons shows Australia needs to raise the age of criminal responsibility, Piero Moraro
40 years ago, protesters were celebrated for saving the Franklin River. Today they could be jailed for months, Piero Moraro and Deborah Williams
Exploring potential mechanisms underpinning the therapeutic effects of surfing, Sam G. Moreton, Mary K. Brennan, Victoria I. Nicholls, Isabelle D. Wolf, and David L. Muir
Parental challenges, facilitators and needs associated with supporting and accepting their trans child’s gender, Helen Morgan, Laura Wells, Ashleigh Lin, Penelope Strauss, and Yael Perry
Imagining new human-animal futures in Australia, Jane Mummery and Debbie Rodan
Response to ‘Drug checking services increase the intention to use drugs in some (small) subgroups of music festival attendees’, Sherri Murphy, Stephen J. Bright, and Greg Dear
From Giotto to Drnaso: The common well of pictorial schema in ‘high’ art and ‘low’ comics, Bruce Mutard
Scholarship in action, Bruce Mutard, Stuart Medley, and Helen Kara
Assessing sexual attitudes among adult men: A descriptive survey in Kenya, Darlene M. Ndasi, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Madalena Grobbelaar, A. V.V. Ha, and Victor Fannam Nunfam
Female sex research with men in Kenya: Fieldwork challenges and reflections, D. M. Ndasi, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Magdalena Grobbelaar, and Victor Fannam Nunfam
The six Australias: Concern about climate change (and global warming) is rising, Claudio Neumann, Samantha K. Stanley, Zoe Leviston, and Iain Walker
Perceived diversity norms, cultural identity styles and bicultural identity consolidation in two bicultural groups in Australia, Caroline Ng Tseung-Wong, Justine Dandy, and Marguerite Lane
Lifecourse transitions: How ICTS support older migrants’ adaptation to transnational lives, Hien Thi Nguyen, Loretta Baldassar, and Raelene Wilding
Man vs machine: How artificial intelligence in banking influences consumer belief in financial advice, Gavin Northey, Vanessa Hunter, Rory Mulcahy, Kelly Choong, and Michael Mehmet
Industrial attachment and human capital of higher education students: constraints of Ghanaian technical universities, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Norbert Adja Kwabena Adjei, Hafiz Adam, and John Frank Eshun
Mediation roles of pedagogical approaches and personality traits in entrepreneurial curriculum design and entrepreneurial intention nexus, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, and Akanganngang Joseph Asitik
Personality, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention among Ghanaian students, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Akanganngang J. Asitik, and Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah
Why do parents refuse childhood vaccination? Reasons reported in Finland, Johanna Nurmi and Bronwyn Harman
The efficacy of outsourced employment services for adults exiting Australian prisons, Janice Ollerton, Margaret J. Giles, Eileen Baldry, and Jesse Cale
Comparison of the inter-item correlations of the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) between Western and non-Western contexts, Joonha Park, Karlijn L. van den Broek, Navjot Bhullar, Charles Adedayo Ogunbode, Julie Aitken Schermer, Rouven Doran, Rahkman Ardi, Daniel Hanss, Daniela Acquadro Maran, Mai Albzour, Sibele D. Aquino, Arin H. Ayanian, Razieh Chegeni, John Bosco Chika Chukwuorji, Violeta Enea, Elahe Ghanbarian, Jihane Ghorayeb, Feng Jiang, Ojewumi Aderemi Kehinde, Samuel Lins, Michael J. Lomas, Su Lu, Tiago Marot, Winfred Mbungu, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Charles Onyutha, Marc Eric S. Reyes, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Tomas Sollar, Hajra Tahir, Chee-Seng Tan, Jorge Torres-Marín, Takashi Tsubakita, Tatiana Volkodav, Anna Wlodarczyk, and Radha Yadav
Application of critical realism in social work research: Methodological considerations, Lynne Soon-Chean Park and Shajimon Peter
The relationship between psychedelic use, mystical experiences, and pro-environmental behaviors, Kelly Paterniti, Stephen Bright, and Eyal Gringart
Integration of design thinking with cultural intelligence in higher education for a socially complex environment, Fanke Peng and Christopher Kueh
Navigating the territories of transition: An exploration of the experiences of transnational social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand, Shajimon Peter, Liz Beddoe, and Allen Bartley
A study of the emergence, impacts, and responses to trolling in the Australian news media, Delysha Pick
A stranger’s house, Marcella Polain
How to lose an island: Singapore, colonialism, and the environment, Marcella Polain
Why is alexithymia a risk factor for affective disorder symptoms? The role of emotion regulation, David A. Preece, Ashish Mehta, Rodrigo Becerra, Wai Chen, Alfred Allan, Ken Robinson, Mark Boyes, Penelope Hasking, and James J. Gross
Evaluation of an Australian neurological nurse-led model of postdischarge care, Judith Dianne Pugh, Kathleen McCoy, Merrilee Needham, Leanne Jiang, Margaret Giles, Elizabeth McKinnon, and Kym Heine
Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with lower worries, tension and lack of joy across the lifespan, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Marc Sim, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Nicola P. Bondonno, Catherine P. Bondonno, Richard Woodman, Joanne M. Dickson, Craig Harms, Dianna J. Magliano, Jonathan E. Shaw, Robin M. Daly, Jonathan M. Hodgson, and Joshua Lewis
Associations of specific types of fruit and vegetables with perceived stress in adults: The AusDiab study, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Marc Sim, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Nicola P. Bondonno, Catherine P. Bondonno, Richard Woodman, Joanne M. Dickson, Dianna J. Magliano, Jonathan E. Shaw, Robin M. Daly, Jonathan M. Hodgson, and Joshua R. Lewis
Hook-ups, pansexuals and holy connection: love in the time of millennials and Generation Z, Elizabeth Reid Boyd
‘I say Tajikistan or Uzbekistan’: why Afghan refugees feel unwelcome in Australia, even after becoming citizens, Omid Rezaei and Vicki Banham
Understanding, promoting and supporting LGBTQI+ diversity in legal education, Aidan Ricciardo, Shane L. Rogers, Stephen D. Puttick, Natalie Skead, Stella Tarrant, and Melville Thomas
Temptations, techniques and typologies: Insights from a Western Australian sample of young people who burgle, Suzanne Rock, Natalie J. Gately, James McCue, and Nathalie St Martin
How a Canadian program that helps educators ‘thrive’ not just ‘survive’ could help address Australia’s childcare staff shortage, Marg Rogers, Laura K. Doan, and Navjot Bhullar
Realistic motion avatars are the future for social interaction in virtual reality, Shane L. Rogers, Rebecca Broadbent, Jemma Brown, Allan Fraser, and Craig P. Speelman
An evaluation of virtual reality role-play experiences for helping-profession courses, Shane L. Rogers, Ross Hollett, Yanqi R. Li, and Craig P. Speelman
Keniny Kaadadijiny: Restoring and developing dance for Noongar Boodjar, Trevor J. Ryan
Maintaining social and emotional wellbeing among older adults during periods of increased social isolation: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, Brigitta Scarfe, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, Daniel McAullay, Moira Sim, and Natalie Strobel
Maintaining social and emotional wellbeing among older adults during periods of increased social isolation: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic [dataset], Brigitta Scarfe, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, Daniel McAullay, Moira Sim, and Natalie Strobel
When life means what the minister says it means: The need to reform parole laws for prisoners serving life sentences in Western Australia, Gabrielle Seah, Lorana Bartels, Hilde Tubex, and Natalie Gately
Children’s digital citizenship project: Your perspectives: A report for children, Harrison See, Kylie Stevenson, Emma Jayakumar, and Phoebe Zeng
Encounters across dialogic cross-cultural collaborative painting, Harrison W. See
A comparison of Australians, Chinese and Sri Lankans' payment preference at point-of-sale, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Helen Cripps, Stephanie Meek, and Maria M. Ryan
iCreate: Mining creative thinking patterns from contextualized educational data, Nasrin Shabani, Amin Beheshti, Helia Farhood, Matt Bower, Michael Garrett, and Hamid Alinejad Rokny
“Machine-Dependent”: The lived experiences of patients receiving hemodialysis in Pakistan, Haseeba Shouket, Eyal Gringart, Dierdre Drake, and Ulrich Steinwandel
Health promotion in an Australian Aboriginal community: the Growing Strong Brains ® toolkit, Wendy Simpson, Darlene Robinson, Elaine Bennett, Cecily Strange, Vicki Banham, Jenny Allen, and Rhonda Marriott
Correlates of therapist drift in psychological practice: A systematic review of therapist characteristics, Andrew J.H. Speers, Navjot Bhullar, Suzanne Cosh, and Bethany M. Wootton
Welcoming climate refugees to the United States: Do attitudes depend on refugee origins, numbers, or permanence?, Samantha K. Stanley, Caroline Ng Tseung-Wong, and Zoe Leviston
Contexts for children’s digital citizenship in India, Korea and Australia: A literature review, Kylie Stevenson, Emma Jayakumar, Viet Tho Le, Yeonghwi Ryu, and Harrison See
Children’s perspectives of digital citizenship in India, Korea and Australia: Report of findings from children’s digital citizenship and safety roundtables, Kylie Stevenson, Emma Jayakumar, Harrison See, Yeonghwi Ryu, and Shruti Das
Children and the internet of toys, Francesca Stocco and Lelia Green
Family-centred interventions for Indigenous early childhood well-being by primary healthcare services, Natalie A. Strobel, Catherine Chamberlain, Sandra K. Campbell, Linda Shields, Roxanne G. Bainbridge, Claire Adams, Karen M. Edmond, Rhonda Marriott, and Janya McCalman
Emotion regulation strategies, co-rumination, and emotional wellbeing, Guillaume P. Tanfin
Drivers and patterns of early retirement in the neoliberal university, Philip Taylor, Eyal Gringart, Eileen O. Webb, Phillippa Carnemolla, Deirdre Drake, Michelle Oppert, and Robin Harvey
Continent of smoke (series), Paul Uhlmann
Of ghosts + angels, Paul Uhlmann