
Submissions from 2021


The formation and functioning of the Airbnb neo-tribe. Exploring peer-to-peer accommodation host groups, Anne Hardy, Sara Dolnicar, and Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta


New trends in intellectual capital disclosures of higher degree institutions in Indonesia, Saarce E. Hatane, Eric Oktavianus, Josua Tarigan, and Ferry Jie


Tourist motivation: A critical overview, Songshan (Sam) Huang


Critical issues, challenges and future prospects, Songshan (Sam) Huang and Jigang Bao


Impacts of COVID-19 on Chinese nationals' tourism preferences, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Yuhong Shao, Ying Zeng, Xinyi Liu, and Zhiyong Li


Developing and validating a Chinese cultural value scale in tourism, Songshan (Sam) Huang and Jun Wen


In pursuit of happiness: Impact of the happiness level of a destination country on Chinese tourists' outbound travel choices, Ziyao Huang, Sam Huang, Yang Yang, Ziyan Tang, Yutao Yang, and Yijun Zhou


Customer switching intention in the retail energy markets in Western Australia, Shahid Hussain


Entrepreneurship in emerging markets: Mapping the scholarship and suggesting future research directions, Boris Inkizhinov, Elena Gorenskaia, Dashi Nazarov, and Anton Klarin


Shyness, self-esteem, and loneliness as causes of FA: The moderating effect of low self-control, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Behzad Foroughi, Davoud Nikbin, and Sunghyup Sean Hyun


The impacts of organizational structure on operational performance through innovation capability: Innovative culture as moderator, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Kavigtha Mohan Kumar, Behzad Foroughi, Reza Kian Mavi, and Ng Hui Min


What actually works to enhance graduate employability? The relative value of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular learning and paid work, Denise Jackson and Ruth Bridgstock


Sustainable graduate accounting and finance career pathways: A multi-stakeholder approach, Denise Jackson, Grant Michelson, Rahat Munir, and Julia Richardson


International students and work-integrated learning: Overcoming challenges and looking to the future, Denise Jackson and Thanh Pham


The relative importance of work experience, extra-curricular and university-based activities on student employability, Denise Jackson and Michael Tomlinson


Does US partisan conflict affect China's foreign exchange reserves?, Xiandeng Jiang, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Factors affecting the adoption of shared mobility systems: Evidence from Australia, Ferry Jie, Craig Standing, Sharon Biermann, Susan Standing, and Thi Le


Enhancing the efficiency of credit card service delivery through service innovation: A case study, Muhammad Kamran, Tonmoy Choudhury, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Ferry Jie


Volunteer experiences at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, Pam Kappelides, Shane Barry, Eunjung Kim, Liz Fredline, and Graham Cuskelly


Impacts of COVID-19 on changing patterns of household food consumption: An intercultural study of three countries, Asker Kartari, Asli Emine Özen, Antonia Correia, Jun Wen, and Metin Kozak


A new assessment of economic integration in East Asia: Application of an industry-specific G-PPP model, Kentaro Kawasaki and Kiyotaka Sato


Accountability via social and financial performance of the hospitality sector: The role of market orientation, Soheil Kazemian, Hadrian G. Djajadikerta, Saiyydi Mat Roni, Terri Trireksani, and Zuraidah Mohd-Sanusi


Corporate governance, market orientation and performance of Iran’s upscale hotels, Soheil Kazemian, Hadrian G. Djajadikerta, Jamaliah Said, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Terri Trireksani, and Md Mahmudul Alam


Fuzzy clustering of homogeneous decision making units with common weights in data envelopment analysis, Sajad Kazemi, Reza Kiani Mavi, Ali Emrouznejad, and Neda Kiani Mavi


Taking the pulse of a new football franchise': Team identification and the Melbourne Heart FC in Australia's A-League, Anthony K. Kerr and Aaron J. Wijeratne


Applications of blockchain technology in sustainable manufacturing and supply chain management: A systematic review, Ahmad A. A. Khanfar, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, and Masood Fathi


Sustainability in construction projects: A systematic literature review, Reza Kiani Mavi, Denise Gengatharen, Neda Kiani Mavi, Richard Hughes, Alistair J. Campbell, and Ross Yates


National eco-innovation analysis with big data: A common-weights model for dynamic DEA, Reza Kiani Mavi and Neda Kiani Mavi


A content analysis of social media posts among recreational cyclists: A gender perspective, Eunjung Kim, Kijung Choi, James Lappeman, and Jari Salo


The cognitive development of food taste perception in a food tourism destination: A gastrophysics approach, Sangkyun (Sean) Kim, Eerang Park, Yi Fu, and Fan Jiang


Safe haven in GFC versus COVID-19: 100 turbulent days in the financial markets, Harald Kinateder, Ross Campbell, and Tonmoy Choudhury


Does boardroom gender diversity decrease credit risk in the financial sector? Worldwide evidence, Harald Kinateder, Tonmoy Choudhury, Rashid Zaman, Simone D. Scagnelli, and Nurul Sohel


International business education: What we know and what we have yet to develop, Anton Klarin, Boris Inkizhinov, Dashi Nazarov, and Elena Gorenskaia


A systems perspective in examining industry clusters: Case studies of clusters in Russia and India, Anton Klarin, Rifat Sharmelly, and Yuliani Suseno


A state-of-the-art review of the sharing economy: Scientometric mapping of the scholarship, Anton Klarin and Yuliani Suseno


Copyright through the prism of the law and economics movement: A scientific approach, Nikos Koutras and Marinos Papadopoulos


Green people management, internal communications and employee engagement, Esmond N. Kuuyelleh, Desmond T. Ayentimi, and Hossein Ali Abadi


Knowledge sharing for sustainable development: An examination of practices in local-level NGOs in Tamil Nadu, India, Sten Langmann, Pieter-Jan Bezemer, and David Pick


COVID-19 governance, legitimacy, and sustainability: Lessons from the Australian experience, Michael Lester, Marie dela Rama, and Julie Crews


Out of the closet and into the streets: Reflections on the considerations in hosting rural pride events, Clifford Lewis and Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta


Sustainability and waste imports in China: Pollution haven or resources hunting, Bowen Li, Antonio Alleyne, Zhaoyong Zhang, and Yifei Mu


Short-term capital flows, exchange are expectation and currency internationalization: Evidence from China, Mingming Li, Fengming Qin, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Trading macro-cycles of foreign exchange markets using hybrid models, Joseph Z. B. Ling, Albert K. Tsui, and Zhaoyong Zhang Prof


Why can’t I stop using social media problematically? The impact of norm and neutralization from the regulatory focus perspective, Zilong Liu, Xuequn Wang, and Jing Chen


Resident perceptions of Chinese tourists in Thailand, Zhiyong Li, Honglin Chen, Songshan Huang, Phakcharee Wanichwasin, and Rui Cui


The effects of psychological capital, social capital, and human capital on hotel employees’ occupational stress and turnover intention, Zhiyong Li, Zhicheng Yu, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Jingyan Zhou, Meng Yu, and Ruitong Gu


Introduction to gender and sexuality in tourism and hospitality, Rodrigo Lucena, Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta, and Wenjie Cai


Utilising a capability maturity model to leverage inclusion and diversity in public sector organisations, Judy Lundy, Robyn Keast, Ben Farr-Wharton, Maryam Omari, Stephen Teo, and Tim Bentley


Development and validation of the holistic cognition scale, Andrei A. Lux, Steven L. Grover, and Stephen T. Teo


Are you a more holistic or analytic thinker? Take this quiz to find out, Andrei Alexander Lux


A COVID ‘ring of steel’ around Sydney would play havoc with Australia’s supply chains, Flavio Macau


From slushie machines to megalitres of alcohol spray, the Tokyo Olympics are a logistical nightmare, Flavio Macau, Ashlee Morgan, and Ruth Sibson


Using dialectic thematic analysis in dark tourism: Combining deductive and inductive reasoning in a modular method, Martin Maccarthy


The internationality of published higher education scholarship: How do the 'top' journals compare?, Shannon Mason, Margaret K. Merga, Manuel S. González Canché, and Saiyidi Mat Roni


A review of sustainable reverse logistics: Approaches and applications, Ilyas Masudin, Faradilla W. Fernanda, Ferry Jie, and Dian Palupi Restuputri


The effect of halal retail and manufacturing technology readiness on halal meat logistics performance, Ilyas Masudin, Ferry Jie, Hadrian Djajadikerta, and Widayat Widayat


Data analysis with SPSS for survey-based research, Saiyidi Mat Roni and Hadrian G. Djajadikerta


A big data exploration of the informational and normative influences on the helpfulness of online restaurant reviews, Stephanie Meek, Violetta Wilk, and Claire Lambert


Understanding cross border innovation activities: The linkages between innovation modes, product architecture and firm boundaries, Dirk Meissner, Nicholas Burton, Peter Galvin, David Sarpong, and Norbert Bach


Designing call to action: Users' perception of different charateristics, Thomas Mejtoft, Jonathan Hedlund, Helen Cripps, Ulrik Söderström, and Ole Norberg


Do secondary English teachers have adequate time and resourcing to meet the needs of struggling literacy learners?, Margaret K. Merga, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Anabela Malpique


Revisiting collaboration within and beyond the school library: New ways of measuring effectiveness, Margaret K. Merga, Sayidi Mat Roni, Chin Ee Loh, and Anabela Malpique


Social media users’ crisis response: A lexical exploration of social media content in an international sport crisis, Ashlee Morgan and Violetta Wilk


Sport event and destination co-branding: Analysis of social media sentiment in an international, professional sport event crisis, Ashlee Morgan, Violetta Wilk, Ruth Sibson, and Gregory Willson


The online crime-terror nexus: Using booter services (stressers) to weaponize data?, Roberto Musotto and David S. Wall


Exploring the effects of small- and medium-sized enterprise employees' job satisfaction on their innovative work behaviours: the moderating effects of personality, Michael Mustafa, Alan Coetzer, Hazel M. Ramos, and Jorg Fuhrer


Does organisational capital influence environmental strategies? Evidence from environmental innovation, Muhammad Nadeem, Stephen Bahadar, Rashid Zaman, and Muhammad Bilal Farooq


Measuring intellectual capital efficiency: Going beyond the VAIC model, Muhammad Nadeem and Rashid Zaman


CEO ability, career concerns, firms’ lifecycle and investments in intellectual capital, Muhammad Nadeem, Rashid Zaman, Tahir Suleman, and Nader Atawnah


How much does economic news influence bilateral exchange rates?, Paresh K. Narayan, Deepa Bannigidadmath, and Seema Narayan


Financial news and CDS spreads, Paresh Kumar Narayan and Deepa Bannigidadmath


Climate change and human mobility, Mostafa Mahmud Nasar


Educators’ emotions involved in the transition to online teaching in higher education, Dawn Naylor and Julie Nyanjom


Employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: Are they uniquely related to turnover intention?, Mehran Nejati, Michael E. Brown, Azadeh Shafaei, and Pi-Shen Seet


When i feel invaded, i will avoid it: The effect of advertising invasiveness on consumers’ avoidance of social media advertising, Xingchen Niu, Xuequn Wang, and Zilong Liu


Performing emotional labour while teaching online, Julie Nyanjom and Dawn Naylor


Emotional labor and the hospitality and tourism curriculum: The development and integration of emotion skills, Julie Nyanjom and Hugh Wilkins

Stakeholder perceptions of geopark establishment: An exploratory study of Rottnest Island, Western Australia as a potential geopark site, Kerran Olson


Questioning the inclusivity of events: The queer perspective, Faith Ong, Clifford Lewis, and Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta


Academic adjustments and learning experiences of government-sponsored accounting students in a foreign university, Radiah Othman, Fawzi Laswad, and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Openness through the lenses of the three-step-test: International perspectives on Copyright protection, Marinos Papadopoulos and Nikos Koutras


Green office buildings and sustainability: Does green human resource management elicit green behaviors?, Subhadarsini Parida, Subramaniam Ananthram, Christopher Chan, and Kerry Brown


Duty to address climate change litigation risks for australian energy companies—policy and governance issues, Prafula Pearce


Exploring the key challenges facing company secretaries in a two-tier board context, Stefan Peij and Pieter-Jan Bezemer


Systemically important banks in Asian emerging markets: Evidence from four systemic risk measures, Thach N. Pham, Robert Powell, and Deepa Bannigidadmath


Managing the international space - the big challenge ahead, Małgorzata Polkowska and Anna Golab


The spillover effect of airport service experience on destination revisit intention, Catherine Prentice, Xuequn Wang, and Parikshat S. Manhas


Discrepancies between proxy estimates and patient reported, health related, quality of life: Minding the gap between patient and clinician perceptions in heart failure, Roslyn A. Prichard, Fei-Li Zhao, Julee Mcdonagh, Stephen Goodall, Patricia M. Davidson, Phillip J. Newton, Ben Farr-Wharton, and Christopher S. Hayward


Exchange rate uncertainty and the timing of Chinese outward direct investment, Jianhong Qi, Hui Liu, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Factors affecting hotel interns' satisfaction with internship experience and career intention in China, Hua Qu, Xi Y. Leung, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Jiamin He


Recovery agenda for sustainable development post COVID-19 at the country level: Developing a fuzzy action priority surface, Meisam Ranjbari, Zahra S. Esfandabadi, Simone D. Scagnelli, Peer O. Siebers, and Francesco Quatraro


Three pillars of sustainability in the wake of COVID-19: A systematic review and future research agenda for sustainable development, Meisam Ranjbari, Zahra Shams Esfandabadi, Maria C. Zanetti, Simone D. Scagnelli, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Mortaza Aghbashlo, Wanxi Peng, Francesco Quatraro, and Meisam Tabatabaei


Cooperative co-evolution and mapreduce: A review and new insights for large-scale optimisation, A. N.M.Bazlur Rashid and Tonmoy Choudhury


‘Panic-buying’ events are the new normal; here’s how supply chains have adapted, Flavio Romero Macau


Intern to employee conversion via person–organization fit, Philip S. Rose, Stephen T.T. Teo, Diep Nguyen, and Nguyen Phong Nguyen


Exploring university student engagement and sense of belonging during work-integrated learning, Anna D. Rowe, Denise Jackson, and Jenny Fleming


Tourism competitiveness in Qatar: Tourists' perspectives, Ali Salman Saleh, Saif Alsowaidi, Shrabani Saha, and Ghialy Yap


Digitalization of the buyer–seller relationship in the steel industry, Jari Salo, Teck Ming Tan, and Hannu Makkonen


Impact of the quality of internal audit function and the internal audit outsourcing/co-sourcing on external audit fees: Evidence from listed companies in Australia, Hasina Farhana Sarkar


Managing and leveraging events: Business and social dimensions, Nico Schulenkorf, Katie Schlenker, Hussain Rammal, Jon Welty Peachey, and Ashlee Morgan